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* #%L
* coda-data
* --
* Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 Elisha Peterson
* --
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
import tri.timeseries.TimeSeries
import tri.util.percentChangeTo
import java.time.LocalDate
import kotlin.math.abs
* Finds meaningful local minima and maxima. Uses a parameter that requires values found to be at least N away from other values.
* The algorithm first finds all local minima and maxima (that are also minima/maxima within the [x-N,x+N] sample window),
* and then fills in values between adjacent minima/maxima (e.g. if there are two local minima in a row) with the max/min value in between.
class MinMaxFinder(var sampleWindow: Int = 7) {
fun invoke(series: TimeSeries): ExtremaSummary {
val values = series.values.removeTrailingZeros().convolve()
val largest = values.maxOrNull()
val smallest = values.minOrNull()
if (smallest == largest) {
return ExtremaSummary(series).apply {
extrema[series.start] = ExtremeInfo(series.metric, series.start, series[series.start], ExtremeType.ENDPOINT, 0, null)
extrema[series.end] = ExtremeInfo(series.metric, series.end, series[series.end], ExtremeType.ENDPOINT, 0, null)
val minima = findMins(values, sampleWindow)
val maxima = findMaxs(values, sampleWindow)
val extremes = ( { it to ExtremeType.LOCAL_MIN } + { it to ExtremeType.LOCAL_MAX })
val endpoints = listOf(0 to ExtremeType.ENDPOINT, values.size - 1 to ExtremeType.ENDPOINT)
val intermediates = extremes.windowed(2)
.filter { it[0].second == it[1].second && it[1].first - it[0].first > sampleWindow }
.map { betweenExtremes(series.values, it[0], it[1]) }
val combined = (endpoints + extremes + intermediates).toMap().toSortedMap().toList()
return ExtremaSummary(series).apply {
combined.mapIndexed { i, pair ->
val previous = if (i == 0) null else series.values.getOrNull(combined[i - 1].first)
val current = series.values.getOrNull(pair.first) ?: 0.0
val type = if (current == largest) ExtremeType.GLOBAL_MAX else if (current == smallest) ExtremeType.GLOBAL_MIN else pair.second
val daysSinceLast = if (i == 0) 0 else combined[i].first - combined[i - 1].first
ExtremeInfo(series.metric,, current, type, daysSinceLast, previous?.percentChangeTo(current))
}.onEach { extrema[] = it }
private fun betweenExtremes(series: List, p1: Pair, p2: Pair): Pair {
require(p1.second == p2.second)
return when (p1.second) {
ExtremeType.LOCAL_MIN -> series.argmax(p1.first + 1, p2.first - 1)!! to ExtremeType.LOCAL_MAX
ExtremeType.LOCAL_MAX -> series.argmin(p1.first + 1, p2.first - 1)!! to ExtremeType.LOCAL_MIN
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
/** Find indices of values that are <= values in [x-win, x+win]. */
fun findMins(series: List, win: Int) = series.indices.filter { t -> series.window(t - win, t + win).all { it >= series[t] } }
/** Find indices of values that are >= values in [x-win, x+win]. */
fun findMaxs(series: List, win: Int) = series.indices.filter { t -> series.window(t - win, t + win).all { it <= series[t] } }
private fun List.window(min: Int, max: Int) = subList(maxOf(min, 0), minOf(max + 1, size))
private fun > List.argmin(min: Int, max: Int) = (min..max).minByOrNull { it: Int -> get(it) }
private fun > List.argmax(min: Int, max: Int) = (min..max).maxByOrNull { it: Int -> get(it) }
private fun List.convolve() = { i ->
(-10..10).sumByDouble { getOrElse(i + it) { 0.0 } * convolveFun(it) }
private fun List.removeTrailingZeros() = dropLastWhile { !it.isFinite() || it == 0.0 }
private fun convolveFun(i: Int) = when (i) {
0 -> 1.0
else -> maxOf(0.0, .01 - .001 * abs(i))
/** Summarizes information about extrema by date. */
class ExtremaSummary(val series: TimeSeries) {
val extrema = sortedMapOf()
override fun toString() = extrema.toString()
/** Types of extrema. */
* Information associated with a single extremum. Tracks the extremum type, date, and value, along with the length of
* time and change since the prior extremum.
data class ExtremeInfo(var metric: String, var date: LocalDate, var value: Double, var type: ExtremeType, var daysSinceLast: Int, var percentChange: Double?)