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import breeze.linalg._
import{Vector, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom
import scala.collection.mutable
* A [[Tree]] is used to store data points used in k-NN search. It represents
* a binary tree node. It keeps track of the pivot vector which closely approximate
* the center of all vectors within the node. All vectors are within the radius of
* distance to the pivot vector. Finally it knows the number of leaves to help
* determining partition index.
private[ml] abstract class Tree extends Serializable {
val leftChild: Tree
val rightChild: Tree
val size: Int
val leafCount: Int
val pivot: VectorWithNorm
val radius: Double
def iterator: Iterator[RowWithVector]
* k-NN query using pre-built [[Tree]]
* @param v vector to query
* @param k number of nearest neighbor
* @return a list of neighbor that is nearest to the query vector
def query(v: Vector, k: Int = 1): Iterable[(RowWithVector, Double)] = query(new VectorWithNorm(v), k)
def query(v: VectorWithNorm, k: Int): Iterable[(RowWithVector, Double)] = query(new KNNCandidates(v, k)).toIterable
* Refine k-NN candidates using data in this [[Tree]]
private[knn] def query(candidates: KNNCandidates): KNNCandidates
* Compute QueryCost defined as || - q || - r
* when >= v.r node can be pruned
* for MetricNode this can be used to determine which child does queryVector falls into
private[knn] def distance(candidates: KNNCandidates): Double = distance(candidates.queryVector)
private[knn] def distance(v: VectorWithNorm): Double =
if(pivot.vector.size > 0) pivot.fastDistance(v) else 0.0
case object Empty extends Tree {
override val leftChild = this
override val rightChild = this
override val size = 0
override val leafCount = 0
override val pivot = new VectorWithNorm(Vectors.dense(Array.empty[Double]))
override val radius = 0.0
override def iterator: Iterator[RowWithVector] = Iterator.empty
override def query(candidates: KNNCandidates): KNNCandidates = candidates
case class Leaf (data: IndexedSeq[RowWithVector],
pivot: VectorWithNorm,
radius: Double) extends Tree {
override val leftChild = Empty
override val rightChild = Empty
override val size = data.size
override val leafCount = 1
override def iterator: Iterator[RowWithVector] = data.iterator
// brute force k-NN search at the leaf
override def query(candidates: KNNCandidates): KNNCandidates = {
val sorted = data
.map{ v => (v, candidates.queryVector.fastDistance(v.vector)) }
for((v, d) <- sorted if candidates.notFull || d < candidates.maxDistance)
candidates.insert(v, d)
object Leaf {
def apply(data: IndexedSeq[RowWithVector]): Leaf = {
val vectors =
val (minV, maxV) = vectors.foldLeft((vectors.head, vectors.head)) {
case ((accMin, accMax), bv) =>
(min(accMin, bv), max(accMax, bv))
val pivot = new VectorWithNorm((minV + maxV) / 2.0)
val radius = math.sqrt(squaredDistance(minV, maxV)) / 2.0
Leaf(data, pivot, radius)
* A [[MetricTree]] represents a MetricNode where data are split into two partitions: left and right.
* There exists two pivot vectors: leftPivot and rightPivot to determine the partitioning.
* Pivot vector should be the middle of leftPivot and rightPivot vectors.
* Points that is closer to leftPivot than to rightPivot belongs to leftChild and rightChild otherwise.
* During search, because we have information about each child's pivot and radius, we can see if the
* hyper-sphere intersects with current candidates sphere. If so, we search the child that has the
* most potential (i.e. the child which has the closest pivot).
* Once that child has been fully searched, we backtrack to the remaining child and search if necessary.
* This is much more efficient than naive brute force search. However backtracking can take a lot of time
* when the number of dimension is high (due to longer time to compute distance and the volume growing much
* faster than radius).
