celabs.convergence-server_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Convergence Reference Config File #
# This reference file contains all of the default settings for Convergence.
# The file contains both defaults for Convergence itself, as well as for
# Akka. These settings can be overridden in the convergence-server.conf file.
# The root of all Convergence specific configurations.
convergence {
# Determines how long the server will wait for start up to complete before
# assuming there is a failure.
server-startup-timeout = 5 minutes
# Determines how long the server will wait for shut down to complete before
# assuming there is a failure.
server-shutdown-timeout = 2 minute
# Determines how long the server will wait for the Akka ActorSystem to
# gracefully terminate before exiting the JVM.
system-termination-timeout = 30 seconds
# How long a Domain will remain active after the last client disconnects.
domain-shutdown-delay = 10 minutes
# The number of shards for the Akka Cluster Sharding for the various
# Shard region Convergence uses.
shard-count = 100
# Persistence related configurations.
persistence {
# Configurations for the Orient DB Database.
server {
# The connection URI for the database. This MUST be set in the
# convergence-server.conf.
uri = ""
# The username of a user that has permissions to create and drop
# databases, change schema, and manage users.
admin-username = "root"
# The password for the admin user.
admin-password = "password"
# Configurations for the Convergence database within OrientDB.
convergence-database {
# The name of the Convergence database.
database = "convergence"
# Note: Orient DB uses default username and passwords for the databases.
# these will be deleted and the following users will be created.
# The username of a user that has write privileges to the database.
username = writer
# The password of a user that has write privileges to the database.
password = writer
# The password of a user that has the ability to create schema within
# the Convergence database. This user will be used to install and
# upgrade schema.
admin-username = admin
# The password for the admin database user.
admin-password = admin
# Determines the behavior of the Convergence database auto-installation
# feature. The server can check to see if the Convergence database has
# been installed on startup and if not, automatically install it.
auto-install = {
# Whether the auto-install is enabled or not.
enabled = true
# If the schema to be installed should include pre-release (e.g.
# development) deltas. Default is false for production environments.
pre-release = false
# When starting up it is possible that the Database has not yet started.
# This configures the retry interval between connection attempts.
retry-delay = 15s
# The timeout to wait for the Convergence database to become initialized.
# Either because it needed to be installed, or just to get the answer
# from the system that it is already initialized.
initialization-timeout = 10m
# Configures the OrientDB Connection pool.
pool {
# The minimum number of connections to keep alive.
db-pool-min = 0
# The maximum number of connections to create.
db-pool-max = 100
# Configurations for the Domain specific databases that Convergence
# will create for each Domain.
domain-databases {
# Whether to use the default Orient DB usernames and passwords for
# domain database. This should be set to true for production. It
# may be useful to set it to false in a development mode in order to
# more easily log into the Domain databases.
randomize-credentials = true
# If the schema to be installed should include pre-release (e.g.
# development) deltas. Default is false for production environments.
pre-release = false
# The maximum amount of time to wait for a Domain database to be
# initialized before assuming initialization has failed.
initialization-timeout = 5m
# The maximum amount of time to wait for a Domain database to be
# removed.
deletion-timeout = 5m
# Configures the OrientDB Connection pool.
pool {
# The minimum number of connections to keep alive.
db-pool-min = 0
# The maximum number of connections to create.
db-pool-max = 100
# Configures how the Server will be initialized on first startup.
bootstrap {
# Default configurations to add to the Convergence database.
default-configs {
namespaces.enabled = true
namespaces.user-namespaces-enabled = true
namespaces.default-namespace = convergence
# A list of namespaces to create in the server.
namespaces = [{
id = convergence
displayName = "Convergence"
# The set of domains to create.
domains = [{
namespace: "convergence"
id: "default"
displayName: "Default"
favorite: true
config {
authentication {
anonymousAuthEnabled: false
collection {
autoCreate: false
# Configures the default server admin user. This user will always exist in
# the system. If it is deleted, it will be re-created on server restart.
# This ensures there is always a way to administer the server.
default-server-admin {
# The username of the default server admin.
username = admin
# The password of the default server admin.
password = password
# The email of the default server admin.
email = "[email protected]"
# The first name of the default server admin.
firstName = Server
# The last name of the default server admin.
lastName = Admin
# The display name of the default server admin.
displayName = Server Admin
# Configurations for the Convergence user manager.
user-manager {
# A timeout to wait for domains in a user's namespace to be deleted when
# deleting the user.
domain-deletion-timeout = 10s
# Configurations for the Realtime API subsystem.
realtime {
# The host name to bind to. This defaults to "" which indicates the
# server should bind to all available interfaces.
host = ""
