jsonRpc.JVMMessageReader.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package jsonRpc
import java.io.InputStream
import core.LazyLogging
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.concurrent.Future
* A Language Server message Reader. It expects the following format:
* '\r\n'
* Header := FieldName ':' FieldValue '\r\n'
* Currently there are two defined header fields:
* - 'Content-Length' in bytes (required)
* - 'Content-Type' (string), defaults to 'application/vscode-jsonrpc; charset=utf8'
* @note The header part is defined to be ASCII encoded, while the content part is UTF8.
class JVMMessageReader(in: InputStream) extends MessageReader with LazyLogging {
val BufferSize = 8192
private val buffer = new Array[Byte](BufferSize)
private var data = ArrayBuffer.empty[Byte]
private var streamClosed = false
private val lock = new Object
private class PumpInput extends Thread("Input Reader") {
override def run(): Unit = {
var nRead = 0
do {
nRead = in.read(buffer)
if (nRead > 0) lock.synchronized {
data ++= buffer.slice(0, nRead)
} while (nRead > 0)
logger.info("End of stream, terminating thread")
lock.synchronized {
streamClosed = true
lock.notify() // some threads might be still waiting for input
(new PumpInput).start()
* Return headers, if any are available. It returns only full headers, after the
* \r\n\r\n mark has been seen.
* @return A map of headers. If the map is empty it could be that the input stream
* was closed, or there were no headers before the delimiter. You can disambiguate
* by checking {{{this.streamClosed}}}
private final def readHeaders(): Map[String, String] = lock.synchronized {
val EmptyPair = "" -> ""
val EmptyMap = Map.empty[String, String]
def atDelimiter(idx: Int): Boolean = {
(data.size >= idx + 4
&& data(idx) == '\r'
&& data(idx + 1) == '\n'
&& data(idx + 2) == '\r'
&& data(idx + 3) == '\n')
while (data.size < 4 && !streamClosed) lock.wait()
if (streamClosed) return EmptyMap
var i = 0
while (i + 4 < data.size && !atDelimiter(i)) {
i += 1
if (atDelimiter(i)) {
val headers = new String(data.slice(0, i).toArray, MessageReader.AsciiCharset)
logger.debug(s"Received headers:\n$headers")
val pairs = headers.split("\r\n").filter(_.trim.length() > 0) map { line =>
line.split(":") match {
case Array(key, value) => key.trim -> value.trim
case _ =>
logger.error(s"Malformed input: $line")
// drop headers
data = data.drop(i + 4)
// if there was a malformed header we keep trying to re-sync and read again
if (pairs.contains(EmptyPair)) {
logger.error("There was an empty pair in $pairs, trying to read another header.")
} else pairs.toMap
} else if (streamClosed) {
} else {
* Return `len` bytes of content as a string encoded in UTF8.
* @note If the stream was closed this method returns the empty string.
private def getContent(len: Int): String = lock.synchronized {
while (data.size < len && !streamClosed) lock.wait()
if (streamClosed) ""
else {
assert(data.size >= len)
val content = data.take(len).toArray
data = data.drop(len)
new String(content, MessageReader.Utf8Charset)
* Return the next JSON RPC content payload. Blocks until enough data has been received.
def nextPayload(): Future[String] = if (streamClosed) Future.successful(null) else {
// blocks until headers are available
val headers = readHeaders()
if (headers.isEmpty && streamClosed)
else {
val length = headers.get("Content-Length") match {
case Some(len) => try len.toInt catch { case e: NumberFormatException => -1 }
case _ => -1
if (length > 0) {
val content = getContent(length)
if (content.isEmpty && streamClosed) Future.successful(null) else Future.successful(content)
} else {
logger.error("Input must have Content-Length header with a numeric value.")