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* Copyright 2018 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import cats.{Applicative, ApplicativeThrow, Order, Show}
import cats.syntax.all._
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
// annoying bincompat shim
private[ip4s] trait HostPlatform
/** ADT representing either an `IpAddress`, `Hostname`, or `IDN`. */
sealed trait Host extends HostPlatform with Ordered[Host] {
def compare(that: Host): Int =
this match {
case x: Ipv4Address =>
that match {
case y: Ipv4Address => IpAddress.compareBytes(x, y)
case y: Ipv6Address => IpAddress.compareBytes(x.toCompatV6, y)
case _ => -1
case x: Ipv6Address =>
that match {
case y: Ipv4Address => IpAddress.compareBytes(x, y.toCompatV6)
case y: Ipv6Address => IpAddress.compareBytes(x, y)
case _ => -1
case x: Hostname =>
that match {
case _: Ipv4Address => 1
case _: Ipv6Address => 1
case y: Hostname =>
case y: IDN =>
case x: IDN =>
that match {
case _: Ipv4Address => 1
case _: Ipv6Address => 1
case y: Hostname =>
case y: IDN =>
/** Resolves this host to an ip address using the platform DNS resolver.
* If the host cannot be resolved, the effect fails with a ``.
def resolve[F[_]: Dns: Applicative]: F[IpAddress] =
this match {
case ip: IpAddress => Applicative[F].pure(ip)
case hostname: Hostname => Dns[F].resolve(hostname)
case idn: IDN => Dns[F].resolve(idn.hostname)
/** Resolves this host to an ip address using the platform DNS resolver.
* If the host cannot be resolved, a `None` is returned.
def resolveOption[F[_]: Dns: ApplicativeThrow]: F[Option[IpAddress]] =
resolve[F].map(Some(_): Option[IpAddress]).recover { case _: UnknownHostException => None }
/** Resolves this host to all ip addresses known to the platform DNS resolver.
* If the host cannot be resolved, an empty list is returned.
def resolveAll[F[_]: Dns: Applicative]: F[List[IpAddress]] =
this match {
case ip: IpAddress => Applicative[F].pure(List(ip))
case hostname: Hostname => Dns[F].resolveAll(hostname)
case idn: IDN => Dns[F].resolveAll(idn.hostname)
object Host {
def fromString(string: String): Option[Host] =
IpAddress.fromString(string) orElse Hostname.fromString(string) orElse IDN.fromString(string)
implicit def show: Show[Host] = Show.fromToString[Host]
implicit def order: Order[Host] = Order.fromComparable[Host]
implicit def ordering: Ordering[Host] =
/** RFC1123 compliant hostname.
* A hostname contains one or more labels, where each label consists of letters A-Z, a-z, digits 0-9, or a dash. A
* label may not start or end in a dash and may not exceed 63 characters in length. Labels are separated by periods and
* the overall hostname must not exceed 253 characters in length.
final class Hostname private (val labels: List[Hostname.Label], override val toString: String) extends Host {
/** Converts this hostname to lower case. */
def normalized: Hostname =
new Hostname( => new Hostname.Label(l.toString.toLowerCase)), toString.toLowerCase)
override def hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.stringHash(toString, "Hostname".hashCode)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Hostname => toString == that.toString
case _ => false
object Hostname {
/** Label component of a hostname.
* A label consists of letters A-Z, a-z, digits 0-9, or a dash. A label may not start or end in a dash and may not
* exceed 63 characters in length.
final class Label private[Hostname] (override val toString: String) extends Serializable with Ordered[Label] {
def compare(that: Label): Int =
override def hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.stringHash(toString, "Label".hashCode)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Label => toString == that.toString
case _ => false
private val Pattern =
/** Constructs a `Hostname` from a string. */
def fromString(value: String): Option[Hostname] =
value.size match {
case 0 => None
case i if i > 253 => None
case _ =>
value match {
case Pattern(_*) =>
val labels = value
.map(new Label(_))
if (labels.isEmpty) None else Option(new Hostname(labels, value))
case _ => None
sealed trait IpVersion
object IpVersion {
case object V4 extends IpVersion
case object V6 extends IpVersion
/** Immutable and safe representation of an IP address, either V4 or V6.
