Download google-cloud-policy-troubleshooter JAR file with all dependencies
google-cloud-policy-troubleshooter from group (version 1.27.0)
makes it easier to understand why a user has access to a resource or doesn't have permission to call an API. Given an email, resource, and permission, Policy Troubleshooter examines all Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies that apply to the resource. It then reveals whether the member's roles include the permission on that resource and, if so, which policies bind the member to those roles.
Artifact google-cloud-policy-troubleshooter
Version 1.27.0
Last update 11. October 2023
Tags: access roles policies reveals examines that bind identity whether have member troubleshooter email those policy doesn which given include resource apply makes understand permission then call management easier user
Organization Google LLC
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 42
Dependencies grpc-api, jsr305, error_prone_annotations, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, api-common, auto-value-annotations, javax.annotation-api, j2objc-annotations, protobuf-java, proto-google-common-protos, proto-google-cloud-policy-troubleshooter-v3, proto-google-iam-v1, proto-google-iam-v2, proto-google-cloud-policy-troubleshooter-v1, guava, failureaccess, listenablefuture, checker-qual, gax, google-auth-library-credentials, opencensus-api, grpc-context, google-auth-library-oauth2-http, gax-grpc, grpc-inprocess, grpc-core, grpc-alts, grpc-grpclb, conscrypt-openjdk-uber, grpc-auth, grpc-netty-shaded, gax-httpjson, gson, google-http-client, httpclient, commons-codec, httpcore, opencensus-contrib-http-util, google-http-client-gson, protobuf-java-util, threetenbp,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Version 1.27.0
Last update 11. October 2023
Tags: access roles policies reveals examines that bind identity whether have member troubleshooter email those policy doesn which given include resource apply makes understand permission then call management easier user
Organization Google LLC
License Apache-2.0
Dependencies amount 42
Dependencies grpc-api, jsr305, error_prone_annotations, grpc-stub, grpc-protobuf, api-common, auto-value-annotations, javax.annotation-api, j2objc-annotations, protobuf-java, proto-google-common-protos, proto-google-cloud-policy-troubleshooter-v3, proto-google-iam-v1, proto-google-iam-v2, proto-google-cloud-policy-troubleshooter-v1, guava, failureaccess, listenablefuture, checker-qual, gax, google-auth-library-credentials, opencensus-api, grpc-context, google-auth-library-oauth2-http, gax-grpc, grpc-inprocess, grpc-core, grpc-alts, grpc-grpclb, conscrypt-openjdk-uber, grpc-auth, grpc-netty-shaded, gax-httpjson, gson, google-http-client, httpclient, commons-codec, httpcore, opencensus-contrib-http-util, google-http-client-gson, protobuf-java-util, threetenbp,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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