tscfg.ns.NamespaceMan.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tscfg.ns
import tscfg.generators.java.javaUtil
import tscfg.model.Type
class NamespaceMan {
private val namespaces = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, Namespace]
val root: Namespace =
create("", None, collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Type]())
def resolve(namespace: String): Namespace = namespaces(namespace)
def create(
simpleName: String,
parent: Option[Namespace],
allDefines: collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Type]
): Namespace = {
s"RootNamespace.create: simpleName='$simpleName' parent=${parent
.map(p => "'" + p.getPathString + "'")}"
val ns = new Namespace(this, simpleName, parent, allDefines)
namespaces.put(ns.getPathString, ns)
object NamespaceMan {
// Checks that it is empty or a period-separated list of java identifiers
// TODO could probably be more sophisticated
def validName(namespace: String): Boolean = {
namespace.isEmpty ||