commonMain.ScrollArea.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Unstyled, fully accesible Compose Multiplatform components that you can customize to your heart's desire.
package com.composables.core
import androidx.compose.animation.AnimatedVisibility
import androidx.compose.animation.EnterTransition
import androidx.compose.animation.ExitTransition
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.composed
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollConnection
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollSource
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.nestedScroll
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputScope
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.positionChange
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Layout
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasurePolicy
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.*
import kotlin.js.JsName
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.time.Duration
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
fun rememberScrollAreaState(scrollState: ScrollState): ScrollAreaState = remember(scrollState) {
fun rememberScrollAreaState(lazyListState: LazyListState): ScrollAreaState = remember(lazyListState) {
fun rememberScrollAreaState(lazyGridState: LazyGridState): ScrollAreaState = remember(lazyGridState) {
value class OverscrollSides private constructor(private val id: Int) {
companion object {
val Top = OverscrollSides(0)
val Bottom = OverscrollSides(1)
val Left = OverscrollSides(2)
val Right = OverscrollSides(3)
val Vertical = OverscrollSides(3)
val Horizontal = OverscrollSides(3)
fun ScrollArea(
state: ScrollAreaState,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
overscrollEffect: OverscrollEffect? = ScrollableDefaults.overscrollEffect(),
overscrollEffectSides: List = listOf(
OverscrollSides.Vertical, OverscrollSides.Horizontal
content: @Composable ScrollAreaScope.() -> Unit
) {
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val scrollEvents = remember { MutableSharedFlow() }
NoOverscroll {
Box(modifier.nestedScroll(remember {
object : NestedScrollConnection {
override fun onPostScroll(consumed: Offset, available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
if (source == NestedScrollSource.Drag && overscrollEffect != null) {
// they are scrolling past a dead-end
// forward to overscrollEffect's direction they are trying to go
val isOverscrollTop =
isMovingBackwards(available.y) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Top || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollBottom =
isMovingForward(available.y) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Bottom || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollLeft =
isMovingBackwards(available.x) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Left || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
val isOverscrollRight =
isMovingForward(available.x) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Right || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
if (isOverscrollTop || isOverscrollBottom || isOverscrollLeft || isOverscrollRight) {
return overscrollEffect.applyToScroll(available, source, performScroll)
return super.onPostScroll(consumed, available, source)
override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
scope.launch {
if (source == NestedScrollSource.Drag && overscrollEffect != null) {
// they have already started scrolling
// forward to overscrollEffect's opposite direction they are trying to go
val isOverscrollTop =
isMovingForward(available.y) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Top || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollBottom =
isMovingBackwards(available.y) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Bottom || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollLeft =
isMovingForward(available.x) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Left || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
val isOverscrollRight =
isMovingBackwards(available.x) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Right || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
if (isOverscrollTop || isOverscrollBottom || isOverscrollLeft || isOverscrollRight) {
return overscrollEffect.applyToScroll(available, source, performScroll)
return super.onPreScroll(available, source)
override suspend fun onPostFling(consumed: Velocity, available: Velocity): Velocity {
if (overscrollEffect != null) {
val isOverscrollTop =
isMovingBackwards(available.y) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Top || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollBottom =
isMovingForward(available.y) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Bottom || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollLeft =
isMovingBackwards(available.x) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Left || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
val isOverscrollRight =
isMovingForward(available.x) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Right || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
