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v2.concordium.service.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
syntax = "proto3";

import "v2/concordium/types.proto";

package concordium.v2;

// This specifies the package we want to use for our generated Go code.
// Has no effect on code generated on other languages.
option go_package = "./pb";

// This specifies the package we want to use for our generated Java classes.
// Has no effect on code generated on other languages.
option java_package = "com.concordium.grpc.v2";

// This specifies the package we want to use for our generated C# classes.
// Has no effect on code generated on other languages.
option csharp_namespace = "Concordium.Grpc.V2";

// This specifies that separate .java files will be generated for each of the Java classes/enums/etc. generated for the top-level messages, services, and enumerations,
// and the wrapper Java class generated for this .proto file won't contain any nested classes/enums/etc.
// If not generating Java code, this option has no effect.
option java_multiple_files = true;

service Queries {
  // Return a stream of blocks that arrive from the time the query is made onward.
  // This can be used to listen for incoming blocks.
  rpc GetBlocks (Empty) returns (stream ArrivedBlockInfo);

  // Return a stream of blocks that are finalized from the time the query is
  // made onward. This can be used to listen for newly finalized blocks. Note
  // that there is no guarantee that blocks will not be skipped if the client is
  // too slow in processing the stream, however blocks will always be sent by
  // increasing block height.
  rpc GetFinalizedBlocks (Empty) returns (stream FinalizedBlockInfo);

  // Retrieve the information about the given account in the given block.
  rpc GetAccountInfo (AccountInfoRequest) returns (AccountInfo);

  // Retrieve the list of accounts that exist at the end of the given block.
  rpc GetAccountList (BlockHashInput) returns (stream AccountAddress);

  // Get a list of all smart contract modules. The stream will end
  // when all modules that exist in the state at the end of the given
  // block have been returned.
  rpc GetModuleList (BlockHashInput) returns (stream ModuleRef);

  // Get a stream of ancestors for the provided block.
  // Starting with the provided block itself, moving backwards until no more
  // ancestors or the requested number of ancestors has been returned.
  rpc GetAncestors (AncestorsRequest) returns (stream BlockHash);

  // Get the source of a smart contract module.
  rpc GetModuleSource (ModuleSourceRequest) returns (VersionedModuleSource);

  // Get a list of addresses for all smart contract instances. The stream
  // will end when all instances that exist in the state at the end of the
  // given block has been returned.
  rpc GetInstanceList (BlockHashInput) returns (stream ContractAddress);

  // Get info about a smart contract instance as it appears at the end of the
  // given block.
  rpc GetInstanceInfo (InstanceInfoRequest) returns (InstanceInfo);

  // Get the exact state of a specific contract instance, streamed as a list of
  // key-value pairs. The list is streamed in lexicographic order of keys.
  rpc GetInstanceState (InstanceInfoRequest) returns (stream InstanceStateKVPair);

  // Get the value at a specific key of a contract state. In contrast to
  // `GetInstanceState` this is more efficient, but requires the user to know
  // the specific key to look for.
  rpc InstanceStateLookup(InstanceStateLookupRequest) returns (InstanceStateValueAtKey);

  // Get the best guess as to what the next account sequence number should be.
  // If all account transactions are finalized then this information is reliable.
  // Otherwise this is the best guess, assuming all other transactions will be
  // committed to blocks and eventually finalized.
  rpc GetNextAccountSequenceNumber (AccountAddress) returns (NextAccountSequenceNumber);

  // Get information about the current state of consensus.
  rpc GetConsensusInfo (Empty) returns (ConsensusInfo);

  // Get the status of and information about a specific block item (transaction).
  rpc GetBlockItemStatus (TransactionHash) returns (BlockItemStatus);

  // Get the cryptographic parameters in a given block.
  rpc GetCryptographicParameters (BlockHashInput) returns (CryptographicParameters);

  // Get information, such as height, timings, and transaction counts for the given block.
  rpc GetBlockInfo (BlockHashInput) returns (BlockInfo);

  // Get all the bakers at the end of the given block.
  rpc GetBakerList (BlockHashInput) returns (stream BakerId);

  // Get information about a given pool at the end of a given block.
  rpc GetPoolInfo (PoolInfoRequest) returns (PoolInfoResponse);

