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package io.ktor.client.plugins
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.statement.*
import io.ktor.client.utils.*
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.util.*
import io.ktor.util.logging.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.random.*
private val LOGGER = KtorSimpleLogger("io.ktor.client.plugins.HttpRequestRetry")
* A plugin that enables the client to retry failed requests.
* The default retry policy is 3 retries with exponential delay.
* Typical usages:
* ```
* // use predefined retry policies
* install(HttpRequestRetry) {
* retryOnServerErrors(maxRetries = 3)
* exponentialDelay()
* }
* // use custom policies
* install(HttpRequestRetry) {
* maxRetries = 5
* retryIf { request, response -> !response.status.isSuccess() }
* retryOnExceptionIf { request, cause -> cause is NetworkError }
* delayMillis { retry -> retry * 3000 } // will retry in 3, 6, 9, etc. seconds
* modifyRequest { it.headers.append("X_RETRY_COUNT", retryCount.toString()) }
* }
* ```
public class HttpRequestRetry internal constructor(configuration: Configuration) {
* A context for [HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.shouldRetry]
* and [HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.shouldRetryOnException]
public class ShouldRetryContext(
* A retry count starting from 1
public val retryCount: Int
* A context for [HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.delayMillis].
* Contains a non-null [response] or [cause] but not both.
public class DelayContext internal constructor(
public val request: HttpRequestBuilder,
public val response: HttpResponse?,
public val cause: Throwable?
* A context for [HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.modifyRequest].
* Contains a non-null [response] or [cause] but not both.
public class ModifyRequestContext internal constructor(
* An original request
public val request: HttpRequestBuilder,
public val response: HttpResponse?,
public val cause: Throwable?,
* A retry count that starts from 1
public val retryCount: Int,
* Data for the [HttpRequestRetryEvent] event. Contains a non-null [response] or [cause] but not both.
public class RetryEventData internal constructor(
public val request: HttpRequestBuilder,
public val retryCount: Int,
public val response: HttpResponse?,
public val cause: Throwable?
private val shouldRetry: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequest, HttpResponse) -> Boolean = configuration.shouldRetry
private val shouldRetryOnException: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequestBuilder, Throwable) -> Boolean =
private val delayMillis: DelayContext.(Int) -> Long = configuration.delayMillis
private val delay: suspend (Long) -> Unit = configuration.delay
private val maxRetries: Int = configuration.maxRetries
private val modifyRequest: ModifyRequestContext.(HttpRequestBuilder) -> Unit = configuration.modifyRequest
* Contains [HttpRequestRetry] configurations settings.
public class Configuration {
internal lateinit var shouldRetry: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequest, HttpResponse) -> Boolean
internal lateinit var shouldRetryOnException: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequestBuilder, Throwable) -> Boolean
internal lateinit var delayMillis: DelayContext.(Int) -> Long
internal var modifyRequest: ModifyRequestContext.(HttpRequestBuilder) -> Unit = {}
internal var delay: suspend (Long) -> Unit = { kotlinx.coroutines.delay(it) }
* The maximum amount of retries to perform for a request.
public var maxRetries: Int = 0
init {
* Disables retry.
public fun noRetry() {
maxRetries = 0
shouldRetry = { _, _ -> false }
shouldRetryOnException = { _, _ -> false }
* Modifies a request before retrying.
public fun modifyRequest(block: ModifyRequestContext.(HttpRequestBuilder) -> Unit) {
modifyRequest = block
* Specifies retry logic for a response. The [block] accepts [HttpRequest] and [HttpResponse]
* and should return `true` if this request should be retried.
public fun retryIf(maxRetries: Int = -1, block: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequest, HttpResponse) -> Boolean) {
if (maxRetries != -1) this.maxRetries = maxRetries
shouldRetry = block
* Specifies retry logic for failed requests. The [block] accepts [HttpRequestBuilder]
* and [Throwable] and should return true if this request should be retried.
public fun retryOnExceptionIf(
maxRetries: Int = -1,
block: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequestBuilder, Throwable) -> Boolean
) {
if (maxRetries != -1) this.maxRetries = maxRetries
shouldRetryOnException = block
* Enables retrying a request if an exception is thrown during the [HttpSend] phase
* and specifies the number of retries.