if (isOverscrollTop || isOverscrollBottom || isOverscrollLeft || isOverscrollRight) {
overscrollEffect.applyToFling(available, performFling)
return available
return super.onPostFling(consumed, available)
override suspend fun onPreFling(available: Velocity): Velocity {
if (overscrollEffect != null) {
val isOverscrollTop =
isMovingForward(available.y) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Top || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollBottom =
isMovingBackwards(available.y) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Bottom || it == OverscrollSides.Vertical }
val isOverscrollLeft =
isMovingForward(available.x) && canScrollBackwards.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Left || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
val isOverscrollRight =
isMovingBackwards(available.x) && canScrollForward.not() && overscrollEffectSides.any { it == OverscrollSides.Right || it == OverscrollSides.Horizontal }
if (isOverscrollTop || isOverscrollBottom || isOverscrollLeft || isOverscrollRight) {
overscrollEffect.applyToFling(available, performFling)
return available
return super.onPreFling(available)
val performFling: (Velocity) -> Velocity = {
// we are only not really managing scrolling
// so consume no velocity
val performScroll: (Offset) -> Offset = {
// we are only not really managing scrolling
// so consume no offset
val canScrollBackwards: Boolean
get() = state.scrollOffset > 0
val canScrollForward: Boolean
get() = state.scrollOffset < state.maxScrollOffset
fun isMovingForward(delta: Float): Boolean = delta < 0
fun isMovingBackwards(delta: Float): Boolean = delta > 0
}).let { if (overscrollEffect != null) it.overscroll(overscrollEffect) else it }) {
val boxScope = this
val scrollAreaScope = remember {
ScrollAreaScope(boxScope, state, scrollEvents)
internal expect fun NoOverscroll(content: @Composable () -> Unit)
class ScrollAreaScope internal constructor(
private val boxScope: BoxScope,
internal val scrollAreaState: ScrollAreaState,
internal val onScrolledEvents: Flow
) {
fun Modifier.align(alignment: Alignment): Modifier {
return with(boxScope) {
class ScrollbarScope internal constructor(
internal val dragInteraction: MutableState,
internal val sliderAdapter: SliderAdapter,
internal val mutableInteractionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
internal val scrollAreaState: ScrollAreaState,
internal val onScrolledEvents: Flow
sealed class ThumbVisibility {
data object AlwaysVisible : ThumbVisibility()
data class HideWhileIdle(
val enter: EnterTransition, val exit: ExitTransition, val hideDelay: Duration
) : ThumbVisibility()
fun ScrollAreaScope.VerticalScrollbar(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
enabled: Boolean = true,
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
thumb: @Composable (ScrollbarScope.() -> Unit),
) = ScrollBar(modifier, enabled, interactionSource, reverseLayout, true, thumb)
fun ScrollAreaScope.HorizontalScrollbar(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
enabled: Boolean = true,
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
reverseLayout2: Boolean = false,
thumb: @Composable (ScrollbarScope.() -> Unit),
) = ScrollBar(modifier, enabled, interactionSource, reverseLayout2, false, thumb)
private fun ScrollAreaScope.ScrollBar(
modifier: Modifier,
enabled: Boolean = true,
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
reverse: Boolean = false,
isVertical: Boolean,
thumb: @Composable (ScrollbarScope.() -> Unit),
) = with(LocalDensity.current) {
val reverseLayout = if (LocalLayoutDirection.current == LayoutDirection.Rtl) !reverse else reverse
val dragInteraction = remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
DisposableEffect(interactionSource) {
onDispose {
dragInteraction.value?.let { interaction ->
dragInteraction.value = null
var containerSize by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
val minimalHeight = 16.dp.toPx()
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val sliderAdapter = remember(
scrollAreaState, containerSize, minimalHeight, reverseLayout, isVertical, coroutineScope
) {
scrollAreaState, containerSize, minimalHeight, reverseLayout, isVertical, coroutineScope
val scrollbarScope = remember(sliderAdapter, containerSize) {
dragInteraction, sliderAdapter, interactionSource, scrollAreaState, onScrolledEvents
val scrollThickness = 8.dp.roundToPx()
val measurePolicy = if (isVertical) {
remember(sliderAdapter, scrollThickness) {
verticalMeasurePolicy(sliderAdapter, { containerSize = it }, scrollThickness)
} else {
remember(sliderAdapter, scrollThickness) {
horizontalMeasurePolicy(sliderAdapter, { containerSize = it }, scrollThickness)
Layout(content = { scrollbarScope.thumb() },
modifier = modifier.hoverable(interactionSource = interactionSource).let {
if (enabled) {
it.scrollOnPressTrack(isVertical, reverseLayout, sliderAdapter)
} else {
measurePolicy = measurePolicy
fun ScrollbarScope.Thumb(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
thumbVisibility: ThumbVisibility = ThumbVisibility.AlwaysVisible,
enabled: Boolean = true,
) {
val content = @Composable {
Box(modifier.let {
if (enabled) {