  // Get information about the passive delegators at the end of a given block.
  rpc GetPassiveDelegationInfo (BlockHashInput) returns (PassiveDelegationInfo);

  // Get a list of live blocks at a given height.
  rpc GetBlocksAtHeight (BlocksAtHeightRequest) returns (BlocksAtHeightResponse);

  // Get information about tokenomics at the end of a given block.
  rpc GetTokenomicsInfo (BlockHashInput) returns (TokenomicsInfo);

  // Run the smart contract entrypoint in a given context and in the state at
  // the end of the given block.
  rpc InvokeInstance (InvokeInstanceRequest) returns (InvokeInstanceResponse);

  // Get the registered delegators of a given pool at the end of a given block.
  // In contrast to the `GetPoolDelegatorsRewardPeriod` which returns delegators
  // that are fixed for the reward period of the block, this endpoint returns the
  // list of delegators that are registered in the block. Any changes to delegators
  // are immediately visible in this list.
  // The stream will end when all the delegators has been returned.
  rpc GetPoolDelegators (GetPoolDelegatorsRequest) returns (stream DelegatorInfo);

  // Get the fixed delegators of a given pool for the reward period of the given block.
  // In contracts to the `GetPoolDelegators` which returns delegators registered
  // for the given block, this endpoint returns the fixed delegators contributing
  // stake in the reward period containing the given block.
  // The stream will end when all the delegators has been returned.
  rpc GetPoolDelegatorsRewardPeriod (GetPoolDelegatorsRequest) returns (stream DelegatorRewardPeriodInfo);

  // Get the registered passive delegators at the end of a given block.
  // In contrast to the `GetPassiveDelegatorsRewardPeriod` which returns delegators
  // that are fixed for the reward period of the block, this endpoint returns the
  // list of delegators that are registered in the block. Any changes to delegators
  // are immediately visible in this list.
  // The stream will end when all the delegators has been returned.
  rpc GetPassiveDelegators (BlockHashInput) returns (stream DelegatorInfo);

  // Get the fixed passive delegators for the reward period of the given block.
  // In contracts to the `GetPassiveDelegators` which returns delegators registered
  // for the given block, this endpoint returns the fixed delegators contributing
  // stake in the reward period containing the given block.
  // The stream will end when all the delegators has been returned.
  rpc GetPassiveDelegatorsRewardPeriod (BlockHashInput) returns (stream DelegatorRewardPeriodInfo);

  // Get the current branches of blocks starting from and including the last finalized block.
  rpc GetBranches (Empty) returns (Branch);

  // Get information related to the baker election for a particular block.
  rpc GetElectionInfo (BlockHashInput) returns (ElectionInfo);

  // Get the identity providers registered as of the end of a given block.
  // The stream will end when all the identity providers have been returned.
  rpc GetIdentityProviders (BlockHashInput) returns (stream IpInfo);

  // Get the anonymity revokers registered as of the end of a given block.
  // The stream will end when all the anonymity revokers have been returned.
  rpc GetAnonymityRevokers (BlockHashInput) returns (stream ArInfo);

  // Get a list of non-finalized transaction hashes for a given account. This
  // endpoint is not expected to return a large amount of data in most cases,
  // but in bad network condtions it might. The stream will end when all the
  // non-finalized transaction hashes have been returned.
  rpc GetAccountNonFinalizedTransactions (AccountAddress) returns (stream TransactionHash);

  // Get a list of transaction events in a given block.
  // The stream will end when all the transaction events for a given block have been returned.
  rpc GetBlockTransactionEvents (BlockHashInput) returns (stream BlockItemSummary);

  // Get a list of special events in a given block. These are events generated
  // by the protocol, such as minting and reward payouts. They are not directly
  // generated by any transaction. The stream will end when all the special
  // events for a given block have been returned.
  rpc GetBlockSpecialEvents (BlockHashInput) returns (stream BlockSpecialEvent);

  // Get the pending updates to chain parameters at the end of a given block.
  // The stream will end when all the pending updates for a given block have been returned.
  rpc GetBlockPendingUpdates (BlockHashInput) returns (stream PendingUpdate);

  // Get next available sequence numbers for updating chain parameters after a given block.
  rpc GetNextUpdateSequenceNumbers (BlockHashInput) returns (NextUpdateSequenceNumbers);

