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* Copyright 2017 Michael Rapp
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package de.mrapp.util;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import static de.mrapp.util.Condition.ensureNotNull;
* An utility class, which provides static methods, which allow to handle files.
* @author Michael Rapp
* @since 1.0.0
public final class FileUtil {
* Creates a specific directory, if it does not already exist.
* @param directory The directory, which should be created, as an instance of the class
* {@link File}. The directory may not be null
* @param createParents True, if the parent directories should also be created, if necessary,
* false otherwise
* @throws IOException The exception, which is thrown, if an error occurred while creating the
* directory
private static void mkdir(@NotNull final File directory, final boolean createParents)
throws IOException {
ensureNotNull(directory, "The directory may not be null");
boolean result = createParents ? directory.mkdirs() : directory.mkdir();
if (!result && !directory.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to create directory \"" + directory + "\"");
* Creates a new utility class, which provides static methods, which allow to handle files.
private FileUtil() {
* Creates a specific directory, if it does not already exist. It is assumed, that the parent
* directories already exist. If the parent directories should be created as well, use the
* mkdirs-method instead.
* @param directory The directory, which should be created, as an instance of the class {@link
* File}. The directory may not be null
* @throws IOException The exception, which is thrown, if an error occurred while creating the
* directory
public static void mkdir(@NotNull final File directory) throws IOException {
mkdir(directory, false);
* Creates a specific directory, if it does not already exist. If necessary the parent
* directories are created as well. If no parent directories should be created, use the
* mkdir-method instead.
* @param directory The directory, which should be created, as an instance of the class {@link
* File}. The directory may not be null
* @throws IOException The exception, which is thrown, if an error occurred while creating the
* directory
public static void mkdirs(@NotNull final File directory) throws IOException {
mkdir(directory, true);
* Deletes a specific file. If a directory and its contents should be deleted, use the
* deleteRecursively-method instead.
* @param file The file, which should be deleted, as an instance of the class {@link File}. The
* file may not be null
* @throws IOException The exception, which is thrown, if an error occurred while deleting the
* file
public static void delete(@NotNull final File file) throws IOException {
ensureNotNull(file, "The file may not be null");
boolean result = file.delete();
if (!result && file.exists()) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
throw new IOException(
"Directory \"" + file + "\" must be empty before being deleted");
throw new IOException("Failed to deleted file \"" + file + "\"");
* Deletes a specific file or directory. If the file is a directory, all contained files and
* subdirectories are deleted recursively.
* @param file The file or directory, which should be deleted, as an instance of the class
* {@link File}. The file or directory may not be null
* @throws IOException The exception, which is thrown, if an error occurs while deleting the
* file or directory
public static void deleteRecursively(@NotNull final File file) throws IOException {
ensureNotNull(file, "The file or directory may not be null");
if (file.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = file.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File child : files) {
* Creates a new, empty file.
* @param file The file, which should be created, as an instance of the class {@link File}. The
* file may not be null. If the file is a directory, an {@link
* IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown
* @throws IOException The exception, which is thrown, if an error occurs while creating the
* file
public static void createNewFile(@NotNull final File file) throws IOException {
createNewFile(file, false);
* Creates a new, empty file.
* @param file The file, which should be created, as an instance of the class {@link File}.
* The file may not be null. If the file is a directory, an {@link
* IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown
* @param overwrite True, if the file should be overwritten, if it does already exist, false
* otherwise
* @throws IOException The exception, which is thrown, if an error occurs while creating the
* file
public static void createNewFile(@NotNull final File file, final boolean overwrite)
throws IOException {
ensureNotNull(file, "The file may not be null");
boolean result = file.createNewFile();
if (!result) {
if (overwrite) {
try {
createNewFile(file, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Failed to overwrite file \"" + file + "\"");
} else if (file.exists()) {
throw new IOException("File \"" + file + "\" does already exist");
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The file must not be a directory");