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com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.backend.db.schema.SchemaManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2019 - Convergence Labs, Inc.
* This file is part of the Convergence Server, which is released under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). A copy
* of the GPLv3 should have been provided along with this file, typically
* located in the "LICENSE" file, which is part of this source code package.
* Alternatively, see for the
* full text of the GPLv3 license, if it was not provided.
package com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.backend.db.schema
import com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.backend.db.schema.SchemaMetaDataRepository.ReadError
import com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.util.{ExceptionUtils, Sha256HashValidator}
import grizzled.slf4j.Logging
import java.time.Instant
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
* The [[SchemaManager]] is the implements the core logic for installing and
* upgrading schemas. It leverages the [[SchemaMetaDataRepository]] class as
* its source of information of what versions are installable and upgradable
* too.
* @param schemaMetaDataRepository The repository containing information on
* what versions are available.
* @param schemaStatePersistence Provides information on what deltas have
* been applied to the schema and allows
* the recording of deltas as they are
* applied.
* @param deltaApplicator A delegate that actually applies deltas
* to the schema
private[schema] class SchemaManager(schemaMetaDataRepository: SchemaMetaDataRepository,
schemaStatePersistence: SchemaStatePersistence,
deltaApplicator: DeltaApplicator) extends Logging {
import SchemaManager._
def latestAvailableVersion(): Either[RepositoryError, SchemaVersion] = {
for {
versions <- readVersionIndex
currentVersion = versions.currentVersion
semVer <- SchemaVersion
.parse(currentVersion) => RepositoryError("Could not parse semantic version: " + currentVersion))
} yield semVer
def currentlyInstalledVersion(): Either[StatePersistenceError, SchemaVersion] = {
for {
installedVersion <- schemaStatePersistence.installedVersion().fold(
{ cause =>
val message = "Could not get currently installed schema version"
error(message, cause)
version => Right(version)
semVer <- => SchemaVersion.parse(v)
.map(sv => sv) => StatePersistenceError("Could not parse semantic version: " + installedVersion)))
.getOrElse(Left(StatePersistenceError("The schema is not installed")))
} yield semVer
* Installs the latest schema into a fresh database instance.
* @return Right if successful, or a Left(error) if unsuccessful.
def install(): Either[SchemaInstallError, Unit] = {
for {
versions <- readVersionIndex
version = versions.currentVersion
manifest <- readSchemaManifest(version)
schemaDelta <- readSchemaDelta(version)
_ <- {
if (manifest.released) {
validateHash(manifest.schemaSha256, schemaDelta.script) => InvalidSchemaHashError(version, err.expected, err.actual))
} else {
_ <- installSchema(version, manifest, schemaDelta)
_ <- recordNewVersion(version,
} yield ()
def recordUpgradeStarting(): Either[StatePersistenceError, Unit] = {
.recordUpgrading().map(_ => Right(())).getOrElse(Left(StatePersistenceError("Could not record upgrade starting")))
def recordUpgradeFailure(message: String): Either[StatePersistenceError, Unit] = {
.recordUpgradeFailure(message).map(_ => Right(())).getOrElse(Left(StatePersistenceError("Could not record upgrade failure")))
* Upgrades an existing schema to the latest version.
* @return Right if successful, or a Left(error) if unsuccessful.
def upgrade(): Either[SchemaUpgradeError, Unit] = {
(for {
versions <- readVersionIndex
version = versions.currentVersion
manifest <- readSchemaManifest(version)
appliedDeltas <- appliedDeltas()
neededDeltaIds = computeNeededDeltas(, manifest.deltas)
deltas <- readAndValidateDeltas(neededDeltaIds)
_ <- recordUpgradeStarting()
_ <- applyDeltas(deltas, version)
_ <- recordNewVersion(version,
} yield ()){err =>
err match {
case DeltaApplicationError(cause) =>
recordUpgradeFailure("Unknown error applying delta during upgrade"))
case InvalidDeltaHashError(delta, _, _) =>
recordUpgradeFailure(s"Delta '$delta' failed hash verification")
case RepositoryError(message) =>
case StatePersistenceError(message) =>
private[this] def installSchema(version: String, manifest: SchemaVersionManifest, schemaDelta: InstallDeltaAndScript): Either[DeltaApplicationError, Unit] = {
val implicitDeltas: List[UpgradeDeltaId] =
List(UpgradeDeltaId(InstallDeltaReservedName, Some(InstallDeltaReservedTag))) ++ = Some(InstallDeltaReservedTag)))
(for {
_ <- deltaApplicator.applyDeltaToSchema(
_ <- schemaStatePersistence.recordImplicitDeltasFromInstall(implicitDeltas, version, schemaDelta.script)
} yield ())
.fold({ cause =>
error("Error installing schema", cause)