* ===Construction===
* `IpAddress` instances are constructed in a few different ways:
* - via `IpAddress("")`, which parses a string representation of the IP and returns an `Option[IpAddress]`
* - via `IpAddress.fromBytes(arr)`, which returns an IP address if the supplied array is either exactly 4 bytes or
* exactly 16 bytes
* - via literal syntax like `ip""`, which returns an `IpAddress` and fails to *compile* if the IP is
* invalid.
* ===Type Hierarchy===
* There are two subtypes of `IpAddress` -- [[Ipv4Address]] and [[Ipv6Address]]. Each of these subtypes have a richer
* API than `IpAddress` and it is often useful to use those types directly, for example if your use case requires a V6
* address. It is safe to pattern match on `IpAddress` to access `Ipv4Address` or `Ipv6Address` directly, or
* alternatively, you can use [[fold]].
* ===JVM Specific API===
* If using `IpAddress` on the JVM, you can call `toInetAddress` to convert the address to a ``,
* for use with networking libraries. This method does not exist on the Scala.js version.
sealed abstract class IpAddress extends IpAddressPlatform with Host with Serializable {
protected val bytes: Array[Byte]
/** Converts this address to a network order byte array of either 4 or 16 bytes. */
def toBytes: Array[Byte] = bytes.clone
/** Converts this address to a value of type `A` using the supplied functions. */
def fold[A](v4: Ipv4Address => A, v6: Ipv6Address => A): A
/** Maps a type-preserving function across this IP address. */
def transform(v4: Ipv4Address => Ipv4Address, v6: Ipv6Address => Ipv6Address): this.type
/** Returns true if this address is in the multicast range. */
def isMulticast: Boolean
/** Converts this address to a multicast address, as long as it is in the multicast address range. */
def asMulticast: Option[Multicast[this.type]] = Multicast.fromIpAddress(this)
/** Returns true if this address is in the source specific multicast range. */
def isSourceSpecificMulticast: Boolean
/** Converts this address to a source specific multicast address, as long as it is in the source specific multicast
* address range.
def asSourceSpecificMulticast: Option[SourceSpecificMulticast.Strict[this.type]] =
/** Like `asSourceSpecificMulticast` but allows multicast addresses outside the source specific range. */
def asSourceSpecificMulticastLenient: Option[SourceSpecificMulticast[this.type]] =
/** Narrows this address to an Ipv4Address if that is the underlying type. */
def asIpv4: Option[Ipv4Address] = collapseMappedV4.fold(Some(_), _ => None)
/** Narrows this address to an Ipv6Address if that is the underlying type. */
def asIpv6: Option[Ipv6Address] = fold(_ => None, Some(_))
/** Returns the version of this address. */
def version: IpVersion = fold(_ => IpVersion.V4, _ => IpVersion.V6)
/** Returns true if this address is a V6 address containing a mapped V4 address. */
def isMappedV4: Boolean = fold(_ => false, Ipv6Address.MappedV4Block.contains)
/** If this address is an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address, converts to an IPv4 address, otherwise returns this. */
def collapseMappedV4: IpAddress =
fold(identity, v6 => if (v6.isMappedV4) IpAddress.fromBytes(v6.toBytes.takeRight(4)).get else v6)
/** Constructs a [[Cidr]] address from this address. */
def /(prefixBits: Int): Cidr[this.type] = Cidr(this, prefixBits)
/** Returns the number of leading ones in this address. When this address is a netmask, the result can be used to
* create a CIDR.
