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import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DoubleType, LongType}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class Louvain2 extends Serializable {

  def createLouvainGraph[VD: ClassTag](graph: Graph[VD, Double]): Graph[LouvainData2, Double] = {
    val nodeWeights = graph.aggregateMessages(
      (e:EdgeContext[VD, Double, Double]) => {
      (e1: Double, e2: Double) => e1 + e2

    graph.outerJoinVertices(nodeWeights)((vid, _, weightOption) => {
      val weight = weightOption.getOrElse(0.0)
      new LouvainData2(vid, weight, 0.0, weight, false)
    }).partitionBy(PartitionStrategy.EdgePartition2D).groupEdges(_ + _)

  def sendCommunityData(e: EdgeContext[LouvainData2, Double, Map[(Long, Double), Double]]) = {
    val m1 = Map((, e.srcAttr.communitySigmaTot) -> e.attr)
    val m2 = Map((, e.dstAttr.communitySigmaTot) -> e.attr)

  def mergeCommunityMessages(m1: Map[(Long, Double), Double], m2: Map[(Long, Double), Double]) = {
    val newMap = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[(Long, Double), Double]()

    m1.foreach({ case (k, v) =>
      if (newMap.contains(k)) newMap(k) = newMap(k) + v
      else newMap(k) = v

    m2.foreach({ case (k, v) =>
      if (newMap.contains(k)) newMap(k) = newMap(k) + v
      else newMap(k) = v


  def q(currCommunityId: Long, testCommunityId: Long, testSigmaTot: Double,
        edgeWeightInCommunity: Double, nodeWeight: Double, internalWeight: Double,
        totalEdgeWeight: Double): BigDecimal = {

    val isCurrentCommunity = currCommunityId.equals(testCommunityId)
    val M = BigDecimal(totalEdgeWeight)
    val k_i_in_L = if (isCurrentCommunity) edgeWeightInCommunity + internalWeight else edgeWeightInCommunity
    val k_i_in = BigDecimal(k_i_in_L)
    val k_i = BigDecimal(nodeWeight + internalWeight)
    val sigma_tot = if (isCurrentCommunity) BigDecimal(testSigmaTot) - k_i else BigDecimal(testSigmaTot)

    var deltaQ = BigDecimal(0.0)

    if (!(isCurrentCommunity && sigma_tot.equals(BigDecimal.valueOf(0.0)))) {
      deltaQ = k_i_in - (k_i * sigma_tot / M)
      //println(s"      $deltaQ = $k_i_in - ( $k_i * $sigma_tot / $M")


  def louvainVertJoin(louvainGraph: Graph[LouvainData2, Double], msgRDD: VertexRDD[Map[(Long, Double), Double]],
                      totalEdgeWeight: Broadcast[Double], even: Boolean) = {

    // innerJoin[U, VD2](other: RDD[(VertexId, U)])(f: (VertexId, VD, U) => VD2): VertexRDD[VD2]
    louvainGraph.vertices.innerJoin(msgRDD)((vid, louvainData, communityMessages) => {

      var bestCommunity =
      val startingCommunityId = bestCommunity
      var maxDeltaQ = BigDecimal(0.0)
      var bestSigmaTot: Double = 0.0

      // VertexRDD[scala.collection.immutable.Map[(Long, Long),Long]]
      // e.g. (1,Map((3,10) -> 2, (6,4) -> 2, (2,8) -> 2, (4,8) -> 2, (5,8) -> 2))
      // e.g. communityId:3, sigmaTotal:10, communityEdgeWeight:2
      communityMessages.foreach({ case ((communityId, sigmaTotal), communityEdgeWeight) =>
        val deltaQ = q(

        //println(" communtiy: "+communityId+" sigma:"+sigmaTotal+"
        //edgeweight:"+communityEdgeWeight+" q:"+deltaQ)
        if (deltaQ > maxDeltaQ || (deltaQ > 0 && (deltaQ == maxDeltaQ && communityId > bestCommunity))) {
          maxDeltaQ = deltaQ
          bestCommunity = communityId
          bestSigmaTot = sigmaTotal

      // only allow changes from low to high communties on even cyces and
      // high to low on odd cycles
      if ( != bestCommunity && ((even && > bestCommunity) || (!even && < bestCommunity))) {
        //println("  "+vid+" SWITCHED from "" to "+bestCommunity) = bestCommunity
        louvainData.communitySigmaTot = bestSigmaTot
        louvainData.changed = true
      else {
        louvainData.changed = false

      if (louvainData == null)
        println("vdata is null: " + vid)


  def louvain(sc: SparkContext, graph: Graph[LouvainData2, Double], minProgress: Int = 1,
              progressCounter: Int = 1): (Double, Graph[LouvainData2, Double], Int) = {

    var louvainGraph = graph  //.cache()

