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Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and Google Docs.

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 * Copyright 2006 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.



import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;

 * Analyzes properties on prototypes.
 * Uses a reference graph to analyze prototype properties. Each unique property
 * name is represented by a node in this graph. An edge from property A to
 * property B means that there's a GETPROP access of a property B on some
 * object inside of a method named A.
 * Global functions are also represented by nodes in this graph, with
 * similar semantics.
 * @author [email protected] (Nick Santos)
class AnalyzePrototypeProperties implements CompilerPass {

  // Constants for symbol types, for easier readability.
  private static final SymbolType PROPERTY = SymbolType.PROPERTY;
  private static final SymbolType VAR = SymbolType.VAR;

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final boolean canModifyExterns;
  private final boolean anchorUnusedVars;
  private final JSModuleGraph moduleGraph;
  private final JSModule firstModule;

  // Properties that are implicitly used as part of the JS language.
  private static final Set IMPLICITLY_USED_PROPERTIES =
      ImmutableSet.of("length", "toString", "valueOf");

  // A graph where the nodes are property names or variable names,
  // and the edges signify the modules where the property is referenced.
  // For example, if we had the code:
  // = function(x) { x.baz(); }; // in module 2.;
  // then this would be represented in the graph by a node representing
  // "bar", a node representing "baz", and an edge between them representing
  // module #2.
  // Similarly, if we had:
  // var scotch = function(f) { return f.age(); };
  // then there would be a node for "scotch", a node for "age", and an edge
  // from scotch to age.
  private final LinkedDirectedGraph symbolGraph =

  // A dummy node for representing global references.
  private final NameInfo globalNode = new NameInfo("[global]");

  // A dummy node for representing extern references.
  private final NameInfo externNode = new NameInfo("[extern]");

  // A dummy node for representing all anonymous functions with no names.
  private final NameInfo anonymousNode = new NameInfo("[anonymous]");

  // All the real NameInfo for prototype properties, hashed by the name
  // of the property that they represent.
  private final Map propertyNameInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>();

  // All the NameInfo for global functions, hashed by the name of the
  // global variable that it's assigned to.
  private final Map varNameInfo = new LinkedHashMap<>();

   * Creates a new pass for analyzing prototype properties.
   * @param compiler The compiler.
   * @param moduleGraph The graph for resolving module dependencies. May be
   *     null if we don't care about module dependencies.
   * @param canModifyExterns If true, then we can move prototype
   *     properties that are declared in the externs file.
   * @param anchorUnusedVars If true, then we must mark all vars as referenced,
   *     even if they are never used.
  AnalyzePrototypeProperties(AbstractCompiler compiler,
      JSModuleGraph moduleGraph, boolean canModifyExterns,
      boolean anchorUnusedVars) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.moduleGraph = moduleGraph;
    this.canModifyExterns = canModifyExterns;
    this.anchorUnusedVars = anchorUnusedVars;

    if (moduleGraph != null) {
      firstModule = moduleGraph.getRootModule();
    } else {
      firstModule = null;


    for (String property : IMPLICITLY_USED_PROPERTIES) {
      NameInfo nameInfo = getNameInfoForName(property, PROPERTY);
      if (moduleGraph == null) {
        symbolGraph.connect(externNode, null, nameInfo);
      } else {
        for (JSModule module : moduleGraph.getAllModules()) {
          symbolGraph.connect(externNode, module, nameInfo);

  public void process(Node externRoot, Node root) {
    if (!canModifyExterns) {
      NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, externRoot,
          new ProcessExternProperties());

    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, new ProcessProperties());

    FixedPointGraphTraversal t =
        FixedPointGraphTraversal.newTraversal(new PropagateReferences());
        ImmutableSet.of(externNode, globalNode));

   * Returns information on all prototype properties.
  public Collection getAllNameInfo() {
    List result = new ArrayList<>(propertyNameInfo.values());
    return result;

