caliban.quick.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban
import caliban.Configurator.ExecutionConfiguration
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
package object quick {
implicit class GraphqlServerOps[R](val gql: GraphQL[R]) extends AnyVal {
* Serves the GraphQL API on the specified port using the default zio-http configuration.
* This is meant as a convenience method for getting started quickly.
* @param port The port to serve the API on
* @param apiPath The route to serve the API on, e.g., `/api/graphql`
* @param graphiqlPath Optionally define a route to serve the GraphiQL UI on, e.g., `/graphiql`
* @param uploadPath Optionally define a route to serve file uploads on, e.g., `/api/upload`
* @param webSocketPath The path where websocket requests will be set. If None, websocket-based subscriptions will be disabled.
def runServer(
port: Int,
apiPath: String,
graphiqlPath: Option[String] = None,
uploadPath: Option[String] = None,
webSocketPath: Option[String] = None
trace: Trace,
tag: Tag[R]
): RIO[R, Nothing] =
apiPath = apiPath,
graphiqlPath = graphiqlPath,
uploadPath = uploadPath,
webSocketPath = webSocketPath
* Creates zio-http `Routes` from the GraphQL API
* @param apiPath The route to serve the API on, e.g., `/api/graphql`
* @param graphiqlPath Optionally define a route to serve the GraphiQL UI on, e.g., `/graphiql`
* @param uploadPath Optionally define a route to serve file uploads on, e.g., `/api/upload`
* @param webSocketPath The path where websocket requests will be set. If None, websocket-based subscriptions will be disabled.
def routes(
apiPath: String,
graphiqlPath: Option[String] = None,
uploadPath: Option[String] = None,
webSocketPath: Option[String] = None
)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Routes[R, Nothing]] =
apiPath = apiPath,
graphiqlPath = graphiqlPath,
uploadPath = uploadPath,
webSocketPath = webSocketPath
* Creates a zio-http handler for the GraphQL API
* @see [[handlersConfigured]] for a more powerful variant that allows configuring the GraphQL request execution
def handlers(implicit trace: Trace): IO[CalibanError.ValidationError, QuickHandlers[R]] =
@deprecated("Use handlers instead", "2.5.0")
def handler(implicit trace: Trace): IO[CalibanError.ValidationError, RequestHandler[R, Nothing]] =
* Creates a zio-http handler for the GraphQL API, allowing to configure the GraphQL request execution
def handlersConfigured(config: ExecutionConfiguration)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[CalibanError.ValidationError, QuickHandlers[R]] =
@deprecated("Use handlersConfigured instead", "2.5.0")
def handlerConfigured(config: ExecutionConfiguration)(implicit
trace: Trace
): IO[CalibanError.ValidationError, RequestHandler[R, Response]] =
* Unsafe API which allows running the server impurely
def unsafe: UnsafeApi[R] = new UnsafeApi[R](gql.interpreterUnsafe)
final class UnsafeApi[R](
interpreter: GraphQLInterpreter[R, Any],
executionConfig: ExecutionConfiguration = ExecutionConfiguration()
) {
* Creates zio-http `Routes` from the GraphQL API
* @param apiPath The route to serve the API on, e.g., `/api/graphql`
* @param graphiqlPath Optionally define a route to serve the GraphiQL UI on, e.g., `/graphiql`
* @param uploadPath Optionally define a route to serve file uploads on, e.g., `/api/upload`
* @param webSocketPath The path where websocket requests will be set. If None, websocket-based subscriptions will be disabled.
def routes(
apiPath: String,
graphiqlPath: Option[String] = None,
uploadPath: Option[String] = None,
webSocketPath: Option[String] = None
): Routes[R, Nothing] =
apiPath = apiPath,
graphiqlPath = graphiqlPath,
uploadPath = uploadPath,
webSocketPath = webSocketPath
* Convenience method for impurely running the server.
* Useful for scripts / demos / showing off Caliban to your colleagues etc.
* Note that in order to call this method, you need to provide all dependencies required by the GraphQL environment. You can do that by passing a `ZLayer` to [[provideLayer]].
def runServer(
port: Int = 8080,
apiPath: String = "/graphql",
graphiqlPath: Option[String] = Some("/graphiql"),
uploadPath: Option[String] = None
)(implicit trace: Trace, tag: Tag[R], ev: Any =:= R): Unit = {
val run: RIO[R, Nothing] =
.runServer(port, apiPath, graphiqlPath, uploadPath)
ZIOApp.fromZIO(run.asInstanceOf[RIO[Any, Nothing]]).main(Array.empty)
def provideLayer(layer: ZLayer[Any, Any, R]): UnsafeApi[Any] =
new UnsafeApi(interpreter.provideLayer(layer))
def provideSomeLayer[R0](layer: ZLayer[R0, Any, R])(implicit tag: Tag[R]): UnsafeApi[R0] =
new UnsafeApi(interpreter.provideSomeLayer(layer))
def configure(cfg: ExecutionConfiguration): UnsafeApi[R] =
new UnsafeApi(interpreter, cfg)
def configureWith(cfg: ExecutionConfiguration => ExecutionConfiguration): UnsafeApi[R] =
new UnsafeApi(interpreter, cfg(executionConfig))