caliban.wrappers.Caching.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package caliban.wrappers
import caliban.ResponseValue.ObjectValue
import caliban.Value._
import caliban._
import caliban.execution.{ ExecutionRequest, Field, FieldInfo }
import caliban.introspection.adt._
import caliban.parsing.adt.{ Directive, Document }
import caliban.schema.Annotations.{ GQLDirective, GQLName }
import caliban.schema.Types
import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.{ EffectfulWrapper, FieldWrapper, OverallWrapper, ValidationWrapper }
import zio.query.ZQuery
import zio.{ duration2DurationOps, durationInt, Duration, Exit, FiberRef, Ref, UIO, Unsafe, ZIO }
import java.util.concurrent.{ ConcurrentHashMap, TimeUnit }
import scala.collection.compat._
object Caching {
val DirectiveName = "cacheControl"
val MaxAgeName = "maxAge"
val ScopeName = "scope"
val InheritMaxAgeName = "inheritMaxAge"
private val cacheOverride: FiberRef[Option[CacheHint]] = Unsafe.unsafe(implicit u => FiberRef.unsafe.make(None))
private val cacheDirectives = List(
name = DirectiveName,
description = None,
locations = Set(__DirectiveLocation.FIELD_DEFINITION, __DirectiveLocation.OBJECT),
args = _ =>
name = MaxAgeName,
`type` = () =>,
defaultValue = None
name = ScopeName,
`type` = () => CacheScope._type,
defaultValue = None
name = InheritMaxAgeName,
`type` = () => Types.boolean,
defaultValue = None
isRepeatable = false
def aspect[R](output: Ref[CachePolicy] => Wrapper[R]): GraphQLAspect[Nothing, R] =
new Default(output)
* Computes the total cache policy for a query and stores it in the extensions of the response.
* The result can then be used by http adapters to set the appropriate cache headers.
def extension(settings: CacheSettings = CacheSettings.default): GraphQLAspect[Nothing, Any] = {
def extensionBuilder(state: Ref[CachePolicy]): OverallWrapper[Any] =
new OverallWrapper[Any] {
override def wrap[R](
f: GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]]
): GraphQLRequest => ZIO[R, Nothing, GraphQLResponse[CalibanError]] = { (request: GraphQLRequest) =>
(f(request) zipWith state.get) {
case (response, cacheState) if response.errors.isEmpty =>
extensions = Some(
(DirectiveName -> cacheState.toResponseValue(settings.toHeader)) :: response.extensions.fold(
List.empty[(String, ResponseValue)]
case (response, _) => response
* Assigns a cache hint to a field or a type
* @param maxAge The maximum duration that this field should be cached for
* @param scope The scope of that should be applied to the cache
* @param inheritMaxAge Whether the maxAge should be inherited from the parent type
case class GQLCacheControl(
maxAge: Option[Duration] = None,
scope: Option[CacheScope] = None,
inheritMaxAge: Boolean = false
) extends GQLDirective(
MaxAgeName -> maxAge.fold[InputValue](NullValue)(d => IntValue(d.toSeconds)),
ScopeName -> scope.fold[InputValue](NullValue)(s => EnumValue(s.toString)),
InheritMaxAgeName -> BooleanValue(inheritMaxAge)
case class CacheSettings(
defaultMaxAge: Duration,
defaultScope: CacheScope,
toHeader: CachePolicy => String = _.hint.toHeaderString
) {
def withMaxAge(maxAge: Duration): CacheSettings = copy(defaultMaxAge = maxAge)
def withScope(scope: CacheScope): CacheSettings = copy(defaultScope = scope)
object CacheSettings {
val default: CacheSettings = CacheSettings(0.seconds, CacheScope.Public)
* Overrides the cache hint for a particular field. This can be used to dynamically set the cache hint within
* a resolver
def setCacheHint(hint: CacheHint): UIO[Unit] = cacheOverride.update {
case Some(hint0) => Some(mostRestrictive(hint0, hint))
case None => Some(hint)
* Disables caching for the current query
def disableCaching: UIO[Unit] = cacheOverride.set(Some(CacheHint(Some(0.seconds))))
case class CachePolicy(hint: CacheHint) {
def merge(that: CachePolicy): CachePolicy =
CachePolicy(mostRestrictive(hint, that.hint))
def restrict(restricted: Option[CacheHint]): CachePolicy = restricted match {
case Some(h) => copy(hint = mostRestrictive(hint, h))
case None => this
def toResponseValue(toHeader: CachePolicy => String) =