# The TCP port to bind to.
port = 8080
# Configurations for the WebSocket server.
websocket {
# The maximum number of frames to buffer for an individual web socket
# message.
max-frames = 1024
# The maximum amount of time to wait for the stream of frames for a
# single message to be completed.
max-stream-duration = 10s
# Configurations for the Convergence Realtime protocol.
protocol {
# How long to wait for the handshake process between the client and
# server to complete.
handshake-timeout = 10s
# How long the server should wait to complete processing a client request
# before sending a timeout back to the client.
default-request-timeout = 20s
# Configures the keep-alive / failure detection heart beat protocol. This
# feature helps keep the web socket connection alive and also allows both
# the client and server to more readily detect when the other side has
# disconnected uncleanly.
heartbeat = {
# Whether the heartbeat is enabled or not.
enabled = true
# How long to wait after receiving the last message from the client
# to send the client a ping message.
ping-interval = 10s
# How long to wait for a pong (or any message) from the client after a
# ping before determining the client has disconnected.
pong-timeout = 10s
# Configurations for the ClientActor on the server. Each connected client
# has a corresponding ClientActor on the server that manages the session
# with that client.
client {
# How long the WebSocket service should wait for the ClientActor to be
# spawned. The client actor is always spawned on the same host that the
# web socket connection came in on, so this should be a quick operation.
client-creation-timeout = 2s
# The maximum amount of time the client should wait to resolve the
# identity of users mentioned in outgoing messages in order to send
# identity cache updates to the client.
identity-resolution-timeout = 3s
# How long the client actor should wait to handshake with the DomainActor
# in the backend.
domain-handshake-timeout = 5s
# How long the client actor should wait for the authentication process
# to complete.
domain-authentication-timeout = 5s
# How long the client should wait to resolve the connecting users
# presence information needed to respond to the authentication
# request.
auth-presence-timeout = 3s
# How often the client should send a heartbeat to the domain to
# ensure the session is kept alive
heartbeat-interval = 30s
# Configurations for the Realtime Model subsystem.
model {
# How long a RealtimeModelActor should remain in memory after the last
# client disconnected and/or the last REST request was received.
passivation-timeout = 10s
# How long to wait for a client to provide model data during model
# initialization.
client-data-timeout = 15s
# How long to wait for a client that is resynchronizing a model to
# either send the next operation, or to complete the resync process
# after the server has indicated that it has sent all of the
# operations.
resynchronization-timeout = 5m
# Configurations for the chat subsystem.
chat {
# How long a chat actor should remain in memory after the last message /
# event was received. This does not apply to Chat Rooms since chat rooms
# shut down as soon as now clients are connected.
passivation-timeout = 120s
activity {
# How long an activity actor should remain in memory after the last message /
# event was received when no participants are joined to the activity.
passivation-timeout = 10s
# Configurations for the Domain Actors
domain {
# How long a Domain Actor will stay in memory after the last client
# disconnected.
passivation-timeout = 10s
# How often the domain actor should check for sessions that haven't
# sent a heart beat within the specified duration.
session-prune-interval = 2m
# How long beyond the last heartbeat should the domain wait before
# considering the session to be disconnected
idle-session-timeout = 1m
# Configurations for the REST API subsystem.
rest {
# The host name to bind to. This defaults to "" which indicates the
# server should bind to all available interfaces.
host = ""
# The TCP port to bind to.
port = 8081
# How long the DomainRestActor will stay in memory after the last REST
# request was received.
rest-domain-shutdown-delay = 2 minutes
# The maximum amount of time it should take for a DomainRestActor to
# shut down.
max-rest-actor-shutdown = 30 seconds
# Configures the offline subsystem.
offline {
# Specifies the interval between checking for model updates.
model-sync-interval = 5 minutes
# Akka specific configurations.
akka {
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
loglevel = "DEBUG"
logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"
# Configurations for the Jackson Serialization. Note that we
# are using the jackson-cbor serialization below in the
# akka.actor.serialization-bindings section below.
serialization.jackson {
serialization-features {
# Provides serialization optimization for Convergence types.
jackson-modules += "com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.util.serialization.akka.ConvergenceJacksonModule"
# Convergence uses Json4s internally, so we want to be able to serialize
# those values with Jackson.
jackson-modules += "org.json4s.jackson.Json4sScalaModule"
actor {
provider = "cluster"
debug {
unhandled = on
serialization-bindings {
"com.convergencelabs.convergence.server.util.serialization.akka.CborSerializable" = jackson-cbor
"com.google.protobuf.Message" = proto
# In general we do not java serialization, but we would rather warn about
# it for now rather than blow up.
warn-about-java-serializer-usage = true
allow-java-serialization = true
remote {
maximum-payload-bytes = 2 megabytes
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
artery {
transport = tcp
// Note: Ports are set to 0 by default to support testing without
// conflicting. It is likely that the application.conf will set
// them to a specific value.
bind.hostname = ""
bind.port = 0
canonical.hostname = ""
canonical.port = 0
advanced {
maximum-frame-size = 2 megabytes
cluster {
sharding.state-store-mode = ddata
sharding.distributed-data.durable.keys = []
seed-nodes = []
roles = []
sharding {
passivate-idle-entity-after = "off"
downing-provider-class = "akka.cluster.sbr.SplitBrainResolverProvider"
http {
server {
idle-timeout = 60 minutes
remote-address-header = on