experimental.versions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.github.aselab.activerecord.experimental
import com.github.aselab.activerecord._
trait Versionable extends ActiveRecord with Serializable {
import reflections.ReflectionUtil._
@dsl.Ignore private lazy val _className = getClass.getName
abstract override def doUpdate: Boolean = dsl.inTransaction {
changed.foreach { case (name, value) =>
Version(_className, this.id, name, value._1.toString, value._2.toString).save
@dsl.Ignore private var changed = collection.mutable.Map[String, (Any, Any)]()
private def setId(id: Long) = {
val f = classOf[ActiveRecord].getDeclaredField("id")
f.set(this, id)
def map(newValues: (String, Any)*): this.type = {
val constructor = this.getClass.getConstructors.head
val n = constructor.newInstance(productIterator.map(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).toSeq:_*).asInstanceOf[this.type]
(_companion.fields.map {
f => (f.name, this.getValue[Any](f.name))
}.toMap ++ newValues).foreach {
case (k, v) => n.setValue(k, v)
newValues.foreach {
case (name, newValue) =>
val oldValue = this.getValue[Any](name)
if (oldValue != newValue) n.changed += ((name, (oldValue, newValue)))
def apply(newValues: (String, Any)*): this.type = map(newValues:_*)
case class Version(
targetTable: String,
targetId: Long,
field: String,
oldValue: String,
newValue: String
) extends ActiveRecord
object Version extends ActiveRecordCompanion[Version]
trait VersionTable extends org.squeryl.Schema {
val _versionTable = table[Version]