Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014-2021 JetBrains s.r.o and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*
import io.ktor.http.content.*
import io.ktor.util.*
import io.ktor.util.reflect.*
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.reflect.*
* A pair of a [request] and [response] for a specific [HttpClient].
* @property client the client that executed the call.
public open class HttpClientCall(
public val client: HttpClient
) : CoroutineScope {
private val received: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = response.coroutineContext
* Typed [Attributes] associated to this call serving as a lightweight container.
public val attributes: Attributes get() = request.attributes
* The [request] sent by the client.
public lateinit var request: HttpRequest
protected set
* The [response] sent by the server.
public lateinit var response: HttpResponse
protected set
public constructor(
client: HttpClient,
requestData: HttpRequestData,
responseData: HttpResponseData
) : this(client) {
this.request = DefaultHttpRequest(this, requestData)
this.response = DefaultHttpResponse(this, responseData)
if (responseData.body !is ByteReadChannel) {
attributes.put(CustomResponse, responseData.body)
protected open val allowDoubleReceive: Boolean = false
protected open suspend fun getResponseContent(): ByteReadChannel = response.content
* Tries to receive the payload of the [response] as a specific expected type provided in [info].
* Returns [response] if [info] corresponds to [HttpResponse].
* @throws NoTransformationFoundException If no transformation is found for the type [info].
* @throws DoubleReceiveException If already called [body].
public suspend fun bodyNullable(info: TypeInfo): Any? {
try {
if (response.instanceOf(info.type)) return response
if (!allowDoubleReceive && !received.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
throw DoubleReceiveException(this)
val responseData = attributes.getOrNull(CustomResponse) ?: getResponseContent()
val subject = HttpResponseContainer(info, responseData)
val result = client.responsePipeline.execute(this, subject).response.takeIf { it != NullBody }
if (result != null && !result.instanceOf(info.type)) {
val from = result::class
val to = info.type
throw NoTransformationFoundException(response, from, to)
return result
} catch (cause: Throwable) {
response.cancel("Receive failed", cause)
throw cause
} finally {
* Tries to receive the payload of the [response] as a specific expected type provided in [info].
* Returns [response] if [info] corresponds to [HttpResponse].
* @throws NoTransformationFoundException If no transformation is found for the type [info].
* @throws DoubleReceiveException If already called [body].
* @throws NullPointerException If content is `null`.
public suspend fun body(info: TypeInfo): Any = bodyNullable(info)!!
override fun toString(): String = "HttpClientCall[${request.url}, ${response.status}]"
internal fun setResponse(response: HttpResponse) {
this.response = response
internal fun setRequest(request: HttpRequest) {
this.request = request
public companion object {
* [CustomResponse] key used to process the response of custom type in case of [HttpClientEngine] can't return body bytes directly.
* If present, attribute value will be an initial value for [HttpResponseContainer] in [HttpClient.responsePipeline].
* Example: [WebSocketSession]
"This is going to be removed. Please file a ticket with clarification why and what for do you need it.",
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR
public val CustomResponse: AttributeKey = AttributeKey("CustomResponse")
* Tries to receive the payload of the [response] as a specific type [T].
* @throws NoTransformationFoundException If no transformation is found for the type [T].
* @throws DoubleReceiveException If already called [body].
public suspend inline fun HttpClientCall.body(): T = bodyNullable(typeInfo()) as T
* Tries to receive the payload of the [response] as a specific type [T].
* @throws NoTransformationFoundException If no transformation is found for the type [T].
* @throws DoubleReceiveException If already called [body].
public suspend inline fun HttpResponse.body(): T = call.bodyNullable(typeInfo()) as T
* Tries to receive the payload of the [response] as a specific type [T] described in [typeInfo].
* @throws NoTransformationFoundException If no transformation is found for the type info [typeInfo].
* @throws DoubleReceiveException If already called [body].
public suspend fun HttpResponse.body(typeInfo: TypeInfo): T = call.bodyNullable(typeInfo) as T
* Exception representing that the response payload has already been received.
public class DoubleReceiveException(call: HttpClientCall) : IllegalStateException() {
override val message: String = "Response already received: $call"
* Exception representing fail of the response pipeline
* [cause] contains origin pipeline exception
@Suppress("KDocMissingDocumentation", "unused")
public class ReceivePipelineException(
public val request: HttpClientCall,
public val info: TypeInfo,
override val cause: Throwable
) : IllegalStateException("Fail to run receive pipeline: $cause")
* Exception representing the no transformation was found.
* It includes the received type and the expected type as part of the message.
public class NoTransformationFoundException(
response: HttpResponse,
from: KClass<*>,
to: KClass<*>
) : UnsupportedOperationException() {
override val message: String? = """No transformation found: $from -> $to
|with response from ${response.request.url}:
|status: ${response.status}
|response headers:
|${response.headers.flattenEntries().joinToString { (key, value) -> "$key: $value\n" }}