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;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
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;; test/junit.clj: Extension to clojure.test for JUnit-compatible XML output

;; by Jason Sankey
;; June 2009


(ns ^{:doc "clojure.test extension for JUnit-compatible XML output.

  JUnit ( is the most popular unit-testing library
  for Java.  As such, tool support for JUnit output formats is
  common.  By producing compatible output from tests, this tool
  support can be exploited.

  To use, wrap any calls to clojure.test/run-tests in the
  with-junit-output macro, like this:

    (use 'clojure.test)
    (use 'clojure.test.junit)

      (run-tests '

  To write the output to a file, rebind clojure.test/*test-out* to
  your own PrintWriter (perhaps opened using"
  :author "Jason Sankey"}
  (:require [clojure.stacktrace :as stack]
            [clojure.test :as t]))

;; copied from clojure.contrib.lazy-xml
(def ^{:private true}
     (zipmap "'<>\"&" (map #(str \& % \;) '[apos lt gt quot amp])))
(defn- escape-xml [text]
  (apply str (map #(escape-xml-map % %) text)))

(def ^:dynamic *var-context*)
(def ^:dynamic *depth*)

(defn indent
  (dotimes [n (* *depth* 4)] (print " ")))

(defn start-element
  [tag pretty & [attrs]]
  (if pretty (indent))
  (print (str "<" tag))
  (if (seq attrs)
    (doseq [[key value] attrs]
      (print (str " " (name key) "=\"" (escape-xml value) "\""))))
  (print ">")
  (if pretty (println))
  (set! *depth* (inc *depth*)))

(defn element-content
  (print (escape-xml content)))

(defn finish-element
  [tag pretty]
  (set! *depth* (dec *depth*))
  (if pretty (indent))
  (print (str ""))
  (if pretty (println)))

(defn test-name
  (apply str (interpose "."
                        (reverse (map #(:name (meta %)) vars)))))

(defn package-class
  (let [i (.lastIndexOf name ".")]
    (if (< i 0)
      [nil name]
      [(.substring name 0 i) (.substring name (+ i 1))])))

(defn start-case
  [name classname]
  (start-element 'testcase true {:name name :classname classname}))

(defn finish-case
  (finish-element 'testcase true))

(defn suite-attrs
  [package classname]
  (let [attrs {:name classname}]
    (if package
      (assoc attrs :package package)

(defn start-suite
  (let [[package classname] (package-class name)]
    (start-element 'testsuite true (suite-attrs package classname))))

(defn finish-suite
  (finish-element 'testsuite true))

(defn message-el
  [tag message expected-str actual-str]
  (start-element tag false (if message {:message message} {}))
   (let [[file line] (t/file-position 5)
         detail (apply str (interpose
                            [(str "expected: " expected-str)
                             (str "  actual: " actual-str)
                             (str "      at: " file ":" line)]))]
     (if message (str message "\n" detail) detail)))
  (finish-element tag false)

(defn failure-el
  [message expected actual]
  (message-el 'failure message (pr-str expected) (pr-str actual)))

(defn error-el
  [message expected actual]
  (message-el 'error
              (pr-str expected)
              (if (instance? Throwable actual)
                (with-out-str (stack/print-cause-trace actual t/*stack-trace-depth*))
                (prn actual))))

;; This multimethod will override test-is/report
(defmulti ^:dynamic junit-report :type)

(defmethod junit-report :begin-test-ns [m]
   (start-suite (name (ns-name (:ns m))))))

(defmethod junit-report :end-test-ns [_]

(defmethod junit-report :begin-test-var [m]
   (let [var (:var m)]
     (binding [*var-context* (conj *var-context* var)]
       (start-case (test-name *var-context*) (name (ns-name (:ns (meta var)))))))))

(defmethod junit-report :end-test-var [m]

(defmethod junit-report :pass [m]
   (t/inc-report-counter :pass)))

(defmethod junit-report :fail [m]
   (t/inc-report-counter :fail)
   (failure-el (:message m)
               (:expected m)
               (:actual m))))

(defmethod junit-report :error [m]
   (t/inc-report-counter :error)
   (error-el (:message m)
             (:expected m)
             (:actual m))))

(defmethod junit-report :default [_])

(defmacro with-junit-output
  "Execute body with modified test-is reporting functions that write
  JUnit-compatible XML output."
  {:added "1.1"}
  [& body]
  `(binding [t/report junit-report
             *var-context* (list)
             *depth* 1]
       (println "")
       (println ""))
     (let [result# (do ~@body)]
       (t/with-test-out (println ""))

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