com.graphhopper.reader.OSMReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to GraphHopper and Peter Karich under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.graphhopper.reader;
import static;
import gnu.trove.list.TLongList;
import gnu.trove.list.array.TLongArrayList;
import gnu.trove.set.TLongSet;
import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.graphhopper.coll.GHLongIntBTree;
import com.graphhopper.coll.LongIntMap;
import com.graphhopper.reader.OSMTurnRelation.TurnCostTableEntry;
import com.graphhopper.reader.dem.ElevationProvider;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.EncodingManager;
import com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalc;
import com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalc3D;
import com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalcEarth;
import com.graphhopper.util.DouglasPeucker;
import com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIteratorState;
import com.graphhopper.util.Helper;
import com.graphhopper.util.PointList;
import com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch;
import com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint;
* This class parses an OSM xml or pbf file and creates a graph from it. It does so in a two phase
* parsing processes in order to reduce memory usage compared to a single parsing processing.
* 1. a) Reads ways from OSM file and stores all associated node ids in osmNodeIdToIndexMap. If a
* node occurs once it is a pillar node and if more it is a tower node, otherwise
* osmNodeIdToIndexMap returns EMPTY.
* 1. b) Reads relations from OSM file. In case that the relation is a route relation, it stores
* specific relation attributes required for routing into osmWayIdToRouteWeigthMap for all the ways
* of the relation.
* 2.a) Reads nodes from OSM file and stores lat+lon information either into the intermediate
* datastructure for the pillar nodes (pillarLats/pillarLons) or, if a tower node, directly into the
* graphStorage via setLatitude/setLongitude. It can also happen that a pillar node needs to be
* transformed into a tower node e.g. via barriers or different speed values for one way.
* 2.b) Reads ways OSM file and creates edges while calculating the speed etc from the OSM tags.
* When creating an edge the pillar node information from the intermediate datastructure will be
* stored in the way geometry of that edge.
* @author Peter Karich
public class OSMReader implements DataReader
protected static final int EMPTY = -1;
// pillar node is >= 3
protected static final int PILLAR_NODE = 1;
// tower node is <= -3
protected static final int TOWER_NODE = -2;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OSMReader.class);
private long locations;
private long skippedLocations;
private final GraphStorage graphStorage;
private final NodeAccess nodeAccess;
private EncodingManager encodingManager = null;
private int workerThreads = -1;
protected long zeroCounter = 0;
// Using the correct Map is hard. We need a memory efficient and fast solution for big data sets!
// very slow: new SparseLongLongArray
// only append and update possible (no unordered storage like with this doubleParse): new OSMIDMap
// same here: not applicable as ways introduces the nodes in 'wrong' order: new OSMIDSegmentedMap
// memory overhead due to open addressing and full rehash:
// nodeOsmIdToIndexMap = new BigLongIntMap(expectedNodes, EMPTY);
// smaller memory overhead for bigger data sets because of avoiding a "rehash"
// remember how many times a node was used to identify tower nodes
private LongIntMap osmNodeIdToInternalNodeMap;
private TLongLongHashMap osmNodeIdToNodeFlagsMap;
private TLongLongHashMap osmWayIdToRouteWeightMap;
// stores osm ids used by relations to identify which edge ids needs to be mapped later
private TLongHashSet osmIdStoreRequiredSet = new TLongHashSet();
private TIntLongMap edgeIdToOsmidMap;
private final TLongList barrierNodeIDs = new TLongArrayList();
protected PillarInfo pillarInfo;
private final DistanceCalc distCalc = new DistanceCalcEarth();
private final DistanceCalc3D distCalc3D = new DistanceCalc3D();
private final DouglasPeucker simplifyAlgo = new DouglasPeucker();
private boolean doSimplify = true;
private int nextTowerId = 0;
private int nextPillarId = 0;
// negative but increasing to avoid clash with custom created OSM files
private long newUniqueOSMId = -Long.MAX_VALUE;
private ElevationProvider eleProvider = ElevationProvider.NOOP;
private boolean exitOnlyPillarNodeException = true;
private File osmFile;
public OSMReader( GraphStorage storage )
this.graphStorage = storage;
this.nodeAccess = graphStorage.getNodeAccess();
osmNodeIdToInternalNodeMap = new GHLongIntBTree(200);
osmNodeIdToNodeFlagsMap = new TLongLongHashMap(200, .5f, 0, 0);
osmWayIdToRouteWeightMap = new TLongLongHashMap(200, .5f, 0, 0);
pillarInfo = new PillarInfo(nodeAccess.is3D(), graphStorage.getDirectory());
public void readGraph() throws IOException
if (encodingManager == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Encoding manager was not set.");
if (osmFile == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("No OSM file specified");
if (!osmFile.exists())
throw new IllegalStateException("Your specified OSM file does not exist:" + osmFile.getAbsolutePath());
StopWatch sw1 = new StopWatch().start();
StopWatch sw2 = new StopWatch().start();
sw2.stop();"time(pass1): " + (int) sw1.getSeconds() + " pass2: " + (int) sw2.getSeconds() + " total:"
+ ((int) (sw1.getSeconds() + sw2.getSeconds())));
* Preprocessing of OSM file to select nodes which are used for highways. This allows a more
* compact graph data structure.
