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* Licensed to GraphHopper GmbH under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList;
import com.graphhopper.apache.commons.collections.IntFloatBinaryHeap;
import com.graphhopper.util.GHUtility;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import static;
* Helper class used to perform local witness path searches for graph preparation in edge-based Contraction Hierarchies.
* (source edge) -- s -- x -- t -- (target edge)
* Let x be a node to be contracted (the 'center node') and s and t neighboring un-contracted nodes of x that are
* directly connected with x (via a normal edge or a shortcut). This class is used to find out whether a path between a
* given source edge incoming to s and a given target edge outgoing from t exists with a given maximum weight. The
* weights of the source and target edges are not counted in, but the turn costs from the source edge to s->x and from
* x->t to the target edge are. We also distinguish whether this path is a 'bridge-path' or not:
* 1) The path only consists of one edge from s to x, an arbitrary number of loops at x, and one edge from x to t.
* This is called a 'bridge-path' here.
* 2) The path includes an edge from s to a node other than x or an edge from another node than x to t.
* This is called a 'witness-path'. Note that a witness path can still include x! This is because if a witness includes
* x we still do not need to include a shortcut because the path contains another (smaller) shortcut in this case.
* To find the optimal path an edge-based unidirectional Dijkstra algorithm is used that takes into account turn-costs.
* The search is initialized for a given source edge key and node to be contracted x. Subsequent searches for different
* target edges will keep on building the shortest path tree from previous searches. For the performance of edge-based
* CH graph preparation it is crucial to limit the local witness path searches as much as possible.
* @author easbar
public class EdgeBasedWitnessPathSearcher {
private static final int NO_NODE = -1;
private static final double MAX_ZERO_WEIGHT_LOOP = 1.e-3;
private final CHPreparationGraph prepareGraph;
private PrepareGraphEdgeExplorer outEdgeExplorer;
private PrepareGraphOrigEdgeExplorer origInEdgeExplorer;
private int sourceNode;
private int centerNode;
// various counters
private int numPolls;
private int numUpdates;
// data structures used to build the shortest path tree
// we allocate memory for all possible edge keys and keep track which ones have been discovered so far
private double[] weights;
private int[] parents;
private int[] adjNodesAndIsPathToCenters;
private IntArrayList changedEdgeKeys;
private IntFloatBinaryHeap dijkstraHeap;
// statistics to analyze performance
private Stats stats;
public EdgeBasedWitnessPathSearcher(CHPreparationGraph prepareGraph) {
this.prepareGraph = prepareGraph;
outEdgeExplorer = prepareGraph.createOutEdgeExplorer();
origInEdgeExplorer = prepareGraph.createInOrigEdgeExplorer();
initStorage(2 * prepareGraph.getOriginalEdges());
* Deletes the shortest path tree that has been found so far and initializes a new witness path search for a given
* node to be contracted and source edge key.
* @param sourceEdgeKey the key of the original edge incoming to s from which the search starts
* @param sourceNode the neighbor node from which the search starts (s)
* @param centerNode the node to be contracted (x)
public void initSearch(int sourceEdgeKey, int sourceNode, int centerNode, Stats stats) {
this.stats = stats;
this.sourceNode = sourceNode;
this.centerNode = centerNode;
// set start entry
weights[sourceEdgeKey] = 0;
parents[sourceEdgeKey] = -1;
setAdjNodeAndPathToCenter(sourceEdgeKey, sourceNode, true);
dijkstraHeap.insert(0, sourceEdgeKey);
* Runs a witness path search for a given target edge key. Results of previous searches (the shortest path tree) are
* reused and the previous search is extended if necessary. Note that you need to call
* {@link #initSearch(int, int, int, Stats)} before calling this method to initialize the search.
* @param targetNode the neighbor node that should be reached by the path (t)
* @param targetEdgeKey the original edge key outgoing from t where the search ends
* @param acceptedWeight Once we find a path with a weight smaller or equal to this we return the weight. The
* returned weight might be larger than the weight of the real shortest path. If there is
* no path with weight smaller than or equal to this we stop the search and return the weight
* of the best path found so far.