interactionSource = mutableInteractionSource,
draggedInteraction = dragInteraction,
sliderAdapter = sliderAdapter,
} else it
if (thumbVisibility == ThumbVisibility.AlwaysVisible) {
} else if (thumbVisibility is ThumbVisibility.HideWhileIdle) {
var show by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val isHovered by mutableInteractionSource.collectIsHoveredAsState()
val isDraggingList by scrollAreaState.interactionSource.collectIsDraggedAsState()
LaunchedEffect(show) {
if (show) {
show = false
LaunchedEffect(isDraggingList, isHovered) {
if (isDraggingList || isHovered) {
show = true
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
onScrolledEvents.collect {
show = true
AnimatedVisibility(show, enter = thumbVisibility.enter, exit = thumbVisibility.exit) {
private val SliderAdapter.thumbPixelRange: IntRange
get() {
val start = position.roundToInt()
val endExclusive = start + thumbSize.roundToInt()
return (start until endExclusive)
private val IntRange.size get() = last + 1 - first
private fun verticalMeasurePolicy(
sliderAdapter: SliderAdapter, setContainerSize: (Int) -> Unit, scrollThickness: Int
) = MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
val pixelRange = sliderAdapter.thumbPixelRange
val placeable = measurables.firstOrNull()?.measure(
constraints.constrainWidth(scrollThickness), pixelRange.size
if (placeable == null) {
layout(0, constraints.maxHeight) {}
} else {
layout(placeable.width, constraints.maxHeight) {, pixelRange.first)
private fun horizontalMeasurePolicy(
sliderAdapter: SliderAdapter, setContainerSize: (Int) -> Unit, scrollThickness: Int
) = MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
val pixelRange = sliderAdapter.thumbPixelRange
if (measurables.isEmpty()) {
layout(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) {
// nothing to do
} else {
val placeable = measurables.first().measure(
pixelRange.size, constraints.constrainHeight(scrollThickness)
layout(constraints.maxWidth, placeable.height) {, 0)
private fun Modifier.scrollbarDrag(
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource,
draggedInteraction: MutableState,
sliderAdapter: SliderAdapter,
): Modifier = composed {
val currentInteractionSource by rememberUpdatedState(interactionSource)
val currentDraggedInteraction by rememberUpdatedState(draggedInteraction)
val currentSliderAdapter by rememberUpdatedState(sliderAdapter)
pointerInput(Unit) {
awaitEachGesture {
val down = awaitFirstDown(requireUnconsumed = false)
val interaction = DragInteraction.Start()
currentDraggedInteraction.value = interaction
val isSuccess = drag( { change ->
val finishInteraction = if (isSuccess) {
} else {
currentDraggedInteraction.value = null
private fun Modifier.scrollOnPressTrack(
isVertical: Boolean,
reverseLayout: Boolean,
sliderAdapter: SliderAdapter,
) = composed {
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val scroller = remember(sliderAdapter, coroutineScope, reverseLayout) {
TrackPressScroller(coroutineScope, sliderAdapter, reverseLayout)
Modifier.pointerInput(scroller) {
isVertical = isVertical, scroller = scroller
* Responsible for scrolling when the scrollbar track is pressed (outside the thumb).
private class TrackPressScroller(
private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
private val sliderAdapter: SliderAdapter,
private val reverseLayout: Boolean,
) {
* The current direction of scroll (1: down/right, -1: up/left, 0: not scrolling)
private var direction = 0
* The currently pressed location (in pixels) on the scrollable axis.
private var offset: Float? = null
* The job that keeps scrolling while the track is pressed.
private var job: Job? = null
* Calculates the direction of scrolling towards the given offset (in pixels).
private fun directionOfScrollTowards(offset: Float): Int {
val pixelRange = sliderAdapter.thumbPixelRange
return when {
offset < pixelRange.first -> if (reverseLayout) 1 else -1
offset > pixelRange.last -> if (reverseLayout) -1 else 1
else -> 0
* Scrolls once towards the current offset, if it matches the direction of the current gesture.
private suspend fun scrollTowardsCurrentOffset() {
offset?.let {
val currentDirection = directionOfScrollTowards(it)
if (currentDirection != direction) return
with(sliderAdapter.adapter) {
scrollTo(scrollOffset + currentDirection * viewportSize)
* Starts the job that scrolls continuously towards the current offset.
private fun startScrolling() {
job = coroutineScope.launch {
while (true) {
* Invoked on the first press for a gesture.
fun onPress(offset: Float) {
this.offset = offset
this.direction = directionOfScrollTowards(offset)
if (direction != 0) startScrolling()
* Invoked when the pointer moves while pressed during the gesture.
fun onMovePressed(offset: Float) {
this.offset = offset
* Cleans up when the gesture finishes.
private fun cleanupAfterGesture() {
direction = 0
offset = null
* Invoked when the button is released.
fun onRelease() {
* Invoked when the gesture is cancelled.
fun onGestureCancelled() {
// Maybe revert to the initial position?
* Detects the pointer events relevant for the "scroll by pressing on the track outside the thumb"
* gesture and calls the corresponding methods in the [scroller].