void preProcess( File osmFile )
OSMInputFile in = null;
in = new OSMInputFile(osmFile).setWorkerThreads(workerThreads).open();
long tmpWayCounter = 1;
long tmpRelationCounter = 1;
OSMElement item;
while ((item = in.getNext()) != null)
if (item.isType(OSMElement.WAY))
final OSMWay way = (OSMWay) item;
boolean valid = filterWay(way);
if (valid)
TLongList wayNodes = way.getNodes();
int s = wayNodes.size();
for (int index = 0; index < s; index++)
if (++tmpWayCounter % 500000 == 0)
{ + " (preprocess), osmIdMap:" + nf(getNodeMap().getSize()) + " ("
+ getNodeMap().getMemoryUsage() + "MB) " + Helper.getMemInfo());
if (item.isType(OSMElement.RELATION))
final OSMRelation relation = (OSMRelation) item;
if (!relation.isMetaRelation() && relation.hasTag("type", "route"))
if (relation.hasTag("type", "restriction"))
if (++tmpRelationCounter % 50000 == 0)
{ + " (preprocess), osmWayMap:" + nf(getRelFlagsMap().size())
+ " " + Helper.getMemInfo());
} catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException("Problem while parsing file", ex);
} finally
private void prepareRestrictionRelation( OSMRelation relation )
OSMTurnRelation turnRelation = createTurnRelation(relation);
if (turnRelation != null)
getOsmIdStoreRequiredSet().add(((OSMTurnRelation) turnRelation).getOsmIdFrom());
getOsmIdStoreRequiredSet().add(((OSMTurnRelation) turnRelation).getOsmIdTo());
private TLongSet getOsmIdStoreRequiredSet()
return osmIdStoreRequiredSet;
private TIntLongMap getEdgeIdToOsmidMap()
if (edgeIdToOsmidMap == null)
edgeIdToOsmidMap = new TIntLongHashMap(getOsmIdStoreRequiredSet().size());
return edgeIdToOsmidMap;
* Filter ways but do not analyze properties wayNodes will be filled with participating node
* ids.
* @return true the current xml entry is a way entry and has nodes
boolean filterWay( OSMWay item )
// ignore broken geometry
if (item.getNodes().size() < 2)
return false;
// ignore multipolygon geometry
if (!item.hasTags())
return false;
return encodingManager.acceptWay(item) > 0;
* Creates the edges and nodes files from the specified osm file.
private void writeOsm2Graph( File osmFile )
int tmp = (int) Math.max(getNodeMap().getSize() / 50, 100);"creating graph. Found nodes (pillar+tower):" + nf(getNodeMap().getSize()) + ", " + Helper.getMemInfo());
long wayStart = -1;
long relationStart = -1;
long counter = 1;
OSMInputFile in = null;
in = new OSMInputFile(osmFile).setWorkerThreads(workerThreads).open();
LongIntMap nodeFilter = getNodeMap();
OSMElement item;
while ((item = in.getNext()) != null)
switch (item.getType())
case OSMElement.NODE:
if (nodeFilter.get(item.getId()) != -1)
processNode((OSMNode) item);
case OSMElement.WAY:
if (wayStart < 0)
{ + ", now parsing ways");
wayStart = counter;
processWay((OSMWay) item);
case OSMElement.RELATION:
if (relationStart < 0)
{ + ", now parsing relations");
relationStart = counter;
processRelation((OSMRelation) item);
if (++counter % 5000000 == 0)
{ + ", locs:" + nf(locations) + " (" + skippedLocations + ") " + Helper.getMemInfo());
//"storage nodes:" + storage.nodes() + " vs. graph nodes:" + storage.getGraph().nodes());
} catch (Exception ex)
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't process file " + osmFile, ex);
} finally
if (graphStorage.getNodes() == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("osm must not be empty. read " + counter + " lines and " + locations + " locations");
* Process properties, encode flags and create edges for the way.
