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Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and Google Docs.

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 * Copyright 2013 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * @author [email protected] (Ben Lickly)
 * @author [email protected] (Dimitris Vardoulakis)
public final class NominalType {
  // In the case of a generic type (rawType.typeParameters non-empty) either:
  // a) typeMap is empty, this is an uninstantiated generic type (Foo), or
  // b) typeMap's keys exactly correspond to the type parameters of rawType;
  //    this represents a completely instantiated generic type (Foo).
  private final ImmutableMap typeMap;
  private final RawNominalType rawType;
  private static final Pattern NUMERIC_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d+");

  NominalType(ImmutableMap typeMap, RawNominalType rawType) {
        || typeMap.keySet().containsAll(rawType.getTypeParameters())
        && rawType.getTypeParameters().containsAll(typeMap.keySet()));
    this.typeMap = typeMap;
    this.rawType = rawType;

  // This should only be called during GlobalTypeInfo. All other calling contexts
  // expect fully-instantiated types for properties defined on types, etc., but by accessing
  // the raw nominal type directly they will get the uninstantiated generic types instead.
  public RawNominalType getRawNominalType() {
    // If the raw nominal type is finalized, then we are not in GlobalTypeInfo any more.
    return this.rawType;

  // NOTE(dimvar): we need this to get access to the static properties of the class.
  // It'd be good if these properties were on the type returned by getConstructorFunction,
  // but there are some circularity issues when we're computing the namespace types.
  // Maybe revisit in the future to improve this.
  public JSType getNamespaceType() {
    return this.rawType.toJSType();

  public JSType getInstanceAsJSType() {
    return (this.rawType.isGeneric() && !typeMap.isEmpty())
        ? JSType.fromObjectType(ObjectType.fromNominalType(this))
        : this.rawType.getInstanceAsJSType();

  JSTypes getCommonTypes() {
    return this.rawType.getCommonTypes();

  ObjectKind getObjectKind() {
    return this.rawType.getObjectKind();

  Map getTypeMap() {
    return typeMap;

  JSType getIndexType() {
    if (isIObject()) {
      return this.typeMap.get(this.rawType.getTypeParameters().get(0));
    // This type is a subtype of all indexed types it inherits from,
    // and we use contravariance for the key of the index operation,
    // so we join here.
    JSType result = getCommonTypes().BOTTOM;
    for (NominalType interf : getInstantiatedIObjectInterfaces()) {
      JSType tmp = interf.getIndexType();
      if (tmp != null) {
        result = JSType.join(result, tmp);
    return result.isBottom() ? null : result;

  JSType getIndexedType() {
    if (isIObject()) {
      return this.typeMap.get(this.rawType.getTypeParameters().get(1));
    // This type is a subtype of all indexed types it inherits from,
    // and we use covariance for the value of the index operation,
    // so we meet here.
    JSType result = getCommonTypes().TOP;
    // We need this because the index type may explicitly be TOP.
    boolean foundIObject = false;
    for (NominalType interf : getInstantiatedIObjectInterfaces()) {
      JSType tmp = interf.getIndexedType();
      if (tmp != null) {
        foundIObject = true;
        result =, tmp);
    return foundIObject ? result : null;

  boolean inheritsFromIObjectReflexive() {
    return this.rawType.inheritsFromIObjectReflexive();

  boolean isClassy() {
    return !isFunction() && !isBuiltinObject() && !isLiteralObject();

  public boolean isFunction() {
    return this.rawType.isBuiltinWithName("Function");

  public boolean isBuiltinObject() {
    return this.rawType.isBuiltinObject();

  public boolean isLiteralObject() {
    return this.rawType.isBuiltinWithName(JSTypes.OBJLIT_CLASS_NAME);

  boolean isIObject() {
    return this.rawType.isBuiltinWithName("IObject");

  boolean isIArrayLike() {
    return this.rawType.isBuiltinWithName("IArrayLike");

  public boolean isStruct() {
    return this.rawType.isStruct();

  public boolean isDict() {
    return this.rawType.isDict();

  public boolean isGeneric() {
    return this.rawType.isGeneric();

  public boolean isUninstantiatedGenericType() {
    return this.rawType.isGeneric() && typeMap.isEmpty();

  public Node getDefSite() {
    return this.rawType.getDefSite();

  public FunctionType getConstructorFunction() {
    if (this.typeMap.isEmpty()) {
      return this.rawType.getConstructorFunction();
    return this.rawType.getConstructorFunction().instantiateGenerics(this.typeMap);