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectScrollViaTrackGestures(
isVertical: Boolean, scroller: TrackPressScroller
) {
fun Offset.onScrollAxis() = if (isVertical) y else x
awaitEachGesture {
val down = awaitFirstDown()
while (true) {
val drag = if (isVertical) awaitVerticalDragOrCancellation(
else awaitHorizontalDragOrCancellation(
if (drag == null) {
} else if (!drag.pressed) {
} else scroller.onMovePressed(drag.position.onScrollAxis())
* The delay between the 1st and 2nd scroll while the scrollbar track is pressed outside the thumb.
internal const val DelayBeforeSecondScrollOnTrackPress: Long = 300L
* The delay between each subsequent (after the 2nd) scroll while the scrollbar track is pressed
* outside the thumb.
internal const val DelayBetweenScrollsOnTrackPress: Long = 100L
* Defines how to scroll the scrollable component and how to display a scrollbar for it.
* The values of this interface are typically in pixels, but do not have to be.
* It's possible to create an adapter with any scroll range of `Double` values.
interface ScrollAreaState {
// We use `Double` values here in order to allow scrolling both very large (think LazyList with
// millions of items) and very small (think something whose natural coordinates are less than 1)
// content.
* Scroll offset of the content inside the scrollable component.
* For example, a value of `100` could mean the content is scrolled by 100 pixels from the
* start.
val scrollOffset: Double
* The size of the scrollable content, on the scrollable axis.
val contentSize: Double
* The size of the viewport, on the scrollable axis.
val viewportSize: Double
* Instantly jump to [scrollOffset].
* @param scrollOffset target offset to jump to, value will be coerced to the valid
* scroll range.
suspend fun scrollTo(scrollOffset: Double)
val interactionSource: InteractionSource
* The maximum scroll offset of the scrollable content.
val ScrollAreaState.maxScrollOffset: Double
get() = (contentSize - viewportSize).coerceAtLeast(0.0)
internal class ScrollStateScrollAreaState(
private val scrollState: ScrollState
) : ScrollAreaState {
override val interactionSource: InteractionSource
get() = scrollState.interactionSource
override val scrollOffset: Double get() = scrollState.value.toDouble()
override suspend fun scrollTo(scrollOffset: Double) {
override val contentSize: Double
// This isn't strictly correct, as the actual content can be smaller
// than the viewport when scrollState.maxValue is 0, but the scrollbar
// doesn't really care as long as contentSize <= viewportSize; it's
// just not showing itself
get() = scrollState.maxValue + viewportSize
override val viewportSize: Double
get() = scrollState.viewportSize.toDouble()
* Base class for [LazyListScrollAreaState] and [LazyGridScrollAreaScrollAreaState],
* and in the future maybe other lazy widgets that lay out their content in lines.
internal abstract class LazyLineContentScrollAreaState : ScrollAreaState {
// Implement the adapter in terms of "lines", which means either rows,
// (for a vertically scrollable widget) or columns (for a horizontally
// scrollable one).
// For LazyList this translates directly to items; for LazyGrid, it
// translates to rows/columns of items.
class VisibleLine(
val index: Int, val offset: Int
* Return the first visible line, if any.
protected abstract fun firstVisibleLine(): VisibleLine?
* Return the total number of lines.
protected abstract fun totalLineCount(): Int
* The sum of content padding (before+after) on the scrollable axis.
protected abstract fun contentPadding(): Int
* Scroll immediately to the given line, and offset it by [scrollOffset] pixels.
protected abstract suspend fun snapToLine(lineIndex: Int, scrollOffset: Int)
* Scroll from the current position by the given amount of pixels.
protected abstract suspend fun scrollBy(value: Float)
* Return the average size (on the scrollable axis) of the visible lines.
protected abstract fun averageVisibleLineSize(): Double
* The spacing between lines.
