validations.validations.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.github.aselab.activerecord.validations
import com.github.aselab.activerecord._
import inner._
import reflections._
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation
import org.apache.commons.validator.GenericValidator.isEmail
import scala.util.DynamicVariable
import java.util.Locale
class Errors(model: Class[_]) extends Iterable[ValidationError] {
protected val errorList =
private var changed = false
private var _errors = Map.empty[String, Seq[ValidationError]]
protected def errors = {
if (changed) {
_errors = errorList.groupBy(_.key)
changed = false
def iterator: Iterator[ValidationError] = errorList.iterator
def add(message: String): Unit = add("", message)
def add(fieldName: String, message: String, args: Any*) {
errorList += ValidationError(model, fieldName, message, args:_*)
changed = true
def exists(fieldName: String): Boolean = errors.isDefinedAt(fieldName)
def get(fieldName: String): Seq[ValidationError] =
errors.getOrElse(fieldName, Nil)
def apply(fieldName: String): Seq[ValidationError] = get(fieldName)
def global: Seq[ValidationError] = get("")
def clear {
changed = true
def messages(implicit locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault): Seq[String] =
trait Validatable extends Saveable { self: ProductModel =>
val errors = new Errors(getClass)
private var _validated = false
def globalErrors: Seq[ValidationError] =
def fieldErrors: Seq[ValidationError] = errors.filterNot(_.isGlobal).toSeq
abstract override def save(): Boolean = validate &&
def saveWithoutValidation(): Boolean =
def validate(): Boolean = {
if (!_validated) {
_validated = true
def isValid: Boolean = validate
def hasErrors: Boolean = !isValid
def hasError(name: String): Boolean = errors.get(name).nonEmpty
def clearErrors(): Unit = {
_validated = false
protected def doValidate(): Unit = {}
protected def beforeValidation(): Unit = {}
case class ValidationError(
model: Class[_], key: String, error: String, args: Any*
) {
lazy val translator = Config.translator
val isGlobal: Boolean = key == ""
def label(implicit locale: Locale): String = translator.field(model, key)
def message(implicit locale: Locale): String =
translator.apply(error, args:_*)
def translation(implicit locale: Locale): String = {
if (isGlobal) message else label + " " + message
override def toString: String = translation(Locale.getDefault)
def copy(model: Class[_] = this.model, key: String = this.key, error: String = this.error) =
ValidationError(model, key, error, this.args:_*)
abstract class Validator[T <: Validator.AnnotationType](implicit m: Manifest[T]) {
val _annotation = new DynamicVariable[Annotation](null)
val _fieldName = new DynamicVariable[String](null)
val _model = new DynamicVariable[Validatable](null)
def annotation: T = _annotation.value.asInstanceOf[T]
def fieldName: String = _fieldName.value
def model: Validatable = _model.value
def errors: Errors = model.errors
def message(error: String): String = Option(annotation.message).filter(!_.isEmpty)
.getOrElse(Validator.ERROR_PREFIX + error)
def validate(value: Any): Unit
def validateWith(v: Any, a: Annotation, model: Validatable, name: String): Unit = {
_annotation.withValue(a) {
_model.withValue(model) {
_fieldName.withValue(name) {
val skip = (annotation.on match {
case "save" => false
case "create" if model.isNewRecord => false
case "update" if !model.isNewRecord => false
case _ => true
if (!skip) validate(v)
def register: Validator[T] = {
def unregister: Validator[T] = {
object Validator {
val ERROR_PREFIX = "activerecord.errors."