_ => Right(())
private[this] def computeNeededDeltas(currentDeltas: List[String], desiredDeltas: List[UpgradeDeltaEntry]): List[UpgradeDeltaEntry] =
filter(d => !currentDeltas.contains(
private[this] def applyDeltas(deltas: List[UpgradeDeltaAndScript], appliedForVersion: String): Either[DeltaApplicationError, Unit] = {
val iter = deltas.iterator
var cur: Either[DeltaApplicationError, Unit] = Right(())
while (iter.hasNext && cur.isRight) {
cur = applyDelta(, appliedForVersion)
private[this] def applyDelta(delta: UpgradeDeltaAndScript, appliedForVersion: String): Either[DeltaApplicationError, Unit] = {
debug(s"Applying delta ${}")
deltaApplicator.applyDeltaToSchema( match {
case Failure(exception) =>
recordDeltaFailure(delta, exception, appliedForVersion)
case Success(_) =>
logger.debug(s"Delta '${}' applied successfully")
recordDeltaSuccess(delta, appliedForVersion) => DeltaApplicationError())
private[this] def recordDeltaFailure(delta: UpgradeDeltaAndScript, cause: Throwable, appliedForVersion: String): Unit = {
logger.error(s"Error applying Delta '${}'", cause)
val error = ExceptionUtils.stackTraceToString(cause)
schemaStatePersistence.recordDeltaFailure(delta, error, appliedForVersion)
private[this] def recordDeltaSuccess(delta: UpgradeDeltaAndScript, appliedForVersion: String): Either[StatePersistenceError, Unit] = {
schemaStatePersistence.recordDeltaSuccess(delta, appliedForVersion) match {
case Failure(cause) =>
val message = s"Storing Delta '${}' failed"
logger.error(message, cause)
case Success(_) =>
private[this] def readAndValidateDeltas(neededDeltas: List[UpgradeDeltaEntry]): Either[SchemaUpgradeError, List[UpgradeDeltaAndScript]] = {
val iter = neededDeltas.iterator
var result: Either[SchemaUpgradeError, List[UpgradeDeltaAndScript]] = Right(List())
while (iter.hasNext && result.isRight) {
val entry =
result = for {
delta <- readDelta(entry.toDeltaId)
_ <- validateHash(entry.sha256, delta.script) => InvalidDeltaHashError(, err.expected, err.actual))
updated <- { currentList =>
currentList :+ delta
} yield updated
private[this] def readVersionIndex: Either[RepositoryError, SchemaVersionIndex] =
.readVersions() => mapReadError(e, "version index"))
private[this] def readSchemaManifest(version: String): Either[RepositoryError, SchemaVersionManifest] =
.readSchemaVersionManifest(version) => mapReadError(e, "schema version manifest"))
private[this] def readSchemaDelta(version: String): Either[RepositoryError, InstallDeltaAndScript] =
schemaMetaDataRepository.readFullSchema(version) => mapReadError(e, "schema installation delta"))
private[this] def readDelta(deltaId: UpgradeDeltaId): Either[RepositoryError, UpgradeDeltaAndScript] =
schemaMetaDataRepository.readDelta(deltaId) => mapReadError(e, s"delta $deltaId"))
private[this] def validateHash(expectedHash: String, script: String): Either[InvalidHashError, Unit] =
.validateHash(script, expectedHash) => InvalidHashError(error.expected, error.actual))
private[this] def appliedDeltas(): Either[StatePersistenceError, List[UpgradeDeltaId]] = {
{ cause =>
val message = "Could not retrieve the applied deltas for the database"
error(message, cause)
Left(StatePersistenceError(message + "\n\n" + ExceptionUtils.stackTraceToString(cause)))
deltas => Right(deltas)
private[this] def recordNewVersion(version: String, date: Instant): Either[StatePersistenceError, Unit] = {
.recordNewVersion(version, date)
{ cause =>
val message = "Could not store new version record for the database"
error(message, cause)
Left(StatePersistenceError(message + "\n\n" + ExceptionUtils.stackTraceToString(cause)))
_ => Right(())
private[this] def mapReadError(readError: ReadError, whatWasRead: String): RepositoryError =
readError match {
case SchemaMetaDataRepository.FileNotFoundError(path) =>
RepositoryError(s"The $whatWasRead was not found: " + path)
case SchemaMetaDataRepository.ParsingError(message) =>
RepositoryError(s"The $whatWasRead could not be parsed: " + message)
case SchemaMetaDataRepository.UnknownError =>
RepositoryError(s"An unknown error occurred reading the $whatWasRead.")
object SchemaManager {
val InstallDeltaReservedName = "install"
val InstallDeltaReservedTag = "install"
sealed trait SchemaInstallError
final case class InvalidSchemaHashError(version: String, expected: String, actual: String) extends SchemaInstallError
sealed trait SchemaUpgradeError
final case class InvalidDeltaHashError(deltaId: String, expected: String, actual: String) extends SchemaUpgradeError
// Common
final case class RepositoryError(message: String) extends SchemaInstallError with SchemaUpgradeError
final case class StatePersistenceError(message: String) extends SchemaInstallError with SchemaUpgradeError
final case class DeltaApplicationError(cause: Option[Throwable] = None) extends SchemaInstallError with SchemaUpgradeError
final case class InvalidHashError(expected: String, actual: String)