   * Gets the name info for the property or variable of a given name,
   * and creates a new one if necessary.
   * @param name The name of the symbol.
   * @param type The type of symbol.
  private NameInfo getNameInfoForName(String name, SymbolType type) {
    Map map = type == PROPERTY ?
        propertyNameInfo : varNameInfo;
    if (map.containsKey(name)) {
      return map.get(name);
    } else {
      NameInfo nameInfo = new NameInfo(name);
      map.put(name, nameInfo);
      return nameInfo;

  private class ProcessProperties implements NodeTraversal.ScopedCallback {
    // There are two types of context information on this stack:
    // 1) Every scope has a NameContext corresponding to its scope.
    //    Variables are given VAR contexts.
    //    Prototype properties are given PROPERTY contexts.
    //    The global scope is given the special [global] context.
    //    And function expressions that we aren't able to give a reasonable
    //    name are given a special [anonymous] context.
    // 2) Every assignment of a prototype property of a non-function is
    //    given a name context. These contexts do not have scopes.
    private final Stack symbolStack = new Stack<>();

    public void enterScope(NodeTraversal t) {
      Node n = t.getCurrentNode();
      Scope scope = t.getScope();
      Node root = scope.getRootNode();
      if (root.isFunction()) {
        String propName = getPrototypePropertyNameFromRValue(n);
        if (propName != null) {
              new NameContext(
                  getNameInfoForName(propName, PROPERTY),
        } else if (isGlobalFunctionDeclaration(t, n)) {
          Node parent = n.getParent();
          String name = parent.isName() ?
              parent.getString() /* VAR */ :
              n.getFirstChild().getString() /* named function */;
              new NameContext(getNameInfoForName(name, VAR), scope.getClosestHoistScope()));
        } else {
          // NOTE(nicksantos): We use the same anonymous node for all
          // functions that do not have reasonable names. I can't remember
          // at the moment why we do this. I think it's because anonymous
          // nodes can never have in-edges. They're just there as a placeholder
          // for scope information, and do not matter in the edge propagation.
          symbolStack.push(new NameContext(anonymousNode, scope));
      } else if (t.inGlobalScope()) {
        symbolStack.push(new NameContext(globalNode, scope));
      } else {
        // TODO(moz): It's not yet clear if we need another kind of NameContext for block scopes
        // in ES6, use anonymous node for now and investigate later.
        Preconditions.checkState(NodeUtil.createsBlockScope(root), scope);
        symbolStack.push(new NameContext(anonymousNode, scope));

    public void exitScope(NodeTraversal t) {

    public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      // Process prototype assignments to non-functions.
      String propName = processNonFunctionPrototypeAssign(n, parent);
      if (propName != null) {
            new NameContext(
                getNameInfoForName(propName, PROPERTY), null));
      return true;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (n.isGetProp()) {
        String propName = n.getSecondChild().getString();

        if (n.isQualifiedName()) {
          if (propName.equals("prototype")) {
            if (processPrototypeRef(t, n)) {
          } else if (compiler.getCodingConvention().isExported(propName)) {
            addGlobalUseOfSymbol(propName, t.getModule(), PROPERTY);
          } else {
            // Do not mark prototype prop assigns as a 'use' in the global scope.
            if (n.getParent().isAssign() && n.getNext() != null) {
              String rValueName = getPrototypePropertyNameFromRValue(n);
              if (rValueName != null) {

        addSymbolUse(propName, t.getModule(), PROPERTY);
      } else if (n.isObjectLit()) {
        // Make sure that we're not handling object literals being
        // assigned to a prototype, as in:
        // Foo.prototype = {bar: 3, baz: 5};
        String lValueName = NodeUtil.getBestLValueName(
        if (lValueName != null && lValueName.endsWith(".prototype")) {

        // var x = {a: 1, b: 2}
        // should count as a use of property a and b.
        for (Node propNameNode = n.getFirstChild(); propNameNode != null;
             propNameNode = propNameNode.getNext()) {
          // May be STRING, GET, or SET, but NUMBER isn't interesting.
          if (!propNameNode.isQuotedString()) {
            addSymbolUse(propNameNode.getString(), t.getModule(), PROPERTY);
      } else if (n.isName()) {
        String name = n.getString();