    //取得 2m
    val graphWeight = => {
      val (vertexId, louvainData) = louvainVertex
      louvainData.internalWeight + louvainData.nodeWeight
    }).reduce(_ + _)
    val totalGraphWeight = sc.broadcast(graphWeight)

    println("totalEdgeWeight: " + totalGraphWeight.value)

    // gather community information from each vertex's local neighborhood
    // 取得节点的邻居节点
    var communityRDD =
    louvainGraph.aggregateMessages(sendCommunityData, mergeCommunityMessages)

    var activeMessages = communityRDD.count() //materializes the msgRDD
    //and caches it in memory
    var updated = 0L - minProgress
    var even = false
    var count = 0
    val maxIter = 100000
    var stop = 0
    var updatedLastPhase = 0L
    do {
      count += 1
      even = !even

      // label each vertex with its best community based on neighboring
      // community information
      val labeledVertices = louvainVertJoin(louvainGraph, communityRDD,
        totalGraphWeight, even).cache()

      // calculate new sigma total value for each community (total weight
      // of each community)
      val communityUpdate = labeledVertices
        .map({ case (vid, vdata) => (, vdata.nodeWeight + vdata.internalWeight)})
        .reduceByKey(_ + _).cache()

      // map each vertex ID to its updated community information
      val communityMapping = labeledVertices
        .map({ case (vid, vdata) => (, vid)})
        .map({ case (community, (vid, sigmaTot)) => (vid, (community, sigmaTot))})

      // join the community labeled vertices with the updated community info
      val updatedVertices = labeledVertices.join(communityMapping)
        .map({ case (vertexId, (louvainData, communityTuple)) =>
          val (community, communitySigmaTot) = communityTuple
 = community
          louvainData.communitySigmaTot = communitySigmaTot
          (vertexId, louvainData)

      labeledVertices.unpersist(blocking = false)
      communityUpdate.unpersist(blocking = false)
      communityMapping.unpersist(blocking = false)

      val prevG = louvainGraph

      //更新louvainGraph的vertices 的LouvainData 信息
      louvainGraph = louvainGraph.outerJoinVertices(updatedVertices)((vid, old, newOpt) => newOpt.getOrElse(old))
      //      louvainGraph.cache()

      // gather community information from each vertex's local neighborhood
      val oldMsgs = communityRDD
      communityRDD = louvainGraph.aggregateMessages(sendCommunityData, mergeCommunityMessages).cache()
      activeMessages = communityRDD.count() // materializes the graph
      // by forcing computation

      oldMsgs.unpersist(blocking = false)
      updatedVertices.unpersist(blocking = false)
      prevG.unpersistVertices(blocking = false)

      // half of the communites can swtich on even cycles and the other half
      // on odd cycles (to prevent deadlocks) so we only want to look for
      // progess on odd cycles (after all vertcies have had a chance to
      // move)
      if (even) updated = 0
      updated = updated + louvainGraph.vertices.filter(_._2.changed).count

      if (!even) {
        println("  # vertices moved: " + java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance().format(updated))

        if (updated >= updatedLastPhase - minProgress) stop += 1

        updatedLastPhase = updated

    } while (stop <= progressCounter && (even || (updated > 0 && count < maxIter)))

    println("\nCompleted in " + count + " cycles")

    // Use each vertex's neighboring community data to calculate the
    // global modularity of the graph
    val newVertices =
    louvainGraph.vertices.innerJoin(communityRDD)((vertexId, louvainData,
                                                   communityMap) => {
      // sum the nodes internal weight and all of its edges that are in
      // its community
      val community =
      var accumulatedInternalWeight = louvainData.internalWeight
      val sigmaTot = louvainData.communitySigmaTot.toDouble
      def accumulateTotalWeight(totalWeight: Double, item: ((Long, Double), Double)) = {
        val ((communityId, sigmaTotal), communityEdgeWeight) = item
        if ( == communityId)
          totalWeight + communityEdgeWeight

      accumulatedInternalWeight = communityMap.foldLeft(accumulatedInternalWeight)(accumulateTotalWeight)
      val M = totalGraphWeight.value
      val k_i = louvainData.nodeWeight + louvainData.internalWeight
      val q = (accumulatedInternalWeight.toDouble / M) - ((sigmaTot * k_i) / math.pow(M, 2))
      //println(s"vid: $vid community: $community $q = ($k_i_in / $M) - ( ($sigmaTot * $k_i) / math.pow($M, 2) )")
      if (q < 0)

    val actualQ = newVertices.values.reduce(_ + _)

    // return the modularity value of the graph along with the
    // graph. vertices are labeled with their community
    (actualQ, louvainGraph, count / 2)


  def compressGraph(graph: Graph[LouvainData2, Double], debug: Boolean = true): Graph[LouvainData2, Double] = {
    // aggregate the edge weights of self loops. edges with both src and dst in the same community.
    // WARNING  can not use graph.mapReduceTriplets because we are mapping to new vertexIds
    val internalEdgeWeights = graph.triplets.flatMap(et => {
      if ( == {
        Iterator((, 2 * et.attr)) // count the weight from both nodes
      else Iterator.empty
    }).reduceByKey(_ + _)

