io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.json.JsonUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.json;
import java.util.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;
import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.json.modules.ModuleOptions;
import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.json.modules.ZonedDateTimeDeserializationModule;
import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.json.modules.ZonedDateTimeSerializationModule;
* Class with methods to customize the JSON serialization/deserialization
public class JsonUtils {
private static class ObjectMapperHolder {
static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = createObjectMapper();
* creates a new {@link ObjectMapper } instance
* @return ObjectMapper
public static ObjectMapper createObjectMapper() {
return createObjectMapper(name -> null);
* @param options configuration for jackson modules supplied by a {@link ModuleSupplier}
* @return ObjectMapper
public static ObjectMapper createObjectMapper(final ModuleOptions options) {
ServiceLoader loader = ServiceLoader.load(SimpleModule.class,
ServiceLoader suppliers = ServiceLoader.load(ModuleSupplier.class,
final List moduleList = new ArrayList<>();
suppliers.iterator().forEachRemaining(moduleSupplier -> moduleList.add(moduleSupplier.getModule(options)));
final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
objectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule()) //provides serialization and deserialization for LocalDate and LocalTime (JSR310 Jackson module)
.registerModule(new ZonedDateTimeSerializationModule()) //custom serializer for LocalDate, LocalTime and ZonedDateTime
.registerModule(new ZonedDateTimeDeserializationModule()) //custom deserializer for ZonedDateTime
.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL) //ignore null fields
.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
.configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);
return objectMapper;
* serializes the given object to JSON as a byte array
* @param value object to be serialized
* @return json byte array
* @throws JsonProcessingException serialization errors
public static byte[] toJsonByteArray(final Object value) throws JsonProcessingException {
return getConfiguredObjectMapper().writeValueAsBytes(value);
* serializes the given object to JSON as a byte array
* @param value object to be serialized
* @return json string
* @throws JsonProcessingException serialization errors
public static String toJsonString(final Object value) throws JsonProcessingException {
return getConfiguredObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(value);
* deserializes the given json string to the given class
* @param clazz class to serialize to
* @param content json as string
* @param type of the result
* @return deserialized object
public static T fromJsonString(final String content, final Class clazz) {
return executing(() -> getConfiguredObjectMapper().readValue(content, clazz));
* Reads a Java object from JSON data (String).
* @param jsonAsString the JSON data which represents sth. of type {@code }
* @param typeReference the full generic type information about the object to create
* @param the type of the result
* @return the created objected
public static T fromJsonString(final String jsonAsString, final TypeReference typeReference) {
return executing(() -> getConfiguredObjectMapper().readValue(jsonAsString, typeReference));
* Reads a Java object from JsonNode data.
* @param jsonNode the JSON data which represents sth. of type {@code }
* @param typeReference the full generic type information about the object to create
* @param the type of the result
* @return the created objected
public static T fromJsonNode(final JsonNode jsonNode, final TypeReference typeReference) {
return executing(() -> getConfiguredObjectMapper().readerFor(typeReference).readValue(jsonNode));
* Converts a commercetools Composable Commerce Java object to JSON as {@link JsonNode}.
* If {@code value} is of type String and contains JSON data, that will be ignored, {@code value} will be treated as just any String.
* If you want to parse a JSON String to a JsonNode use {@link JsonUtils#parse(java.lang.String)} instead.
* @param value the object to convert
* @return new json
public static JsonNode toJsonNode(final Object value) {
return getConfiguredObjectMapper().valueToTree(value);
* Parses a String containing JSON data and produces a {@link JsonNode}.
* @param jsonAsString json data
* @return new JsonNode
public static JsonNode parse(final String jsonAsString) {
return executing(() -> getConfiguredObjectMapper().readTree(jsonAsString));
* deserializes the given json string to the given class
* @param clazz class to serialize to
* @param content json as byte array
* @return deserialized object
* @throws JsonException deserialization errors
* @param type of the result
public static T fromJsonByteArray(final byte[] content, final Class clazz) {
return executing(() -> getConfiguredObjectMapper().readValue(content, clazz));
* deserializes the given json string to the given class
* @param clazz class to serialize to
* @param content json as inputstream
* @return deserialized object
* @throws JsonException deserialization errors
* @param type of the result
public static T fromInputStream(final InputStream content, final Class clazz) {
return executing(() -> getConfiguredObjectMapper().readValue(content, clazz));
* deserializes the given json string to the given class
* @param typeReference the full generic type information about the object to create
* @param content json as inputstream
* @return deserialized object
* @throws JsonException deserialization errors
* @param type of the result
public static T fromInputStream(final InputStream content, final TypeReference typeReference) {
return executing(() -> getConfiguredObjectMapper().readValue(content, typeReference));
* default {@link ObjectMapper}
* @return ObjectMapper
public static ObjectMapper getConfiguredObjectMapper() {
return ObjectMapperHolder.OBJECT_MAPPER;
* Very simple way to "erase" passwords -
* replaces all field values whose names contains {@code 'pass'} by {@code '**removed from output**'}.
* @param node Json object to be redacted
* @return Json object
private static JsonNode secure(final JsonNode node) {
if (node.isObject()) {
ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) node;
Iterator> fields = node.fields();
while (fields.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry field =;
if (field.getValue().isTextual() && (field.getKey().toLowerCase().contains("pass")
|| field.getKey().toLowerCase().contains("access_token")
|| field.getKey().toLowerCase().contains("refresh_token"))) {
objectNode.put(field.getKey(), "**removed from output**");
else {
return objectNode;
else if (node.isArray()) {
ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node;
Iterator elements = arrayNode.elements();
while (elements.hasNext()) {
return arrayNode;
else {
return node;
* Pretty prints a given JSON string.
* @param json JSON code as String which should be formatted
* @return json
public static String prettyPrint(final String json) {
return executing(() -> {
final ObjectMapper jsonParser = new ObjectMapper();
final JsonNode jsonTree = jsonParser.readValue(json, JsonNode.class);
final ObjectWriter writer = jsonParser.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter();
return writer.writeValueAsString(jsonTree);
public static T executing(final SupplierThrowingIOException supplier) {
try {
return supplier.get();
catch (final IOException e) {
throw new JsonException(e);
public interface SupplierThrowingIOException {
T get() throws IOException;