caliban.QuickAdapter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban
import caliban.Configurator.ExecutionConfiguration
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.http.netty.NettyConfig
import zio.http.netty.NettyConfig.LeakDetectionLevel
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
final class QuickAdapter[R] private (requestHandler: QuickRequestHandler[R]) {
private implicit val trace: Trace = Trace.empty
* Converts this adapter to a [[QuickHandlers]] which contains [[zio.http.RequestHandler]]s for manually constructing zio-http routes
val handlers: QuickHandlers[R] = QuickHandlers(
api = Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request](requestHandler.handleHttpRequest),
upload = Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request](requestHandler.handleUploadRequest),
webSocket = Handler.fromFunctionZIO[Request](requestHandler.handleWebSocketRequest)
@deprecated("Use `handlers` instead", "2.5.0")
lazy val handler: RequestHandler[R, Nothing] =
* Converts this adapter to a `Routes` serving the GraphQL API at the specified path.
* @param apiPath The path where the GraphQL API will be served.
* @param graphiqlPath The path where the GraphiQL UI will be served. If None, GraphiQL will not be served.
* @param uploadPath The path where files can be uploaded. If None, uploads will be disabled.
* @param webSocketPath The path where websocket requests will be set. If None, websocket-based subscriptions will be disabled.
def routes(
apiPath: String,
graphiqlPath: Option[String] = None,
uploadPath: Option[String] = None,
webSocketPath: Option[String] = None
): Routes[R, Nothing] = {
val apiRoutes = List(
RoutePattern(Method.POST, apiPath) -> handlers.api,
RoutePattern(Method.GET, apiPath) -> handlers.api
val graphiqlRoute = { uiPath =>
RoutePattern(Method.GET, uiPath) -> GraphiQLHandler.handler(apiPath)
val uploadRoute = { uPath =>
RoutePattern(Method.POST, uPath) -> handlers.upload
val wsRoute = { wsPath =>
RoutePattern(Method.ANY, wsPath) -> handlers.webSocket
Routes.fromIterable(apiRoutes ::: graphiqlRoute ::: uploadRoute ::: wsRoute)
* Runs the server using the default zio-http server configuration on the specified port.
* This is meant as a convenience method for getting started quickly
* @param port The port to serve the API on
* @param apiPath The route to serve the API on, e.g., `/api/graphql`
* @param graphiqlPath Optionally define a route to serve the GraphiQL UI on, e.g., `/graphiql`
* @param uploadPath The route where files can be uploaded, e.g., /upload/graphql. If None, uploads will be disabled.
* @param webSocketPath The path where websocket requests will be set. If None, websocket-based subscriptions will be disabled.
def runServer(
port: Int,
apiPath: String,
graphiqlPath: Option[String] = None,
uploadPath: Option[String] = None,
webSocketPath: Option[String] = None
)(implicit trace: Trace, tag: Tag[R]): RIO[R, Nothing] =
.serve[R](routes(apiPath, graphiqlPath = graphiqlPath, uploadPath = uploadPath, webSocketPath = webSocketPath))
++ ZLayer.succeed(NettyConfig.default.leakDetection(LeakDetectionLevel.DISABLED))
>+> Server.customized
def configure(config: ExecutionConfiguration)(implicit trace: Trace): QuickAdapter[R] =
new QuickAdapter(requestHandler.configure(config))
def configure[R1](configurator: QuickAdapter.Configurator[R1])(implicit trace: Trace): QuickAdapter[R & R1] =
new QuickAdapter(requestHandler.configure[R1](configurator))
def configureWebSocket[R1](config: quick.WebSocketConfig[R1]): QuickAdapter[R & R1] =
new QuickAdapter(requestHandler.configureWebSocket(config))
object QuickAdapter {
type Configurator[-R] = URIO[R & Scope, Unit]
def apply[R](interpreter: GraphQLInterpreter[R, Any]): QuickAdapter[R] =
new QuickAdapter(new QuickRequestHandler(interpreter, quick.WebSocketConfig.default))
def handlers[R](implicit tag: Tag[R], trace: Trace): URIO[QuickAdapter[R], QuickHandlers[R]] =
def default[R](implicit
tag: Tag[R],
trace: Trace
): ZLayer[GraphQL[R], CalibanError.ValidationError, QuickAdapter[R]] = ZLayer.fromZIO(
def live[R](implicit
tag: Tag[R],
trace: Trace
): ZLayer[GraphQL[R] & ExecutionConfiguration, CalibanError.ValidationError, QuickAdapter[R]] =
for {
config <- ZIO.service[ExecutionConfiguration]
interpreter <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[GraphQL[R]](_.interpreter)
} yield QuickAdapter(interpreter).configure(config)