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Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and Google Docs.

The newest version!
 * Copyright 2021 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

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import java.util.Iterator;
import org.jspecify.nullness.Nullable;

 * Rewrite dynamic import expressions to account for bundling and module rewriting. Since dynamic
 * imports cannot be fully polyfilled, optionally support replacing the expression with a function
 * call (alias function) which indicates an external polyfill is utilized.

If the import specifier is a string literal and the module resolver recognizes the target, the * pass retargets the specifier to the correct output chunk. * *

Example from: * *

 *   import('./input-module1.js');
* * To: * *
 *   imprt_('./output-chunk0.js').then(function() { return module$output$chunk0; });
* *

Unlike other "rewrite" passes for which the DefaultPassConfig checks the output language level * using {@code options.needsTranspilationOf(feature)} before adding a pass, it does not check the * language level before adding this particular pass. Even when supported by the output level, we * still invoke this pass if {@code options.shouldAllowDynamicImport()} is set. The only difference * is that for {@code ES2020}, the dynamic imports syntax can pass through if aliasing is not * requested, while for {@code < ES2020} they must get rewritten using the alias call. * *


{@code * options.shouldAllowDynamicImport() === false? * ForbidDynamicImportUsage : * (output >= ES2020) ? * don't *really* rewrite it unless aliasing is requested : * rewrite it using the alias call * } *

* *

TODO: b/291319705 For the above reason, the pass should be better named as * MaybeRewriteDynamicImports. */ public class RewriteDynamicImports extends NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback implements CompilerPass { static final DiagnosticType DYNAMIC_IMPORT_ALIASING_REQUIRED = DiagnosticType.warning( "JSC_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_ALIASING_REQUIRED", "Dynamic import expressions should be aliased for language level. " + "Use the --dynamic_import_alias flag."); static final DiagnosticType DYNAMIC_IMPORT_INVALID_ALIAS = DiagnosticType.error( "JSC_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_INVALID_ALIAS", "Dynamic import alias is not a valid name"); private final AbstractCompiler compiler; private final AstFactory astFactory; private final String alias; private final boolean requiresAliasing; private final boolean shouldWrapDynamicImportCallbacks; private boolean dynamicImportsRemoved = false; private boolean wrappedDynamicImportCallback = false; /** @param compiler The compiler */ public RewriteDynamicImports( AbstractCompiler compiler, @Nullable String alias, ChunkOutputType chunkOutputType) { this.compiler = compiler; this.astFactory = compiler.createAstFactory(); this.alias = alias; this.requiresAliasing = !compiler.getOptions().getOutputFeatureSet().contains(Feature.DYNAMIC_IMPORT); this.shouldWrapDynamicImportCallbacks = chunkOutputType == ChunkOutputType.ES_MODULES; } private final boolean aliasIsValid() { return alias != null && (alias.equals("import") || NodeUtil.isValidQualifiedName(compiler.getAllowableFeatures(), alias)); } @Override public void process(Node externs, Node root) { dynamicImportsRemoved = false; checkArgument(externs.isRoot(), externs); checkArgument(root.isRoot(), root); NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, this); if (wrappedDynamicImportCallback) { injectWrappingFunctionExtern(); } if (dynamicImportsRemoved) { compiler.markFeatureNotAllowed(Feature.DYNAMIC_IMPORT); // This pass removes dynamic import, but adds arrow functions. // It is unusual to call this NodeUtil method instead of the TranspilationPasses one. This // pass runs as a stage1 checks pass and does not have access to {@code TranspilationPasses}. // Adding that dep produces a cycle in the BUILD dep graph. // Regular transpiler passes must use the {@code // TranspilationPassses.maybeMarkFeaturesAsTranspiledAway}. NodeUtil.removeFeatureFromAllScripts(root, Feature.DYNAMIC_IMPORT, compiler); if (this.requiresAliasing && aliasIsValid()) { NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, externs, new AliasInjectingTraversal()); } } } @Override public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { if (n.getToken() != Token.DYNAMIC_IMPORT) { return; } // If the module specifier is a string, attempt to resolve the module final ModuleMap moduleMap = compiler.getModuleMap(); final Node importSpecifier = n.getFirstChild(); if (importSpecifier.isStringLit() && moduleMap != null) { final ModulePath targetPath = t.getInput() .getPath() .resolveJsModule( importSpecifier.getString(), n.getSourceFileName(), n.getLineno(), n.getCharno()); final Module module = (targetPath == null) ? null : compiler.getModuleMap().getModule(targetPath); final String targetModuleVarName = (module == null) ? null : GlobalizedModuleName.create(module.metadata(), null, null).aliasName().join(); final Var targetModuleNS = (targetModuleVarName == null) ? null : t.getScope().getVar(targetModuleVarName); if (targetModuleNS != null) { final JSChunk targetModule = targetModuleNS.getInput().getChunk(); // If the target module is bundled into the same output chunk, replace the import statement // with a promise that resolves to the module namespace. // No further rewriting occurs for this case. if (t.getChunk() == targetModule) { replaceDynamicImportWithPromise(t, n, targetModuleNS); return; } else { // The target output chunk is recognized and different from the current chunk. // Retarget the import specifier path to the output chunk path and rewrite // the import to reference the rewritten global module namespace variable. retargetImportSpecifier(t, n, targetModule); if (NodeUtil.isExpressionResultUsed(n)) { addChainedThen(t, n, targetModuleNS); } } } } if (aliasIsValid()) { aliasDynamicImport(t, n); } else if (this.alias != null) {, DYNAMIC_IMPORT_INVALID_ALIAS); } else if (requiresAliasing) {, DYNAMIC_IMPORT_ALIASING_REQUIRED); } } /** * Replace a dynamic import expression with a promise resolving to the rewritten module namespace. * *

