Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.ktor.websocket.serialization
import io.ktor.serialization.*
import io.ktor.util.reflect.*
import io.ktor.websocket.*
* Copyright 2014-2021 JetBrains s.r.o and contributors. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
* Serializes [data] to a frame and enqueues this frame.
* May suspend if the [outgoing] queue is full.
* If the [outgoing] channel is already closed, throws an exception, so it is impossible to transfer any message.
* Frames sent after a Close frame are silently ignored.
* Note that a Close frame could be sent automatically in reply to a peer's Close frame unless it is a raw WebSocket session.
* @param data The data to serialize
* @param converter The WebSocket converter
* @param charset Response charset
public suspend inline fun WebSocketSession.sendSerializedBase(
data: T,
converter: WebsocketContentConverter,
charset: Charset
) {
val serializedData = converter.serializeNullable(
charset = charset,
typeInfo = typeInfo(),
value = data
* Dequeues a frame and deserializes it to the type [T] using [converter].
* May throw [WebsocketDeserializeException] if the received frame type is not [Frame.Text] or [Frame.Binary].
* In this case, [WebsocketDeserializeException.frame] contains the received frame.
* May throw [ClosedReceiveChannelException] if a channel was closed
* @param converter The WebSocket converter
* @param charset Response charset
* @returns A deserialized value or throws [WebsocketDeserializeException] if the [converter]
* can't deserialize frame data to type [T]
public suspend inline fun WebSocketSession.receiveDeserializedBase(
converter: WebsocketContentConverter,
charset: Charset
): Any? {
val frame = incoming.receive()
if (!converter.isApplicable(frame)) {
throw WebsocketDeserializeException(
"Converter doesn't support frame type ${}",
frame = frame
val typeInfo = typeInfo()
val result = converter.deserialize(
charset = charset,
typeInfo = typeInfo,
content = frame
if (result is T) return result
if (result == null) {
if (typeInfo.kotlinType?.isMarkedNullable == true) return null
throw WebsocketDeserializeException("Frame has null content", frame = frame)
throw WebsocketDeserializeException(
"Can't deserialize value : expected value of type ${T::class.simpleName}," +
" got ${result::class.simpleName}",
frame = frame