com.github.jsonldjava.core.RDFParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.jsonldjava.core;
* Interface for parsing RDF into the RDF Dataset objects to be used by
* @author Tristan
public interface RDFParser {
* Parse the input into the internal RDF Dataset format The format is a Map
* with the following structure: { GRAPH_1: [ TRIPLE_1, TRIPLE_2, ...,
* TRIPLE_N ], GRAPH_2: [ TRIPLE_1, TRIPLE_2, ..., TRIPLE_N ], ... GRAPH_N:
* [ TRIPLE_1, TRIPLE_2, ..., TRIPLE_N ] }
* GRAPH: Must be the graph name/IRI. if no graph is present for a triple,
* add it to the "@default" graph TRIPLE: Must be a map with the following
* structure: { "subject" : SUBJECT "predicate" : PREDICATE "object" :
* Each of the values in the triple map must also be a map with the
* following key-value pairs: "value" : The value of the node. "subject" can
* be an IRI or blank node id. "predicate" should only ever be an IRI
* "object" can be and IRI or blank node id, or a literal value (represented
* as a string) "type" : "IRI" if the value is an IRI or "blank node" if the
* value is a blank node. "object" can also be "literal" in the case of
* literals. The value of "object" can also contain the following optional
* key-value pairs: "language" : the language value of a string literal
* "datatype" : the datatype of the literal. (if not set will default to
* XSD:string, if set to null, null will be used).
* The RDFDatasetUtils class has the following helper methods to make
* generating this format easier: result = getInitialRDFDatasetResult();
* triple = generateTriple(s,p,o); triple =
* generateTriple(s,p,value,datatype,language);
* addTripleToRDFDatasetResult(result, graphName, triple);
* @param input
* The RDF library specific input to parse
* @return The input parsed using the internal RDF Dataset format
* @throws JsonLdError
* If there was an error parsing the input
public RDFDataset parse(Object input) throws JsonLdError;