Before * *

   *   import('./foo.js');
* * After * *
   *   Promise.resolve(module$foo);
*/ private void replaceDynamicImportWithPromise( NodeTraversal t, Node dynamicImport, Var targetModuleNS) { final JSTypeRegistry registry = compiler.getTypeRegistry(); final Node promiseDotResolve = astFactory.createQName(compiler.getTranspilationNamespace(), "Promise.resolve"); final Node promiseResolveCall = astFactory.createCall(promiseDotResolve, type(dynamicImport)); final boolean isExpressionUsed = NodeUtil.isExpressionResultUsed(dynamicImport); if (isExpressionUsed) { JSType moduleNamespaceType; if (dynamicImport.getJSType() != null && dynamicImport.getJSType().isTemplatizedType()) { TemplatizedType templatizedType = (TemplatizedType) dynamicImport.getJSType(); moduleNamespaceType = templatizedType.getTemplateTypes().get(0); } else { moduleNamespaceType = registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.UNKNOWN_TYPE); } promiseDotResolve.setJSType( registry.createFunctionType( registry.createTemplatizedType( registry.getNativeObjectType(JSTypeNative.PROMISE_TYPE), moduleNamespaceType), registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.ALL_TYPE))); promiseResolveCall.addChildToBack(createModuleNamespaceNode(targetModuleNS)); promiseResolveCall.copyTypeFrom(dynamicImport); } else { promiseDotResolve.setJSType( registry.createFunctionType( registry.createTemplatizedType( registry.getNativeObjectType(JSTypeNative.PROMISE_TYPE), registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.VOID_TYPE)), registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.ALL_TYPE))); promiseResolveCall.setJSType( registry.createTemplatizedType( registry.getNativeObjectType(JSTypeNative.PROMISE_TYPE), registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.VOID_TYPE))); } promiseResolveCall.srcrefTree(dynamicImport); Node parent = dynamicImport.getParent(); dynamicImport.replaceWith(promiseResolveCall); t.reportCodeChange(parent); dynamicImportsRemoved = true; } private static String getChunkFileName(JSChunk chunk) { return chunk.getName() + ".js"; } /** * Rewrite the dynamic import specifier to the output chunk path * *