case class MetricTree(leftChild: Tree,
leftPivot: VectorWithNorm,
rightChild: Tree,
rightPivot: VectorWithNorm,
pivot: VectorWithNorm,
radius: Double
) extends Tree {
override val size = leftChild.size + rightChild.size
override val leafCount = leftChild.leafCount + rightChild.leafCount
override def iterator: Iterator[RowWithVector] = leftChild.iterator ++ rightChild.iterator
override def query(candidates: KNNCandidates): KNNCandidates = {
lazy val leftQueryCost = leftChild.distance(candidates)
lazy val rightQueryCost = rightChild.distance(candidates)
// only query if at least one of the children is worth looking
if(candidates.notFull ||
leftQueryCost - candidates.maxDistance < leftChild.radius ||
rightQueryCost - candidates.maxDistance < rightChild.radius ){
val remainingChild = {
if (leftQueryCost <= rightQueryCost) {
} else {
// check again to see if the remaining child is still worth looking
if (candidates.notFull ||
remainingChild.distance(candidates) - candidates.maxDistance < remainingChild.radius) {
object MetricTree {
* Build a (metric)[[Tree]] that facilitate k-NN query
* @param data vectors that contain all training data
* @param seed random number generator seed used in pivot point selecting
* @return a [[Tree]] can be used to do k-NN query
def build(data: IndexedSeq[RowWithVector], leafSize: Int = 1, seed: Long = 0L): Tree = {
val size = data.size
if(size == 0) {
} else if(size <= leafSize) {
} else {
val rand = new XORShiftRandom(seed)
val randomPivot = data(rand.nextInt(size)).vector
val leftPivot = data.maxBy(v => randomPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).vector
if(leftPivot == randomPivot) {
// all points are identical (or only one point left)
Leaf(data, randomPivot, 0.0)
} else {
val rightPivot = data.maxBy(v => leftPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).vector
val pivot = new VectorWithNorm(Vectors.fromBreeze((leftPivot.vector.asBreeze + rightPivot.vector.asBreeze) / 2.0))
val radius = math.sqrt( => pivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).max)
val (leftPartition, rightPartition) = data.partition{
v => leftPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector) < rightPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)
build(leftPartition, leafSize, rand.nextLong()),
build(rightPartition, leafSize, rand.nextLong()),
* A [[SpillTree]] represents a SpillNode. Just like [[MetricTree]], it splits data into two partitions.
* However, instead of partition data into exactly two halves, it contains a buffer zone with size of tau.
* Left child contains all data left to the center plane + tau (in the leftPivot -> rightPivot direction).
* Right child contains all data right to the center plane - tau.
* Search doesn't do backtracking but rather adopt a defeatist search where it search the most prominent
* child and that child only. The buffer ensures such strategy doesn't result in a poor outcome.
case class SpillTree(leftChild: Tree,
leftPivot: VectorWithNorm,
rightChild: Tree,
rightPivot: VectorWithNorm,
pivot: VectorWithNorm,
radius: Double,
tau: Double,
bufferSize: Int
) extends Tree {
override val size = leftChild.size + rightChild.size - bufferSize
override val leafCount = leftChild.leafCount + rightChild.leafCount
override def iterator: Iterator[RowWithVector] =
leftChild.iterator ++ rightChild.iterator.filter(childFilter(leftPivot, rightPivot))
override def query(candidates: KNNCandidates): KNNCandidates = {
if (size <= candidates.k - candidates.candidates.size) {
} else {
val leftQueryCost = candidates.queryVector.fastSquaredDistance(leftPivot)
val rightQueryCost = candidates.queryVector.fastSquaredDistance(rightPivot)
(if (leftQueryCost <= rightQueryCost) leftChild else rightChild).query(candidates)
// fill candidates with points from other child excluding buffer so we don't double count.