void processWay( OSMWay way )
if (way.getNodes().size() < 2)
// ignore multipolygon geometry
if (!way.hasTags())
long wayOsmId = way.getId();
long includeWay = encodingManager.acceptWay(way);
if (includeWay == 0)
long relationFlags = getRelFlagsMap().get(way.getId());
// TODO move this after we have created the edge and know the coordinates => encodingManager.applyWayTags
// estimate length of the track e.g. for ferry speed calculation
TLongList osmNodeIds = way.getNodes();
if (osmNodeIds.size() > 1)
int first = getNodeMap().get(osmNodeIds.get(0));
int last = getNodeMap().get(osmNodeIds.get(osmNodeIds.size() - 1));
double firstLat = getTmpLatitude(first), firstLon = getTmpLongitude(first);
double lastLat = getTmpLatitude(last), lastLon = getTmpLongitude(last);
if (!Double.isNaN(firstLat) && !Double.isNaN(firstLon) && !Double.isNaN(lastLat) && !Double.isNaN(lastLon))
double estimatedDist = distCalc.calcDist(firstLat, firstLon, lastLat, lastLon);
way.setTag("estimated_distance", estimatedDist);
way.setTag("estimated_center", new GHPoint((firstLat + lastLat) / 2, (firstLon + lastLon) / 2));
long wayFlags = encodingManager.handleWayTags(way, includeWay, relationFlags);
if (wayFlags == 0)
List createdEdges = new ArrayList();
// look for barriers along the way
final int size = osmNodeIds.size();
int lastBarrier = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
long nodeId = osmNodeIds.get(i);
long nodeFlags = getNodeFlagsMap().get(nodeId);
// barrier was spotted and way is otherwise passable for that mode of travel
if (nodeFlags > 0)
if ((nodeFlags & wayFlags) > 0)
// remove barrier to avoid duplicates
getNodeFlagsMap().put(nodeId, 0);
// create shadow node copy for zero length edge
long newNodeId = addBarrierNode(nodeId);
if (i > 0)
// start at beginning of array if there was no previous barrier
if (lastBarrier < 0)
lastBarrier = 0;
// add way up to barrier shadow node
long transfer[] = osmNodeIds.toArray(lastBarrier, i - lastBarrier + 1);
transfer[transfer.length - 1] = newNodeId;
TLongList partIds = new TLongArrayList(transfer);
createdEdges.addAll(addOSMWay(partIds, wayFlags, wayOsmId));
// create zero length edge for barrier
createdEdges.addAll(addBarrierEdge(newNodeId, nodeId, wayFlags, nodeFlags, wayOsmId));
} else
// run edge from real first node to shadow node
createdEdges.addAll(addBarrierEdge(nodeId, newNodeId, wayFlags, nodeFlags, wayOsmId));
// exchange first node for created barrier node
osmNodeIds.set(0, newNodeId);
// remember barrier for processing the way behind it
lastBarrier = i;
} else if (nodeFlags < 0)
wayFlags = encodingManager.applyNodeFlags(wayFlags, -nodeFlags);
// just add remainder of way to graph if barrier was not the last node
if (lastBarrier >= 0)
if (lastBarrier < size - 1)
long transfer[] = osmNodeIds.toArray(lastBarrier, size - lastBarrier);
TLongList partNodeIds = new TLongArrayList(transfer);
createdEdges.addAll(addOSMWay(partNodeIds, wayFlags, wayOsmId));
} else
// no barriers - simply add the whole way
createdEdges.addAll(addOSMWay(way.getNodes(), wayFlags, wayOsmId));
for (EdgeIteratorState edge : createdEdges)
encodingManager.applyWayTags(way, edge);
public void processRelation( OSMRelation relation ) throws XMLStreamException
if (relation.hasTag("type", "restriction"))
OSMTurnRelation turnRelation = createTurnRelation(relation);
if (turnRelation != null)
ExtendedStorage extendedStorage = ((GraphHopperStorage) graphStorage).getExtendedStorage();
if (extendedStorage instanceof TurnCostStorage)
Collection entries = encodingManager.analyzeTurnRelation(turnRelation, this);
for (TurnCostTableEntry entry : entries)
((TurnCostStorage) extendedStorage).setTurnCosts(entry.nodeVia, entry.edgeFrom, entry.edgeTo, (int) entry.flags);
public long getOsmIdOfInternalEdge( int edgeId )
return getEdgeIdToOsmidMap().get(edgeId);
public int getInternalNodeIdOfOsmNode( long nodeOsmId )
int id = getNodeMap().get(nodeOsmId);
if (id < TOWER_NODE)
return -id - 3;
return EMPTY;
// TODO remove this ugly stuff via better preparsing phase! E.g. putting every tags etc into a helper file!