* @example {{{
* scala> val address = ipv4""
* scala> val netmask = ipv4""
* scala> (address / netmask.prefixBits): Cidr[Ipv4Address]
* res0: Cidr[Ipv4Address] =
* }}}
def prefixBits: Int = {
import java.lang.Long.numberOfLeadingZeros
m => numberOfLeadingZeros(~(m.toLong | 0xffffffff00000000L)) - 32,
m => {
val upper = (m.toBigInt >> 64).toLong
val upperNum = numberOfLeadingZeros(~upper)
if (upperNum == 64) upperNum + numberOfLeadingZeros(~(m.toBigInt.toLong)) else upperNum
/** Gets the IP address after this address, with overflow from the maximum value to the minimum value. */
def next: IpAddress
/** Gets the IP address before this address, with underflow from minimum value to the maximum value. */
def previous: IpAddress
/** Converts this address to a string form that is compatible for use in a URI per RFC3986 (namely, IPv6 addresses are
* rendered in condensed form and surrounded by brackets).
def toUriString: String
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: IpAddress => java.util.Arrays.equals(bytes, that.bytes)
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = java.util.Arrays.hashCode(bytes)
object IpAddress extends IpAddressCompanionPlatform {
/** Parses an IP address from a string, either in dotted decimal notation or in RFC4291 notation. */
def fromString(value: String): Option[IpAddress] =
Ipv4Address.fromString(value) orElse Ipv6Address.fromString(value)
/** Constructs an IP address from either a 4-element byte array or a 16-element byte array. Any other size array
* results in a `None`.
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[IpAddress] =
Ipv4Address.fromBytes(bytes) orElse Ipv6Address.fromBytes(bytes)
/** Gets an IP address repesenting the loopback interface. */
def loopback[F[_]](implicit F: Dns[F]): F[IpAddress] =
private[ip4s] def compareBytes(x: IpAddress, y: IpAddress): Int = {
var i, result = 0
val xb = x.bytes
val yb = y.bytes
val sz = xb.length
while (i < sz && result == 0) {
result = & 0xff, yb(i) & 0xff)
i += 1
implicit def order[A <: IpAddress]: Order[A] = Order.fromOrdering(IpAddress.ordering[A])
implicit def ordering[A <: IpAddress]: Ordering[A] =
/** Representation of an IPv4 address that works on both the JVM and Scala.js. */
final class Ipv4Address private (protected val bytes: Array[Byte]) extends IpAddress with Ipv4AddressPlatform {
override def fold[A](v4: Ipv4Address => A, v6: Ipv6Address => A): A = v4(this)
override def transform(v4: Ipv4Address => Ipv4Address, v6: Ipv6Address => Ipv6Address): this.type =
/** Returns the dotted decimal representation of this address. */
override def toString: String =
s"${bytes(0) & 0xff}.${bytes(1) & 0xff}.${bytes(2) & 0xff}.${bytes(3) & 0xff}"
override def toUriString: String = toString
/** Gets the IPv4 address after this address, with overflow from `` to ``. */
override def next: Ipv4Address = Ipv4Address.fromLong(toLong + 1)
/** Gets the IPv4 address before this address, with underflow from `` to ``. */
override def previous: Ipv4Address = Ipv4Address.fromLong(toLong - 1)
/** Converts this address to a 32-bit unsigned integer. */
def toLong: Long = {
val bs = bytes
var result = 0L
for (i <- 0 until bs.size) {
result = (result << 8) | (0x0ff & bs(i))
override def isMulticast: Boolean =
this >= Ipv4Address.MulticastRangeStart && this <= Ipv4Address.MulticastRangeEnd
override def isSourceSpecificMulticast: Boolean =
this >= Ipv4Address.SourceSpecificMulticastRangeStart && this <= Ipv4Address.SourceSpecificMulticastRangeEnd
/** Converts this V4 address to a compat V6 address, where the first 12 bytes are all zero and the last 4 bytes
* contain the bytes of this V4 address.
def toCompatV6: Ipv6Address = {
val compat = new Array[Byte](16)
compat(12) = bytes(0)
compat(13) = bytes(1)
compat(14) = bytes(2)
compat(15) = bytes(3)
/** Converts this V4 address to a mapped V6 address, where the first 10 bytes are all zero, the next two bytes are
* `ff`, and the last 4 bytes contain the bytes of this V4 address.
def toMappedV6: Ipv6Address = {
val mapped = new Array[Byte](16)
mapped(10) = 255.toByte
mapped(11) = 255.toByte
mapped(12) = bytes(0)
mapped(13) = bytes(1)
mapped(14) = bytes(2)
mapped(15) = bytes(3)
/** Applies the supplied mask to this address.
