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com.fluxchess.pulse.MoveGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Phokham Nonava
* Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
package com.fluxchess.pulse;
import static;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.Bitboard.remainder;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.Castling.*;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.Color.*;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.MoveList.MoveEntry;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.MoveType.*;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.Piece.NOPIECE;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.PieceType.*;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.Rank.*;
import static com.fluxchess.pulse.Square.*;
final class MoveGenerator {
private final MoveList moves = new MoveList<>(MoveEntry.class);
MoveList getLegalMoves(Position position, int depth, boolean isCheck) {
MoveList legalMoves = getMoves(position, depth, isCheck);
int size = legalMoves.size;
legalMoves.size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int move = legalMoves.entries[i].move;
if (!position.isCheck(opposite(position.activeColor))) {
legalMoves.entries[legalMoves.size++].move = move;
return legalMoves;
MoveList getMoves(Position position, int depth, boolean isCheck) {
moves.size = 0;
if (depth > 0) {
// Generate main moves
addMoves(moves, position);
if (!isCheck) {
int square = next(position.pieces[position.activeColor][KING]);
addCastlingMoves(moves, square, position);
} else {
// Generate quiescent moves
addMoves(moves, position);
if (!isCheck) {
int size = moves.size;
moves.size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (Move.getTargetPiece(moves.entries[i].move) != NOPIECE) {
// Add only capturing moves
moves.entries[moves.size++].move = moves.entries[i].move;
return moves;
private void addMoves(MoveList list, Position position) {
int activeColor = position.activeColor;
for (long squares = position.pieces[activeColor][PAWN]; squares != 0; squares = remainder(squares)) {
int square = next(squares);
addPawnMoves(list, square, position);
for (long squares = position.pieces[activeColor][KNIGHT]; squares != 0; squares = remainder(squares)) {
int square = next(squares);
addMoves(list, square, knightDirections, position);
for (long squares = position.pieces[activeColor][BISHOP]; squares != 0; squares = remainder(squares)) {
int square = next(squares);
addMoves(list, square, bishopDirections, position);
for (long squares = position.pieces[activeColor][ROOK]; squares != 0; squares = remainder(squares)) {
int square = next(squares);
addMoves(list, square, rookDirections, position);
for (long squares = position.pieces[activeColor][QUEEN]; squares != 0; squares = remainder(squares)) {
int square = next(squares);
addMoves(list, square, queenDirections, position);
int square = next(position.pieces[activeColor][KING]);
addMoves(list, square, kingDirections, position);
private void addMoves(MoveList list, int originSquare, int[] directions, Position position) {
int originPiece = position.board[originSquare];
boolean sliding = isSliding(Piece.getType(originPiece));
int oppositeColor = opposite(Piece.getColor(originPiece));
// Go through all move directions for this piece
for (int direction : directions) {
int targetSquare = originSquare + direction;
// Check if we're still on the board
while (Square.isValid(targetSquare)) {
int targetPiece = position.board[targetSquare];
if (targetPiece == NOPIECE) {
// quiet move
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
NORMAL, originSquare, targetSquare, originPiece, NOPIECE, NOPIECETYPE);
if (!sliding) {
targetSquare += direction;
} else {
if (Piece.getColor(targetPiece) == oppositeColor) {
// capturing move
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
NORMAL, originSquare, targetSquare, originPiece, targetPiece, NOPIECETYPE);
private void addPawnMoves(MoveList list, int pawnSquare, Position position) {
int pawnPiece = position.board[pawnSquare];
int pawnColor = Piece.getColor(pawnPiece);
// Generate only capturing moves first (i = 1)
for (int i = 1; i < pawnDirections[pawnColor].length; i++) {