        Var var = t.getScope().getVar(name);
        if (var != null) {
          // Only process global functions.
          if (var.isGlobal()) {
            if (var.getInitialValue() != null &&
                var.getInitialValue().isFunction()) {
              if (t.inGlobalHoistScope()) {
                if (!processGlobalFunctionDeclaration(t, n, var)) {
                  addGlobalUseOfSymbol(name, t.getModule(), VAR);
              } else {
                addSymbolUse(name, t.getModule(), VAR);

          // If it is not a global, it might be accessing a local of the outer
          // scope. If that's the case the functions between the variable's
          // declaring scope and the variable reference scope cannot be moved.
          } else if (var.getScope() != t.getScope()) {
            for (int i = symbolStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              NameContext context = symbolStack.get(i);
              if (context.scope == var.getScope()) {

     = true;

      // Process prototype assignments to non-functions.
      if (processNonFunctionPrototypeAssign(n, parent) != null) {

    private void addSymbolUse(String name, JSModule module, SymbolType type) {
      NameInfo info = getNameInfoForName(name, type);
      NameInfo def = null;
      // Skip all anonymous nodes. We care only about symbols with names.
      for (int i = symbolStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        def = symbolStack.get(i).name;
        if (def != anonymousNode) {
      if (!def.equals(info)) {
        symbolGraph.connect(def, module, info);

     * If this is a non-function prototype assign, return the prop name.
     * Otherwise, return null.
    private String processNonFunctionPrototypeAssign(Node n, Node parent) {
      if (isAssignRValue(n, parent) && !n.isFunction()) {
        return getPrototypePropertyNameFromRValue(n);
      return null;

     * Determines whether {@code n} is the FUNCTION node in a global function
     * declaration.
    private boolean isGlobalFunctionDeclaration(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
      // Make sure we're not in a function scope, or if we are then the function we're looking at
      // is defined in the global scope.
      if (!(t.inGlobalHoistScope()
            || n.isFunction() && t.getScopeRoot() == n
               && t.getScope().getParent().getClosestHoistScope().isGlobal())) {
        return false;

      return NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n)
          || n.isFunction() && n.getParent().isName();

     * Returns true if this is the r-value of an assignment.
    private boolean isAssignRValue(Node n, Node parent) {
      return parent != null && parent.isAssign() && parent.getFirstChild() != n;

     * Returns the name of a prototype property being assigned to this r-value.
     * Returns null if this is not the R-value of a prototype property, or if
     * the R-value is used in multiple expressions (i.e., if there's
     * a prototype property assignment in a more complex expression).
    private String getPrototypePropertyNameFromRValue(Node rValue) {
      Node lValue = NodeUtil.getBestLValue(rValue);
      if (lValue == null ||
          lValue.getParent() == null ||
          lValue.getGrandparent() == null ||
          !((NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(lValue) && !lValue.isQuotedString()) ||
            NodeUtil.isExprAssign(lValue.getGrandparent()))) {
        return null;

      String lValueName =
      if (lValueName == null) {
        return null;
      int lastDot = lValueName.lastIndexOf('.');
      if (lastDot == -1) {
        return null;

      String firstPart = lValueName.substring(0, lastDot);
      if (!firstPart.endsWith(".prototype")) {
        return null;

      return lValueName.substring(lastDot + 1);

     * Processes a NAME node to see if it's a global function declaration.
     * If it is, record it and return true. Otherwise, return false.
    private boolean processGlobalFunctionDeclaration(NodeTraversal t,
        Node nameNode, Var v) {
      Node firstChild = nameNode.getFirstChild();
      Node parent = nameNode.getParent();

      if (// Check for a named FUNCTION.
          isGlobalFunctionDeclaration(t, parent) ||
          // Check for a VAR declaration.
          firstChild != null &&
          isGlobalFunctionDeclaration(t, firstChild)) {
        String name = nameNode.getString();
        getNameInfoForName(name, VAR).getDeclarations().add(
            new GlobalFunction(nameNode, v, t.getModule()));