double getTmpLatitude( int id )
if (id == EMPTY)
return Double.NaN;
if (id < TOWER_NODE)
// tower node
id = -id - 3;
return nodeAccess.getLatitude(id);
} else if (id > -TOWER_NODE)
// pillar node
id = id - 3;
return pillarInfo.getLatitude(id);
} else
// e.g. if id is not handled from preparse (e.g. was ignored via isInBounds)
return Double.NaN;
double getTmpLongitude( int id )
if (id == EMPTY)
return Double.NaN;
if (id < TOWER_NODE)
// tower node
id = -id - 3;
return nodeAccess.getLongitude(id);
} else if (id > -TOWER_NODE)
// pillar node
id = id - 3;
return pillarInfo.getLon(id);
} else
// e.g. if id is not handled from preparse (e.g. was ignored via isInBounds)
return Double.NaN;
private void processNode( OSMNode node )
if (isInBounds(node))
// analyze node tags for barriers
if (node.hasTags())
long nodeFlags = encodingManager.handleNodeTags(node);
if (nodeFlags != 0)
getNodeFlagsMap().put(node.getId(), nodeFlags);
} else
boolean addNode( OSMNode node )
int nodeType = getNodeMap().get(node.getId());
if (nodeType == EMPTY)
return false;
double lat = node.getLat();
double lon = node.getLon();
double ele = getElevation(node);
if (nodeType == TOWER_NODE)
addTowerNode(node.getId(), lat, lon, ele);
} else if (nodeType == PILLAR_NODE)
pillarInfo.setNode(nextPillarId, lat, lon, ele);
getNodeMap().put(node.getId(), nextPillarId + 3);
return true;
protected double getElevation( OSMNode node )
return eleProvider.getEle(node.getLat(), node.getLon());
void prepareWaysWithRelationInfo( OSMRelation osmRelation )
// is there at least one tag interesting for the registed encoders?
if (encodingManager.handleRelationTags(osmRelation, 0) == 0)
int size = osmRelation.getMembers().size();
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
OSMRelation.Member member = osmRelation.getMembers().get(index);
if (member.type() != OSMRelation.Member.WAY)
long osmId = member.ref();
long oldRelationFlags = getRelFlagsMap().get(osmId);
// Check if our new relation data is better comparated to the the last one
long newRelationFlags = encodingManager.handleRelationTags(osmRelation, oldRelationFlags);
if (oldRelationFlags != newRelationFlags)
getRelFlagsMap().put(osmId, newRelationFlags);
void prepareHighwayNode( long osmId )
int tmpIndex = getNodeMap().get(osmId);
if (tmpIndex == EMPTY)
// osmId is used exactly once
getNodeMap().put(osmId, PILLAR_NODE);
} else if (tmpIndex > EMPTY)
// mark node as tower node as it occured at least twice times
getNodeMap().put(osmId, TOWER_NODE);
} else
// tmpIndex is already negative (already tower node)
int addTowerNode( long osmId, double lat, double lon, double ele )
if (nodeAccess.is3D())
nodeAccess.setNode(nextTowerId, lat, lon, ele);
nodeAccess.setNode(nextTowerId, lat, lon);
int id = -(nextTowerId + 3);
getNodeMap().put(osmId, id);
return id;
* This method creates from an OSM way (via the osm ids) one or more edges in the graph.
Collection addOSMWay( TLongList osmNodeIds, long flags, long wayOsmId )
PointList pointList = new PointList(osmNodeIds.size(), nodeAccess.is3D());
List newEdges = new ArrayList(5);
int firstNode = -1;
int lastIndex = osmNodeIds.size() - 1;
int lastInBoundsPillarNode = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < osmNodeIds.size(); i++)
long osmId = osmNodeIds.get(i);
int tmpNode = getNodeMap().get(osmId);
if (tmpNode == EMPTY)
// skip osmIds with no associated pillar or tower id (e.g. !OSMReader.isBounds)
if (tmpNode == TOWER_NODE)
if (tmpNode == PILLAR_NODE)
// In some cases no node information is saved for the specified osmId.
