be.janbols.spock.extension.dbunit.DbUnit.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package be.janbols.spock.extension.dbunit
import org.spockframework.runtime.extension.ExtensionAnnotation
import javax.sql.DataSource
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType
import java.lang.annotation.Retention
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy
import java.lang.annotation.Target
* Allows specifying the xml data as a closure field. This avoids the need to link to a separate xml file containing the xml data.
* For this DbUnit needs to get hold of a {@link javax.sql.DataSource} either by returning it in the {@link DbUnit#datasourceProvider} method or by adding it as a field in the specification.
* f.e.
class MyDbUnitTest extends Specification{
DataSource dataSource
{@literal @}DbUnit
def content = {
User(id: 1, name: 'jackdaniels', createdOn: '[NOW]')
* The values for the collumns in the sql data are replaced using the {@link org.dbunit.dataset.ReplacementDataSet}. By default this is done for the keyword [NULL] and [NOW]
@Target([ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD])
public @interface DbUnit {
* Allows a {@link javax.sql.DataSource} to be provided inside the given closure. A dataSource can also be provided as a field of the test class. In that case you don't need to specify one in here.
* @return A closure returning a {@link javax.sql.DataSource}
Class extends Closure> datasourceProvider() default Object.class;
* Allows you to configure the {@link org.dbunit.IDatabaseTester} passed as the closure's argument.
* This can be used f.e. to specify other {@link org.dbunit.operation.DatabaseOperation} for setup and teardown than the defaults.
* This also allows you to specify the schema used or add a an operation listener.
* Finally it allows you to specify replacements for the sql values you specified as the database tester is initially set up with a {@link org.dbunit.dataset.ReplacementDataSet}.
* @return A closure with a IDatabaseTester as input argument configured with the data specified on the accompanying field.
* @see org.dbunit.IDatabaseTester
* @see org.dbunit.operation.DatabaseOperation
* @see org.dbunit.AbstractDatabaseTester#setUpOperation
* @see org.dbunit.AbstractDatabaseTester#tearDownOperation
* @see org.dbunit.dataset.ReplacementDataSet
Class extends Closure> configure() default Object.class;
* Name of the schema to use.
* @return
String schema() default "";
* Optional Closure containing the content of the database. This can only be used in a DbUnit annotation on a feature.
* For DbUnit annotation on a field, the field itself is expected to contain the content.
* f.e.
class MyDbUnitTest extends Specification{
{@literal @}DbUnit(content = {
User(id: 1, name: 'janbols')
def "feature with specific databasse content"() {
* @return
Class extends Closure> content() default Object.class;