japgolly.microlibs.utils.StaticLookupFn.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package japgolly.microlibs.utils
import japgolly.microlibs.stdlib_ext.MutableArray
import japgolly.univeq.UnivEq
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** Fast, efficient lookup functions for static data.
* Creation verifies key uniqueness and throws runtime exceptions on failure.
object StaticLookupFn {
def useArray[A >: Null : ClassTag](as: Iterable[(Int, A)]): ArrayDsl[A] =
if (as.isEmpty)
new ArrayDsl[A] with Dsl.EmptyBase[Int, A] {
override def to[V >: Null : ClassTag](ok: A => V, ko: Int => V) = ko
new ArrayDsl[A] {
override def total =
to(identity, keyFail)
override def toOption =
to(Some(_), _ => None)
override def toEither[E](e: Int => E) =
to(Right(_), i => Left(e(i)))
override def to[V >: Null : ClassTag](ok: A => V, ko: Int => V): Int => V = {
val array = mkArray(ok)
i => if (i >= 0 && i < array.length) {
val a = array(i)
if (null != a) a else ko(i)
} else
private def mkArray[X >: Null : ClassTag](toX: A => X): Array[X] = {
val len = as.iterator.map(_._1).max + 1
val aa = Array.fill[A](len)(null)
val ax = Array.fill[X](len)(null)
for ((i, a) <- as) {
assert(i >= 0, s"Indices can't be negative. Found: $i")
val a2 = aa(i)
if (null != a2)
fail(s"Duplicates for index $i: $a and $a2")
aa(i) = a
ax(i) = toX(a)
override protected def iterator() = as.iterator
def useArrayBy[A >: Null : ClassTag](as: Iterable[A])(key: A => Int): DslBase[Int, A] =
useArray(as.map(a => (key(a), a)))
trait ArrayDsl[A] extends DslBase[Int, A] {
def to[V >: Null : ClassTag](ok: A => V, ko: Int => V): Int => V
// ===================================================================================================================
def useMap[K: UnivEq, V](kvs: Iterable[(K, V)]): Dsl[K, V] =
if (kvs.isEmpty)
new Dsl[K, V] {
override def toOption: K => Option[V] =
if (kvs.size <= 4)
override def to[A](ok: V => A, ko: K => A): K => A = {
val m = mkMap(ok)
k => m.getOrElse(k, ko(k))
private def mkMap[X](toX: V => X): Map[K, X] = {
var mv = Map.empty[K, V]
var mx = Map.empty[K, X]
for ((k, v) <- kvs)
mv.get(k) match {
case None => mv = mv.updated(k, v); mx = mx.updated(k, toX(v))
case Some(v2) => fail(s"Duplicates for $k: ${v2} and $v")
override protected def iterator() = kvs.iterator
def useMapBy[K: UnivEq, V](vs: Iterable[V])(k: V => K) =
useMap(vs.map(v => k(v) -> v))
// ===================================================================================================================
trait DslBase[@specialized(Int) K, V] {
def total: K => V
def toOption: K => Option[V]
def toEither[E](e: K => E): K => Either[E, V]
def toEitherWithHelp[H, E](h: V => String, sep: String = ",")(e: (K, String) => E): K => Either[E, V] = {
val help = MutableArray(iterator().map(_._2).map(h)).sort.mkString(sep)
toEither(e(_, help))
protected def iterator(): Iterator[(K, V)]
trait Dsl[@specialized(Int) K, V] extends DslBase[K, V] {
override def total: K => V =
to(identity, keyFail)
override def toOption: K => Option[V] =
to(Some(_), _ => None)
override def toEither[E](e: K => E): K => Either[E, V] =
to(Right(_), k => Left(e(k)))
def to[A](ok: V => A, ko: K => A): K => A
object Dsl {
def empty[@specialized(Int) K, V]: Dsl[K, V] =
new Dsl[K, V] with EmptyBase[K, V] {
override def to[A](ok: V => A, ko: K => A) = ko
trait EmptyBase[@specialized(Int) K, V] extends DslBase[K, V] {
override def total = keyFail
override def toOption = _ => None
override def toEither[E](e: K => E) = k => Left(e(k))
override protected def iterator() = Iterator.empty
private def assert(t: Boolean, e: => String): Unit =
if (!t) fail(e)
private def fail(e: String): Nothing =
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e)
private val keyFail: Any => Nothing =
k => throw new NoSuchElementException("key not found: " + k)