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/* vim: set et ts=2 sw=2 cindent fo=qroca: */
package com.k2.core;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate;
import org.springframework.boot.ExitCodeGenerator;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.Banner;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletRegistrationBean;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextInitializer;
import org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
/** A k2 application.
* A k2 application wraps a spring boot application, that itself wraps a spring
* application context. K2 creates a hierarchy of application contexts with
* spring boot application context at its root. Each module configures its own
* application context that has the root as its parent. In a web environment, K2
* also creates a spring DispatcherServet whose application context parent is
* the module's application context. So, for each module you have:
* Root context --- module context --- servlet context.
* Module writers may optionally implement two interfaces: Registrator and
* RegistryFactory. A registrator is a module that uses other modules registries
* to register something into that module. K2 calss Registrator.addRegistrations
* on each module that implement Registrator before creating the spring
* application context of each module.
* The counterpart of Registrator is the RegistryFactory. Modules that implement
* RegistryFactory provides registries for modules that implement Registrator.
* K2 Hibernate module is a sample of a RegistryFactory.
* To register a module, application writers must create an instance of each
* module and call the application contructor.
public class Application {
/** The class logger. */
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class);
/** The module definitions off all modules initialized in this application.
* This is never null.
private Map, ModuleDefinition> modules
= new LinkedHashMap, ModuleDefinition>();
/** The spring boot application, null if not yet created.
* This is initialized with getApplication().
private SpringApplication springApplication = null;
/** Indicates if this is a web application, defaults to true.
* If this is true, then k2 will embed jetty as a web application.
private boolean isWebEnvironment = true;
/** The application context that spring boot creates when ran.
* This is null until the client executes run.
private ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext;
/** The landing url, never null.
private String landingUrl = "";
/** Creates a new Application with the given modules.
* @param moduleInstances the list of modules to bootstrap, cannot be null.
protected Application(final Object ... moduleInstances) {
Validate.notNull(modules, "The modules cannot be null");
for (Object moduleInstance : moduleInstances) {
new ModuleDefinition(moduleInstance));
if (!SLF4JBridgeHandler.isInstalled()) {
/** Determines if this is a web application.
* If true, k2 will initialize jetty as an embedded web server. Can only be
* called before run(). K2 assumes that is running a web application by
* default.
* @param isWeb true if this is a web application, false otherwise.
public void setWebEnvironment(final boolean isWeb) {
Validate.isTrue(springApplication == null,
"setWebEnviroment cannot be called after run(...).");
isWebEnvironment = isWeb;
/** Sets the landing url.
* @param theLandingUrl the landing url, it cannot be null.
public void setLandingUrl(final String theLandingUrl) {
Validate.notNull(theLandingUrl, "The landing url cannot be null.");
landingUrl = theLandingUrl;
/** The landing url.
* @return the landing url, never null, "" if the landing url was not
* configured.
@Bean(name = "k2.landingUrl") public String landingUrl() {
return landingUrl;
/** Launches the application.
* This operation is not synchronized, so take to call it just once, as soon
* as your program starts. The best way is to create a launcher class with a
* single static main that creates and runs the k2 application.
* @param args the command line arguments. It cannot be null.
public void run(final String[] args) {
log.trace("Entering run");
applicationContext = getApplication().run(args);
log.trace("Leaving run");
/** Stops the k2 application.
public void stop() {
if (applicationContext != null && applicationContext.isActive()) {
SpringApplication.exit(applicationContext, new ExitCodeGenerator[0]);
for (ModuleDefinition module : modules.values()) {
applicationContext = null;
/** Obtains a bean from the application context of the module specified by
* moduleClass.
* This can only be called after run().
* @param the type of object to return.
* @param moduleClass the class that configured the module. It cannot be
* null. It must correspond to a registered module.
* @param requiredType type the bean must match; can be an interface or
* superclass. It cannot be null.
* @param beanName the name of the bean to obtain. It cannot be null. The
* module application context must have a bean with this name.
* @return the bean named beanName in the corresponding module. Never returns
* null.
public T getBean(final Class> moduleClass, final String beanName,
final Class requiredType) {
Validate.notNull(springApplication, "You must call run before getBean");
Validate.notNull(requiredType, "The required type cannot be null.");
ModuleDefinition definition = modules.get(moduleClass);
Validate.notNull(definition, "The module "
+ moduleClass.getSimpleName() + " was not found.");
return definition.getContext().getBean(beanName, requiredType);
/** Obtains a bean from the global application context.
* This can only be called after run().
* @param the type of object to return.
* @param beanName the name of the bean to obtain. It cannot be null. The
* global application context must have a bean with this name.
* @param requiredType type the bean must match; can be an interface or
* superclass. It cannot be null.
* @return the bean named beanName in the global application context. Never
* returns null.
public T getBean(final String beanName, final Class requiredType) {
Validate.notNull(springApplication, "You must call run before getBean");
Validate.notNull(requiredType, "The required type cannot be null.");
return applicationContext.getBean(beanName, requiredType);
/** Calls addRegistrations on all modules that implement Registrator.
private void registerModules() {
for (ModuleDefinition definition : modules.values()) {
Registrator registrator = definition.getModuleRegistator();
if (registrator != null) {
ModuleContext moduleContext;
moduleContext = new ModuleContext(definition, modules.values());
/** Returns the wrapped spring boot application, creating one if not already
* created.