// depending on K and how high we are in the tree, this can be very expensive and undesirable
// TODO: revisit this idea when we do large scale testing
if(candidates.notFull) {
(if (leftQueryCost <= rightQueryCost) {
rightChild.iterator.filter(childFilter(leftPivot, rightPivot))
} else {
leftChild.iterator.filter(childFilter(rightPivot, leftPivot))
private[this] val childFilter: (VectorWithNorm, VectorWithNorm) => RowWithVector => Boolean =
(p1, p2) => p => p.vector.fastDistance(p1) - p.vector.fastDistance(p2) > tau
object SpillTree {
* Build a (spill)[[Tree]] that facilitate k-NN query
* @param data vectors that contain all training data
* @param tau overlapping size
* @param seed random number generators seed used in pivot point selecting
* @return a [[Tree]] can be used to do k-NN query
def build(data: IndexedSeq[RowWithVector], leafSize: Int = 1, tau: Double, seed: Long = 0L): Tree = {
val size = data.size
if (size == 0) {
} else if (size <= leafSize) {
} else {
val rand = new XORShiftRandom(seed)
val randomPivot = data(rand.nextInt(size)).vector
val leftPivot = data.maxBy(v => randomPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).vector
if (leftPivot == randomPivot) {
// all points are identical (or only one point left)
Leaf(data, randomPivot, 0.0)
} else {
val rightPivot = data.maxBy(v => leftPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).vector
val pivot = new VectorWithNorm(Vectors.fromBreeze((leftPivot.vector.asBreeze + rightPivot.vector.asBreeze) / 2.0))
val radius = math.sqrt( => pivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).max)
val dataWithDistance = =>
(v, leftPivot.fastDistance(v.vector), rightPivot.fastDistance(v.vector))
val leftPartition = dataWithDistance.filter { case (_, left, right) => left - right <= tau }.map(_._1)
val rightPartition = dataWithDistance.filter { case (_, left, right) => right - left <= tau }.map(_._1)
build(leftPartition, leafSize, tau, rand.nextLong()),
build(rightPartition, leafSize, tau, rand.nextLong()),
leftPartition.size + rightPartition.size - size
object HybridTree {
* Build a (hybrid-spill) `Tree` that facilitate k-NN query
* @param data vectors that contain all training data
* @param seed random number generator seed used in pivot point selecting
* @param tau overlapping size
* @param rho balance threshold
* @return a `Tree` can be used to do k-NN query
//noinspection ScalaStyle
def build(data: IndexedSeq[RowWithVector],
leafSize: Int = 1,
tau: Double,
rho: Double = 0.7,
seed: Long = 0L): Tree = {
val size = data.size
if (size == 0) {
} else if (size <= leafSize) {
} else {
val rand = new XORShiftRandom(seed)
val randomPivot = data(rand.nextInt(size)).vector
val leftPivot = data.maxBy(v => randomPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).vector
if (leftPivot == randomPivot) {
// all points are identical (or only one point left)
Leaf(data, randomPivot, 0.0)
} else {
val rightPivot = data.maxBy(v => leftPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).vector
val pivot = new VectorWithNorm(Vectors.fromBreeze((leftPivot.vector.asBreeze + rightPivot.vector.asBreeze) / 2.0))
val radius = math.sqrt( => pivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)).max)
lazy val dataWithDistance = =>
(v, leftPivot.fastDistance(v.vector), rightPivot.fastDistance(v.vector))
// implemented boundary is parabola (rather than perpendicular plane described in the paper)
lazy val leftPartition = dataWithDistance.filter { case (_, left, right) => left - right <= tau }.map(_._1)
lazy val rightPartition = dataWithDistance.filter { case (_, left, right) => right - left <= tau }.map(_._1)
if(rho <= 0.0 || leftPartition.size > size * rho || rightPartition.size > size * rho) {
//revert back to metric node
val (leftPartition, rightPartition) = data.partition{
v => leftPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector) < rightPivot.fastSquaredDistance(v.vector)
build(leftPartition, leafSize, tau, rho, rand.nextLong()),
build(rightPartition, leafSize, tau, rho, rand.nextLong()),
} else {
build(leftPartition, leafSize, tau, rho, rand.nextLong()),
build(rightPartition, leafSize, tau, rho, rand.nextLong()),
leftPartition.size + rightPartition.size - size
* Structure to maintain search progress/results for a single query vector.
* Internally uses a PriorityQueue to maintain a max-heap to keep track of the
* next neighbor to evict.
* @param queryVector vector being searched
* @param k number of neighbors to return
class KNNCandidates(val queryVector: VectorWithNorm, val k: Int) extends Serializable {
private[knn] val candidates = mutable.PriorityQueue.empty[(RowWithVector, Double)] {
// return the current maximum distance from neighbor to search vector
def maxDistance: Double = if(candidates.isEmpty) 0.0 else candidates.head._2
// insert evict neighbor if required. however it doesn't make sure the insert improves
// search results. it is caller's responsibility to make sure either candidate list
// is not full or the inserted neighbor brings the maxDistance down
def insert(v: RowWithVector, d: Double): Unit = {
while(candidates.size >= k) candidates.dequeue()
candidates.enqueue((v, d))
def insert(v: RowWithVector): Unit = insert(v, v.vector.fastDistance(queryVector))
def tryInsert(v: RowWithVector): Unit = {
val distance = v.vector.fastDistance(queryVector)
if(notFull || distance < maxDistance) insert(v, distance)
def toIterable: Iterable[(RowWithVector, Double)] = candidates
def notFull: Boolean = candidates.size < k