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The Apache Commons Codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities.

The newest version!
/*   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.


import org.apache.xmlbeans.CDataBookmark;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
import org.w3c.dom.CharacterData;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.EntityReference;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.ProcessingInstruction;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;

// DOM Level 3
import org.w3c.dom.UserDataHandler;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMConfiguration;
import org.w3c.dom.TypeInfo;

import javax.xml.transform.Source;


import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.Detail;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.DetailEntry;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.MimeHeaders;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.Name;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPBody;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPBodyElement;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPElement;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPFactory;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPFault;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPFaultElement;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPHeader;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPHeaderElement;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.SOAPPart;


import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBeans;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaField;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaTypeLoader;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor.XmlMark;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.QNameSet;

import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStore;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStoreUser;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStoreVisitor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.TypeStoreUserFactory;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.ValidatorListener;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.XmlLocale;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.common.QNameHelper;

abstract class Xobj implements TypeStore
    static final int TEXT     = Cur.TEXT;
    static final int ROOT     = Cur.ROOT;
    static final int ELEM     = Cur.ELEM;
    static final int ATTR     = Cur.ATTR;
    static final int COMMENT  = Cur.COMMENT;
    static final int PROCINST = Cur.PROCINST;

    static final int END_POS = Cur.END_POS;
    static final int NO_POS  = Cur.NO_POS;

    Xobj ( Locale l, int kind, int domType )
        assert kind == ROOT || kind == ELEM || kind == ATTR || kind == COMMENT || kind == PROCINST;

        _locale = l;
        _bits = (domType << 4) + kind;

    final boolean entered ( ) { return _locale.entered(); }

    final int kind    ( ) { return _bits & 0xF; }
    final int domType ( ) { return (_bits & 0xF0) >> 4; }

    final boolean isRoot      ( ) { return kind() == ROOT; }
    final boolean isAttr      ( ) { return kind() == ATTR; }
    final boolean isElem      ( ) { return kind() == ELEM; }
    final boolean isProcinst  ( ) { return kind() == PROCINST; }
    final boolean isComment   ( ) { return kind() == COMMENT; }
    final boolean isContainer ( ) { return Cur.kindIsContainer( kind() ); }
    final boolean isUserNode  ( ) { int k = kind(); return k == ELEM || k == ROOT || (k == ATTR && !isXmlns()); }

    final boolean isNormalAttr ( ) { return isAttr() && !Locale.isXmlns( _name ); }
    final boolean isXmlns      ( ) { return isAttr() &&  Locale.isXmlns( _name ); }

    final int cchValue ( ) { return _cchValue; }
    final int cchAfter ( ) { return _cchAfter; }

    final int posAfter ( ) { return 2 + _cchValue; }
    final int posMax   ( ) { return 2 + _cchValue + _cchAfter; }

    final String getXmlnsPrefix ( ) { return Locale.xmlnsPrefix( _name ); }
    final String getXmlnsUri    ( ) { return getValueAsString(); }

    final boolean hasTextEnsureOccupancy ( )
        return hasTextNoEnsureOccupancy();

    final boolean hasTextNoEnsureOccupancy ( )
        if (_cchValue > 0)
            return true;

        Xobj lastAttr = lastAttr();

        return lastAttr != null && lastAttr._cchAfter > 0;

    final boolean hasAttrs    ( ) { return _firstChild != null &&  _firstChild.isAttr(); }
    final boolean hasChildren ( ) { return _lastChild  != null && !_lastChild .isAttr(); }

     * this method is to speed up DomImpl
     * when underlying obj is an Xobj
     * @return 0 or 1 dom children; val 2 indicates that DomImpl needs to
     *         compute the result itself
    final protected int getDomZeroOneChildren()
        if (_firstChild == null &&
            _srcValue == null &&
            _charNodesValue == null)
            return 0;

        if (_lastChild != null &&
            _lastChild.isAttr() &&
            _lastChild._charNodesAfter == null &&
            _lastChild._srcAfter == null &&
            _srcValue == null &&
            _charNodesValue == null
            return 0;

        if (_firstChild == _lastChild &&
            _firstChild != null &&
            !_firstChild.isAttr() &&
            _srcValue == null &&
            _charNodesValue == null &&
            _firstChild._srcAfter == null
            return 1;

        if (_firstChild == null &&
            _srcValue != null &&
           ( _charNodesValue == null ||
            (_charNodesValue._next == null &&
            _charNodesValue._cch == _cchValue))
            return 1;
        //single elem after an attr
        Xobj lastAttr = lastAttr();
        Xobj node = lastAttr == null ?
            null : lastAttr._nextSibling;
        if (lastAttr != null &&
            lastAttr._srcAfter == null &&
            node != null &&
            node._srcAfter == null &&
            node._nextSibling == null)
            return 1;

        return 2;

