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* Scala (
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.collection.convert
package impl
import java.util.Spliterator
import annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
import scala.collection._
private[collection] object BinaryTreeStepper {
val emptyStack = new Array[AnyRef](0)
/** A generic stepper that can traverse ordered binary trees.
* The tree is assumed to have all the stuff on the left first, then the root, then everything on the right.
* Splits occur at the root of whatever has not yet been traversed (the substepper steps up to but
* does not include the root).
* The stepper maintains an internal stack, not relying on the tree traversal to be reversible. Trees with
* nodes that maintain a parent pointer may be traversed slightly faster without a stack, but splitting is
* more awkward.
* Algorithmically, this class implements a simple state machine that unrolls the left-leaning links in
* a binary tree onto a stack. At all times, the machine should be in one of these states:
* 1. Empty: `myCurrent` is `null` and `index` is `-1`. `stack` should also be `Array.empty` then.
* 2. Ready: `myCurrent` is not `null` and contains the next `A` to be extracted
* 3. Pending: `myCurrent` is `null` and `stack(index)` contains the next node to visit
* Subclasses should allow this class to do all the work of maintaining state; `next` should simply
* reduce `maxLength` by one, and consume `myCurrent` and set it to `null` if `hasNext` is true.
private[collection] abstract class BinaryTreeStepperBase[A, T >: Null <: AnyRef, Sub >: Null, Semi <: Sub with BinaryTreeStepperBase[A, T, _, _]](
protected var maxLength: Int, protected var myCurrent: T, protected var stack: Array[AnyRef], protected var index: Int,
protected val left: T => T, protected val right: T => T
extends EfficientSplit {
/** Unrolls a subtree onto the stack starting from a particular node, returning
* the last node found. This final node is _not_ placed on the stack, and
* may have things to its right.
@tailrec protected final def unroll(from: T): T = {
val l = left(from)
if (l eq null) from
else {
if (index+1 >= stack.length) stack = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(stack, 4 + stack.length*2)
index += 1
stack(index) = from
/** Takes a subtree whose left side, if any, has already been visited, and unrolls
* the right side of the tree onto the stack, thereby detaching that node of
* the subtree from the stack entirely (so it is ready to use). It returns
* the node that is being detached. Note that the node must _not_ already be
* on the stack.
protected final def detach(node: T): node.type = {
val r = right(node)
if (r ne null) {
val last = unroll(r)
if (index+1 >= stack.length) stack = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(stack, 4 + stack.length*2)
index += 1
stack(index) = last
/** Given an empty state and the root of a new tree, initialize the tree properly
* to be in an (appropriate) ready state. Will do all sorts of wrong stuff if the
* tree is not already empty.
* Right now overwrites everything so could allow reuse, but isn't used for it.
private[impl] final def initialize(root: T, size: Int): Unit =
if (root eq null) {
maxLength = 0
myCurrent = null
stack = BinaryTreeStepper.emptyStack
index = -1
else {
maxLength = size
index = -1
myCurrent = detach(unroll(root))
protected def semiclone(maxL: Int, myC: T, stk: Array[AnyRef], ix: Int): Semi
def characteristics: Int = Spliterator.ORDERED
def estimateSize: Long = if (hasStep) maxLength else 0
def hasStep: Boolean = (myCurrent ne null) || (maxLength > 0 && {
if (index < 0) { maxLength = 0; stack = BinaryTreeStepper.emptyStack; false }
else {
val ans = stack(index).asInstanceOf[T]
index -= 1
myCurrent = detach(ans)
/** Splits the tree at the root by giving everything unrolled on the stack to a new stepper,
* detaching the root, and leaving the right-hand side of the root unrolled.
* If the tree is empty or only has one element left, it returns `null` instead of splitting.
