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com.jn.sqlhelper.dialect.internal.limit.SQLServer2005LimitHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the LGPL, Version 3.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jn.sqlhelper.dialect.internal.limit;
import com.jn.langx.util.Strings;
import com.jn.sqlhelper.dialect.pagination.RowSelection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class SQLServer2005LimitHandler
extends AbstractLimitHandler {
private static final Pattern SELECT_DISTINCT_PATTERN = buildShallowIndexPattern("select distinct ", true);
private static final Pattern SELECT_PATTERN = buildShallowIndexPattern("select(.*)", true);
private static final Pattern FROM_PATTERN = buildShallowIndexPattern("from", true);
private static final Pattern DISTINCT_PATTERN = buildShallowIndexPattern("distinct", true);
private static final Pattern ORDER_BY_PATTERN = buildShallowIndexPattern("order by", true);
private static final Pattern COMMA_PATTERN = buildShallowIndexPattern(",", false);
private static final Pattern ALIAS_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?![^\\[]*(\\]))\\S+\\s*(\\s(?i)as\\s)\\s*(\\S+)*\\s*$|(?![^\\[]*(\\]))\\s+(\\S+)$");
private boolean topAdded;
public long convertToFirstRowValue(long zeroBasedFirstResult) {
return zeroBasedFirstResult + 1;
public String processSql(String sql, RowSelection selection) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sql);
if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == ';') {
sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
if (LimitHelper.hasFirstRow(selection)) {
String selectClause = fillAliasInSelectClause(sb);
int orderByIndex = shallowIndexOfPattern(sb, ORDER_BY_PATTERN, 0);
if (orderByIndex > 0) {
sb.insert(0, "WITH query AS (").append(") SELECT ").append(selectClause).append(" FROM query ");
sb.append("WHERE __sqlhelper_row_nr__ >= ? AND __sqlhelper_row_nr__ < ?");
} else {
return sb.toString();
public int bindLimitParametersAtStartOfQuery(RowSelection selection, PreparedStatement statement, int index) throws SQLException {
if (this.topAdded) {
statement.setInt(index, getMaxOrLimit(selection) - 1);
return 1;
return 0;
public int bindLimitParametersAtEndOfQuery(RowSelection selection, PreparedStatement statement, int index) throws SQLException {
return LimitHelper.hasFirstRow(selection) ? super.bindLimitParametersAtEndOfQuery(selection, statement, index) : 0;
private String fillAliasInSelectClause(StringBuilder sb) {
String separator = System.getProperty("line.separator");
List aliases = new LinkedList();
int startPos = getSelectColumnsStartPosition(sb);
int endPos = shallowIndexOfPattern(sb, FROM_PATTERN, startPos);
int nextComa = startPos;
int prevComa = startPos;
int unique = 0;
boolean selectsMultipleColumns = false;
while (nextComa != -1) {
prevComa = nextComa;
nextComa = shallowIndexOfPattern(sb, COMMA_PATTERN, nextComa);
if (nextComa > endPos) {
if (nextComa != -1) {
String expression = sb.substring(prevComa, nextComa);
if (selectsMultipleColumns(expression)) {
selectsMultipleColumns = true;
} else {
String alias = getAlias(expression);
if (alias == null) {
alias = generateAlias("page", unique);
sb.insert(nextComa, " as " + alias);
int aliasExprLength = (" as " + alias).length();
nextComa += aliasExprLength;
endPos += aliasExprLength;
endPos = shallowIndexOfPattern(sb, FROM_PATTERN, startPos);
String expression = sb.substring(prevComa, endPos);
if (selectsMultipleColumns(expression)) {
selectsMultipleColumns = true;
} else {
String alias = getAlias(expression);
if (alias == null) {
alias = generateAlias("page", unique);
boolean endWithSeparator = sb.substring(endPos - separator.length()).startsWith(separator);
sb.insert(endPos - (endWithSeparator ? 2 : 1), " as " + alias);
return selectsMultipleColumns ? "*" : Strings.join(", ", aliases.iterator());
private static String replace(final String template, final String placeholder, final String replacement, final boolean wholeWords, final boolean encloseInParensIfNecessary) {
if (template == null) {
return null;
final int loc = template.indexOf(placeholder);
if (loc < 0) {
return template;
final String beforePlaceholder = template.substring(0, loc);
final String afterPlaceholder = template.substring(loc + placeholder.length());
return replace(beforePlaceholder, afterPlaceholder, placeholder, replacement, wholeWords, encloseInParensIfNecessary);
private static String replace(final String beforePlaceholder, final String afterPlaceholder, final String placeholder, final String replacement, final boolean wholeWords, final boolean encloseInParensIfNecessary) {
final boolean actuallyReplace = !wholeWords || afterPlaceholder.length() == 0 || !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(afterPlaceholder.charAt(0));
final boolean encloseInParens = actuallyReplace && encloseInParensIfNecessary && getLastNonWhitespaceCharacter(beforePlaceholder) != '(' && (getLastNonWhitespaceCharacter(beforePlaceholder) != ',' || getFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter(afterPlaceholder) != ')');
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(beforePlaceholder);
if (encloseInParens) {
buf.append(actuallyReplace ? replacement : placeholder);
if (encloseInParens) {
buf.append(replace(afterPlaceholder, placeholder, replacement, wholeWords, encloseInParensIfNecessary));
