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package pascal
import nsc.Global
import nsc.plugins.{Plugin, PluginComponent}
import nsc.reporters.StoreReporter
import nsc.transform.{Transform, TypingTransformers}
import nsc.symtab.Flags._
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
class PascalPlugin(val global: Global) extends Plugin {
val name = "pascal"
val description = "Concise syntax for polymorphic values"
val components = new Rewriter(global) :: Nil
class Rewriter(val global: Global) extends PluginComponent with Transform with TypingTransformers {
import global._
val phaseName = "universals"
val runsAfter = "parser" :: Nil
override val runsBefore = "namer" :: Nil
def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): TypingTransformer = new TypingTransformer(unit) {
private var cnt = -1 // So we actually start naming from 0
final def freshName(s: String): String = {
cnt += 1
s + cnt + "$"
val NothingLower = gen.rootScalaDot(tpnme.Nothing)
val AnyUpper = gen.rootScalaDot(tpnme.Any)
val DefaultBounds = TypeBoundsTree(NothingLower, AnyUpper)
def parse(code: String): Option[Tree] = {
val oldReporter = global.reporter
try {
val r = new StoreReporter()
global.reporter = r
val tree = newUnitParser(code).templateStats().headOption
if (r.infos.isEmpty) tree else None
} finally {
global.reporter = oldReporter
// Handy way to make a TypeName from a Name.
def makeTypeName(name: Name): TypeName =
// Given a name, e.g. A or `A <: Foo`, build a type
// parameter tree using the given name, bounds, etc.
def makeTypeParamFromName(ident: Ident): TypeDef = {
val decoded = NameTransformer.decode(
val src = s"type _X_[$decoded] = Unit"
parse(src) match {
case Some(TypeDef(_, _, List(tpe), _)) => tpe.duplicate
case None => reporter.error(ident.pos, s"Can't parse param: ${}"); null
def typeArgToTypeParam(t: Tree): TypeDef = t match {
case id @ Ident(_) =>
case AppliedTypeTree(Ident(name), ps) =>
val tparams =
TypeDef(Modifiers(PARAM), makeTypeName(name), tparams, DefaultBounds)
case ExistentialTypeTree(AppliedTypeTree(Ident(name), ps), _) =>
val tparams =
TypeDef(Modifiers(PARAM), makeTypeName(name), tparams, DefaultBounds)
case x =>
reporter.error(x.pos, "Can't parse %s (%s)" format (x, x.getClass.getName))
def polyVal(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case PolyVal(targetType, methodName, tArgs, body) =>
atPos(tree.pos.makeTransparent)(tArgs match {
case Nil =>
val tParam = newTypeName(freshName("A"))
q"new $targetType { def $methodName[$tParam] = $body }"
case _ =>
val tParams =
q"new $targetType { def $methodName[..$tParams] = $body }"
case _ => tree
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
// first recursively transform children,
// then rewrite the current tree
// Extractors
object TermLambda {
private val LambdaName = newTermName("Λ")
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree)] = tree match {
case Apply(TypeApply(Ident(name), tParams), body :: Nil) if name == LambdaName => Some((tParams, body))
case _ => None
object TermNuType {
private val NuName = newTermName("ν")
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match {
case TypeApply(Ident(name), tpe :: Nil) if name == NuName => Some(tpe)
case _ => None
object PolyVal {
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TermName, List[Tree], Tree)] = tree match {
// Λ[A, B, ...](e) : T
case Typed(TermLambda(tParams, body), tpe) => Some((tpe, nme.apply, tParams, body))
// ν[T].method[A, B, ...](e)
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(TermNuType(tpe), method), tParams), body :: Nil) => Some((tpe, method.toTermName, tParams, body))
// ν[T][A, B, ...](e)
case Apply(TypeApply(TermNuType(tpe), tParams), body :: Nil) => Some((tpe, nme.apply, tParams, body))
// ν[T].method(e)
case Apply(Select(TermNuType(tpe), method), body :: Nil) => Some((tpe, method.toTermName, Nil, body))
// ν[T](e)
case Apply(TermNuType(tpe), body :: Nil) => Some((tpe, nme.apply, Nil, body))
case _ => None