def trySplit(): Sub =
if (!hasStep || index < 0) null
else {
val root = stack(0).asInstanceOf[T]
val leftStack =
if (index > 0) java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(stack, 1, index+1)
else BinaryTreeStepper.emptyStack
val leftIndex = index - 1
val leftCurrent = myCurrent
var leftMax = maxLength
index = -1
myCurrent = root
leftMax -= 2+index
maxLength -= 2+leftIndex
semiclone(leftMax, leftCurrent, leftStack, leftIndex)
private[collection] final class AnyBinaryTreeStepper[A, T >: Null <: AnyRef](
_maxLength: Int, _myCurrent: T, _stack: Array[AnyRef], _index: Int, _left: T => T, _right: T => T, protected val extract: T => A
extends BinaryTreeStepperBase[A, T, AnyStepper[A], AnyBinaryTreeStepper[A, T]](_maxLength, _myCurrent, _stack, _index, _left, _right)
with AnyStepper[A] {
def nextStep(): A =
if (hasStep) {
val ans = extract(myCurrent)
myCurrent = null
maxLength -= 1
else Stepper.throwNSEE()
def semiclone(maxL: Int, myC: T, stk: Array[AnyRef], ix: Int): AnyBinaryTreeStepper[A, T] =
new AnyBinaryTreeStepper[A, T](maxL, myC, stk, ix, left, right, extract)
private[collection] object AnyBinaryTreeStepper {
def from[A, T >: Null <: AnyRef](maxLength: Int, root: T, left: T => T, right: T => T, extract: T => A): AnyBinaryTreeStepper[A, T] = {
val ans = new AnyBinaryTreeStepper(0, null, BinaryTreeStepper.emptyStack, -1, left, right, extract)
ans.initialize(root, maxLength)
private[collection] final class DoubleBinaryTreeStepper[T >: Null <: AnyRef](
_maxLength: Int, _myCurrent: T, _stack: Array[AnyRef], _index: Int, _left: T => T, _right: T => T, protected val extract: T => Double
extends BinaryTreeStepperBase[Double, T, DoubleStepper, DoubleBinaryTreeStepper[T]](_maxLength, _myCurrent, _stack, _index, _left, _right)
with DoubleStepper {
def nextStep(): Double =
if (hasStep) {
val ans = extract(myCurrent)
myCurrent = null
maxLength -= 1
else Stepper.throwNSEE()
def semiclone(maxL: Int, myC: T, stk: Array[AnyRef], ix: Int): DoubleBinaryTreeStepper[T] =
new DoubleBinaryTreeStepper[T](maxL, myC, stk, ix, left, right, extract)
private [collection] object DoubleBinaryTreeStepper {
def from[T >: Null <: AnyRef](maxLength: Int, root: T, left: T => T, right: T => T, extract: T => Double): DoubleBinaryTreeStepper[T] = {
val ans = new DoubleBinaryTreeStepper(0, null, BinaryTreeStepper.emptyStack, -1, left, right, extract)
ans.initialize(root, maxLength)
private[collection] final class IntBinaryTreeStepper[T >: Null <: AnyRef](
_maxLength: Int, _myCurrent: T, _stack: Array[AnyRef], _index: Int, _left: T => T, _right: T => T, protected val extract: T => Int
extends BinaryTreeStepperBase[Int, T, IntStepper, IntBinaryTreeStepper[T]](_maxLength, _myCurrent, _stack, _index, _left, _right)
with IntStepper {
def nextStep(): Int =
if (hasStep) {
val ans = extract(myCurrent)
myCurrent = null
maxLength -= 1
else Stepper.throwNSEE()
def semiclone(maxL: Int, myC: T, stk: Array[AnyRef], ix: Int): IntBinaryTreeStepper[T] =
new IntBinaryTreeStepper[T](maxL, myC, stk, ix, left, right, extract)
private [collection] object IntBinaryTreeStepper {
def from[T >: Null <: AnyRef](maxLength: Int, root: T, left: T => T, right: T => T, extract: T => Int): IntBinaryTreeStepper[T] = {
val ans = new IntBinaryTreeStepper(0, null, BinaryTreeStepper.emptyStack, -1, left, right, extract)
ans.initialize(root, maxLength)
private[collection] final class LongBinaryTreeStepper[T >: Null <: AnyRef](
_maxLength: Int, _myCurrent: T, _stack: Array[AnyRef], _index: Int, _left: T => T, _right: T => T, protected val extract: T => Long
extends BinaryTreeStepperBase[Long, T, LongStepper, LongBinaryTreeStepper[T]](_maxLength, _myCurrent, _stack, _index, _left, _right)
with LongStepper {
def nextStep(): Long =
if (hasStep) {
val ans = extract(myCurrent)
myCurrent = null
maxLength -= 1
else Stepper.throwNSEE()
def semiclone(maxL: Int, myC: T, stk: Array[AnyRef], ix: Int): LongBinaryTreeStepper[T] =
new LongBinaryTreeStepper[T](maxL, myC, stk, ix, left, right, extract)
private [collection] object LongBinaryTreeStepper {
def from[T >: Null <: AnyRef](maxLength: Int, root: T, left: T => T, right: T => T, extract: T => Long): LongBinaryTreeStepper[T] = {
val ans = new LongBinaryTreeStepper(0, null, BinaryTreeStepper.emptyStack, -1, left, right, extract)
ans.initialize(root, maxLength)