"version" -> IntValue(2),
"httpHeader" -> StringValue(toHeader(this))
sealed trait CacheScope
object CacheScope {
case object Private extends CacheScope {
override def toString: String = "PRIVATE"
case object Public extends CacheScope {
override def toString: String = "PUBLIC"
implicit val ordering: Ordering[CacheScope] = {
case (Private, Private) => 0
case (Public, Public) => 0
case (Private, Public) => -1
case (Public, Private) => 1
val _type = __Type(
Some("The scope of the cache"),
enumValues = _ =>
Some("The cache is private to the user"),
deprecationReason = None,
isDeprecated = false,
directives = None
Some("The cache is public"),
deprecationReason = None,
isDeprecated = false,
directives = None
case class CacheHint(
maxAge: Option[Duration] = None,
scope: Option[CacheScope] = None,
inheritMaxAge: Boolean = false
) { self =>
def toHeaderString: String = {
val computedMaxAge = maxAge.fold(0L)(_.toSeconds)
val cacheable = computedMaxAge > 0L
if (!cacheable) "no-store"
else {
val b = new StringBuilder()
scope.foreach { s =>
b.append(", ")
object CacheHint {
val default: CacheHint = CacheHint()
private class Default[-R1](inner: Ref[CachePolicy] => Wrapper[R1]) extends GraphQLAspect[Nothing, R1] {
private val _typeCache = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Option[CacheHint]]()
def apply[R <: R1](gql: GraphQL[R]): GraphQL[R] = {
val wrapper = EffectfulWrapper(
cacheOverride.set(None) *> Ref
.map(state => staticWrapper(state).skipForIntrospection |+| fieldWrapper(state) |+| inner(state))
.withAdditionalTypes(CacheScope._type :: Nil)
private[caliban] def cacheHintFromType(typ: __Type): Option[CacheHint] = {
val key =
_typeCache.computeIfAbsent(key, _ => typ.directives.flatMap(extractCacheDirective))
private def staticWrapper(state: Ref[CachePolicy]): ValidationWrapper[Any] = new ValidationWrapper[Any] {
override def wrap[R](
f: Document => ZIO[R, CalibanError.ValidationError, ExecutionRequest]
): Document => ZIO[R, CalibanError.ValidationError, ExecutionRequest] = { (d: Document) =>
f(d).flatMap { request =>
def loop(policy: CachePolicy, field: Field, parentHint: Option[CacheHint]): CachePolicy = {
val fieldHint = extractCacheDirective(field.directives)
val isInherited = fieldHint.exists(_.inheritMaxAge)
def typeHint = field.parentType.flatMap(cacheHintFromType)
val actualHint = (if (isInherited) parentHint else fieldHint) orElse typeHint
val newPolicy = policy.restrict(actualHint)
field.fields.foldLeft(newPolicy)(loop(_, _, actualHint))
val updated = loop(CachePolicy(CacheHint.default), request.field, None)
private def fieldWrapper(state: Ref[CachePolicy]): FieldWrapper[Any] = new FieldWrapper[Any](false) {
override def wrap[R](
query: ZQuery[R, CalibanError.ExecutionError, ResponseValue],
info: FieldInfo
): ZQuery[R, CalibanError.ExecutionError, ResponseValue] =
query.mapZIO { result =>
cacheOverride.get.flatMap {
case Some(overrideValue) => state.update(_.restrict(Some(overrideValue))) as result
case None => Exit.succeed(result)
private def mostRestrictive(
parent: CacheHint,
current: CacheHint
): CacheHint = {
val scope = List(parent.scope, current.scope).flatten.minOption
val shouldInherit = current.inheritMaxAge
val maxAge =
if (shouldInherit && parent.maxAge.isDefined) parent.maxAge
(current.maxAge, parent.maxAge) match {
case (Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(a min b)
case (Some(a), None) => Some(a)
case (None, Some(b)) => Some(b)
case (None, None) => None
CacheHint(maxAge, scope, shouldInherit)
private def extractCacheDirective(directives: List[Directive]): Option[CacheHint] =
directives.collectFirst {
case d if == DirectiveName =>
val scope = d.arguments.get(ScopeName).collectFirst {
case StringValue("PRIVATE") | EnumValue("PRIVATE") => CacheScope.Private
case StringValue("PUBLIC") | EnumValue("PUBLIC") => CacheScope.Public
val maxAge = d.arguments.get(MaxAgeName).collectFirst { case i: IntValue =>
Duration(i.toLong, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
val inheritMaxAge = d.arguments
.collectFirst { case BooleanValue(value) =>
CacheHint(maxAge, scope, inheritMaxAge)