return buf.toString();
private static char getLastNonWhitespaceCharacter(final String str) {
if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
for (int i = str.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
final char ch = str.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
return ch;
return '\0';
private static char getFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter(final String str) {
if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
final char ch = str.charAt(i);
if (!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) {
return ch;
return '\0';
private static String unqualify(final String qualifiedName) {
final int loc = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf(46);
return (loc < 0) ? qualifiedName : qualifiedName.substring(loc + 1);
private static String generateAlias(final String description, final int unique) {
return generateAliasRoot(description) + Integer.toString(unique) + '_';
private static String generateAliasRoot(final String description) {
String result = Strings.truncate(unqualifyEntityName(description), 10).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).replace('/', '_').replace('$', '_');
result = cleanAlias(result);
if (Character.isDigit(result.charAt(result.length() - 1))) {
return result + "x";
return result;
private static String cleanAlias(final String alias) {
final char[] chars = alias.toCharArray();
if (!Character.isLetter(chars[0])) {
for (int i = 1; i < chars.length; ++i) {
if (Character.isLetter(chars[i])) {
return alias.substring(i);
return alias;
private static String unqualifyEntityName(final String entityName) {
String result = unqualify(entityName);
final int slashPos = result.indexOf(47);
if (slashPos > 0) {
result = result.substring(0, slashPos - 1);
return result;
private int getSelectColumnsStartPosition(StringBuilder sb) {
int startPos = getSelectStartPosition(sb);
String sql = sb.toString().substring(startPos).toLowerCase();
if (sql.startsWith("select distinct ")) {
return startPos + "select distinct ".length();
if (sql.startsWith("select ")) {
return startPos + "select ".length();
return startPos;
private int getSelectStartPosition(StringBuilder sb) {
return shallowIndexOfPattern(sb, SELECT_PATTERN, 0);
private boolean selectsMultipleColumns(String expression) {
String lastExpr = expression.trim().replaceFirst("(?i)(.)*\\s", "").trim();
return ("*".equals(lastExpr)) || (lastExpr.endsWith(".*"));
private String getAlias(String expression) {
expression = expression.replaceFirst("(\\((.)*\\))", "").trim();
Matcher matcher = ALIAS_PATTERN.matcher(expression);
String alias = null;
if ((matcher.find()) && (matcher.groupCount() > 1)) {
alias =;
if (alias == null) {
alias =;
return alias != null ? alias.trim() : null;
private void encloseWithOuterQuery(StringBuilder sql) {
sql.insert(0, "SELECT inner_query.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as __sqlhelper_row_nr__ FROM ( ");
sql.append(" ) inner_query ");
private void addTopExpression(StringBuilder sql) {
int selectPos = shallowIndexOfPattern(sql, SELECT_PATTERN, 0);
int selectDistinctPos = shallowIndexOfPattern(sql, SELECT_DISTINCT_PATTERN, 0);
if (selectPos == selectDistinctPos) {
sql.insert(selectDistinctPos + "select distinct".length(), " TOP(?)");
} else {
sql.insert(selectPos + "select".length(), " TOP(?)");
this.topAdded = true;
private static int shallowIndexOfPattern(StringBuilder sb, Pattern pattern, int fromIndex) {
int index = -1;
String matchString = sb.toString();
if ((matchString.length() < fromIndex) || (fromIndex < 0)) {
return -1;
List ignoreRangeList = generateIgnoreRanges(matchString);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(matchString);
matcher.region(fromIndex, matchString.length());
if (ignoreRangeList.isEmpty()) {
if ((matcher.find()) && (matcher.groupCount() > 0)) {
index = matcher.start();
} else {
while ((matcher.find()) && (matcher.groupCount() > 0)) {
int position = matcher.start();
if (!isPositionIgnorable(ignoreRangeList, position)) {
index = position;
return index;
private static Pattern buildShallowIndexPattern(String pattern, boolean wordBoundardy) {
return Pattern.compile("(" + (wordBoundardy ? "\\b" : "") + pattern + ")(?![^\\(|\\[]*(\\)|\\]))", 2);
private static List generateIgnoreRanges(String sql) {
List ignoreRangeList = new ArrayList();
int depth = 0;
int start = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < sql.length(); i++) {
char ch = sql.charAt(i);
if (ch == '(') {
if (depth == 1) {
start = i;
} else if (ch == ')') {
if (depth > 0) {
if (depth == 1) {
ignoreRangeList.add(new IgnoreRange(start, i));
start = -1;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found an unmatched ')' at position " + i + ": " + sql);
if (depth != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unmatched parenthesis in rendered SQL (" + depth + " depth): " + sql);
return ignoreRangeList;
private static boolean isPositionIgnorable(List ignoreRangeList, int position) {
for (IgnoreRange ignoreRange : ignoreRangeList) {
if (ignoreRange.isWithinRange(position)) {
return true;
return false;
static class IgnoreRange {
private int start;
private int end;
IgnoreRange(int start, int end) {
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
boolean isWithinRange(int position) {
return (position >= this.start) && (position <= this.end);