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morphling.Schema.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package morphling

import cats.*
import cats.arrow.Profunctor
import glass.{Property as TProp, *}
import morphling.HFix.*
import shapeless.{Lens as _, Prism as _, *}

 * Data types and smart constructors which simplify the creation of schema values.
 * @define PDefn
 *   The GADT type constructor for a sum type which defines the set of primitive types used in the schema.
 * @define IDefn
 *   The type of the Scala value to be produced (or consumed) by an interpreter of the schema. Also known as the "index"
 *   type of the schema.
 * @define ODefn
 *   The type of a Scala record - an object or a tuple, the property of which is being defined.
 * @define ADefn
 *   The type of the annotation applied to each node of the schema
object Schema {

   * The type of an unannotated schema.
   * This is an alias for the HFix fixpoint applied to the SchemaF type constructor.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
  type Schema[P[_], I] = HFix[SchemaF[P, *[_], *], I]

   * The type of free applicative values which are used to capture the structure of individual record properties.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam O
   *   $ODefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
  type Prop[P[_], O, I] = FreeApplicative[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], I]

  implicit def propApplicative[P[_], O]: Applicative[Prop[P, O, *]] =
    FreeApplicative.freeApplicative[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *]]

  implicit def propProfunctor[P[_]]: Profunctor[Prop[P, *, *]] = new Profunctor[Prop[P, *, *]] {
    override def dimap[O, I, N, J](prop: Prop[P, O, I])(f: N => O)(g: I => J): Prop[P, N, J] =
        .compile[PropSchema[N, Schema[P, *], *]](
          PropSchema.contraNT[O, N, Schema[P, *]](f)

   * The type of free applicative values which are used to capture the structure of record (product) types.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam R
   *   The type of the Scala value to be produced (or consumed) by an interpreter of the schema. This is usually the
   *   type of a record - an object or a tuple.
  type Props[P[_], R] = Prop[P, R, R]

   * Lifts a SchemaF value into an unannotated Schema
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @param sf
   *   The value to be annotated
   * @return
   *   the newly constructed schema value
  def schema[P[_], I](sf: => SchemaF[P, Schema[P, *], I]): Schema[P, I] =
    hfix[SchemaF[P, *[_], *], I](sf)

   * Lifts a value in an algebra of primitives into an unannotated Schema
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @param p
   *   a value of the `P` algebra
   * @return
   *   the newly constructed schema value
  def prim[P[_], I](p: P[I]): Schema[P, I] =
    schema(PrimSchema[P, Schema[P, *], I](p))

   * Builds an un-annotated schema for a record type from the free applicative capture of that record's structure.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @param props
   *   The free-applicative value that captures the structure of the record type.
  def rec[P[_], I](props: Props[P, I]): Schema[P, I] =
    schema(RecordSchema[P, Schema[P, *], I](props))

   * Smart constructor for required Prop instances.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam O
   *   $ODefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @param fieldName
   *   name of the record property
   * @param valueSchema
   *   schema for the record property's type
   * @param extract
   *   Extract lens from the record type to the property's value
  def required[P[_], O, I](fieldName: String, valueSchema: Schema[P, I], extract: Extract[O, I]): Prop[P, O, I] =
    FreeApplicative.lift[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], I](
      Required[O, Schema[P, *], I](fieldName, valueSchema, extract, None)

   * Smart constructor for required Prop instances, with a default provided for the case where a serialized form is
   * missing the required field.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam O
   *   $ODefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @param fieldName
   *   Name of the record property
   * @param valueSchema
   *   Schema for the record property's type
   * @param default
   *   Default value for use in the case that a serialized form is missing the required field.
   * @param extract
   *   Extract lens from the record type to the property's value
  def property[P[_], O, I](
      fieldName: String,
      valueSchema: Schema[P, I],
      default: I,
      extract: Extract[O, I]
  ): Prop[P, O, I] =
    FreeApplicative.lift[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], I](
      Required[O, Schema[P, *], I](fieldName, valueSchema, extract, Some(default))

   * Smart constructor for optional Prop instances.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam O
   *   $ODefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @tparam OI
   *   hack for proper overload resolution
   * @param fieldName
   *   name of the record property
   * @param valueSchema
   *   schema for the record property's type
   * @param extract
   *   Extract lens from the record type to the property's value
  def optional[P[_], O, I, OI <: Option[I]](
      fieldName: String,
      valueSchema: Schema[P, I],
      extract: Extract[O, OI]
  ): Prop[P, O, Option[I]] =
    FreeApplicative.lift[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], Option[I]](
      Optional[O, Schema[P, *], I](fieldName, valueSchema, extract.asInstanceOf[Extract[O, Option[I]]])

   * Smart constructor for optional Prop instances.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam O
   *   $ODefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @param fieldName
   *   name of the record property
   * @param valueSchema
   *   schema for the record property's type
   * @param property
   *   Property lens from the record type to the property's value
  def optional[P[_], O, I](fieldName: String, valueSchema: Schema[P, I], property: TProp[O, I]): Prop[P, O, Option[I]] =
    FreeApplicative.lift[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], Option[I]](
      Optional[O, Schema[P, *], I](fieldName, valueSchema, property.getOption(_))

   * Smart constructor for absent Prop instances.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
  def absent[P[_]]: AbsentBuilder[P] = new AbsentBuilder[P]