  NominalType instantiateGenerics(List types) {
    ImmutableList typeParams = this.rawType.getTypeParameters();
    Preconditions.checkState(types.size() == typeParams.size());
    Map typeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < typeParams.size(); i++) {
      typeMap.put(typeParams.get(i), types.get(i));
    return instantiateGenerics(typeMap);

  NominalType instantiateGenerics(Map newTypeMap) {
    if (newTypeMap.isEmpty()) {
      return this;
    if (!this.rawType.isGeneric()) {
      return this.rawType.getAsNominalType();
    ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    ImmutableMap resultMap;
    if (!typeMap.isEmpty()) {
      // This branch is entered when a generic type appears "instantiated"
      // in some other type, and now we're actually instantiating it to concrete
      // types rather than to type variables, eg, here we instantiate Array's T to U,
      // and when we call f, we instantiate U to boolean.
      // /**
      //  * @template U
      //  * @param {!Array} x
      //  */
      // function f(x) { return x[0]; }
      // f([true, false]);
      for (String oldKey : typeMap.keySet()) {
        builder.put(oldKey, typeMap.get(oldKey).substituteGenerics(newTypeMap));
      resultMap =;
    } else {
      ImmutableList typeParams = this.rawType.getTypeParameters();
      for (String newKey : typeParams) {
        if (newTypeMap.containsKey(newKey)) {
          builder.put(newKey, newTypeMap.get(newKey));
      resultMap =;
      if (resultMap.isEmpty()) {
        return this;
      // This works around a bug in FunctionType, because we can't know where
      // FunctionType#receiverType is coming from.
      // If the condition is true, receiverType comes from a method declaration,
      // and we should not create a new type here.
      if (resultMap.size() < typeParams.size()) {
        return this;
    return new NominalType(resultMap, this.rawType);

  NominalType instantiateGenericsWithUnknown() {
    NominalType thisWithoutTypemap = this.rawType.getAsNominalType();
    return thisWithoutTypemap.instantiateGenerics(getCommonTypes().MAP_TO_UNKNOWN);

  public String getName() {

  // Only used for keys in GlobalTypeInfo
  public RawNominalType getId() {
    return this.rawType;

  public boolean isClass() {
    return this.rawType.isClass();

  public boolean isAbstractClass() {
    return this.rawType.isAbstractClass();

  public boolean isInterface() {
    return this.rawType.isInterface();

  boolean isStructuralInterface() {
    return this.rawType.isStructuralInterface();

  public boolean isFinalized() {
    return this.rawType.isFinalized();

  boolean hasAncestorClass(RawNominalType ancestor) {
    return this.rawType.hasAncestorClass(ancestor);

  boolean hasAncestorInterface(RawNominalType ancestor) {
    return this.rawType.hasAncestorInterface(ancestor);

  public ImmutableSet getAllPropsOfInterface() {
    return this.rawType.getAllPropsOfInterface();

  public ImmutableSet getAllPropsOfClass() {
    return this.rawType.getAllPropsOfClass();

  public Set getAllOwnClassProps() {
    return this.rawType.getAllOwnClassProps();

  public NominalType getInstantiatedSuperclass() {
    if (this.rawType.getSuperClass() == null) {
      return null;
    return this.rawType.getSuperClass().instantiateGenerics(typeMap);

  public JSType getPrototypePropertyOfCtor() {
    return this.rawType.getCtorPropDeclaredType("prototype")

  // We require finalization for the interfaces here because the inheritance
  // chain of each type may not be correct until after the type is finalized.
  public ImmutableSet getInstantiatedInterfaces() {
    ImmutableSet.Builder result = ImmutableSet.builder();
    for (NominalType interf : this.rawType.getInterfaces()) {

  // The main difference from getInstantiatedInterfaces is that this method
  // can be used on non-finalized types.
  private ImmutableSet getInstantiatedIObjectInterfaces() {
    ImmutableSet.Builder result = ImmutableSet.builder();
    for (NominalType interf : this.rawType.getInterfaces()) {
      if (interf.inheritsFromIObjectReflexive()) {

  Property getProp(String pname) {
    if (this.rawType.isBuiltinWithName("Array")
        && NUMERIC_PATTERN.matcher(pname).matches()) {
      if (typeMap.isEmpty()) {
        return Property.make(getCommonTypes().UNKNOWN, null);
      Preconditions.checkState(typeMap.size() == 1);
      JSType elmType = Iterables.getOnlyElement(typeMap.values());
      return Property.make(elmType, null);
    Property p = this.rawType.getProp(pname);
    // TODO(aravindpg): Also look for getters and setters specially (in RawNominalType::protoProps),
    // but avoid putting them in the hot path of getProp.
    return p == null ? null : p.substituteGenerics(typeMap);

  public JSType getPropDeclaredType(String pname) {
    JSType type = this.rawType.getInstancePropDeclaredType(pname);
    if (type == null) {
      return null;
    return type.substituteGenerics(typeMap);