  // Get the projected earliest time at which a particular baker will be required to bake a block.
  // If the current consensus version is 0, this returns the status 'Unavailable', as the endpoint
  // is only supported by consensus version 1.
  // If the baker is not a baker for the current reward period, this returns a timestamp at the
  // start of the next reward period. If the baker is a baker for the current reward period, the
  // earliest win time is projected from the current round forward, assuming that each round after
  // the last finalized round will take the minimum block time. (If blocks take longer, or timeouts
  // occur, the actual time may be later, and the reported time in subsequent queries may reflect
  // this.) At the end of an epoch (or if the baker is not projected to bake before the end of the
  // epoch) the earliest win time for a (current) baker will be projected as the start of the next
  // epoch. This is because the seed for the leader election is updated at the epoch boundary, and
  // so the winners cannot be predicted beyond that. Note that in some circumstances the returned
  // timestamp can be in the past, especially at the end of an epoch.
  rpc GetBakerEarliestWinTime(BakerId) returns (Timestamp);

  // Shut down the node.
  // Return a GRPC error if the shutdown failed.
  rpc Shutdown(Empty) returns (Empty);

  // Suggest to a peer to connect to the submitted peer details.
  // This, if successful, adds the peer to the list of given addresses.
  // Otherwise return a GRPC error.
  // Note. The peer might not be connected to instantly, in that case
  // the node will try to establish the connection in near future. This
  // function returns a GRPC status 'Ok' in this case.
  rpc PeerConnect (IpSocketAddress) returns (Empty);

  // Disconnect from the peer and remove them from the given addresses list
  // if they are on it. Return if the request was processed successfully.
  // Otherwise return a GRPC error.
  rpc PeerDisconnect (IpSocketAddress) returns (Empty);

  // Get a list of banned peers.
  rpc GetBannedPeers(Empty) returns (BannedPeers);

  // Ban the given peer.
  // Returns a GRPC error if the action failed.
  rpc BanPeer(PeerToBan) returns (Empty);

  // Unban the banned peer.
  // Returns a GRPC error if the action failed.
  rpc UnbanPeer(BannedPeer) returns (Empty);

  // Start dumping packages into the specified file.
  // Only enabled if the node was built with the `network_dump` feature.
  // Returns a GRPC error if the network dump failed to start.
  rpc DumpStart(DumpRequest) returns (Empty);

  // Stop dumping packages.
  // Only enabled if the node was built with the `network_dump` feature.
  // Returns a GRPC error if the network dump failed to be stopped.
  rpc DumpStop(Empty) returns (Empty);

  // Get a list of the peers that the node is connected to
  // and assoicated network related information for each peer.
  rpc GetPeersInfo(Empty) returns (PeersInfo);

  // Get information about the node.
  // The `NodeInfo` includes information of
  // * Meta information such as the, version of the node, type of the node, uptime and the local time of the node.
  // * NetworkInfo which yields data such as the node id, packets sent/received,
  //   average bytes per second sent/received.
  // * ConsensusInfo. The `ConsensusInfo` returned depends on if the node supports
  //   the protocol on chain and whether the node is configured as a baker or not.
  rpc GetNodeInfo(Empty) returns (NodeInfo);

  // Send a block item. A block item is either an `AccountTransaction`, which is
  // a transaction signed and paid for by an account, a `CredentialDeployment`,
  // which creates a new account, or `UpdateInstruction`, which is an
  // instruction to change some parameters of the chain. Update instructions can
  // only be sent by the governance committee.
  // Returns a hash of the block item, which can be used with
  // `GetBlockItemStatus`.
  rpc SendBlockItem (SendBlockItemRequest) returns (TransactionHash);

  // Get the hash to be signed for an account transaction. The hash returned
  // should be signed and the signatures included as an
  // AccountTransactionSignature when calling `SendBlockItem`. This is provided as
  // a convenience to support cases where the right SDK is not available for
  // interacting with the node. If an SDK is available then it is strongly
  // recommended to compute this hash off-line using it. That reduces the trust
  // in the node, removes networking failure modes, and will perform better.
  rpc GetAccountTransactionSignHash (PreAccountTransaction) returns (AccountTransactionSignHash);