@Deprecated(level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN, message = "This will be removed")
public fun retryOnException(maxRetries: Int = -1) {
retryOnException(maxRetries, false)
* Enables retrying a request if an exception is thrown during the [HttpSend] phase
* and specifies the number of retries.
* By default, [HttpRequestTimeoutException], [ConnectTimeoutException] and [SocketTimeoutException]
* are not retried.
* Set [retryOnTimeout] to `true` to retry on timeout.
* Note, that in this case, [HttpTimeout] plugin should be installed after [HttpRequestRetry].
public fun retryOnException(maxRetries: Int = -1, retryOnTimeout: Boolean = false) {
retryOnExceptionIf(maxRetries) { _, cause ->
when {
cause.isTimeoutException() -> retryOnTimeout
cause is CancellationException -> false
else -> true
* Enables retrying a request if a 5xx response is received from a server
* and specifies the number of retries.
public fun retryOnServerErrors(maxRetries: Int = -1) {
retryIf(maxRetries) { _, response ->
response.status.value.let { it in 500..599 }
* Enables retrying a request if an exception is thrown during the [HttpSend] phase
* or a 5xx response is received and specifies the number of retries.
public fun retryOnExceptionOrServerErrors(maxRetries: Int = -1) {
* Specifies delay logic for retries. The [block] accepts the number of retries
* and should return the number of milliseconds to wait before retrying.
public fun delayMillis(
respectRetryAfterHeader: Boolean = true,
block: DelayContext.(retry: Int) -> Long
) {
delayMillis = {
if (respectRetryAfterHeader) {
val retryAfter = response?.headers?.get(HttpHeaders.RetryAfter)?.toLongOrNull()?.times(1000)
maxOf(block(it), retryAfter ?: 0)
} else {
* Specifies a constant delay between retries.
* This delay equals to `millis + [0..randomizationMs]` milliseconds.
public fun constantDelay(
millis: Long = 1000,
randomizationMs: Long = 1000,
respectRetryAfterHeader: Boolean = true
) {
check(millis > 0)
check(randomizationMs >= 0)
delayMillis(respectRetryAfterHeader) {
millis + randomMs(randomizationMs)
* Specifies an exponential delay between retries, which is calculated using the Exponential backoff algorithm.
* This delay equals to `base ^ retryCount * 1000 + [0..randomizationMs]`
public fun exponentialDelay(
base: Double = 2.0,
maxDelayMs: Long = 60000,
randomizationMs: Long = 1000,
respectRetryAfterHeader: Boolean = true
) {
check(base > 0)
check(maxDelayMs > 0)
check(randomizationMs >= 0)
delayMillis(respectRetryAfterHeader) { retry ->
val delay = minOf(base.pow(retry).toLong() * 1000L, maxDelayMs)
delay + randomMs(randomizationMs)
* A function that waits for the specified number of milliseconds. Uses [kotlinx.coroutines.delay] by default.
* Useful for tests.