        // If the function name is exported, we should create an edge here
        // so that it's never removed.
        if (compiler.getCodingConvention().isExported(name) ||
            anchorUnusedVars) {
          addGlobalUseOfSymbol(name, t.getModule(), VAR);

        return true;
      return false;

     * Processes the GETPROP of prototype, which can either be under
     * another GETPROP (in the case of, or can be
     * under an assignment (in the case of Foo.prototype = ...).
     * @return True if a declaration was added.
    private boolean processPrototypeRef(NodeTraversal t, Node ref) {
      Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(ref);

      Node n = ref.getParent();
      switch (n.getToken()) {
        // Foo.prototype.getBar = function() { ... }
        case GETPROP:
          Node dest = n.getSecondChild();
          Node parent = n.getParent();
          Node grandParent = parent.getParent();

          if (dest.isString() &&
              NodeUtil.isExprAssign(grandParent) &&
              NodeUtil.isVarOrSimpleAssignLhs(n, parent)) {
            String name = dest.getString();
            Property prop = new AssignmentProperty(
                maybeGetVar(t, root),
            getNameInfoForName(name, PROPERTY).getDeclarations().add(prop);
            return true;

        // Foo.prototype = { "getBar" : function() { ... } }
        case ASSIGN:
          Node map = n.getSecondChild();
          if (map.isObjectLit()) {
            for (Node key = map.getFirstChild();
                 key != null; key = key.getNext()) {
              if (!key.isQuotedString()) {
                // May be STRING, GETTER_DEF, or SETTER_DEF,
                String name = key.getString();
                Property prop = new LiteralProperty(
                    key, key.getFirstChild(), map, n,
                    maybeGetVar(t, root),
                getNameInfoForName(name, PROPERTY).getDeclarations().add(prop);
            return true;
      return false;

    private Var maybeGetVar(NodeTraversal t, Node maybeName) {
      return maybeName.isName()
          ? t.getScope().getVar(maybeName.getString()) : null;

    private void addGlobalUseOfSymbol(String name, JSModule module,
        SymbolType type) {
      symbolGraph.connect(globalNode, module, getNameInfoForName(name, type));

  private class ProcessExternProperties extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (n.isGetProp()) {
        symbolGraph.connect(externNode, firstModule,
            getNameInfoForName(n.getLastChild().getString(), PROPERTY));

  private class PropagateReferences
      implements EdgeCallback {
    public boolean traverseEdge(NameInfo start, JSModule edge, NameInfo dest) {
      if (start.isReferenced()) {
        JSModule startModule = start.getDeepestCommonModuleRef();
        if (startModule != null &&
            moduleGraph.dependsOn(startModule, edge)) {
          return dest.markReference(startModule);
        } else {
          return dest.markReference(edge);
      return false;

  // TODO(user): We can use DefinitionsRemover and UseSite here. Then all
  // we need to do is call getDefinition() and we'll magically know everything
  // about the definition.

   * The declaration of an abstract symbol.
  interface Symbol {
     * Remove the declaration from the AST.
    void remove(AbstractCompiler compiler);

     * The variable for the root of this symbol.
    Var getRootVar();

     * Returns the module where this appears.
    JSModule getModule();

  private static enum SymbolType {

   * A function initialized as a VAR statement or a function declaration.
  static class GlobalFunction implements Symbol {
    private final Node nameNode;
    private final Var var;
    private final JSModule module;

    GlobalFunction(Node nameNode, Var var, JSModule module) {
      Node parent = nameNode.getParent();
          parent.isVar() ||
      this.nameNode = nameNode;
      this.var = var;
      this.module = module;

    public Var getRootVar() {
      return var;

    public void remove(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
      Node parent = nameNode.getParent();
      if (parent.isFunction() || parent.hasOneChild()) {
        NodeUtil.removeChild(parent.getParent(), parent);
      } else {

    public JSModule getModule() {
      return module;