protected abstract val lineSpacing: Int
private val averageVisibleLineSize by derivedStateOf {
if (totalLineCount() == 0) 0.0
else averageVisibleLineSize()
private val averageVisibleLineSizeWithSpacing get() = averageVisibleLineSize + lineSpacing
override val scrollOffset: Double
get() {
val firstVisibleLine = firstVisibleLine()
return if (firstVisibleLine == null) {
} else {
val index = firstVisibleLine.index
val offset = firstVisibleLine.offset
index * averageVisibleLineSizeWithSpacing - offset
override val contentSize: Double
get() {
val totalLineCount = totalLineCount()
return averageVisibleLineSize * totalLineCount + lineSpacing * (totalLineCount - 1).coerceAtLeast(0) + contentPadding()
override suspend fun scrollTo(scrollOffset: Double) {
val distance = scrollOffset - [email protected]
// if we scroll less than viewport we need to use scrollBy function to avoid
// undesirable scroll jumps (when an item size is different)
// if we scroll more than viewport we should immediately jump to this position
// without recreating all items between the current and the new position
if (abs(distance) <= viewportSize) {
} else {
private suspend fun snapTo(scrollOffset: Double) {
val scrollOffsetCoerced = scrollOffset.coerceIn(0.0, maxScrollOffset)
val index = (scrollOffsetCoerced / averageVisibleLineSizeWithSpacing).toInt().coerceAtLeast(0)
.coerceAtMost(totalLineCount() - 1)
val offset = (scrollOffsetCoerced - index * averageVisibleLineSizeWithSpacing).toInt().coerceAtLeast(0)
snapToLine(lineIndex = index, scrollOffset = offset)
internal class LazyListScrollAreaState(
private val scrollState: LazyListState
) : LazyLineContentScrollAreaState() {
override val interactionSource: InteractionSource
get() = scrollState.interactionSource
override val viewportSize: Double
get() = with(scrollState.layoutInfo) {
if (orientation == Orientation.Vertical) viewportSize.height
else viewportSize.width
* A heuristic that tries to ignore the "currently stickied" header because it breaks the other
* computations in this adapter:
* - The currently stickied header always appears in the list of visible items, with its
* regular index. This makes [firstVisibleLine] always return its index, even if the list has
* been scrolled far beyond it.
* - [averageVisibleLineSize] calculates the average size in O(1) by assuming that items don't
* overlap, and the stickied item breaks this assumption.
* Attempts to return the index into `visibleItemsInfo` of the first non-currently-stickied (it
* could be sticky, but not stickied to the top of the list right now) item, if there is one.
* Note that this heuristic breaks down if the sticky header covers the entire list, so that
* it's the only visible item for some portion of the scroll range. But there's currently no
* known better way to solve it, and it's a relatively unusual case.
private fun firstFloatingVisibleItemIndex() = with(scrollState.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo) {
when (size) {
0 -> null
1 -> 0
else -> {
val first = this[0]
val second = this[1]
// If either the indices or the offsets aren't continuous, then the first item is
// sticky, so we return 1
if ((first.index < second.index - 1) || (first.offset + first.size + lineSpacing > second.offset)) 1
else 0
override fun firstVisibleLine(): VisibleLine? {
val firstFloatingVisibleIndex = firstFloatingVisibleItemIndex() ?: return null
val firstFloatingItem = scrollState.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo[firstFloatingVisibleIndex]
return VisibleLine(
index = firstFloatingItem.index, offset = firstFloatingItem.offset
override fun totalLineCount() = scrollState.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount
override fun contentPadding() = with(scrollState.layoutInfo) {
beforeContentPadding + afterContentPadding
override suspend fun snapToLine(lineIndex: Int, scrollOffset: Int) {
scrollState.scrollToItem(lineIndex, scrollOffset)
override suspend fun scrollBy(value: Float) {
override fun averageVisibleLineSize() = with(scrollState.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo) {
val firstFloatingIndex = firstFloatingVisibleItemIndex() ?: return@with 0.0
val first = this[firstFloatingIndex]
val last = last()
val count = size - firstFloatingIndex
(last.offset + last.size - first.offset - (count - 1) * lineSpacing).toDouble() / count
override val lineSpacing get() = scrollState.layoutInfo.mainAxisItemSpacing
internal class LazyGridScrollAreaScrollAreaState(
private val scrollState: LazyGridState
) : LazyLineContentScrollAreaState() {
override val interactionSource: InteractionSource
get() = scrollState.interactionSource
override val viewportSize: Double
get() = with(scrollState.layoutInfo) {
if (orientation == Orientation.Vertical) viewportSize.height
else viewportSize.width
private val isVertical: Boolean
get() = scrollState.layoutInfo.orientation == Orientation.Vertical