* @example {{{
* scala> ipv4"".masked(ipv4"")
* res0: Ipv4Address =
* }}}
def masked(mask: Ipv4Address): Ipv4Address =
Ipv4Address.fromLong(toLong & mask.toLong)
/** Computes the last address in the network identified by applying the supplied mask to this address.
* @example {{{
* scala> ipv4"".maskedLast(ipv4"")
* res0: Ipv4Address =
* }}}
def maskedLast(mask: Ipv4Address): Ipv4Address =
Ipv4Address.fromLong(toLong & mask.toLong | ~mask.toLong)
object Ipv4Address extends Ipv4AddressCompanionPlatform {
/** First IP address in the IPv4 multicast range. */
val MulticastRangeStart: Ipv4Address = fromBytes(224, 0, 0, 0)
/** Last IP address in the IPv4 multicast range. */
val MulticastRangeEnd: Ipv4Address = fromBytes(239, 255, 255, 255)
/** First IP address in the IPv4 source specific multicast range. */
val SourceSpecificMulticastRangeStart: Ipv4Address = fromBytes(232, 0, 0, 0)
/** Last IP address in the IPv4 source specific multicast range. */
val SourceSpecificMulticastRangeEnd: Ipv4Address =
fromBytes(232, 255, 255, 255)
/** Parses an IPv4 address from a dotted-decimal string, returning `None` if the string is not a valid IPv4 address.
def fromString(value: String): Option[Ipv4Address] = {
val trimmed = value.trim
val fields = trimmed.split('.')
if (fields.length == 4) {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](4)
var idx = 0
var result: Option[Ipv4Address] = null
while (idx < bytes.length && (result eq null)) {
try {
val value = fields(idx).toInt
if (value >= 0 && value < 256) bytes(idx) = value.toByte
else result = None
idx += 1
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException =>
result = None
if (result eq null) Some(unsafeFromBytes(bytes)) else result
} else None
/** Constructs an IPv4 address from a 4-element byte array. Returns `Some` when array is exactly 4-bytes and `None`
* otherwise.
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[Ipv4Address] =
if (bytes.size == 4) Some(unsafeFromBytes(bytes.clone))
else None
private def unsafeFromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Ipv4Address =
new Ipv4Address(bytes)
/** Constructs an address from the specified 4 bytes.
* Each byte is represented as an `Int` to avoid having to manually call `.toByte` on each value -- the `toByte` call
* is done inside this function.
def fromBytes(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int): Ipv4Address = {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](4)
bytes(0) = a.toByte
bytes(1) = b.toByte
bytes(2) = c.toByte
bytes(3) = d.toByte
/** Constructs an IPv4 address from a `Long`, using the lower 32-bits. */
def fromLong(value: Long): Ipv4Address = {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](4)
var rem = value
for (i <- 3 to 0 by -1) {
bytes(i) = (rem & 0x0ff).toByte
rem = rem >> 8
/** Computes a mask by setting the first / left-most `n` bits high.
