Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
* A Subject for {@code float[]}.
* @author Christian Gruber ([email protected])
public final class PrimitiveFloatArraySubject extends AbstractArraySubject {
private final float @Nullable [] actual;
FailureMetadata metadata, float @Nullable [] o, @Nullable String typeDescription) {
super(metadata, o, typeDescription);
this.actual = o;
* A check that the actual array and {@code expected} are arrays of the same length and type,
* containing elements such that each element in {@code expected} is equal to each element in the
* actual array, and in the same position, with element equality defined the same way that {@link
* Arrays#equals(float[], float[])} and {@link Float#equals(Object)} define it (which is different
* to the way that the {@code ==} operator on primitive {@code float} defines it). This method is
* not recommended when the code under test is doing any kind of arithmetic: use {@link
* #usingTolerance} with a suitable tolerance in that case, e.g. {@code
* assertThat(actualArray).usingTolerance(1.0e-5).containsExactly(expectedArray).inOrder()}.
* (Remember that the exact result of floating point arithmetic is sensitive to apparently trivial
* changes such as replacing {@code (a + b) + c} with {@code a + (b + c)}, and that unless {@code
* strictfp} is in force even the result of {@code (a + b) + c} is sensitive to the JVM's choice
* of precision for the intermediate result.) This method is recommended when the code under test
* is specified as either copying values without modification from its input or returning
* well-defined literal or constant values.
* - It considers {@link Float#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Float#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, and {@link
* Float#NaN} to be equal to themselves (contrast with {@code usingTolerance(0.0)} which
* does not).
- It does not consider {@code -0.0f} to be equal to {@code 0.0f} (contrast with
* {@code usingTolerance(0.0)} which does).
public void isEqualTo(@Nullable Object expected) {
* A check that the actual array and {@code expected} are not arrays of the same length and type,
* containing elements such that each element in {@code expected} is equal to each element in the
* actual array, and in the same position, with element equality defined the same way that {@link
* Arrays#equals(float[], float[])} and {@link Float#equals(Object)} define it (which is different
* to the way that the {@code ==} operator on primitive {@code float} defines it). See {@link
* #isEqualTo(Object)} for advice on when exact equality is recommended.
* - It considers {@link Float#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Float#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, and {@link
* Float#NaN} to be equal to themselves.
- It does not consider {@code -0.0} to be equal to {@code 0.0}.
public void isNotEqualTo(@Nullable Object expected) {
* Starts a method chain for a check in which the actual values (i.e. the elements of the array
* under test) are compared to expected elements using a {@link Correspondence} which considers
* values to correspond if they are finite values within {@code tolerance} of each other. The
* check is actually executed by continuing the method chain. For example:
* {@code
* assertThat(actualFloatArray).usingTolerance(1.0e-5f).contains(3.14159f);
* }
* - It does not consider values to correspond if either value is infinite or NaN.
- It considers {@code -0.0f} to be within any tolerance of {@code 0.0f}.
- The expected values provided later in the chain will be {@link Number} instances which
* will be converted to floats, which may result in a loss of precision for some numeric
* types.
- The subsequent methods in the chain may throw a {@link NullPointerException} if any
* expected {@link Number} instance is null.
* @param tolerance an inclusive upper bound on the difference between the float values of the
* actual and expected numbers, which must be a non-negative finite value, i.e. not {@link
* Float#NaN}, {@link Float#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, or negative, including {@code -0.0f}
public FloatArrayAsIterable usingTolerance(double tolerance) {
return new FloatArrayAsIterable(tolerance(tolerance), iterableSubject());
private static final Correspondence EXACT_EQUALITY_CORRESPONDENCE =
// If we were allowed lambdas, this would be:
// (a, e) -> Float.floatToIntBits(a) == Float.floatToIntBits(checkedToFloat(e)),
new Correspondence.BinaryPredicate() {
public boolean apply(Float actual, Number expected) {
return Float.floatToIntBits(actual) == Float.floatToIntBits(checkedToFloat(expected));
"is exactly equal to");
private static float checkedToFloat(Number expected) {
!(expected instanceof Double),
"Expected value in assertion using exact float equality was a double, which is not "
+ "supported as a double may not have an exact float representation");
expected instanceof Float || expected instanceof Integer || expected instanceof Long,
"Expected value in assertion using exact float equality was of unsupported type %s "
+ "(it may not have an exact float representation)",
if (expected instanceof Integer) {
Math.abs((Integer) expected) <= 1 << 24,
"Expected value %s in assertion using exact float equality was an int with an absolute "
+ "value greater than 2^24 which has no exact float representation",
if (expected instanceof Long) {
Math.abs((Long) expected) <= 1L << 24,
"Expected value %s in assertion using exact float equality was a long with an absolute "
+ "value greater than 2^24 which has no exact float representation",
return expected.floatValue();
* Starts a method chain for a check in which the actual values (i.e. the elements of the array
* under test) are compared to expected elements using a {@link Correspondence} which considers
* values to correspond if they are exactly equal, with equality defined by {@link Float#equals}.