   * Since there are two ways of assigning properties to prototypes, we hide
   * then behind this interface so they can both be removed regardless of type.
  interface Property extends Symbol {

    /** Returns the GETPROP node that refers to the prototype. */
    Node getPrototype();

    /** Returns the value of this property. */
    Node getValue();

   * Properties created via EXPR assignment:
function Foo() { ... };
   * = function() { ... };
*/ static class AssignmentProperty implements Property { private final Node exprNode; private final Var rootVar; private final JSModule module; /** * @param node An EXPR node. */ AssignmentProperty(Node node, Var rootVar, JSModule module) { this.exprNode = node; this.rootVar = rootVar; this.module = module; } @Override public Var getRootVar() { return rootVar; } @Override public void remove(AbstractCompiler compiler) { compiler.reportChangeToEnclosingScope(exprNode); NodeUtil.removeChild(exprNode.getParent(), exprNode); } @Override public Node getPrototype() { return getAssignNode().getFirstFirstChild(); } @Override public Node getValue() { return getAssignNode().getLastChild(); } private Node getAssignNode() { return exprNode.getFirstChild(); } @Override public JSModule getModule() { return module; } } /** * Properties created via object literals: * *
function Foo() { ... };
   * Foo.prototype = {bar: function() { ... };
*/ static class LiteralProperty implements Property { private final Node key; private final Node value; private final Node map; private final Node assign; private final Var rootVar; private final JSModule module; LiteralProperty(Node key, Node value, Node map, Node assign, Var rootVar, JSModule module) { this.key = key; this.value = value; = map; this.assign = assign; this.rootVar = rootVar; this.module = module; } @Override public Var getRootVar() { return rootVar; } @Override public void remove(AbstractCompiler compiler) { compiler.reportChangeToEnclosingScope(key); map.removeChild(key); } @Override public Node getPrototype() { return assign.getFirstChild(); } @Override public Node getValue() { return value; } @Override public JSModule getModule() { return module; } } /** * The context of the current name. This includes the NameInfo and the scope * if it is a scope defining name (function). */ private static class NameContext { final NameInfo name; // If this is a function context, then scope will be the scope of the // corresponding function. Otherwise, it will be null. final Scope scope; NameContext(NameInfo name, Scope scope) { = name; this.scope = scope; } } /** * Information on all properties or global variables of a given name. */ class NameInfo { final String name; private boolean referenced = false; private final Deque declarations = new ArrayDeque<>(); private JSModule deepestCommonModuleRef = null; // True if this property is a function that reads a variable from an // outer scope which isn't the global scope. private boolean readClosureVariables = false; /** * Constructs a new NameInfo. * @param name The name of the property that this represents. May be null * to signify dummy nodes in the property graph. */ NameInfo(String name) { = name; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } /** Determines whether we've marked a reference to this property name. */ boolean isReferenced() { return referenced; } /** Determines whether it reads a closure variable. */ boolean readsClosureVariables() { return readClosureVariables; } /** * Mark a reference in a given module to this property name, and record * the deepest common module reference. * @param module The module where it was referenced. * @return Whether the name info has changed. */ boolean markReference(JSModule module) { boolean hasChanged = false; if (!referenced) { referenced = true; hasChanged = true; } if (moduleGraph != null) { JSModule originalDeepestCommon = deepestCommonModuleRef; if (deepestCommonModuleRef == null) { deepestCommonModuleRef = module; } else { deepestCommonModuleRef = moduleGraph.getDeepestCommonDependencyInclusive( deepestCommonModuleRef, module); } if (originalDeepestCommon != deepestCommonModuleRef) { hasChanged = true; } } return hasChanged; } /** * Returns the deepest common module of all the references to this * property. */ JSModule getDeepestCommonModuleRef() { return deepestCommonModuleRef; } /** * Returns a mutable collection of all the prototype property declarations * of this property name. */ Deque getDeclarations() { return declarations; } } }

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