int direction = pawnDirections[pawnColor][i];
int targetSquare = pawnSquare + direction;
if (Square.isValid(targetSquare)) {
int targetPiece = position.board[targetSquare];
if (targetPiece != NOPIECE) {
if (Piece.getColor(targetPiece) == opposite(pawnColor)) {
// Capturing move
if ((pawnColor == WHITE && Square.getRank(targetSquare) == r8)
|| (pawnColor == BLACK && Square.getRank(targetSquare) == r1)) {
// Pawn promotion capturing move
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, targetPiece, QUEEN);
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, targetPiece, ROOK);
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, targetPiece, BISHOP);
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, targetPiece, KNIGHT);
} else {
// Normal capturing move
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
NORMAL, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, targetPiece, NOPIECETYPE);
} else if (targetSquare == position.enPassantSquare) {
// En passant move
int captureSquare = targetSquare + (pawnColor == WHITE ? S : N);
targetPiece = position.board[captureSquare];
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
ENPASSANT, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, targetPiece, NOPIECETYPE);
// Generate non-capturing moves
int direction = pawnDirections[pawnColor][0];
// Move one rank forward
int targetSquare = pawnSquare + direction;
if (Square.isValid(targetSquare) && position.board[targetSquare] == NOPIECE) {
if ((pawnColor == WHITE && Square.getRank(targetSquare) == r8)
|| (pawnColor == BLACK && Square.getRank(targetSquare) == r1)) {
// Pawn promotion move
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, NOPIECE, QUEEN);
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, NOPIECE, ROOK);
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, NOPIECE, BISHOP);
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNPROMOTION, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, NOPIECE, KNIGHT);
} else {
// Normal move
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
NORMAL, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, NOPIECE, NOPIECETYPE);
// Move another rank forward
targetSquare += direction;
if (Square.isValid(targetSquare) && position.board[targetSquare] == NOPIECE) {
if ((pawnColor == WHITE && Square.getRank(targetSquare) == r4)
|| (pawnColor == BLACK && Square.getRank(targetSquare) == r5)) {
// Pawn double move
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
PAWNDOUBLE, pawnSquare, targetSquare, pawnPiece, NOPIECE, NOPIECETYPE);
private void addCastlingMoves(MoveList list, int kingSquare, Position position) {
int kingPiece = position.board[kingSquare];
if (Piece.getColor(kingPiece) == WHITE) {
// Do not test g1 whether it is attacked as we will test it in isLegal()
if ((position.castlingRights & WHITE_KINGSIDE) != NOCASTLING
&& position.board[f1] == NOPIECE
&& position.board[g1] == NOPIECE
&& !position.isAttacked(f1, BLACK)) {
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
CASTLING, kingSquare, g1, kingPiece, NOPIECE, NOPIECETYPE);
// Do not test c1 whether it is attacked as we will test it in isLegal()
if ((position.castlingRights & WHITE_QUEENSIDE) != NOCASTLING
&& position.board[b1] == NOPIECE
&& position.board[c1] == NOPIECE
&& position.board[d1] == NOPIECE
&& !position.isAttacked(d1, BLACK)) {
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
CASTLING, kingSquare, c1, kingPiece, NOPIECE, NOPIECETYPE);
} else {
// Do not test g8 whether it is attacked as we will test it in isLegal()
if ((position.castlingRights & BLACK_KINGSIDE) != NOCASTLING
&& position.board[f8] == NOPIECE
&& position.board[g8] == NOPIECE
&& !position.isAttacked(f8, WHITE)) {
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
CASTLING, kingSquare, g8, kingPiece, NOPIECE, NOPIECETYPE);
// Do not test c8 whether it is attacked as we will test it in isLegal()
if ((position.castlingRights & BLACK_QUEENSIDE) != NOCASTLING
&& position.board[b8] == NOPIECE
&& position.board[c8] == NOPIECE
&& position.board[d8] == NOPIECE
&& !position.isAttacked(d8, WHITE)) {
list.entries[list.size++].move = Move.valueOf(
CASTLING, kingSquare, c8, kingPiece, NOPIECE, NOPIECETYPE);