     * can one use the _firstChild pointer to retrieve
     * the first DOM child
     * @return
    final protected boolean isFirstChildPtrDomUsable()
        if (_firstChild == null &&
            _srcValue == null &&
            _charNodesValue == null)
            return true;

        if (_firstChild != null &&
            !_firstChild.isAttr() &&
            _srcValue == null &&
            _charNodesValue == null)
            assert (_firstChild instanceof Xobj.NodeXobj):
                "wrong node type";
            return true;
        return false;

     * can one use the _nextSibling pointer to retrieve
     *  the next DOM sibling
     * @return
    final protected boolean isNextSiblingPtrDomUsable()
        if (_charNodesAfter == null &&
            _srcAfter == null)
            assert (_nextSibling == null ||
                _nextSibling instanceof Xobj.NodeXobj):
                "wrong node type";
            return true;
        return false;
     * can one use the _charNodesValue pointer to retrieve
     * the next DOM sibling
     * @return
    final protected boolean isExistingCharNodesValueUsable()
        if (_srcValue == null) return false;
        if (_charNodesValue != null && _charNodesValue._next == null
            && _charNodesValue._cch == _cchValue)
            return true;
       return false;
      final protected boolean isCharNodesValueUsable()
          return isExistingCharNodesValueUsable() ||
              (_charNodesValue =
              Cur.updateCharNodes(_locale, this,
                  _charNodesValue, _cchValue)) != null;

     * can one use the _charNodesAfter pointer to retrieve
     * the next DOM sibling
     * @return
    final protected boolean isCharNodesAfterUsable()
        if (_srcAfter == null) return false;
        if (_charNodesAfter != null && _charNodesAfter._next == null
            && _charNodesAfter._cch == this._cchAfter)
            return true;
        return (_charNodesAfter =
            Cur.updateCharNodes(_locale, this,
                _charNodesAfter, _cchAfter)) != null;

    final Xobj lastAttr ( )
        if (_firstChild == null || !_firstChild.isAttr())
            return null;

        Xobj lastAttr = _firstChild;

        while ( lastAttr._nextSibling != null && lastAttr._nextSibling.isAttr() )
            lastAttr = lastAttr._nextSibling;

        return lastAttr;

    abstract Dom getDom ( );

    abstract Xobj newNode ( Locale l );

    final int cchLeft ( int p )
        if (isRoot() && p == 0)
            return 0;

        Xobj x = getDenormal( p );

        p = posTemp();
        int pa = x.posAfter();

        return p - (p < pa ? 1 : pa);

    final int cchRight ( int p )
        assert p < posMax();

        if (p <= 0)
            return 0;

        int pa = posAfter();

        return p < pa ? pa - p - 1 : posMax() - p;

    // Dom interface

    public final Locale locale   ( ) { return _locale;   }
    public final int    nodeType ( ) { return domType(); }
    public final QName  getQName ( ) { return _name;     }

    public final Cur tempCur ( ) { Cur c = _locale.tempCur(); c.moveTo( this ); return c; }

    public void dump ( PrintStream o, Object ref ) { Cur.dump( o, (Xobj) this, ref ); }
    public void dump ( PrintStream o ) { Cur.dump( o, this, this ); }
    public void dump ( ) { dump( System.out ); }


    final Cur getEmbedded ( )

        return _embedded;

    // Incoming p must be at text (implicitly denormalized)

    final boolean inChars ( int p, Xobj xIn, int pIn, int cch, boolean includeEnd )
        assert p > 0 && p < posMax() && p != posAfter() - 1 && cch > 0;
        assert xIn.isNormal( pIn );

        // No need to denormalize "in" if the right hand side is excluded.  Denormalizing deals
        // with the case where p is END_POS.