public fun delay(block: suspend (Long) -> Unit) {
delay = block
private fun randomMs(randomizationMs: Long): Long =
if (randomizationMs == 0L) 0L else Random.nextLong(randomizationMs)
internal fun intercept(client: HttpClient) {
client.plugin(HttpSend).intercept { request ->
var retryCount = 0
val shouldRetry = request.attributes.getOrNull(ShouldRetryPerRequestAttributeKey) ?: shouldRetry
val shouldRetryOnException =
request.attributes.getOrNull(ShouldRetryOnExceptionPerRequestAttributeKey) ?: shouldRetryOnException
val maxRetries = request.attributes.getOrNull(MaxRetriesPerRequestAttributeKey) ?: maxRetries
val delayMillis = request.attributes.getOrNull(RetryDelayPerRequestAttributeKey) ?: delayMillis
val modifyRequest = request.attributes.getOrNull(ModifyRequestPerRequestAttributeKey) ?: modifyRequest
var call: HttpClientCall
var lastRetryData: RetryEventData? = null
while (true) {
val subRequest = prepareRequest(request)
val retryData = try {
if (lastRetryData != null) {
val modifyRequestContext = ModifyRequestContext(
modifyRequest(modifyRequestContext, subRequest)
call = execute(subRequest)
if (!shouldRetry(retryCount, maxRetries, shouldRetry, call)) {
RetryEventData(subRequest, ++retryCount, call.response, null)
} catch (cause: Throwable) {
if (!shouldRetryOnException(retryCount, maxRetries, shouldRetryOnException, subRequest, cause)) {
throw cause
RetryEventData(subRequest, ++retryCount, null, cause)
lastRetryData = retryData
client.monitor.raise(HttpRequestRetryEvent, lastRetryData)
val delayContext = DelayContext(lastRetryData.request, lastRetryData.response, lastRetryData.cause)
delay(delayMillis(delayContext, retryCount))
LOGGER.trace("Retrying request ${request.url} attempt: $retryCount")
private fun shouldRetry(
retryCount: Int,
maxRetries: Int,
shouldRetry: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequest, HttpResponse) -> Boolean,
call: HttpClientCall
) = retryCount < maxRetries && shouldRetry(ShouldRetryContext(retryCount + 1), call.request, call.response)
private fun shouldRetryOnException(
retryCount: Int,
maxRetries: Int,
shouldRetry: ShouldRetryContext.(HttpRequestBuilder, Throwable) -> Boolean,
subRequest: HttpRequestBuilder,
cause: Throwable
) = retryCount < maxRetries && shouldRetry(ShouldRetryContext(retryCount + 1), subRequest, cause)
private fun prepareRequest(request: HttpRequestBuilder): HttpRequestBuilder {
val subRequest = HttpRequestBuilder().takeFrom(request)
request.executionContext.invokeOnCompletion { cause ->
val subRequestJob = subRequest.executionContext as CompletableJob
if (cause == null) subRequestJob.complete()
else subRequestJob.completeExceptionally(cause)
return subRequest
public companion object Plugin : HttpClientPlugin {
override val key: AttributeKey = AttributeKey("RetryFeature")
* Occurs on request retry.
public val HttpRequestRetryEvent: EventDefinition = EventDefinition()
override fun prepare(block: Configuration.() -> Unit): HttpRequestRetry {
val configuration = Configuration().apply(block)
return HttpRequestRetry(configuration)
override fun install(plugin: HttpRequestRetry, scope: HttpClient) {
* Configures the [HttpRequestRetry] plugin on a per-request level.
public fun HttpRequestBuilder.retry(block: HttpRequestRetry.Configuration.() -> Unit) {
val configuration = HttpRequestRetry.Configuration().apply(block)
attributes.put(ShouldRetryPerRequestAttributeKey, configuration.shouldRetry)
attributes.put(ShouldRetryOnExceptionPerRequestAttributeKey, configuration.shouldRetryOnException)
attributes.put(RetryDelayPerRequestAttributeKey, configuration.delayMillis)
attributes.put(MaxRetriesPerRequestAttributeKey, configuration.maxRetries)
attributes.put(ModifyRequestPerRequestAttributeKey, configuration.modifyRequest)
private val MaxRetriesPerRequestAttributeKey =
private val ShouldRetryPerRequestAttributeKey =
AttributeKey Boolean>(
private val ShouldRetryOnExceptionPerRequestAttributeKey =
AttributeKey Boolean>(
private val ModifyRequestPerRequestAttributeKey =
AttributeKey Unit>(
private val RetryDelayPerRequestAttributeKey =
AttributeKey Long>(
private fun Throwable.isTimeoutException(): Boolean {
val exception = unwrapCancellationException()
return exception is HttpRequestTimeoutException ||
exception is ConnectTimeoutException ||
exception is SocketTimeoutException