com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.backend.datastore.AbstractDatabasePersistence.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2019 - Convergence Labs, Inc.
* This file is part of the Convergence Server, which is released under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). A copy
* of the GPLv3 should have been provided along with this file, typically
* located in the "LICENSE" file, which is part of this source code package.
* Alternatively, see for the
* full text of the GPLv3 license, if it was not provided.
package com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.backend.datastore
import com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.backend.db.DatabaseProvider
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocument
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import scala.util.{Failure, Try}
* The [[AbstractDatabasePersistence]] class provides help utilities for the
* various persistence stores.
* @param dbProvider The DatabaseProvider that provides a connection to
* the database.
abstract class AbstractDatabasePersistence(dbProvider: DatabaseProvider) extends Logging {
protected def tryWithDb[B](block: ODatabaseDocument => B): Try[B] =
protected def withDb[B](block: ODatabaseDocument => Try[B]): Try[B] =
protected def withDb[B](db: Option[ODatabaseDocument])(block: ODatabaseDocument => Try[B]): Try[B] =
db match {
case Some(db) =>
case None =>
protected def withDbTransaction[B](block: ODatabaseDocument => Try[B]): Try[B] = {
// FIXME uncomment the transactions when this is fixed:
dbProvider.withDatabase(db =>
(for {
// _ <- Try(db.begin())
result <- block(db)
// _ <- Try(db.commit())
} yield result)
protected def rollback[U](db: ODatabaseDocument): PartialFunction[Throwable, Try[U]] = { cause =>
Try(db.rollback()).recover { cause =>
error("Failed to rollback transaction.", cause)