        int offset;

        if (includeEnd)
            // Can't denormalize at the beginning of the document

            if (xIn.isRoot() && pIn == 0)
                return false;

            xIn = xIn.getDenormal( pIn );
            pIn = xIn.posTemp();

            offset = 1;
            offset = 0;

        return xIn == this && pIn >= p && pIn < p + (cch < 0 ? cchRight( p ) : cch) + offset;

    // Is x/p just after the end of this

    final boolean isJustAfterEnd ( Xobj x, int p )
        assert x.isNormal( p );

        // Get denormalize at the beginning of the doc

        if (x.isRoot() && p == 0)
            return false;

            x == this
                ? p == posAfter()
                : x.getDenormal( p ) == this && x.posTemp() == posAfter();

    final boolean isInSameTree ( Xobj x )
        if (_locale != x._locale)
            return false;

        for ( Xobj y = this ; ; y = y._parent )
            if (y == x)
                return true;

            if (y._parent == null)
                for ( ; ; x = x._parent )
                    if (x == this)
                        return true;

                    if (x._parent == null)
                        return x == y;

    final boolean contains ( Cur c )
        assert c.isNormal();

        return contains( c._xobj, c._pos );

    final boolean contains ( Xobj x, int p )
        assert x.isNormal( p );

        if (this == x)
            return p == END_POS || (p > 0 && p < posAfter());

        if (_firstChild == null)
            return false;

        for ( ; x != null ; x = x._parent )
            if (x == this)
                return true;

        return false;

    final Bookmark setBookmark ( int p, Object key, Object value )
        assert isNormal( p );

        for ( Bookmark b = _bookmarks ; b != null ; b = b._next )
            if (p == b._pos && key == b._key)
                if (value == null)
                    _bookmarks = b.listRemove( _bookmarks );
                    return null;

                b._value = value;

                return b;

        if (value == null)
            return null;

        Bookmark b = new Bookmark();

        b._xobj  = this;
        b._pos   = p;
        b._key   = key;
        b._value = value;

        _bookmarks = b.listInsert( _bookmarks );

        return b;

    final boolean hasBookmark(Object key, int pos)
        for ( Bookmark b = _bookmarks ; b != null ; b = b._next )
            if ( b._pos == pos && key == b._key )
                //System.out.println("hasCDataBookmark  pos: " + pos + " xobj: " + getQName() + " b._pos: " + _bookmarks._pos);
                return true;

        return false;

    final Xobj findXmlnsForPrefix ( String prefix )
        assert isContainer() && prefix != null;

        for ( Xobj c = this ; c != null ; c = c._parent )
            for ( Xobj a = c.firstAttr() ; a != null ; a = a.nextAttr() )
                if (a.isXmlns() && a.getXmlnsPrefix().equals( prefix ))
                    return a;

        return null;

    final boolean removeAttr ( QName name )
        assert isContainer();

        Xobj a = getAttr( name );

        if (a == null)
            return false;

        Cur c = a.tempCur();

        for ( ; ; )
            c.moveNode( null );

            a = getAttr( name );

            if (a == null)

            c.moveTo( a );


        return true;

    final Xobj setAttr ( QName name, String value )
        assert isContainer();

        Cur c = tempCur();

        if (c.toAttr( name ))
            c.createAttr( name );

        c.setValue( value );

        Xobj a = c._xobj;


        return a;

    final void setName ( QName newName )
        assert isAttr() || isElem() || isProcinst();
        assert newName != null;

        if (!_name.equals( newName ) || !_name.getPrefix().equals( newName.getPrefix() ))
// TODO - this is not a structural change .... perhaps should not issue a change here?

            QName oldName = _name;

            _name = newName;
            if (this instanceof Xobj.NamedNodeXobj)
                NamedNodeXobj me = (NamedNodeXobj)this;
                me._canHavePrefixUri = true;

            if (!isProcinst())
                Xobj disconnectFromHere = this;

                if (isAttr() && _parent != null)
                    if (oldName.equals( Locale._xsiType ) || newName.equals( Locale._xsiType ))
                        disconnectFromHere = _parent;

                    if (oldName.equals( Locale._xsiNil ) || newName.equals( Locale._xsiNil ))



    final Xobj ensureParent ( )
        assert _parent != null || (!isRoot() && cchAfter() == 0);
        return _parent == null ? new DocumentFragXobj( _locale ).appendXobj( this ) : _parent;