* @return a spring boot application, never returns null.
SpringApplication getApplication() {
log.trace("Entering getApplication");
if (springApplication == null) {
log.debug("Creating new k2 application");
SpringApplication app;
List> applicationConfigurations = new LinkedList>();
if (isWebEnvironment) {
app = new SpringApplication(applicationConfigurations.toArray()) {
/** {@inheritDoc}
* Overriden to change the type of application context to use,
* K2WebApplicationContext or K2ApplicationContext, depending on
* isWebEnvironment.
protected ConfigurableApplicationContext createApplicationContext() {
if (isWebEnvironment) {
return new K2WebApplicationContext(Application.this,
} else {
return new K2ApplicationContext(Application.this,
springApplication = app;
log.trace("Leaving getApplication");
return springApplication;
/** Configures the spring boot application initializers that create the
* K2Environment and initialize the module application contexts.
* The K2 application needs to configure the environment in the first
* initialization step, then let spring boot run its own initializer, and
* finally run the initializer that creates the module contexts.
* @param app the spring boot application context, never null.
private void configureInitializers(final SpringApplication app) {
Validate.notNull(app, "The spring boot application cannot be null");
List> initializers = new LinkedList<>();
// Add the environment initializer.
new ApplicationContextInitializer() {
/** {@inheritDoc}
* Creates the K2Environment and puts it in the application context. */
public void initialize(final ConfigurableApplicationContext parent) {
parent.setEnvironment(new K2Environment(parent.getEnvironment()));
// Adds the default spring boot initializers.
// Adds an initializer that registers the modules in the spring boot
// application.
new ApplicationContextInitializer() {
/** {@inheritDoc}
* Creates the spring application context for each module. */
public void initialize(final ConfigurableApplicationContext parent) {
// Add the post processor to support @Value in the spring
// configuration.
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer placeHolderConfigurer =
new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
if (isWebEnvironment) {
// Add the application context for each module.
for (ModuleDefinition moduleDefinition : modules.values()) {
createModule(parent, moduleDefinition);
/** Registers the module.
* Creates a spring application context with the module beans and creates a
* dispatcher servlet in a web environment. This operation does not refresh
* the application context of any module.
* @param parent the global application context. It cannot be null.
* @param definition the definition of the module to register. It cannot be
* null.
private void createModule(final ConfigurableApplicationContext parent,
final ModuleDefinition definition) {
log.trace("Entering createModule {}", definition.getModuleName());
Validate.notNull(parent, "The parent context cannot be null.");
Validate.notNull(definition, "The module definiton cannot be null.");
String moduleName = definition.getModuleName();
// Creates a new web application context initialized with the moduleClass.
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext moduleContext;
moduleContext = definition.getContext();
if (isWebEnvironment) {
registerDispatcherServlet(parent, moduleName, moduleContext);
log.trace("Leaving createModule");
/** Registers a dispatcher servlet to serve webjars from the /webjars path.
* @param context the application root application context. It cannot be null.
private void registerRootDispatcherServlet(
final ConfigurableApplicationContext context) {
Validate.notNull(context, "The application context cannot be null.");
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext servletContext;
servletContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet;
dispatcherServlet = new DispatcherServlet(servletContext);
BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = BeanDefinitionBuilder
builder.addPropertyValue("name", "k2.rootDispatcherServlet");
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry = (BeanDefinitionRegistry) context;
registry.registerBeanDefinition("k2-root", builder.getBeanDefinition());
/** Creates a spring dispatcher servlet and registers it in the provided
* context.
* This creates a dispatcher servlet for the module with the provided name. It
* registers it in context, and sets moduleContext as its parent.
* @param context the context where this operation will register the
* dispatcher servlet. It cannot be null.
* @param moduleName the name of the module. It cannot be null.
* @param moduleContext the module spring context. It cannot be null.
private void registerDispatcherServlet(
final ConfigurableApplicationContext context, final String moduleName,
final AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext moduleContext) {
Validate.notNull(context, "The application context cannot be null.");
Validate.notNull(moduleName, "The module name cannot be null.");
Validate.notNull(moduleContext, "The module context cannot be null.");
// Create a new application context for the dispatcher servlet and
// set the module context as its parent. The dispatcher servlet will do its
// magic on the context and call refresh.
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext servletContext;
servletContext = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
DispatcherServlet dispatcherServlet;
dispatcherServlet = new DispatcherServlet(servletContext);
BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = BeanDefinitionBuilder
builder.addConstructorArgValue("/" + moduleName + "/*");
builder.addPropertyValue("name", moduleName);
builder.addPropertyValue("order", 0);
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry = (BeanDefinitionRegistry) context;
registry.registerBeanDefinition(moduleName, builder.getBeanDefinition());