* @return the weight of the found path or {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY} if no path was found
public double runSearch(int targetNode, int targetEdgeKey, double acceptedWeight, int maxPolls) {
// first we check if we can already reach the target edge from the shortest path tree we discovered so far
PrepareGraphOrigEdgeIterator inIter = origInEdgeExplorer.setBaseNode(targetNode);
while ( {
final int edgeKey = GHUtility.reverseEdgeKey(inIter.getOrigEdgeKeyLast());
if (weights[edgeKey] == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
double weight = weights[edgeKey] + calcTurnWeight(edgeKey, targetNode, targetEdgeKey);
if (weight < acceptedWeight || (weight == acceptedWeight && (parents[edgeKey] < 0 || !isPathToCenter(parents[edgeKey]))))
return weight;
// run the search
while (!dijkstraHeap.isEmpty() && numPolls < maxPolls &&
// we *could* use dijkstraHeap.peekKey() instead, but since it is cast to float this might be smaller than
// the actual weight in which case the search might continue and find a false witness path when there is
// an adjacent zero weight edge *and* u-turn costs are zero. we could check this explicitly somewhere,,
// but we just use the exact weight here instead. #2564
weights[dijkstraHeap.peekElement()] < acceptedWeight
) {
int currKey = dijkstraHeap.poll();
final int currNode = getAdjNode(currKey);
PrepareGraphEdgeIterator iter = outEdgeExplorer.setBaseNode(currNode);
double foundWeight = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
while ( {
// in a few very special cases this is needed to prevent paths that start with a zero weight loop from
// being recognized as witnesses when there are double zero weight loops at the source node
if (currNode == sourceNode && iter.getAdjNode() == sourceNode && iter.getWeight() < MAX_ZERO_WEIGHT_LOOP)
final double weight = weights[currKey] + calcTurnWeight(currKey, currNode, iter.getOrigEdgeKeyFirst()) + iter.getWeight();
if (Double.isInfinite(weight))
final int key = iter.getOrigEdgeKeyLast();
final boolean isPathToCenter = isPathToCenter(currKey) && iter.getAdjNode() == centerNode;
if (weights[key] == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
weights[key] = weight;
parents[key] = currKey;
setAdjNodeAndPathToCenter(key, iter.getAdjNode(), isPathToCenter);
dijkstraHeap.insert(weight, key);
if (iter.getAdjNode() == targetNode && (!isPathToCenter(currKey) || parents[currKey] < 0))
foundWeight = Math.min(foundWeight, weight + calcTurnWeight(key, targetNode, targetEdgeKey));
} else if (weight < weights[key]
// if weights are equal make sure we prefer witness paths over bridge paths
|| (weight == weights[key] && !isPathToCenter(currKey))) {
weights[key] = weight;
parents[key] = currKey;
setAdjNodeAndPathToCenter(key, iter.getAdjNode(), isPathToCenter);
dijkstraHeap.update(weight, key);
if (iter.getAdjNode() == targetNode && (!isPathToCenter(currKey) || parents[currKey] < 0))
foundWeight = Math.min(foundWeight, weight + calcTurnWeight(key, targetNode, targetEdgeKey));
if (foundWeight <= acceptedWeight)
// note that we have to finish the iteration for the current node, otherwise we'll never check the
// remaining edges again
return foundWeight;
if (numPolls == maxPolls)
public void finishSearch() {
// update stats using values of last search
stats.numPolls += numPolls;
stats.maxPolls = Math.max(stats.maxPolls, numPolls);
stats.numExplored += changedEdgeKeys.size();
stats.maxExplored = Math.max(stats.maxExplored, changedEdgeKeys.size());
stats.numUpdates += numUpdates;
stats.maxUpdates = Math.max(stats.maxUpdates, numUpdates);
private void setAdjNodeAndPathToCenter(int key, int adjNode, boolean isPathToCenter) {
adjNodesAndIsPathToCenters[key] = (adjNode << 1) + (isPathToCenter ? 1 : 0);
private int getAdjNode(int key) {
return (adjNodesAndIsPathToCenters[key] >> 1);
private boolean isPathToCenter(int key) {
return (adjNodesAndIsPathToCenters[key] & 0b01) == 0b01;
public void close() {
outEdgeExplorer = null;
origInEdgeExplorer = null;
weights = null;
parents = null;
adjNodesAndIsPathToCenters = null;
dijkstraHeap = null;
private void initStorage(int numEntries) {
weights = new double[numEntries];
Arrays.fill(weights, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
parents = new int[numEntries];
Arrays.fill(parents, NO_NODE);
adjNodesAndIsPathToCenters = new int[numEntries];
// need bit shift, see getAdjNode(int)
Arrays.fill(adjNodesAndIsPathToCenters, NO_NODE << 1);
private void initCollections() {
changedEdgeKeys = new IntArrayList(1000);
dijkstraHeap = new IntFloatBinaryHeap(1000);
private void reset() {
numPolls = 0;
numUpdates = 0;
private void resetShortestPathTree() {
for (int i = 0; i < changedEdgeKeys.size(); ++i)
changedEdgeKeys.elementsCount = 0;
private void resetEntry(int key) {
weights[key] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
parents[key] = NO_NODE;
setAdjNodeAndPathToCenter(key, NO_NODE, false);
private double calcTurnWeight(int inEdgeKey, int viaNode, int outEdgeKey) {
return prepareGraph.getTurnWeight(inEdgeKey, viaNode, outEdgeKey);
static class Stats {
long numTrees;
long numSearches;
long numPolls;
long maxPolls;
long numExplored;
long maxExplored;
long numUpdates;
long maxUpdates;
long numCapped;
public String toString() {
return String.format(Locale.ROOT,
"trees: %12s, searches: %15s, capped: %12s (%5.2f%%), polled: avg %s max %6d, explored: avg %s max %6d, updated: avg %s max %6d",
100 * (double) numCapped / numSearches,
quotient(numPolls, numTrees),
quotient(numExplored, numTrees),
quotient(numUpdates, numTrees),
private String quotient(long a, long b) {
return b == 0 ? "NaN" : String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%5.1f", a / ((double) b));