fipp.ednize.cljs Maven / Gradle / Ivy
(ns fipp.ednize
(:require [clojure.string :as s]))
(defprotocol IEdn
"Perform a shallow conversion to an Edn data structure."
(-edn [x]))
;;TODO Automated test cases for all of these!
;;XXX Usages of type/pr-str seem wrong...
(defn edn [x]
(object? x)
(tagged-literal 'js
(into {} (for [k (js-keys x)]
[(keyword k) (aget x k)])))
(array? x)
(tagged-literal 'js (vec x))
(satisfies? IDeref x)
(let [pending? (and (satisfies? IPending x)
(not (realized? x)))
;; Can this throw and yield status :failed like in JVM Clojure?
val (when-not pending?
status (if pending?
(tagged-literal 'object
[(-> x type pr-str symbol)
{:status status :val val}]))
(instance? js/Date x)
(tagged-literal 'inst
(let [normalize (fn [n len]
(loop [ns (str n)]
(if (< (count ns) len)
(recur (str "0" ns))
(str (.getUTCFullYear x) "-"
(normalize (inc (.getUTCMonth x)) 2) "-"
(normalize (.getUTCDate x) 2) "T"
(normalize (.getUTCHours x) 2) ":"
(normalize (.getUTCMinutes x) 2) ":"
(normalize (.getUTCSeconds x) 2) "."
(normalize (.getUTCMilliseconds x) 3) "-"
(satisfies? IEdn x)
(-edn x)
;;TODO Something better.
(tagged-literal 'object [(-> x type pr-str symbol)])
(extend-protocol IEdn
(-edn [x]
(tagged-literal 'uuid (str x)))
(-edn [x]
(tagged-literal 'ExceptionInfo
(merge {:message (ex-message x)
:data (ex-data x)}
(when-let [cause (ex-cause x)]
{:cause cause}))))
(defn record->tagged [x]
(tagged-literal (s/split (-> x type pr-str) #"/" 2)
(into {} x)))