  Property getOwnProp(String pname) {
    Property p = this.rawType.getOwnProp(pname);
    return p == null ? null : p.substituteGenerics(typeMap);

  public boolean hasConstantProp(String pname) {
    Property p = this.rawType.getProp(pname);
    return p != null && p.isConstant();

  boolean mayHaveProp(String pname) {
    return this.rawType.mayHaveProp(pname);

  public boolean hasAbstractMethod(String pname) {
    return this.rawType.hasAbstractMethod(pname);

  boolean isSubtypeOf(NominalType other, SubtypeCache subSuperMap) {
    return isNominalSubtypeOf(other)
        || other.isStructuralInterface() && isStructuralSubtypeOf(other, subSuperMap);

  private boolean isStructuralSubtypeOf(NominalType other, SubtypeCache subSuperMap) {
    for (String pname : other.getAllPropsOfInterface()) {
      Property prop2 = other.getProp(pname);
      Property prop1 = this.getProp(pname);
      if (prop2.isOptional()) {
        if (prop1 != null
            && !prop1.getType().isSubtypeOf(prop2.getType(), subSuperMap)) {
          return false;
      } else if (prop1 == null || prop1.isOptional()
          || !prop1.getType().isSubtypeOf(prop2.getType(), subSuperMap)) {
        return false;
    return true;

  // Checks for subtyping without taking generics into account
  boolean isRawSubtypeOf(NominalType other) {
    return this.rawType.isSubtypeOf(other.rawType);

  boolean isNominalSubtypeOf(NominalType other) {
    RawNominalType thisRaw = this.rawType;
    if (thisRaw == other.rawType) {
      return areTypeMapsCompatible(other);
    if (other.isBuiltinObject()) {
      return true;
    if (other.isInterface()) {
      // If thisRaw is not finalized, thisRaw.interfaces may be null.
      for (NominalType i : thisRaw.getInterfaces()) {
        if (i.instantiateGenerics(this.typeMap).isNominalSubtypeOf(other)) {
          return true;
    // Note that other can still be an interface here (implemented by a superclass)
    return isClass() && thisRaw.getSuperClass() != null
      && thisRaw.getSuperClass().instantiateGenerics(this.typeMap).isNominalSubtypeOf(other);

  boolean isIObjectSubtypeOf(NominalType other) {
        this.inheritsFromIObjectReflexive() && other.inheritsFromIObjectReflexive());
    // Contravariance for the index type and covariance for the indexed type.
    return other.getIndexType().isSubtypeOf(this.getIndexType())
        && this.getIndexedType().isSubtypeOf(other.getIndexedType());

  private boolean areTypeMapsCompatible(NominalType other) {
    if (this.typeMap.isEmpty()) {
      return other.instantiationIsUnknownOrIdentity();
    if (other.typeMap.isEmpty()) {
      return instantiationIsUnknownOrIdentity();
    for (String typeVar : this.rawType.getTypeParameters()) {
          "Type variable %s not in the domain: %s",
          typeVar, this.typeMap.keySet());
          "Other (%s) doesn't contain mapping (%s->%s) from this (%s)",
          other, typeVar, this.typeMap.get(typeVar), this);
      JSType thisType = this.typeMap.get(typeVar);
      JSType otherType = other.typeMap.get(typeVar);
      JSTypes commonTypes = getCommonTypes();
      if (commonTypes.bivariantArrayGenerics && this.rawType.isBuiltinWithName("Array")) {
        thisType = thisType.removeType(commonTypes.NULL_OR_UNDEFINED);
        otherType = otherType.removeType(commonTypes.NULL_OR_UNDEFINED);
        if (!thisType.isSubtypeOf(otherType) && !otherType.isSubtypeOf(thisType)) {
          return false;
      } else if (!thisType.isSubtypeOf(otherType)) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Unify the two types symmetrically, given that we have already instantiated
   * the type variables of interest in {@code nt1} and {@code nt2}, treating
   * JSType.UNKNOWN as a "hole" to be filled.
   * @return The unified type, or null if unification fails
  static NominalType unifyUnknowns(NominalType nt1, NominalType nt2) {
    if (!nt1.rawType.equals(nt2.rawType)) {
      return null;
    Map m1 = nt1.typeMap;
    Map m2 = nt2.typeMap;
    if (m1.isEmpty() && m2.isEmpty()) {
      return nt1;
    } else if (m1.isEmpty() || m2.isEmpty()) {
      return null;
    ImmutableMap.Builder builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (Map.Entry entry : m1.entrySet()) {
      String typeVar = entry.getKey();
      JSType t1 = entry.getValue();
      JSType t2 = m2.get(typeVar);
      if (t1.isUnknown()) {
        builder.put(typeVar, t2);
      } else if (t2.isUnknown()) {
        builder.put(typeVar, t1);
      } else {
        JSType newType = JSType.unifyUnknowns(t1, t2);
        if (newType == null) {
          return null;
        builder.put(typeVar, newType);
    return new NominalType(, nt1.rawType);