// ie. a way references a which does not exist in the current file.
// => if the node before was a pillar node then convert into to tower node (as it is also end-standing).
if (!pointList.isEmpty() && lastInBoundsPillarNode > -TOWER_NODE)
// transform the pillar node to a tower node
tmpNode = lastInBoundsPillarNode;
tmpNode = handlePillarNode(tmpNode, osmId, null, true);
tmpNode = -tmpNode - 3;
if (pointList.getSize() > 1 && firstNode >= 0)
// TOWER node
newEdges.add(addEdge(firstNode, tmpNode, pointList, flags, wayOsmId));
pointList.add(nodeAccess, tmpNode);
firstNode = tmpNode;
lastInBoundsPillarNode = -1;
if (tmpNode <= -TOWER_NODE && tmpNode >= TOWER_NODE)
throw new AssertionError("Mapped index not in correct bounds " + tmpNode + ", " + osmId);
if (tmpNode > -TOWER_NODE)
boolean convertToTowerNode = i == 0 || i == lastIndex;
if (!convertToTowerNode)
lastInBoundsPillarNode = tmpNode;
// PILLAR node, but convert to towerNode if end-standing
tmpNode = handlePillarNode(tmpNode, osmId, pointList, convertToTowerNode);
if (tmpNode < TOWER_NODE)
// TOWER node
tmpNode = -tmpNode - 3;
pointList.add(nodeAccess, tmpNode);
if (firstNode >= 0)
newEdges.add(addEdge(firstNode, tmpNode, pointList, flags, wayOsmId));
pointList.add(nodeAccess, tmpNode);
firstNode = tmpNode;
} catch (RuntimeException ex)
logger.error("Couldn't properly add edge with osm ids:" + osmNodeIds, ex);
if (exitOnlyPillarNodeException)
throw ex;
return newEdges;
EdgeIteratorState addEdge( int fromIndex, int toIndex, PointList pointList, long flags, long wayOsmId )
// sanity checks
if (fromIndex < 0 || toIndex < 0)
throw new AssertionError("to or from index is invalid for this edge " + fromIndex + "->" + toIndex + ", points:" + pointList);
if (pointList.getDimension() != nodeAccess.getDimension())
throw new AssertionError("Dimension does not match for pointList vs. nodeAccess " + pointList.getDimension() + " <-> " + nodeAccess.getDimension());
double towerNodeDistance = 0;
double prevLat = pointList.getLatitude(0);
double prevLon = pointList.getLongitude(0);
double prevEle = pointList.is3D() ? pointList.getElevation(0) : Double.NaN;
double lat, lon, ele = Double.NaN;
PointList pillarNodes = new PointList(pointList.getSize() - 2, nodeAccess.is3D());
int nodes = pointList.getSize();
for (int i = 1; i < nodes; i++)
// we could save some lines if we would use pointList.calcDistance(distCalc);
lat = pointList.getLatitude(i);
lon = pointList.getLongitude(i);
if (pointList.is3D())
ele = pointList.getElevation(i);
towerNodeDistance += distCalc3D.calcDist(prevLat, prevLon, prevEle, lat, lon, ele);
prevEle = ele;
} else
towerNodeDistance += distCalc.calcDist(prevLat, prevLon, lat, lon);
prevLat = lat;
prevLon = lon;
if (nodes > 2 && i < nodes - 1)
if (pillarNodes.is3D())
pillarNodes.add(lat, lon, ele);
pillarNodes.add(lat, lon);
if (towerNodeDistance == 0)
// As investigation shows often two paths should have crossed via one identical point
// but end up in two very release points.
