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open class OutputBuffer(capacity: Int) : Buffer(capacity) {
private fun ensureCapacity(size: Int) {
val newOffset = offset + size
if (newOffset < data.size) {
val newData = ByteArray(newOffset)
System.arraycopy(data, 0, newData, 0, data.size)
data = newData
fun write(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return write(value.toByte())
fun write(value: Byte): OutputBuffer {
data[offset++] = value
return this
fun write(bytes: ByteArray): OutputBuffer {
return write(bytes, 0, bytes.size)
fun write(bytes: ByteArray, offset: Int, size: Int): OutputBuffer {
for (i in offset until size) {
return this
fun write(values: ShortArray): OutputBuffer {
return write(values, 0, values.size)
fun write(values: ShortArray, offset: Int, size: Int): OutputBuffer {
ensureCapacity(size * 2)
for (i in offset until size) {
return this
fun write(values: IntArray): OutputBuffer {
return write(values, 0, values.size)
fun write(values: IntArray, offset: Int, size: Int): OutputBuffer {
ensureCapacity(size * 4)
for (i in offset until size) {
return this
fun write(values: LongArray): OutputBuffer {
return write(values, 0, values.size)
fun write(values: LongArray, offset: Int, size: Int): OutputBuffer {
ensureCapacity(size * 8)
for (i in offset until size) {
return this
fun writeBoolean(value: Boolean): OutputBuffer {
return write(if (value) 1 else 0)
fun writeShort(value: Short): OutputBuffer {
return writeShort(value.toInt())
fun writeShort(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return if (isMsb()) writeShortMsb(value) else writeShortLsb(value)
private fun writeShortMsb(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return write(value shr 8)
private fun writeShortLsb(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return write(value)
.write(value shr 8)
fun writeInt(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return if (isMsb()) writeIntMsb(value) else writeIntLsb(value)
private fun writeIntMsb(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return write(value shr 24)
.write(value shr 16)
.write(value shr 8)
private fun writeIntLsb(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return write(value)
.write(value shr 8)
.write(value shr 16)
.write(value shr 24)
private fun writeIntReversed(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return if (isMsb()) writeIntLsb(value) else writeIntMsb(value)
fun writeLong(value: Long): OutputBuffer {
return if (isMsb()) writeLongMsb(value) else writeLongLsb(value)
private fun writeLongMsb(value: Long): OutputBuffer {
return write((value shr 56).toInt())
.write((value shr 48).toInt())
.write((value shr 40).toInt())
.write((value shr 32).toInt())
.write((value shr 24).toInt())
.write((value shr 16).toInt())
.write((value shr 8).toInt())
private fun writeLongLsb(value: Long): OutputBuffer {
return write(value.toInt())
.write((value shr 8).toInt())
.write((value shr 16).toInt())
.write((value shr 24).toInt())
.write((value shr 32).toInt())
.write((value shr 40).toInt())
.write((value shr 48).toInt())
.write((value shr 56).toInt())
fun write24BitInt(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return if (isMsb()) write24BitIntMsb(value) else write24BitIntLsb(value)
private fun write24BitIntMsb(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return write(value shr 16)
.write(value shr 8)
private fun write24BitIntLsb(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
return write(value)
.write(value shr 8)
.write(value shr 16)
fun writeSmart(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
if (value < 64 && value >= -64) {
return write(value + 64)
return writeShort((value + 49152).toShort())
fun writeUnsignedSmart(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
if (value < 128) {
return write(value.toByte())
return writeShort((value + 32768).toShort())
fun writeSmart2(i: Int): OutputBuffer {
var value = i
while (value >= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
value -= Short.MAX_VALUE.toInt()
return writeUnsignedSmart(value)
fun writeBigSmart(value: Int): OutputBuffer {
if (value >= Short.MAX_VALUE) {
return writeInt(value - Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)
return writeShort(if (value >= 0) value.toShort() else Short.MAX_VALUE)
fun writeString(value: String): OutputBuffer {
val length = value.length
ensureCapacity(length + 1)
for (i in 0 until length) {
val char = value[i]
if (char.toInt() > 0 && char < '\u0080' || char in '\u00a0'..'\u00ff') {
data[offset++] = char.toByte()
} else {
data[offset++] = (SPECIAL_CHARS_MAPPED[char] ?: 63).toByte()
return this
fun writeStringRaw(string: String): OutputBuffer {
return write(string.toByteArray()).write(10)
fun writeFloat(float: Float): OutputBuffer {
return writeInt(java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(float))
fun writeFloatReversed(float: Float): OutputBuffer {
return writeIntReversed(java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(float))
fun writeBit(bit: Int, value: Int): OutputBuffer {
check(hasBitAccess()) { "No bit access." }
var numBits = bit
var bytePos = bitPosition shr 3
var bitMaskIndex = BYTE_SIZE - (bitPosition and (BYTE_SIZE - 1))
bitPosition += numBits
while (numBits > bitMaskIndex) {
data[bytePos] = (data[bytePos].toInt() and BIT_MASK[bitMaskIndex].inv()).toByte()
data[bytePos] = (data[bytePos++].toInt() or (value shr numBits - bitMaskIndex and BIT_MASK[bitMaskIndex])).toByte()
numBits -= bitMaskIndex
bitMaskIndex = BYTE_SIZE
if (numBits == bitMaskIndex) {
data[bytePos] = (data[bytePos].toInt() and BIT_MASK[bitMaskIndex].inv()).toByte()
data[bytePos] = (data[bytePos].toInt() or (value and BIT_MASK[bitMaskIndex])).toByte()
} else {
data[bytePos] = (data[bytePos].toInt() and (BIT_MASK[numBits] shl bitMaskIndex - numBits).inv()).toByte()
data[bytePos] = (data[bytePos].toInt() or (value and BIT_MASK[numBits] shl bitMaskIndex - numBits)).toByte()
return this
fun encodeXTEA(keys: IntArray, start: Int, end: Int) {
val o = offset
val j = (end - start) / 8
offset = start
for (k in 0 until j) {
val inputBuffer = toInputBuffer()
var l: Int = inputBuffer.readInt()
var i1: Int = inputBuffer.readInt()
offset = inputBuffer.offset
var sum = 0
val delta = -0x61c88647
var l1 = 32
while (l1-- > 0) {
l += sum + keys[3 and sum] xor i1 + (i1 ushr 5 xor i1 shl 4)
sum += delta
i1 += l + (l ushr 5 xor l shl 4) xor keys[0x1eec and sum ushr 11] + sum
offset -= 8
offset = o
fun toInputBuffer(copyOffset: Boolean = true): InputBuffer {
val inputBuffer = InputBuffer(data.clone())
if (copyOffset) {
inputBuffer.offset = offset
return inputBuffer
companion object {
private val SPECIAL_CHARS_MAPPED = hashMapOf(
'\u20ac' to -128,
'\u201a' to -126,
'\u0192' to -125,
'\u201e' to -124,
'\u2026' to -123,
'\u2020' to -122,
'\u2021' to -121,
'\u02c6' to -120,
'\u2030' to -119,
'\u0160' to -118,
'\u2039' to -117,
'\u0152' to -116,
'\u017d' to -114,
'\u2018' to -111,
'\u2019' to -110,
'\u201c' to -109,
'\u201d' to -108,
'\u2022' to -107,
'\u2013' to -106,
'\u2014' to -105,
'\u02dc' to -104,
'\u2122' to -103,
'\u0161' to -102,
'\u203a' to -101,
'\u0153' to -100,
'\u017e' to -98,
'\u0178' to -97