com.cloudinary.transformation.common.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.cloudinary.transformation
internal const val PARAM_KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR = "_"
internal const val DEFAULT_VALUES_SEPARATOR = ":"
internal const val DEFAULT_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR = "/"
private const val PARAM_SEPARATOR = ","
private const val PARAM_VALUE_JOINER = "."
* returns a valid component string generated from the given params collection:
* 1. Sort by key
* 2. Merge params with identical keys (e.g. fl_a,fl_b turns to fl_a.b)
* 3. Join to string with a comma separator
internal fun Collection.toComponentString(): String = asComponentString(*(this.toTypedArray()))
internal fun asComponentString(vararg values: Any?): String {
return values.filterNotNull().sortedBy { it.toString() }.joinToString(PARAM_SEPARATOR)
class Param(val key: String, val value: Any) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "${key}_$value"
* Joins the given string with the values using the given separator (or used default - colon)
fun Any.joinWithValues(
vararg values: Any?,
actionSeparator: String = DEFAULT_VALUES_SEPARATOR
): String {
val nonNull = values.filterNotNull()
if (nonNull.isEmpty()) return this.toString()
return "$this$actionSeparator${nonNull.joinToString(separator = separator)}"
* Marker interface to represent anything that can be used in a transformation.
interface Action {
// This is required for the delegate-by mechanism to work in implementing classes.
override fun toString(): String
* @suppress
annotation class TransformationDsl
* This class is used for actions that are pre-serialized. They are used in a transformation as-is without any
* change.
class RawAction(private val value: String) : Action {
override fun toString() = value