private val unknownLine: Int
get() = with(LazyGridItemInfo) {
if (isVertical) UnknownRow else UnknownColumn
private fun LazyGridItemInfo.line() = if (isVertical) row else column
private fun LazyGridItemInfo.mainAxisSize() = with(size) {
if (isVertical) height else width
private fun LazyGridItemInfo.mainAxisOffset() = with(offset) {
if (isVertical) y else x
private val slotsPerLine by derivedStateOf {
val orientation = scrollState.layoutInfo.orientation
// count all unique columns or rows of the respective orientation
scrollState.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.distinctBy { if (orientation == Orientation.Vertical) it.column else it.row }
private fun lineOfIndex(index: Int): Int = index / slotsPerLine.coerceAtLeast(1)
private fun indexOfFirstInLine(line: Int): Int = line * slotsPerLine
override fun firstVisibleLine(): VisibleLine? {
return scrollState.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.firstOrNull { it.line() != unknownLine } // Skip exiting items
?.let { firstVisibleItem ->
index = firstVisibleItem.line(), offset = firstVisibleItem.mainAxisOffset()
override fun totalLineCount(): Int {
val itemCount = scrollState.layoutInfo.totalItemsCount
return if (itemCount == 0) 0
else lineOfIndex(itemCount - 1) + 1
override fun contentPadding() = with(scrollState.layoutInfo) {
beforeContentPadding + afterContentPadding
override suspend fun snapToLine(lineIndex: Int, scrollOffset: Int) {
index = indexOfFirstInLine(lineIndex), scrollOffset = scrollOffset
override suspend fun scrollBy(value: Float) {
override fun averageVisibleLineSize(): Double {
val visibleItemsInfo = scrollState.layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo
val indexOfFirstKnownLineItem = visibleItemsInfo.indexOfFirst { it.line() != unknownLine }
if (indexOfFirstKnownLineItem == -1) return 0.0
val reallyVisibleItemsInfo = // Non-exiting visible items
visibleItemsInfo.subList(indexOfFirstKnownLineItem, visibleItemsInfo.size)
// Compute the size of the last line
val lastLine = reallyVisibleItemsInfo.last().line()
val lastLineSize = reallyVisibleItemsInfo.asReversed().asSequence().takeWhile { it.line() == lastLine }
.maxOf { it.mainAxisSize() }
val first = reallyVisibleItemsInfo.first()
val last = reallyVisibleItemsInfo.last()
val lineCount = last.line() - first.line() + 1
val lineSpacingSum = (lineCount - 1) * lineSpacing
return (last.mainAxisOffset() + lastLineSize - first.mainAxisOffset() - lineSpacingSum).toDouble() / lineCount
override val lineSpacing get() = scrollState.layoutInfo.mainAxisItemSpacing
internal class SliderAdapter internal constructor(
val adapter: ScrollAreaState,
private val trackSize: Int,
private val minHeight: Float,
private val reverseLayout: Boolean,
private val isVertical: Boolean,
private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope
) {
private val contentSize get() = adapter.contentSize
private val visiblePart: Double
get() {
val contentSize = contentSize
return if (contentSize == 0.0) 1.0
else (adapter.viewportSize / contentSize).coerceAtMost(1.0)
val thumbSize
get() = (trackSize * visiblePart).coerceAtLeast(minHeight.toDouble())
private val scrollScale: Double
get() {
val extraScrollbarSpace = trackSize - thumbSize
val extraContentSpace = adapter.maxScrollOffset // == contentSize - viewportSize
return if (extraContentSpace == 0.0) 1.0 else extraScrollbarSpace / extraContentSpace
private val rawPosition: Double
get() = scrollScale * adapter.scrollOffset
val position: Double
get() = if (reverseLayout) trackSize - thumbSize - rawPosition else rawPosition
val bounds get() = position..position + thumbSize
// How much of the current drag was ignored because we've reached the end of the scrollbar area
private var unscrolledDragDistance = 0.0
/** Called when the thumb dragging starts */
fun onDragStarted() {
unscrolledDragDistance = 0.0
private suspend fun setPosition(value: Double) {
val rawPosition = if (reverseLayout) {
trackSize - thumbSize - value
} else {
adapter.scrollTo(rawPosition / scrollScale)
private val dragMutex = Mutex()
/** Called on every movement while dragging the thumb */
fun onDragDelta(offset: Offset) {
coroutineScope.launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
// Mutex is used to ensure that all earlier drag deltas were applied
// before calculating a new raw position
dragMutex.withLock {
val dragDelta = if (isVertical) offset.y else offset.x
val maxScrollPosition = adapter.maxScrollOffset * scrollScale
val currentPosition = position
val targetPosition = (currentPosition + dragDelta + unscrolledDragDistance).coerceIn(
0.0, maxScrollPosition
val sliderDelta = targetPosition - currentPosition
// Have to add to position for smooth content scroll if the items are of different size
val newPos = position + sliderDelta
unscrolledDragDistance += dragDelta - sliderDelta