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* Copyright 2018 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
import cats.{Order, Show}
/** Classless Inter-Domain Routing address, which represents an IP address and its routing prefix.
* @param address
* IP address for which this CIDR refers to
* @param prefixBits
* number of leading 1s in the routing mask
final class Cidr[+A <: IpAddress] private (val address: A, val prefixBits: Int) extends Product with Serializable {
def copy[AA >: A <: IpAddress](address: AA = this.address, prefixBits: Int = this.prefixBits): Cidr[AA] =
Cidr[AA](address, prefixBits)
/** Returns the routing mask.
* @example {{{
* scala> Cidr(ipv4"", 8).mask
* res0: Ipv4Address =
* scala> Cidr(ipv6"2001:db8:abcd:12::", 96).mask
* res1: Ipv6Address = ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::
* }}}
def mask: A = address.transform(_ => Ipv4Address.mask(prefixBits), _ => Ipv6Address.mask(prefixBits))
/** Returns the routing prefix.
* Note: the routing prefix also serves as the first address in the range described by this CIDR.
* @example {{{
* scala> Cidr(ipv4"", 8).prefix
* res0: Ipv4Address =
* scala> Cidr(ipv6"2001:db8:abcd:12::", 96).prefix
* res1: Ipv6Address = 2001:db8:abcd:12::
* scala> Cidr(ipv6"2001:db8:abcd:12::", 32).prefix
* res2: Ipv6Address = 2001:db8::
* }}}
def prefix: A =
address.transform(_.masked(Ipv4Address.mask(prefixBits)), _.masked(Ipv6Address.mask(prefixBits)))
/** Returns the last address in the range described by this CIDR.
* @example {{{
* scala> Cidr(ipv4"", 8).last
* res0: Ipv4Address =
* scala> Cidr(ipv6"2001:db8:abcd:12::", 96).last
* res1: Ipv6Address = 2001:db8:abcd:12::ffff:ffff
* scala> Cidr(ipv6"2001:db8:abcd:12::", 32).last
* res2: Ipv6Address = 2001:db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
* }}}
def last: A =
address.transform(_.maskedLast(Ipv4Address.mask(prefixBits)), _.maskedLast(Ipv6Address.mask(prefixBits)))
/** Returns the number of addresses in the range described by this CIDR.
def totalIps: BigInt = {
BigInt(1) << (address.fold(_ => 32, _ => 128) - prefixBits)
/** Returns a predicate which tests if the supplied address is in the range described by this CIDR.
* @example {{{
* scala> Cidr(ipv4"", 8).contains(ipv4"")
* res0: Boolean = true
* scala> Cidr(ipv4"", 8).contains(ipv4"")
* res1: Boolean = false
* scala> val x = Cidr(ipv6"2001:db8:abcd:12::", 96).contains
* scala> x(ipv6"2001:db8:abcd:12::5")
* res2: Boolean = true
* scala> x(ipv6"2001:db8::")
* res3: Boolean = false
* }}}
def contains[AA >: A <: IpAddress]: AA => Boolean = {
val start = prefix
val end = last
a => a >= start && a <= end
override def toString: String = s"$address/$prefixBits"
override def hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.productHash(this, productPrefix.hashCode)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Cidr[_] => address == that.address && prefixBits == that.prefixBits
case _ => false
override def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Cidr[_]]
override def productArity: Int = 2
override def productElement(n: Int): Any =
n match {
case 0 => address
case 1 => prefixBits
case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException
object Cidr {
/** Constructs a CIDR from the supplied IP address and prefix bit count. Note if `prefixBits` is less than 0, the
* built `Cidr` will have `prefixBits` set to 0. Similarly, if `prefixBits` is greater than the bit length of the
* address, it will be set to the bit length of the address.
def apply[A <: IpAddress](address: A, prefixBits: Int): Cidr[A] = {
val maxPrefixBits = address.fold(_ => 32, _ => 128)
val b = if (prefixBits < 0) 0 else if (prefixBits > maxPrefixBits) maxPrefixBits else prefixBits
new Cidr(address, b)
/** Constructs a CIDR from the supplied IP address and netmask. The number of leading 1 bits in the netmask are used
* as the prefix bits for the CIDR.
def fromIpAndMask[A <: IpAddress](address: A, mask: A): Cidr[A] =
address / mask.prefixBits
/** Constructs a CIDR from a string of the form `ip/prefixBits`. */
def fromString(value: String): Option[Cidr[IpAddress]] = fromStringGeneral(value, IpAddress.fromString)
/** Constructs a CIDR from a string of the form `ipv4/prefixBits`. */
def fromString4(value: String): Option[Cidr[Ipv4Address]] = fromStringGeneral(value, Ipv4Address.fromString)
/** Constructs a CIDR from a string of the form `ipv6/prefixBits`. */
def fromString6(value: String): Option[Cidr[Ipv6Address]] = fromStringGeneral(value, Ipv6Address.fromString)
private val CidrPattern = """([^/]+)/(\d+)""".r
private def fromStringGeneral[A <: IpAddress](value: String, parseAddress: String => Option[A]): Option[Cidr[A]] =
value match {
case CidrPattern(addrStr, prefixBitsStr) =>
for {
addr <- parseAddress(addrStr)
prefixBits <- Try(prefixBitsStr.toInt).toOption
} yield Cidr(addr, prefixBits)
case _ => None
implicit def order[A <: IpAddress]: Order[Cidr[A]] = Order.fromOrdering(Cidr.ordering[A])
implicit def ordering[A <: IpAddress]: Ordering[Cidr[A]] = => (x.address, x.prefixBits))
implicit def show[A <: IpAddress]: Show[Cidr[A]] = Show.fromToString[Cidr[A]]
def unapply[A <: IpAddress](c: Cidr[A]): Option[(A, Int)] = Some((c.address, c.prefixBits))