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* Copyright 2022 Greenfossil Pte Ltd
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.greenfossil.commons.json
object Json:
import JsonModule.{jsonFactory, mapper}
def parse(value: String): JsValue =
mapper.readValue(jsonFactory.createParser(value), classOf[JsValue])
def parse(bytes: Array[Byte]): JsValue =
mapper.readValue(jsonFactory.createParser(bytes), classOf[JsValue])
def parse(stream: JsValue =
mapper.readValue(jsonFactory.createParser(stream), classOf[JsValue])
def parseBase64URL(base64Value: String, charSet: String): JsValue =
val value = new String(java.util.Base64.getUrlDecoder.decode(base64Value), charSet)
def parseBase64URL(base64Value: String): JsValue =
parseBase64URL(base64Value, "UTF-8")
def jwtClaims(tup: (String, JsValue)*): String =
* @param fields - 'None' name value pair will be dropped. Allow null as Json ,
* @return
def obj(fields: Tuple2[String, JsValue | String | Boolean | Number | Temporal | Null | Option[JsValue]]* ): JsObject =
// Filter out key-value pairs where value is None
val nonNullFields: Seq[(String, JsValue)] = fields.foldLeft(Seq[(String, JsValue)]()){(result, e) =>
e match
case (key, null) => (key, JsNull) +: result
case (key, x : (String | Boolean | Number | Temporal | JsValue)) => (key, primitiveToJsValue(x)) +: result
case (key, Some(jsArray: JsArray)) =>
if jsArray.value.isEmpty then result else (key, jsArray) +: result
case (key, Some(jsValue)) => (key, jsValue) +: result
case (key, None) => result
def arr(items: JsValue | Option[JsValue]*): JsArray =
// Filter out value that is None
val nonNullItems: Seq[JsValue] = items.foldLeft(Seq[JsValue]()) { (result, e) =>
e match
case null => JsNull +: result
case jsValue: JsValue => jsValue +: result
case Some(jsArray: JsArray) =>
if jsArray.value.isEmpty then result else jsArray +: result
case Some(jsValue) => jsValue +: result
case None => result
def objIfTrue(isTrue: => Boolean)(fields: Tuple2[String, JsValue | Option[JsValue]]*): Option[JsObject] =
if isTrue then Option(this.obj(fields*))
else Option(null)
def objIfFalse(isTrue: => Boolean)(fields: Tuple2[String, JsValue | Option[JsValue]]*): Option[JsObject] =
if isTrue then Option(null)
else Option(this.obj(fields*))
def arrIfTrue(isTrue: => Boolean)(items: JsValue | Option[JsValue]*): Option[JsArray] =
if isTrue then Option(this.arr(items*))
else Option(null)
def arrIfFalse(isTrue: => Boolean)(items: JsValue | Option[JsValue]*): Option[JsArray] =
if isTrue then Option(null)
else Option(this.arr(items*))
def ifTrue(isTrue: => Boolean)(jsValue: => JsValue): Option[JsValue] =
if isTrue then Option(jsValue)
else Option(null)
def ifFalse(isTrue: => Boolean)(jsValue: => JsValue): Option[JsValue] =
if isTrue then Option(null)
else Option(jsValue)
def toJson(obj: Map[String, Any]): JsObject =
JsObject( => entry._1 -> toJsonType(entry._2)))
def toJson[T](head: T, tail: T*): JsArray = toJson(head +: tail)
def toJson(seq: Seq[?]): JsArray = JsArray(
def toBytes(json: JsValue): Array[Byte] = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(json)
def stringify(jsValue: JsValue): String = generateFromJsValue(jsValue, false)
def generateFromJsValue(jsValue: JsValue, escapeNonASCII: Boolean): String =
JsonModule.generateFromJsValue(jsValue, escapeNonASCII)
def prettyPrint(jsValue: JsValue): String =
def prettyPrint(string: String): String =