towerNodeDistance = 0.0001;
EdgeIteratorState iter = graphStorage.edge(fromIndex, toIndex).setDistance(towerNodeDistance).setFlags(flags);
if (nodes > 2)
if (doSimplify)
storeOSMWayID(iter.getEdge(), wayOsmId);
return iter;
private void storeOSMWayID( int edgeId, long osmWayID )
if (getOsmIdStoreRequiredSet().contains(osmWayID))
getEdgeIdToOsmidMap().put(edgeId, osmWayID);
* @return converted tower node
private int handlePillarNode( int tmpNode, long osmId, PointList pointList, boolean convertToTowerNode )
tmpNode = tmpNode - 3;
double lat = pillarInfo.getLatitude(tmpNode);
double lon = pillarInfo.getLongitude(tmpNode);
double ele = pillarInfo.getElevation(tmpNode);
if (lat == Double.MAX_VALUE || lon == Double.MAX_VALUE)
throw new RuntimeException("Conversion pillarNode to towerNode already happended!? "
+ "osmId:" + osmId + " pillarIndex:" + tmpNode);
if (convertToTowerNode)
// convert pillarNode type to towerNode, make pillar values invalid
pillarInfo.setNode(tmpNode, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE);
tmpNode = addTowerNode(osmId, lat, lon, ele);
} else
if (pointList.is3D())
pointList.add(lat, lon, ele);
pointList.add(lat, lon);
return (int) tmpNode;
void finishedReading()
osmNodeIdToInternalNodeMap = null;
osmNodeIdToNodeFlagsMap = null;
osmWayIdToRouteWeightMap = null;
osmIdStoreRequiredSet = null;
edgeIdToOsmidMap = null;
* Create a copy of the barrier node
long addBarrierNode( long nodeId )
OSMNode newNode;
int graphIndex = getNodeMap().get(nodeId);
if (graphIndex < TOWER_NODE)
graphIndex = -graphIndex - 3;
newNode = new OSMNode(createNewNodeId(), nodeAccess, graphIndex);
} else
graphIndex = graphIndex - 3;
newNode = new OSMNode(createNewNodeId(), pillarInfo, graphIndex);
final long id = newNode.getId();
return id;
private long createNewNodeId()
return newUniqueOSMId++;
* Add a zero length edge with reduced routing options to the graph.
Collection addBarrierEdge( long fromId, long toId, long flags, long nodeFlags, long wayOsmId )
// clear barred directions from routing flags
flags &= ~nodeFlags;
// add edge
return addOSMWay(barrierNodeIDs, flags, wayOsmId);
* Creates an OSM turn relation out of an unspecified OSM relation
* @return the OSM turn relation, null
, if unsupported turn relation
OSMTurnRelation createTurnRelation( OSMRelation relation )
OSMTurnRelation.Type type = OSMTurnRelation.Type.getRestrictionType((String) relation.getTag("restriction"));
if (type != OSMTurnRelation.Type.UNSUPPORTED)
long fromWayID = -1;
long viaNodeID = -1;
long toWayID = -1;
for (OSMRelation.Member member : relation.getMembers())
if (OSMElement.WAY == member.type())
if ("from".equals(member.role()))
fromWayID = member.ref();
} else if ("to".equals(member.role()))
toWayID = member.ref();
} else if (OSMElement.NODE == member.type() && "via".equals(member.role()))
viaNodeID = member.ref();
if (type != OSMTurnRelation.Type.UNSUPPORTED && fromWayID >= 0 && toWayID >= 0 && viaNodeID >= 0)
return new OSMTurnRelation(fromWayID, viaNodeID, toWayID, type);
return null;
* Filter method, override in subclass
boolean isInBounds( OSMNode node )
return true;
* Maps OSM IDs (long) to internal node IDs (int)
LongIntMap getNodeMap()
return osmNodeIdToInternalNodeMap;
TLongLongMap getNodeFlagsMap()
return osmNodeIdToNodeFlagsMap;
TLongLongHashMap getRelFlagsMap()
return osmWayIdToRouteWeightMap;
* Specify the type of the path calculation (car, bike, ...).
public OSMReader setEncodingManager( EncodingManager acceptWay )
this.encodingManager = acceptWay;
return this;
public OSMReader setWayPointMaxDistance( double maxDist )
doSimplify = maxDist > 0;
return this;
public OSMReader setWorkerThreads( int numOfWorkers )
this.workerThreads = numOfWorkers;
return this;
public OSMReader setElevationProvider( ElevationProvider eleProvider )
if (eleProvider == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Use the NOOP elevation provider instead of null or don't call setElevationProvider");
if (!nodeAccess.is3D() && ElevationProvider.NOOP != eleProvider)
throw new IllegalStateException("Make sure you graph accepts 3D data");
this.eleProvider = eleProvider;
return this;
public OSMReader setOSMFile( File osmFile )
this.osmFile = osmFile;
return this;
private void printInfo( String str )
"finished " + str + " processing." + " nodes: " + graphStorage.getNodes() + ", osmIdMap.size:" + getNodeMap().getSize()
+ ", osmIdMap:" + getNodeMap().getMemoryUsage() + "MB" + ", nodeFlagsMap.size:" + getNodeFlagsMap().size()
+ ", relFlagsMap.size:" + getRelFlagsMap().size() + " " + Helper.getMemInfo());
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName();
public GraphStorage getGraphStorage()
return graphStorage;