type AnnotationType = Annotation with ({
def message(): String
def on(): String
type A = Class[_ <: Annotation]
lazy val validators = collection.mutable.Map[A, Validator[_ <: AnnotationType]](
classOf[annotations.Required] -> requiredValidator,
classOf[annotations.Length] -> lengthValidator,
classOf[annotations.Range] -> rangeValidator,
classOf[annotations.Email] -> emailValidator,
classOf[annotations.Accepted] -> acceptedValidator,
classOf[annotations.Format] -> formatValidator,
classOf[annotations.Confirmation] -> confirmationValidator,
classOf[annotations.StringEnum] -> stringEnumValidator,
classOf[annotations.NumberEnum] -> numberEnumValidator,
classOf[annotations.Unique] -> uniqueValidator
def register[T <: AnnotationType](validator: Validator[T])(implicit m: Manifest[T]): Unit =
validators += (m.erasure.asInstanceOf[A] -> validator)
def unregister(annotation: A): Unit = validators -= annotation
def unregister[T <: AnnotationType](validator: Validator[T])(implicit m: Manifest[T]): Unit =
def get(annotation: A): Option[Validator[AnnotationType]] =
def get(annotation: Annotation): Option[Validator[AnnotationType]] =
def isBlank(value: Any): Boolean = value == null || value.toString.isEmpty
def confirmationFieldName(fieldName: String, a: annotations.Confirmation): String =
Option(a.value).filter(!_.isEmpty).getOrElse(fieldName + "Confirmation")
val requiredValidator = new Validator[annotations.Required] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit =
if (isBlank(value)) errors.add(fieldName, message("required"))
val lengthValidator = new Validator[annotations.Length] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit = if (!isBlank(value)) {
val l = value.toString.length
val min = annotation.min
val max = annotation.max
if (annotation.message.isEmpty) {
if (l < min) errors.add(fieldName, ERROR_PREFIX + "minLength", min)
if (l > max) errors.add(fieldName, ERROR_PREFIX + "maxLength", max)
} else {
if (l < min || l > max) errors.add(fieldName, annotation.message)
val rangeValidator = new Validator[annotations.Range] {
private def min = annotation.min
private def max = annotation.max
def range[T <% Ordered[T]](min: T, v: T, max: T): Unit = {
if (annotation.message.isEmpty) {
if (v < min) errors.add(fieldName, ERROR_PREFIX + "minValue", min)
if (v > max) errors.add(fieldName, ERROR_PREFIX + "maxValue", max)
} else {
if (v < min || v > max) errors.add(fieldName, annotation.message)
def validate(value: Any): Unit = value match {
case v: Int => range(min.toInt, v, max.toInt)
case v: Long => range(min.toLong, v, max.toLong)
case v: Float => range(min.toFloat, v, max.toFloat)
case v: Double => range(min, v, max)
case _ =>
val acceptedValidator = new Validator[annotations.Accepted] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit = value match {
case v: Boolean => if (!v) errors.add(fieldName, message("accepted"))
case _ =>
val emailValidator = new Validator[annotations.Email] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit =
if (!isBlank(value) && !isEmail(value.toString)) {
errors.add(fieldName, message("invalid"))
val formatValidator = new Validator[annotations.Format] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit = {
val pattern = annotation.value
if (!isBlank(value) && !isBlank(pattern) &&
pattern.r.findFirstIn(value.toString).isEmpty) {
errors.add(fieldName, message("format"))
val confirmationValidator = new Validator[annotations.Confirmation] {
import reflections.ReflectionUtil._
def validate(value: Any) :Unit = if (!isBlank(value)) {
val name = confirmationFieldName(fieldName, annotation)
val confirmationValue = try {
} catch {
case e: NoSuchFieldException =>
throw ActiveRecordException.notFoundConfirmationField(name)
if (value != confirmationValue) {
errors.add(name, message("confirmation"), fieldName)
val stringEnumValidator = new Validator[annotations.StringEnum] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit = {
val values = annotation.value.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Any]]
if (values.indexOf(value) < 0) {
errors.add(fieldName, message("enum"), values.mkString(", "))
val numberEnumValidator = new Validator[annotations.NumberEnum] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit = {
val values = annotation.value.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[Any]]
if (values.indexOf(value) < 0) {
errors.add(fieldName, message("enum"), values.mkString(", "))
val uniqueValidator = new Validator[annotations.Unique] {
def validate(value: Any): Unit = model match {
case m: ActiveRecordBase[_] if !m.recordCompanion.isUnique(fieldName, m)
=> errors.add(fieldName, message("unique"), value)
case _ =>
trait ValidationSupport extends Validatable {self: ProductModel =>
import reflections.ReflectionUtil._
abstract override def doValidate(): Unit = {
_companion.fieldInfo.foreach {
case (name, info) if classOf[Validatable].isAssignableFrom(info.fieldType) =>
case (name, info) =>
val validators = _companion.validators(name)
if (!validators.isEmpty) {
(self.getValue[Any](name) match {
case v: Option[_] => v
case v => Some(v)
}).foreach { value => validators.foreach {
case (a, validator) => validator.validateWith(value, a, this, name)
def saveEither: Either[Errors, this.type] = {
if (save) Right[Errors, this.type](this) else Left(this.errors)