* @example {{{
* scala> Ipv4Address.mask(16)
* res0: Ipv4Address =
* }}}
def mask(bits: Int): Ipv4Address = {
val b = if (bits < 0) 0 else if (bits > 32) 32 else bits
Ipv4Address.fromLong(if (b == 32) -1L else ~(-1 >>> b).toLong)
/** Representation of an IPv6 address that works on both the JVM and Scala.js. */
final class Ipv6Address private (protected val bytes: Array[Byte]) extends IpAddress with Ipv6AddressPlatform {
override def fold[A](v4: Ipv4Address => A, v6: Ipv6Address => A): A = v6(this)
override def transform(v4: Ipv4Address => Ipv4Address, v6: Ipv6Address => Ipv6Address): this.type =
/** Returns the condensed string representation of the array per RFC5952. */
override def toString: String = {
val fields: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](8)
var condensing = false
var condensedStart, maxCondensedStart = -1
var condensedLength, maxCondensedLength = 0
var idx = 0
while (idx < 8) {
val j = 2 * idx
val field = ((0x0ff & bytes(j)) << 8) | (0x0ff & bytes(j + 1))
fields(idx) = field
if (field == 0) {
if (!condensing) {
condensing = true
condensedStart = idx
condensedLength = 0
condensedLength += 1
} else {
condensing = false
if (condensedLength > maxCondensedLength) {
maxCondensedLength = condensedLength
maxCondensedStart = condensedStart
idx += 1
if (maxCondensedLength == 1) maxCondensedStart = -1
val str = new StringBuilder
idx = 0
while (idx < 8) {
if (idx == maxCondensedStart) {
idx += maxCondensedLength
} else {
val hextet = Integer.toString(fields(idx), 16)
idx += 1
if (idx < 8 && idx != maxCondensedStart) str.append(":")
/** Returns an uncondensed string representation of the array. */
def toUncondensedString: String = {
val str = new StringBuilder
var idx = 0
val bytes = toBytes
while (idx < 16) {
val field = ((bytes(idx) & 0xff) << 8) | (bytes(idx + 1) & 0xff)
val hextet = f"$field%04x"
idx += 2
if (idx < 15) str.append(":")
/** Converts this address to a string of form `x:x:x:x:x:x:a.b.c.d` where each `x` represents 16-bits and `a.b.c.d` is
* IPv4 dotted decimal notation. Consecutive 0 `x` fields are condensed with `::`.
* For example, the IPv4 address `` can be converted to a compatible IPv6 address via
* [[Ipv4Address#toCompatV6]], which is represented as the string `::7f00:1` and the mixed string `::`.
* Similarly, `` can be converted to a mapped V6 address via [[Ipv4Address#toMappedV6]], resulting in
* `::ffff:7f00:1` and the mixed string `::ffff:`.
* This format is described in RFC4291 section 2.2.3.
* @example {{{
* scala> ipv6"::7f00:1".toMixedString
* res0: String = ::
* scala> ipv6"ff3b:1234::ffab:7f00:1".toMixedString
* res0: String = ff3b:1234::ffab:
* }}}
def toMixedString: String = {
val bytes = toBytes
val v4 = Ipv4Address.fromBytes(bytes.slice(12, 16)).get
bytes(12) = 0
bytes(13) = 1
bytes(14) = 0
bytes(15) = 1
val s = Ipv6Address.unsafeFromBytes(bytes).toString
val prefix = s.slice(0, s.size - 3)
prefix + v4.toString
override def toUriString: String = s"[$toString]"
/** Gets the IPv6 address after this address, with overflow from `ffff:ffff:....:ffff` to `::`. */
override def next: Ipv6Address = Ipv6Address.fromBigInt(toBigInt + 1)
/** Gets the IPv6 address before this address, with underflow from `::` to `ffff:ffff:....:ffff`. */
override def previous: Ipv6Address = Ipv6Address.fromBigInt(toBigInt - 1)
/** Converts this address to a 128-bit unsigned integer. */
def toBigInt: BigInt = {
val bs = bytes
var result = BigInt(0)
for (i <- 0 until bs.size) {
result = (result << 8) | (0x0ff & bs(i))
override def isMulticast: Boolean =
this >= Ipv6Address.MulticastRangeStart && this <= Ipv6Address.MulticastRangeEnd
override def isSourceSpecificMulticast: Boolean =
this >= Ipv6Address.SourceSpecificMulticastRangeStart && this <= Ipv6Address.SourceSpecificMulticastRangeEnd
/** Applies the supplied mask to this address.
* @example {{{
* scala> ipv6"ff3b::1".masked(ipv6"fff0::")
* res0: Ipv6Address = ff30::
* }}}
def masked(mask: Ipv6Address): Ipv6Address =
Ipv6Address.fromBigInt(toBigInt & mask.toBigInt)
/** Computes the last address in the network identified by applying the supplied mask to this address.