Before * *

   *   import('./foo.js');
* * After * *
   *   import('./chunk0.js');
*/ private void retargetImportSpecifier(NodeTraversal t, Node dynamicImport, JSChunk targetModule) { String retargetedSpecifier; String importingChunkFilename = getChunkFileName(t.getInput().getChunk()); String targetChunkFilename = getChunkFileName(targetModule); try { retargetedSpecifier = ModuleLoader.relativePathFrom(importingChunkFilename, targetChunkFilename); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { JSError.make( dynamicImport, UNABLE_TO_COMPUTE_RELATIVE_PATH, importingChunkFilename, targetChunkFilename)); return; } final Node originalSpecifierNode = dynamicImport.getFirstChild(); Node newSpecifier = astFactory.createString(retargetedSpecifier).srcref(originalSpecifierNode); originalSpecifierNode.replaceWith(newSpecifier); t.reportCodeChange(newSpecifier); } /** * Since a dynamic import expression is a promise resolving to the namespace export type, add a * ".then()" call after it and resolve to the rewritten module namespace. * *

Before * *

   *   import('./foo.js');
* * After * *
   *   import('./foo.js').then(() => module$foo);
*/ private void addChainedThen(NodeTraversal t, Node dynamicImport, Var targetModuleNs) { JSTypeRegistry registry = compiler.getTypeRegistry(); final Node importParent = dynamicImport.getParent(); final Node placeholder = IR.empty(); dynamicImport.replaceWith(placeholder); final Node moduleNamespaceNode = createModuleNamespaceNode(targetModuleNs); final Node callbackFn = astFactory.createZeroArgArrowFunctionForExpression(moduleNamespaceNode); callbackFn.setJSType( registry.createFunctionType( registry.createTemplatizedType( registry.getNativeObjectType(JSTypeNative.PROMISE_TYPE), registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.UNKNOWN_TYPE)), registry.createFunctionType(registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.ALL_TYPE)))); Node thenArgument = callbackFn; if (shouldWrapDynamicImportCallbacks) { Node wrappingFunction = astFactory.createName( DYNAMIC_IMPORT_CALLBACK_FN, type(registry.createFunctionType(callbackFn.getJSType(), callbackFn.getJSType()))); thenArgument = astFactory.createCall(wrappingFunction, type(callbackFn), callbackFn); wrappedDynamicImportCallback = true; } final Node importThenCall = astFactory.createCall( astFactory.createGetPropWithUnknownType(dynamicImport, "then"), type(dynamicImport), thenArgument); importThenCall.srcrefTreeIfMissing(dynamicImport); if (dynamicImport.getJSType() != null) { importThenCall.copyTypeFrom(dynamicImport); } placeholder.replaceWith(importThenCall); NodeUtil.addFeatureToScript(t.getCurrentScript(), Feature.ARROW_FUNCTIONS, compiler); compiler.reportChangeToChangeScope(callbackFn); compiler.reportChangeToEnclosingScope(importParent); } /** * Replace a dynamic import expression with a function call to the specified alias. * *