   * Builder class used to construct a Absent property
  final class AbsentBuilder[P[_]] {
    def apply[O, I, OI <: Option[I]](fieldName: String, extract: Extract[O, OI]): Prop[P, O, Option[I]] =
      FreeApplicative.lift[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], Option[I]](
        Absent[O, Schema[P, *], I](fieldName, extract.asInstanceOf[Extract[O, Option[I]]])

    def apply[O, I](fieldName: String, property: TProp[O, I]): Prop[P, O, Option[I]] =
      FreeApplicative.lift[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], Option[I]](
        Absent[O, Schema[P, *], I](fieldName, property.getOption(_))

   * Smart constructor for constant Prop instances.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
  def constant[P[_]]: ConstantBuilder[P] = new ConstantBuilder[P]

   * Builder class used to construct a Constant property
  final class ConstantBuilder[P[_]] {
    def apply[O, I](fieldName: String, value: I, extract: Extract[O, I]): Prop[P, O, I] =
      FreeApplicative.lift[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], I](
        Constant(fieldName, value, extract)

   * The unannotated empty record schema, representing a constant value.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
  def const[P[_], O](obj: O): Schema[P, O] =
    rec[P, O](FreeApplicative.pure[PropSchema[O, Schema[P, *], *], O](obj))

   * Builds an un-annotated schema for the sum type `I` from an HList of alternatives.
   * Each alternative value in the list describes a single constructor of `I`. For example, to construct the schema for
   * [[scala.util.Either]] one would provide two alternatives, one for the `Left` constructor and one for `Right`.
   * An easier-to-read type signature for this function is below:
   * {{{
   *  def oneOf[P[_], I](alts: NonEmptyList[Alt[Schema[P, *], I, _]]): Schema[P, I]
   * }}}
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
  def oneOf[P[_], I]: ToOneOf[P, I] = new ToOneOf[P, I]

   * Builder class used to construct a OneOfSchema value from an HList of alternatives which are proven to provide
   * handling for every constructor of the sum type `I`.
  final class ToOneOf[P[_], I] {
    def apply[H <: HList](ctrs: H)(implicit ev: Constructors[I, Alt[Schema[P, *], I, *], H]): Schema[P, I] =
      schema(OneOfSchema[P, Schema[P, *], I](ev.toNel(ctrs)))

  def oneOfDiscr[P[_], I](discriminatorField: String): ToOneOfWithDiscriminator[P, I] =
    new ToOneOfWithDiscriminator[P, I](discriminatorField)

   * Builder class used to construct a OneOfSchema value with discriminator field from an HList of alternatives which
   * are proven to provide handling for every constructor of the sum type `I`.
  final class ToOneOfWithDiscriminator[P[_], I](discriminatorField: String) {
    def apply[H <: HList](ctrs: H)(implicit ev: Constructors[I, Alt[Schema[P, *], I, *], H]): Schema[P, I] =
      schema(OneOfSchema[P, Schema[P, *], I](ev.toNel(ctrs), Some(discriminatorField)))

   * Builds an un-annotated schema for the sum type `I` from a list of alternatives.
   * Each alternative value in the list describes a single constructor of `I`. For example, to construct the schema for
   * [[scala.util.Either]] one would provide two alternatives, one for the `Left` constructor and one for `Right`.
   * This convenience constructor is unsafe in that the compiler will not prove that handling is present for every
   * constructor of your sum type; however, it may sometimes be needed in the case that failures of the Scala compiler
   * to correctly identify all the constructors of a sum type make it otherwise impossible to build a schema value.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
  def unsafeOneOf[P[_], I](alts: NonEmptyList[Alt[Schema[P, *], I, ?]]): Schema[P, I] =
    schema(OneOfSchema[P, Schema[P, *], I](alts))

  def unsafeOneOfDiscr[P[_], I](discriminatorField: String)(alts: NonEmptyList[Alt[Schema[P, *], I, ?]]): Schema[P, I] =
    schema(OneOfSchema[P, Schema[P, *], I](alts, Some(discriminatorField)))

   * Convenience constructor for oneOf schema alternatives.
   * @tparam P
   *   $PDefn
   * @tparam I
   *   $IDefn
   * @tparam J
   *   The type of the base value which can be mapped into the `I` algebra.
   * @param id
   *   The unique identifier of the constructor
   * @param base
   *   The schema for the `J` type
   * @param subset
   *   Prism between the sum type and the selected constructor.
  def alt[P[_], I, J](id: String, base: Schema[P, J], subset: Subset[I, J]): Alt[Schema[P, *], I, J] =
    Alt[Schema[P, *], I, J](id, base, subset)

   * HAlgebra for primitive type constructor transformation.
  def hfmapAlg[P[_], Q[_]](nt: P ~> Q): SchemaF[P, Schema[Q, *], *] ~> Schema[Q, *] =
    new HAlgebra[SchemaF[P, *[_], *], Schema[Q, *]] {
      def apply[I](s: SchemaF[P, Schema[Q, *], I]): Schema[Q, I] = hfix(s.pmap(nt))

   * Constructs the HFunctor instance for a Schema.
   * An easier-to-read type signature for this function is below:
   * {{{
   *  implicit def schemaHFunctor: HFunctor[Schema]
   * }}}
  implicit def schemaHFunctor: HFunctor[Schema] = new HFunctor[Schema] {
    def hlift[P[_], Q[_]](nt: P ~> Q): Schema[P, *] ~> Schema[Q, *] = cataNT(hfmapAlg(nt))

  implicit class SchemaOps[P[_], I](base: Schema[P, I]) {
    def composeIso[J](eqv: Equivalent[I, J]): Schema[P, J] =
      schema(IsoSchema[P, Schema[P, *], I, J](base, eqv))

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