* @example {{{
* scala> ipv6"ff3b::1".maskedLast(ipv6"fff0::")
* res0: Ipv6Address = ff3f:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
* }}}
def maskedLast(mask: Ipv6Address): Ipv6Address =
Ipv6Address.fromBigInt(toBigInt & mask.toBigInt | ~mask.toBigInt)
object Ipv6Address extends Ipv6AddressCompanionPlatform {
/** First IP address in the IPv6 multicast range. */
val MulticastRangeStart: Ipv6Address =
fromBytes(255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
/** Last IP address in the IPv6 multicast range. */
val MulticastRangeEnd: Ipv6Address =
fromBytes(255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)
/** First IP address in the IPv6 source specific multicast range. */
val SourceSpecificMulticastRangeStart: Ipv6Address =
fromBytes(255, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
/** Last IP address in the IPv6 source specific multicast range. */
val SourceSpecificMulticastRangeEnd: Ipv6Address =
fromBytes(255, 63, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255)
/** CIDR which defines the mapped IPv4 address block (
val MappedV4Block: Cidr[Ipv6Address] =
Cidr(Ipv6Address.fromBytes(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0), 96)
/** Parses an IPv6 address from a string in RFC4291 notation, returning `None` if the string is not a valid IPv6
* address.
def fromString(value: String): Option[Ipv6Address] =
fromNonMixedString(value) orElse fromMixedString(value)
private def fromNonMixedString(value: String): Option[Ipv6Address] = {
var prefix: List[Int] = Nil
var beforeCondenser = true
var suffix: List[Int] = Nil
val trimmed = value.trim()
var result: Option[Ipv6Address] = null
val fields =
if (trimmed.contains(':')) trimmed.split(':')
else Array.empty[String]
// if (trimmed.nonEmpty) trimmed.split(':') else Array.empty[String]
var idx = 0
while (idx < fields.size && (result eq null)) {
val field = fields(idx)
if (field.isEmpty) {
if (beforeCondenser) {
beforeCondenser = false
if (idx + 1 < fields.size && fields(idx + 1).isEmpty) idx += 1
} else {
result = None
} else {
try {
if (field.size > 4) {
result = None
} else {
val fieldValue = Integer.parseInt(field, 16)
if (beforeCondenser) prefix = fieldValue :: prefix
else suffix = fieldValue :: suffix
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException =>
result = None
idx += 1
if (result ne null) {
} else if (fields.isEmpty && (trimmed.isEmpty || trimmed != "::")) {
} else {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](16)
idx = 0
val prefixSize = prefix.size
var prefixIdx = prefixSize - 1
while (prefixIdx >= 0) {
val value = prefix(prefixIdx)
bytes(idx) = (value >> 8).toByte
bytes(idx + 1) = value.toByte
prefixIdx -= 1
idx += 2
val suffixSize = suffix.size
val numCondensedZeroes = bytes.size - idx - (suffixSize * 2)
idx += numCondensedZeroes
var suffixIdx = suffixSize - 1
while (suffixIdx >= 0) {
val value = suffix(suffixIdx)
bytes(idx) = (value >> 8).toByte
bytes(idx + 1) = value.toByte
suffixIdx -= 1
idx += 2
private val MixedStringFormat = """([:a-fA-F0-9]+:)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)""".r
private def fromMixedString(value: String): Option[Ipv6Address] =
value match {
case MixedStringFormat(prefix, v4Str) =>
for {
pfx <- fromNonMixedString(prefix + "0:0")
v4 <- Ipv4Address.fromString(v4Str)
} yield {
val bytes = pfx.toBytes
val v4bytes = v4.toBytes
bytes(12) = v4bytes(0)
bytes(13) = v4bytes(1)
bytes(14) = v4bytes(2)
bytes(15) = v4bytes(3)
case _ => None
/** Constructs an IPv6 address from a 16-element byte array. Returns `Some` when array is exactly 16-bytes and `None`
* otherwise.
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[Ipv6Address] =
if (bytes.size == 16) Some(unsafeFromBytes(bytes.clone))
else None
private def unsafeFromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Ipv6Address =
new Ipv6Address(bytes)
/** Constructs an address from the specified 16 bytes.