    // aggregate the internal weights of all nodes in each community
    val internalWeights = =>
      (, vdata.internalWeight))
      .reduceByKey(_ + _)

    // join internal weights and self edges to find new interal weight of each community
    val newVertices = internalWeights.leftOuterJoin(internalEdgeWeights).map({ case (vid, (weight1, weight2Option)) =>
      val weight2 = weight2Option.getOrElse(0.0)
      val state = new LouvainData2() = vid
      state.changed = false
      state.communitySigmaTot = 0L
      state.internalWeight = weight1 + weight2
      state.nodeWeight = 0L
      (vid, state)

    // translate each vertex edge to a community edge
    val edges = graph.triplets.flatMap(et => {
      val src = math.min(,
      val dst = math.max(,
      if (src != dst) Iterator(new Edge(src, dst, et.attr))
      else Iterator.empty

    // generate a new graph where each community of the previous graph is
    // now represented as a single vertex
    val compressedGraph = Graph(newVertices, edges)
      .partitionBy(PartitionStrategy.EdgePartition2D).groupEdges(_ + _)

    // calculate the weighted degree of each node
    val nodeWeights = compressedGraph.aggregateMessages(
      (e:EdgeContext[LouvainData2, Double, Double]) => {
      (e1: Double, e2: Double) => e1 + e2

    // fill in the weighted degree of each node
    // val louvainGraph = compressedGraph.joinVertices(nodeWeights)((vid,data,weight)=> {
    val louvainGraph = compressedGraph.outerJoinVertices(nodeWeights)((vid, data, weightOption) => {
      val weight = weightOption.getOrElse(0.0)
      data.communitySigmaTot = weight + data.internalWeight
      data.nodeWeight = weight
    })  //.cache()
    louvainGraph.triplets.count() // materialize the graph

    newVertices.unpersist(blocking = false)
    edges.unpersist(blocking = false)

  def process(spark: SparkSession, data: DataFrame, node1: String, node2: String, edgeAttr: String,
              minimumCompressionProgress: Int = 2000, progressCounter: Int = 20): DataFrame = {
    import spark.implicits._
    //string to index
    val targetData =, col(node2), col(edgeAttr).cast(DoubleType))
    val allNodes ="node")
    val indexer = new StringIndexer()
    val nodeIndexed =
    val changedData = targetData.join(nodeIndexed, targetData(node1).equalTo(nodeIndexed("node")), "left")
      .select(col(node2), col("nodeIndex").as(node1), col(edgeAttr))
      .join(nodeIndexed, targetData(node2).equalTo(nodeIndexed("node")), "left")
      .select(col(node1).cast(LongType), col("nodeIndex").as(node2).cast(LongType), col(edgeAttr)).as[(Long, Long, Double)]

    //create graph
    val edgeRDD = => new Edge(t._1, t._2, t._3)).rdd
    val initialGraph = Graph.fromEdges(edgeRDD, None)
    var louvainGraph = createLouvainGraph(initialGraph)

    var compressionLevel = -1 // number of times the graph has been compressed
    var q_modularityValue = -1.0 // current modularity value
    var halt = false

    var qValues: Array[(Int, Double)] = Array()

    var t: RDD[(Long, Long)] = null

    do {
      compressionLevel += 1
      println(s"\nStarting Louvain level $compressionLevel")

      // label each vertex with its best community choice at this level of compression
      val (currentQModularityValue, currentGraph, numberOfPasses) =
        louvain(spark.sparkContext, louvainGraph, minimumCompressionProgress, progressCounter)

      louvainGraph.unpersistVertices(blocking = false)
      louvainGraph = currentGraph

      println(s"qValue: $currentQModularityValue")

      qValues = qValues :+ ((compressionLevel, currentQModularityValue))

      t = if(t == null) {{case (vid, louvainData) => (, vid.toLong)}
      } else {{case (vid, louvainData) => (vid.toLong,}
          .join(t).map(t => (t._2._2, t._2._1))

      // If modularity was increased by at least 0.001 compress the graph and repeat
      // halt immediately if the community labeling took less than 3 passes
      //println(s"if ($passes > 2 && $currentQ > $q + 0.001 )")
      if (numberOfPasses > 2 && currentQModularityValue > q_modularityValue + 0.001) {
        q_modularityValue = currentQModularityValue
        louvainGraph = compressGraph(louvainGraph)
      else {
        halt = true

    } while (!halt)
    //finalSave(sc, compressionLevel, q_modularityValue, louvainGraph)

//    t.take(100).foreach(println)
    val df1 = spark.createDataset(t).toDF("x", "y")
    val df2 = df1.join(nodeIndexed, df1("x").equalTo(nodeIndexed("nodeIndex")), "left")
      .select(col("y"), col("node"))
    df2.groupBy("y").agg(collect_list(col("node")).as("groups")).select(concat_ws(";", col("groups")).as("groups"))


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