* This method is not recommended when the code under test is doing any kind of arithmetic:
* use {@link #usingTolerance} with a suitable tolerance in that case. (Remember that the exact
* result of floating point arithmetic is sensitive to apparently trivial changes such as
* replacing {@code (a + b) + c} with {@code a + (b + c)}, and that unless {@code strictfp} is in
* force even the result of {@code (a + b) + c} is sensitive to the JVM's choice of precision for
* the intermediate result.) This method is recommended when the code under test is specified as
* either copying a value without modification from its input or returning a well-defined literal
* or constant value. The check is actually executed by continuing the method chain. For example:
* {@code
* assertThat(actualFloatArray).usingExactEquality().contains(3.14159f);
* }
* For convenience, some subsequent methods accept expected values as {@link Number} instances.
* These numbers must be either of type {@link Float}, {@link Integer}, or {@link Long}, and if
* they are {@link Integer} or {@link Long} then their absolute values must not exceed 2^24 which
* is 16,777,216. (This restriction ensures that the expected values have exact {@link Float}
* representations: using exact equality makes no sense if they do not.)
* - It considers {@link Float#POSITIVE_INFINITY}, {@link Float#NEGATIVE_INFINITY}, and {@link
* Float#NaN} to be equal to themselves (contrast with {@code usingTolerance(0.0)} which
* does not).
- It does not consider {@code -0.0f} to be equal to {@code 0.0f} (contrast with
* {@code usingTolerance(0.0)} which does).
- The subsequent methods in the chain may throw a {@link NullPointerException} if any
* expected {@link Float} instance is null.
public FloatArrayAsIterable usingExactEquality() {
return new FloatArrayAsIterable(EXACT_EQUALITY_CORRESPONDENCE, iterableSubject());
* A partially specified check for doing assertions on the array similar to the assertions
* supported for {@link Iterable} subjects, in which the elements of the array under test are
* compared to expected elements using either exact or tolerant float equality: see {@link
* #usingExactEquality} and {@link #usingTolerance}. Call methods on this object to actually
* execute the check.
* In the exact equality case, the methods on this class which take {@link Number} arguments
* only accept certain instances: again, see {@link #usingExactEquality} for details.
public static final class FloatArrayAsIterable
extends IterableSubject.UsingCorrespondence {
Correspondence super Float, Number> correspondence, IterableSubject subject) {
super(subject, correspondence);
* As {@link #containsAtLeast(Object, Object, Object...)} but taking a primitive float array.
public Ordered containsAtLeast(float[] expected) {
return containsAtLeastElementsIn(Floats.asList(expected));
/** As {@link #containsAnyOf(Object, Object, Object...)} but taking a primitive float array. */
public void containsAnyOf(float[] expected) {
/** As {@link #containsExactly(Object...)} but taking a primitive float array. */
public Ordered containsExactly(float[] expected) {
return containsExactlyElementsIn(Floats.asList(expected));
/** As {@link #containsNoneOf(Object, Object, Object...)} but taking a primitive float array. */
public void containsNoneOf(float[] excluded) {
private IterableSubject iterableSubject() {
return checkNoNeedToDisplayBothValues("asList()")
* TODO(cpovirk): Should we make Floats.asList().toString() smarter rather than do all this?
* TODO(cpovirk): Or find a general solution for this and MultimapSubject.IterableEntries. But
* note that here we don't use _exactly_ PrimitiveFloatArraySubject.this.toString(), as that
* contains "float[]." Or maybe we should stop including that in
* PrimitiveFloatArraySubject.this.toString(), too, someday?
private Factory> iterablesWithCustomFloatToString() {
return new Factory>() {
public IterableSubject createSubject(FailureMetadata metadata, @Nullable Iterable> actual) {
return new IterableSubjectWithInheritedToString(metadata, actual);
private final class IterableSubjectWithInheritedToString extends IterableSubject {
IterableSubjectWithInheritedToString(FailureMetadata metadata, @Nullable Iterable> actual) {
super(metadata, actual);
protected String actualCustomStringRepresentation() {
return PrimitiveFloatArraySubject.this