Download cuttlebone JAR file with all dependencies
cuttlebone from group com.github.tommyettinger (version 1.97.1)
A slimmed-down version of Eben Howard's library for dealing with grids, SquidLib, with some added features (like map generation) but with all display code removed.
Artifact cuttlebone
Group com.github.tommyettinger
Version 1.97.1
Last update 03. April 2015
Tags: with grids added dealing display code like squidlib version slimmed eben library howard features removed down some generation
Organization not specified
License Apache Public License
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies gson,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.github.tommyettinger
Version 1.97.1
Last update 03. April 2015
Tags: with grids added dealing display code like squidlib version slimmed eben library howard features removed down some generation
Organization not specified
License Apache Public License
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies gson,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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