* Each byte is represented as an `Int` to avoid having to manually call `.toByte` on each value -- the `toByte` call
* is done inside this function.
def fromBytes(
b0: Int,
b1: Int,
b2: Int,
b3: Int,
b4: Int,
b5: Int,
b6: Int,
b7: Int,
b8: Int,
b9: Int,
b10: Int,
b11: Int,
b12: Int,
b13: Int,
b14: Int,
b15: Int
): Ipv6Address = {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](16)
bytes(0) = b0.toByte
bytes(1) = b1.toByte
bytes(2) = b2.toByte
bytes(3) = b3.toByte
bytes(4) = b4.toByte
bytes(5) = b5.toByte
bytes(6) = b6.toByte
bytes(7) = b7.toByte
bytes(8) = b8.toByte
bytes(9) = b9.toByte
bytes(10) = b10.toByte
bytes(11) = b11.toByte
bytes(12) = b12.toByte
bytes(13) = b13.toByte
bytes(14) = b14.toByte
bytes(15) = b15.toByte
/** Constructs an IPv6 address from a `BigInt`, using the lower 128-bits. */
def fromBigInt(value: BigInt): Ipv6Address = {
val bytes = new Array[Byte](16)
var rem = value
for (i <- 15 to 0 by -1) {
bytes(i) = (rem & 0x0ff).toByte
rem = rem >> 8
/** Computes a mask by setting the first / left-most `n` bits high.
* @example {{{
* scala> Ipv6Address.mask(32)
* res0: Ipv6Address = ffff:ffff::
* }}}
def mask(bits: Int): Ipv6Address = {
val b = if (bits < 0) 0 else if (bits > 128) 128 else bits
.fromBigInt {
if (b == 128) (BigInt(-1L) << 64) | BigInt(-1L)
else if (b < 64) BigInt(~(-1L >>> b)) << 64
else (BigInt(-1L) << 64) | BigInt(~(-1L >>> (b - 64)))
/** Internationalized domain name, as specified by RFC3490 and RFC5891.
* This type models internationalized hostnames. An IDN provides unicode labels, a unicode string form, and an ASCII
* hostname form.
* A well formed IDN consists of one or more labels separated by dots. Each label may contain unicode characters as
* long as the converted ASCII form meets the requirements of RFC1123 (e.g., 63 or fewer characters and no leading or
* trailing dash). A dot is represented as an ASCII period or one of the unicode dots: full stop, ideographic full
* stop, fullwidth full stop, halfwidth ideographic full stop.
* The `toString` method returns the IDN in the form in which it was constructed. Sometimes it is useful to normalize
* the IDN -- converting all dots to an ASCII period and converting all labels to lowercase.
* Note: equality and comparison of IDNs is case-sensitive. Consider comparing normalized toString values for a more
* lenient notion of equality.
final class IDN private (val labels: List[IDN.Label], val hostname: Hostname, override val toString: String)
extends Host {
/** Converts this IDN to lower case and replaces dots with ASCII periods. */
def normalized: IDN = {
val newLabels = => new IDN.Label(l.toString.toLowerCase))
new IDN(newLabels, hostname.normalized, newLabels.toList.mkString("."))
override def hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.stringHash(toString, "IDN".hashCode)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: IDN => toString == that.toString
case _ => false
object IDN extends IDNCompanionPlatform {
/** Label component of an IDN. */
final class Label private[IDN] (override val toString: String) extends Serializable with Ordered[Label] {
def compare(that: Label): Int =
override def hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.stringHash(toString, "Label".hashCode)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case that: Label => toString == that.toString
case _ => false
private val DotPattern = "[\\.\u002e\u3002\uff0e\uff61]"
/** Constructs a `IDN` from a string. */
def fromString(value: String): Option[IDN] =
value.size match {
case 0 => None
case _ =>
val labels = value
.map(new Label(_))
Option(labels).filterNot(_.isEmpty).flatMap { ls =>
val hostname = toAscii(value).flatMap(Hostname.fromString) => new IDN(ls, h, value))
/** Converts the supplied (ASCII) hostname in to an IDN. */
def fromHostname(hostname: Hostname): IDN = {
val labels = => new Label(toUnicode(l.toString)))
new IDN(labels, hostname, labels.toList.mkString("."))
implicit val show: Show[IDN] = Show.fromToString[IDN]