  // Get the values of chain parameters in effect in the given block.
  rpc GetBlockChainParameters(BlockHashInput) returns (ChainParameters);

  // Get the summary of the finalization data in a given block.
  rpc GetBlockFinalizationSummary(BlockHashInput) returns (BlockFinalizationSummary);

  // Get the items of a block.
  rpc GetBlockItems(BlockHashInput) returns (stream BlockItem);

  // Get all bakers in the reward period of a block.
  // This endpoint is only supported for protocol version 6 and onwards.
  // If the protocol does not support the endpoint then an  'IllegalArgument' error is returned.
  rpc GetBakersRewardPeriod(BlockHashInput) returns (stream BakerRewardPeriodInfo);

  // For a non-genesis block, this returns the quorum certificate, a timeout
  // certificate (if present) and epoch finalization entry (if present).
  // Note that, if the block being pointed to is not a product of ConcordiumBFT,
  // then the response will be a grpc error (invalid argument).
  // If the endpoint is not enabled by the node, then an 'unimplemented' error
  // will be returned.
  rpc GetBlockCertificates(BlockHashInput) returns (BlockCertificates);

  // Get the list of bakers that won the lottery in a particular historical epoch (i.e. the
  // last finalized block is in a later epoch). This lists the winners for each round in the
  // epoch, starting from the round after the last block in the previous epoch, running to
  // the round before the first block in the next epoch. It also indicates if a block in each
  // round was included in the finalized chain.
  // The following error cases are possible:
  //  * `NOT_FOUND` if the query specifies an unknown block.
  //  * `UNAVAILABLE` if the query is for an epoch that is not finalized in the current genesis
  //     index, or is for a future genesis index.
  //  * `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if the query is for an epoch that is not finalized for a past genesis
  //    index.
  //  * `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if the query is for a genesis index at consensus version 0.
  //  * `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if the input `EpochRequest` is malformed.
  //  * `UNIMPLEMENTED` if the endpoint is disabled on the node.
  rpc GetWinningBakersEpoch (EpochRequest) returns (stream WinningBaker);

  // Get the block hash of the first finalized block in a specified epoch.
  // The following error cases are possible:
  //  * `NOT_FOUND` if the query specifies an unknown block.
  //  * `UNAVAILABLE` if the query is for an epoch that is not finalized in the current genesis
  //    index, or is for a future genesis index.
  //  * `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if the query is for an epoch with no finalized blocks for a past genesis
  //    index.
  //  * `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if the input `EpochRequest` is malformed.
  //  * `UNIMPLEMENTED` if the endpoint is disabled on the node.
  rpc GetFirstBlockEpoch (EpochRequest) returns (BlockHash);

  // Dry run a series of transactions and operations on a state derived from a specified block.
  // The server should send a single `DryRunResponse` for each `DryRunRequest` received, unless
  // the call fails with an error status code. If a request produces a `DryRunErrorResponse`, then
  // the server will still process subsequent requests, just as if the request causing the error
  // did not happen.
  // The first request should be `load_block_at_state` to determine the block state that will be
  // used for the dry run.
  // The server associates each request with an energy cost, and limits the total energy that may
  // be expended in a single invocation of `DryRun`. This limit is reported as `quota` in the
  // initial metadata returned by the server. If executing an operation exceeds the limit,
  // the server terminates the session with `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`.
  // The server also imposes a timeout for a dry-run session to complete. The server reports
  // the timeout duration in milliseconds in the initial metadata field `timeout`. If the session
  // is not completed before the timeout elapses, the server terminates the session with
  // The following error cases are possible:
  //  * `INVALID_ARGUMENT` if any `DryRunRequest` is malformed.
  //  * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED` if the energy quota is exceeded.
  //  * `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED` if the session does not complete before the server-imposed timeout.
  //  * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED` if the server is not currently accepting new `DryRun` sessions.
  //    (The server may impose a limit on the number of concurrent sessions.)
  //  * `INTERNAL` if an interal server error occurs. This should not happen, and likely indicates
  //    a bug.
  //  * `UNIMPLEMENTED` if the endpoint is disabled on the node.
  rpc DryRun (stream DryRunRequest) returns (stream DryRunResponse);

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