mathFunctions.FunctionReport.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Parameter optimisation with the N-Tuple Bandit Evolutionary Algorithm
package mathFunctions
import evodef.*
import ntbea.*
import utilities.GlobalStatsCollator
import kotlin.AssertionError
import kotlin.math.*
fun main(args: Array) {
if (args.size < 4 || args.contains("-h")) {
Core required command line arguments in order:
- Type of Function: Hartmann3|Hartmann6|Branin|GoldsteinPrice
- Type of NTBEA function: STD|FIT|STDFIT|EXP|LIN|INV|SQRT|GAUSSIAN (STD works best almost always)
- Number of NTBEA runs, and trials for each in format "runs|trials"
- Discretization level to use for each parameter dimension
Additional optional arguments:
kExplore= The constant to use in the UCB formula. Large k explores more. Default is 100.
minWeight= Only used for EXP, LIN, SQRT or INV weight functions. Frankly I wouldn't bother.
fitWeight= Weight to apply to the Linear Regression function when using STDFIT - between 0.0 and 1.0. Default is 0.5.
maxF= Maximum number of features to use for FIT or STDFIT in the regression component. Default is 0 (meaning no maximum).
T= For EXP/LIN/SQRT/INV, this is the temperature to use in the weight function. Default is 30.
T= For FIT/STDFIT this is instead the threshold number of visits before a Tuple is incorporated in the regression. Default is 30.
hood= The number of neighbouring points to test at each iteration of NTBEA before picking one to sample with the function.
logFile= A filename to write the results to (one line per NTBEA run).
val f = when (args[0]) {
"Hartmann3" -> Hartmann3
"Hartmann6" -> Hartmann6
"Branin" -> Branin
"GoldsteinPrice" -> GoldsteinPrice
else -> throw AssertionError("Invalid first argument for function " + args[0])
val type = args[1]
val iterations = args[2].split("|")
val dimensions = args[3].toInt()
Pair(f.dimension, dimensions),
class FunctionReport(val f: NTBEAFunction) {
fun iterations(type: String, runs: Int, iterPerRun: Int, searchDimensions: Pair, args: Array) {
// here we want to run ParameterSearch several times (runs), and then
// for each run we keep the final best sampled point...and its actual value under the function
// We can then report the basic stats for imprecision and also actual value
val searchSpace: SearchSpace = if (type == "GAUSSIAN") {
IntArray(searchDimensions.first * 2) { searchDimensions.second },
DoubleArray(searchDimensions.first) { 0.0 },
DoubleArray(searchDimensions.first) { 1.0 },
DoubleArray(searchDimensions.first) { 0.1 },
DoubleArray(searchDimensions.first) { 0.2 }
} else {
FunctionSearchSpace(searchDimensions.first, searchDimensions.second)
val kExplore = (args.find { it.startsWith("kExplore=") }?.split("=")?.get(1) ?: "100.0").toDouble()
val minWeight = (args.find { it.startsWith("minWeight=") }?.split("=")?.get(1) ?: "0.0").toDouble()
val weight = (args.find { it.startsWith("fitWeight=") }?.split("=")?.get(1) ?: "0.5").toDouble()
val maxFeatures = (args.find { it.startsWith("maxF=") }?.split("=")?.get(1) ?: "0").toInt()
val T = (args.find { it.startsWith("T=") }?.split("=")?.get(1) ?: "30").toInt()
val neighbourhood: Double = args.find { it.startsWith("hood=") }?.split("=")?.get(1)?.toDouble()
?: min(50.0, searchDimensions.second.toDouble().pow(searchDimensions.first) * 0.01)
val fileName: String = args.find { it.startsWith("logFile=") }?.split("=")?.get(1) ?: ""
val weightFunction: (Int) -> Double = when (type) {
"EXP" -> { visits: Int -> 1.0 - exp(-visits.toDouble() / T) }
"LIN" -> { visits: Int -> min(visits.toDouble() / T, 1.0) }
"INV" -> { visits: Int -> 1.0 - T / (T + visits.toDouble()) }
"SQRT" -> { visits: Int -> 1.0 - sqrt(T / (T + visits.toDouble())) }
else -> { visits: Int -> 1.0 - exp(-visits.toDouble() / T) }
// we default to exponential
val landscapeModel: LandscapeModel = when (type) {
"STD", "GAUSSIAN" -> NTupleSystem(searchSpace)
"FIT" -> NTupleSystemBinaryFit(
threshold = T,
interpolateByTuple = true,
maxFeatures = maxFeatures
"STDFIT" -> NTupleSystemBinaryFit(
threshold = T,
interpolateByTuple = false,
interpolation = weight,
maxFeatures = maxFeatures
else -> NTupleSystemExp(
weightExplore = false,
exploreWithSqrt = false
val use3Tuples = args.contains("useThreeTuples")
if (landscapeModel is NTupleSystem) {
landscapeModel.use3Tuple = use3Tuples && searchSpace.nDims() > 3
landscapeModel.use2Tuple = searchSpace.nDims() > 2
val searchFramework: EvoAlg = when (landscapeModel) {
is NTupleSystem -> NTupleBanditEA(landscapeModel, kExplore, neighbourhood.toInt())
else -> throw AssertionError("Unknown EvoAlg $landscapeModel")
val evaluator = FunctionEvaluator(f, searchSpace)
val fullRecord = mutableMapOf()
val actualValues = mutableMapOf()
val fileWriter: FileWriter? = if (fileName != "") FileWriter("$fileName") else null
repeat(runs) {
searchFramework.runTrial(evaluator, iterPerRun)
val choice = { it.toInt() }.toIntArray()
val actualValue = f.functionValue(searchSpace.valueAt(choice))
val predictedValue = landscapeModel.getMeanEstimate(landscapeModel.bestOfSampled)
val choiceVals = searchSpace.valueAt(choice)
val key = choiceVals.joinToString(",") { String.format("%.3f", it) }
fullRecord[key] = fullRecord.getOrDefault(key, 0) + 1
actualValues[key] = actualValue
GlobalStatsCollator.addStatistics("ActualValue", actualValue)
GlobalStatsCollator.addStatistics("Delta", predictedValue - actualValue)
val details =
"%.3g, %.3g, %.3g, %s\n", predictedValue, actualValue, predictedValue - actualValue,
landscapeModel.bestOfSampled.joinToString(separator = "|", transform = { it.toInt().toString() })
if (fileWriter != null)
// println(landscapeModel.toString())
val orderedByCount = fullRecord.toList().sortedBy { it.second }.reversed().take(10)
println("10 most popular choices : \n" + orderedByCount.joinToString("\n") {
String.format("\t%s - %d\t%.3f", it.first, it.second, actualValues[it.first])
// val totalScore = orderedByCount.sumByDouble { actualValues[it.first]!! }
// println(totalScore)