caliban.Configurator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban
import caliban.execution.QueryExecution
import caliban.validation.Validator.{ AllValidations, QueryValidation }
import zio._
import zio.query.Cache
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
object Configurator {
private implicit val trace: Trace = Trace.empty
* Configuration for the execution of a GraphQL query.
* @param skipValidation if true, the query will not be validated (in that case, the `validations` field is ignored). Default: false.
* @param enableIntrospection if true, introspection queries are allowed. Default: true.
* @param allowMutationsOverGetRequests if true, mutations are allowed for GET requests. Note that this is highly discouraged as it goes against the recommended practices. Default: false.
* @param queryExecution the execution strategy to use (sequential, parallel, batched). Default: parallel.
* @param validations the validations to run on the query during the validation phase. Default: all available validations.
* @param queryCache An effect used to create a [[zio.query.Cache]] to use with [[zio.query.DataSource]]-backed ZQueries.
* The effect will be run for each query execution to create a new cache, so ensure that any side-effects are properly captured in the provided effect.
* Default: The default empty cache implementation from zio-query
case class ExecutionConfiguration(
skipValidation: Boolean = false,
enableIntrospection: Boolean = true,
allowMutationsOverGetRequests: Boolean = false,
queryExecution: QueryExecution = QueryExecution.Parallel,
validations: List[QueryValidation] = AllValidations,
queryCache: UIO[Cache] = Cache.empty(Trace.empty)
) { self =>
* Creates a ZLayer that can be used to set this configuration at the application level
def toLayer: ULayer[Unit] = ZLayer.scoped(ref.locallyScoped(self))
private[caliban] val ref: FiberRef[ExecutionConfiguration] =
Unsafe.unsafe(implicit u => FiberRef.unsafe.make(ExecutionConfiguration()))
private[caliban] val skipValidation: UIO[Boolean] =
ref.getWith(cfg => Exit.succeed(cfg.skipValidation))
* Skip validation of the query.
* @param skip if true, the query will not be validated (in that case, the `validations` field is ignored).
def setSkipValidation(skip: Boolean): URIO[Scope, Unit] =
ref.locallyScopedWith(_.copy(skipValidation = skip))
* Set the validations to run on the query during the validation phase.
* @param validations the validations to run on the query during the validation phase.
def setValidations(validations: List[QueryValidation]): URIO[Scope, Unit] =
ref.locallyScopedWith(_.copy(validations = validations))
* Enable or disable introspection queries.
* @param enable if true, introspection queries are allowed.
def setEnableIntrospection(enable: Boolean): URIO[Scope, Unit] =
ref.locallyScopedWith(_.copy(enableIntrospection = enable))
* Set the execution strategy to use (sequential, parallel, batched).
* @param queryExecution the execution strategy to use.
def setQueryExecution(queryExecution: QueryExecution): URIO[Scope, Unit] =
ref.locallyScopedWith(_.copy(queryExecution = queryExecution))
* Enable or disable mutations for GET requests. See [[ExecutionConfiguration]] for more details
def setAllowMutationsOverGetRequests(allow: Boolean): URIO[Scope, Unit] =
ref.locallyScopedWith(_.copy(allowMutationsOverGetRequests = allow))
* Sets an effect which will be used to create a new ZQuery [[zio.query.Cache]] for each query execution.
* This allows customizing the initial cache parameters or providing a custom implementation.
* @see [[ExecutionConfiguration]] for more details
def setQueryCache(mkCache: UIO[Cache]): URIO[Scope, Unit] =
ref.locallyScopedWith(_.copy(queryCache = mkCache))