  private boolean instantiationIsUnknownOrIdentity() {
    if (this.typeMap.isEmpty()) {
      return true;
    for (String typeVar : this.rawType.getTypeParameters()) {
          "Type variable %s not in the domain: %s",
          typeVar, this.typeMap.keySet());
      JSType t = this.typeMap.get(typeVar);
      if (!t.isUnknown()
          && !t.equals(JSType.fromTypeVar(getCommonTypes(), typeVar))) {
        return false;
    return true;

  // A special-case of join
  static NominalType pickSuperclass(NominalType c1, NominalType c2) {
    if (c1 == null || c2 == null) {
      return null;
    if (c1.isNominalSubtypeOf(c2)) {
      return c2;
    if (c1.isRawSubtypeOf(c2)) {
      return c2.instantiateGenericsWithUnknown();
    if (c2.isNominalSubtypeOf(c1)) {
      return c1;
    if (c2.isRawSubtypeOf(c1)) {
      return c1.instantiateGenericsWithUnknown();
    return null;

  // A special-case of meet
  static NominalType pickSubclass(NominalType c1, NominalType c2) {
    if (c1 == null) {
      return c2;
    if (c2 == null) {
      return c1;
    if (c1.isNominalSubtypeOf(c2)) {
      return c1;
    return c2.isNominalSubtypeOf(c1) ? c2 : null;

  boolean unifyWithSubtype(NominalType other, List typeParameters,
      Multimap typeMultimap, SubtypeCache subSuperMap) {
    other = other.findMatchingAncestorWith(this);
    if (other == null) {
      return false;
    if (!isGeneric()) {
      // Non-generic nominal types don't contribute to the unification.
      return true;
    // Most of the time, both nominal types are already instantiated when
    // unifyWith is called. Rarely, when we call a polymorphic function from the
    // body of a method of a polymorphic class, then other.typeMap is
    // empty. For now, don't do anything fancy in that case.
    if (other.typeMap.isEmpty()) {
      return true;
    boolean hasUnified = true;
    for (String typeParam : this.rawType.getTypeParameters()) {
      JSType fromOtherMap = other.typeMap.get(typeParam);
          "Type variable %s not found in map %s",
          typeParam, other.typeMap);
      hasUnified = hasUnified && this.typeMap.get(typeParam)
          .unifyWithSubtype(fromOtherMap, typeParameters, typeMultimap, subSuperMap);
    return hasUnified;

  // Returns a type with the same raw type as other, but possibly different type maps.
  private NominalType findMatchingAncestorWith(NominalType other) {
    RawNominalType thisRaw = this.rawType;
    if (thisRaw == other.rawType) {
      return this;
    if (other.isInterface()) {
      for (NominalType i : thisRaw.getInterfaces()) {
        NominalType nt = i.instantiateGenerics(this.typeMap).findMatchingAncestorWith(other);
        if (nt != null) {
          return nt;
    // Note that other can still be an interface here (implemented by a superclass)
    if (isClass() && thisRaw.getSuperClass() != null) {
      return thisRaw.getSuperClass().instantiateGenerics(this.typeMap)
    return null;

  boolean isPropDefinedOnSubtype(QualifiedName pname) {
    return this.rawType.isPropDefinedOnSubtype(pname.getLeftmostName());

  static boolean equalRawTypes(NominalType n1, NominalType n2) {
    return n1.rawType.equals(n2.rawType);

  public String toString() {
    return appendTo(new StringBuilder()).toString();

  StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder builder) {
    if (this.typeMap.isEmpty()) {
      return this.rawType.appendTo(builder);
    ImmutableList typeParams = this.rawType.getTypeParameters();
    boolean firstIteration = true;
    for (String typeParam : typeParams) {
      if (firstIteration) {
        firstIteration = false;
      } else {
      JSType concrete = this.typeMap.get(typeParam);
    return builder;

  public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(typeMap, this.rawType);

  public boolean equals(Object other) {
    if (other == null) {
      return false;
    Preconditions.checkState(other instanceof NominalType);
    NominalType o = (NominalType) other;
    return this.rawType.equals(o.rawType) && Objects.equals(typeMap, o.typeMap);

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