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* Copyright 2024 Commercetools GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.commercetools.queue
import cats.effect.syntax.all._
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Outcome, Resource}
import cats.syntax.all._
import fs2.{Chunk, Pull, Stream}
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
* The base interface to subscribe to a queue.
sealed abstract class QueueSubscriber[F[_], T](implicit F: Concurrent[F]) {
/** The queue name to which this subscriber subscribes. */
def queueName: String
* Returns a way to pull batches from the queue.
* This is a low-level construct mainly aiming at integrating with existing
* code bases that require to pull explicitly.
* '''Note:''' Prefer using one of the `process` variant below when possible.
def puller: Resource[F, QueuePuller[F, T]]
* The stream of messages published in the subscribed queue.
* The [[MessageContext]] gives an interface to interact with the
* message.
* The stream emits chunks of size `batchSize` max, and waits for
* elements during `waitingTime` before emitting a chunk.
* '''Note:''' the messages returned by this stream must be manually
* managed (ack'ed, nack'ed, extended). This is useful to provide fine
* grained control over message lifecycle from the app point of view.
* If you have simpler workflows, please refer to the other subscriber
* methods.
final def messages(batchSize: Int, waitingTime: FiniteDuration): Stream[F, MessageContext[F, T]] =
Stream.resource(puller).flatMap { puller =>
Stream.repeatEval(puller.pullBatch(batchSize, waitingTime)).unchunks
* Processes the messages with the provided processing function.
* The messages are automatically ack'ed on success and nack'ed on error,
* and the results are emitted down-stream.
* The stream stops on the first failed processing and fails with the
* processing error. If you want to implement error recovery, you might want
* to use `attemptProcessWithAutoAck` instead.
* '''Note:''' This stream does '''not''' handle lock extension.
* Messages in a batch are processed sequentially, stopping at the first error.
* All results up to the error will be emitted downstream before failing.
final def processWithAutoAck[Res](batchSize: Int, waitingTime: FiniteDuration)(f: Message[F, T] => F[Res])
: Stream[F, Res] = {
// to have full control over nacking things in time after a failure, and emitting
// results up to the error, we resort to a `Pull`, which allows this fine graind control
// over pulling/emitting/failing
def doChunk(chunk: Chunk[MessageContext[F, T]], idx: Int): Pull[F, Res, Unit] =
if (idx >= chunk.size) {
// we are done, emit the chunk
} else {
val ctx = chunk(idx)
.eval(f(ctx).guaranteeCase {
case Outcome.Succeeded(_) => ctx.ack()
case _ =>
// if it was cancelled or errored, let's nack this and up to the end of the chunk
// before failing
// array slice creation is O(1) as well as `drop` on an `ArraySlice`
.flatMap {
case Right(res) => Pull.output1(res) >> doChunk(chunk, idx + 1)
case Left(t) =>
// one processing failed
messages(batchSize, waitingTime).repeatPull(_.uncons.flatMap {
case Some((hd, tl)) => doChunk(hd, 0).as(Some(tl))
case None => Pull.pure(None)
* Processes the messages with the provided processing function.
* The messages are automatically ack'ed on success and nack'ed on error.
* The stream emits results or errors down-stream and does not fail on
* processing errors, allowing you to build error recovery logic.
* '''Note:''' This stream does '''not''' handle lock extension.
* Messages in a batch are processed in parallel but result is emitted in
* order the messages were received.
final def attemptProcessWithAutoAck[Res](batchSize: Int, waitingTime: FiniteDuration)(f: Message[F, T] => F[Res])
: Stream[F, Either[Throwable, Res]] =
messages(batchSize, waitingTime).parEvalMap(batchSize)(ctx =>
f(ctx).attempt.flatTap {
case Right(_) => ctx.ack()
case Left(_) => ctx.nack()
* Processes the messages with the provided message handler.
* The messages are ack'ed, nack'ed or reenqueu'ed based on the decision returned from the handler.
* The stream emits results or errors down-stream and does not fail on business logic errors,
* allowing you to build error recovery logic.
* Messages in a batch are processed in parallel but result is emitted in order the messages were received,
* with the exclusion of the messages that have been reenqueu'ed and dropped.
final def process[Res](
batchSize: Int,
waitingTime: FiniteDuration,
publisherForReenqueue: QueuePublisher[F, T]
)(handler: MessageHandler[F, T, Res, Decision]
): Stream[F, Either[Throwable, Res]] =
.flatMap { pusher =>
messages(batchSize, waitingTime)
.parEvalMap(batchSize) { ctx =>
handler.handle(ctx).flatMap[Option[Either[Throwable, Res]]] {
case Decision.Ok(res) => ctx.ack().as(res.asRight.some)
case Decision.Drop => ctx.ack().as(none)
case Decision.Fail(t, true) => ctx.ack().as(t.asLeft.some)
case Decision.Fail(t, false) => ctx.nack().as(t.asLeft.some)
case Decision.Reenqueue(metadata, delay) =>
ctx.payload.flatMap(pusher.push(_, ctx.metadata ++ metadata.getOrElse(Map.empty), delay)).as(none)
* Processes the messages with the provided message handler.
* The messages are ack'ed or nack'ed based on the decision returned from the handler.
* The stream emits results or errors down-stream and does not fail on business logic errors,
* allowing you to build error recovery logic.
* Messages in a batch are processed in parallel but result is emitted in order the messages were received,
* with the exclusion of the messages that have been dropped.
final def processWithImmediateDecision[Res](
batchSize: Int,
waitingTime: FiniteDuration
)(handler: MessageHandler[F, T, Res, ImmediateDecision]
): Stream[F, Either[Throwable, Res]] =
process[Res](batchSize, waitingTime, QueuePublisher.noop)((msg: Message[F, T]) =>
abstract private[queue] class UnsealedQueueSubscriber[F[_], T](implicit F: Concurrent[F]) extends QueueSubscriber[F, T]