Before * *

   *   import('./foo.js');
* * After * *
   *   aliasedName('./foo.js');
*/ private void aliasDynamicImport(NodeTraversal t, Node dynamicImport) { checkNotNull(this.alias); final Node aliasNode = astFactory.createQNameWithUnknownType(this.alias); aliasNode.setOriginalName("import"); final Node moduleSpecifier = dynamicImport.removeFirstChild(); Node importAliasCall = astFactory .createCall(aliasNode, type(dynamicImport), moduleSpecifier) .srcrefTreeIfMissing(dynamicImport); if (dynamicImport.getJSType() != null) { importAliasCall.copyTypeFrom(dynamicImport); } dynamicImport.replaceWith(importAliasCall); t.reportCodeChange(importAliasCall); dynamicImportsRemoved = true; } /** For a given module, return a reference to the module namespace export */ private Node createModuleNamespaceNode(Var moduleVar) { final Node moduleVarNode = moduleVar.getNode(); Node moduleNamespace = moduleVarNode.cloneNode(); moduleNamespace.copyTypeFrom(moduleVarNode); return moduleNamespace; } /** For a given module, return a reference to the module namespace export */ private void injectWrappingFunctionExtern() { JSTypeRegistry registry = compiler.getTypeRegistry(); TemplateType templateT = registry.createTemplateType("T"); final Node wrappingFunctionDefinition = astFactory.createFunction( DYNAMIC_IMPORT_CALLBACK_FN, astFactory.createParamList("importCallback"), astFactory.createBlock(), type(registry.createFunctionType(templateT, templateT))); Node externsRoot = compiler.getSynthesizedExternsInput().getAstRoot(compiler); wrappingFunctionDefinition.srcrefTree(externsRoot); externsRoot.addChildToBack(wrappingFunctionDefinition); compiler.reportChangeToEnclosingScope(wrappingFunctionDefinition); } /** * A shallow traversal class for the externs to inject the alias. * *

Later passes require the names to be defined. For simple name aliases first check for an * existing definition. Qualified name aliases check for an existing definition of the root name * only. */ private class AliasInjectingTraversal extends NodeTraversal.AbstractPreOrderCallback { @Override public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) { checkState(aliasIsValid()); // If the extern is a simple name and already declared, there is nothing to do if (NodeUtil.isValidSimpleName(alias) && t.getScope().getVar(alias) != null) { return false; } // Create the type of the import function JSTypeRegistry registry = compiler.getTypeRegistry(); JSType unknownType = registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.UNKNOWN_TYPE); JSType promiseType = registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.PROMISE_TYPE); TemplatizedType promiseTemplatizedType = registry.createTemplatizedType(promiseType.toObjectType(), ImmutableList.of(unknownType)); JSType stringType = registry.getNativeType(JSTypeNative.STRING_TYPE); Node externsRoot = compiler.getSynthesizedExternsInput().getAstRoot(compiler); // "import" is not a valid JS name and will not parse. However we can manually create it // and inject it into the externs. if (alias.equals("import") || NodeUtil.isValidSimpleName(alias)) { Node aliasNode = astFactory.createFunction( alias, astFactory.createParamList("specifier"), astFactory.createBlock(), type(registry.createFunctionType(promiseTemplatizedType, stringType))); aliasNode.srcrefTree(externsRoot); externsRoot.addChildToBack(aliasNode); } else { String aliasRootName = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(alias); Var aliasVar = t.getScope().getVar(aliasRootName); // If the namespace root is defined, just assume the whole name is properly defined. // This may need revisited in the future, but checking if the full qualified name // is properly defined is difficult here. As long as the root of the qualified name is // defined, other passes seem be ok even with missing properties. if (aliasVar != null) { return false; } Node aliasRootNode = astFactory.createSingleVarNameDeclaration(aliasRootName, astFactory.createObjectLit()); aliasRootNode.srcrefTree(externsRoot); externsRoot.addChildToBack(aliasRootNode); // Define the rest of the parts of the name Iterator aliasNameParts = Splitter.on(".").split(alias).iterator(); Node qName = aliasRootNode.getFirstChild().cloneNode();; // skip over root name while (aliasNameParts.hasNext()) { qName = astFactory.createGetPropWithUnknownType(qName.cloneTree(),; Node assignedValue; if (!aliasNameParts.hasNext()) { assignedValue = astFactory.createFunction( "", astFactory.createParamList("specifier"), astFactory.createBlock(), type(registry.createFunctionType(promiseTemplatizedType, stringType))); } else { assignedValue = astFactory.createObjectLit(); } Node expr = astFactory.exprResult(astFactory.createAssign(qName, assignedValue)); expr.srcrefTree(externsRoot); externsRoot.addChildToBack(expr); } } compiler.reportChangeToChangeScope(externsRoot); return false; } } }

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