    final Xobj firstAttr ( )
        return _firstChild == null || !_firstChild.isAttr() ? null : _firstChild;

    final Xobj nextAttr ( )
        if (_firstChild != null && _firstChild.isAttr())
            return _firstChild;

        if (_nextSibling != null && _nextSibling.isAttr())
            return _nextSibling;

        return null;

    final boolean isValid ( )
        if (isVacant() && (_cchValue != 0 || _user == null))
            return false;

        return true;

    final int posTemp ( )
        return _locale._posTemp;

    final Xobj getNormal ( int p )
        assert p == END_POS || (p >= 0 && p <= posMax());

        Xobj x = this;

        if (p == x.posMax())
            if (x._nextSibling != null)
                x = x._nextSibling;
                p = 0;
                x = x.ensureParent();
                p = END_POS;
        else if (p == x.posAfter() - 1)
            p = END_POS;

        _locale._posTemp = p;

        return x;

    // Can't denormalize a position at the very beginning of the document.  No where to go to the
    // left!

    final Xobj getDenormal ( int p )
        assert END_POS == -1;
        assert !isRoot() || p == END_POS || p > 0;

        Xobj x = this;

        if (p == 0)
            if (x._prevSibling == null)
                x = x.ensureParent();
                p = x.posAfter() - 1;
                x = x._prevSibling;
                p = x.posMax();
        else if (p == END_POS)
            if (x._lastChild == null)
                p = x.posAfter() - 1;
                x = x._lastChild;
                p = x.posMax();

        _locale._posTemp = p;

        return x;

    final boolean isNormal ( int p )
        if (!isValid())
            return false;

        if (p == END_POS || p == 0)
            return true;

        if (p < 0 || p >= posMax())
            return false;

        if (p >= posAfter())
            if (isRoot())
                return false;

            if (_nextSibling != null && _nextSibling.isAttr())
                return false;

            if (_parent == null || !_parent.isContainer())
                return false;

        if (p == posAfter() - 1)
            return false;

        return true;

    final Xobj walk ( Xobj root, boolean walkChildren )
        if (_firstChild != null && walkChildren)
            return _firstChild;

        for ( Xobj x = this ; x != root ; x = x._parent )
            if (x._nextSibling != null)
                return x._nextSibling;

        return null;

    final Xobj removeXobj ( )
        if (_parent != null)
            if (_parent._firstChild == this)
                _parent._firstChild = _nextSibling;

            if (_parent._lastChild == this)
                _parent._lastChild = _prevSibling;

            if (_prevSibling != null)
                _prevSibling._nextSibling = _nextSibling;

            if (_nextSibling != null)
                _nextSibling._prevSibling = _prevSibling;

            _parent = null;
            _prevSibling = null;
            _nextSibling = null;

        return this;

    final Xobj insertXobj ( Xobj s )
        assert _locale == s._locale;
        assert !s.isRoot() && !isRoot();
        assert s._parent == null;
        assert s._prevSibling == null;
        assert s._nextSibling == null;


        s._parent = _parent;
        s._prevSibling = _prevSibling;
        s._nextSibling = this;

        if (_prevSibling != null)
            _prevSibling._nextSibling = s;
            _parent._firstChild = s;

        _prevSibling = s;

        return this;

    final Xobj appendXobj ( Xobj c )
        assert _locale == c._locale;
        assert !c.isRoot();
        assert c._parent == null;
        assert c._prevSibling == null;
        assert c._nextSibling == null;
        assert _lastChild == null || _firstChild != null;

        c._parent = this;
        c._prevSibling = _lastChild;

        if (_lastChild == null)
            _firstChild = c;
            _lastChild._nextSibling = c;

        _lastChild = c;

        return this;

    final void removeXobjs ( Xobj first, Xobj last )
        assert last._locale == first._locale;
        assert first._parent == this;
        assert last._parent == this;

        if (_firstChild == first)
            _firstChild = last._nextSibling;

        if (_lastChild == last)
            _lastChild = first._prevSibling;

        if (first._prevSibling != null)
            first._prevSibling._nextSibling = last._nextSibling;

        if (last._nextSibling != null)
            last._nextSibling._prevSibling = first._prevSibling;

        // Leave the children linked together

        first._prevSibling = null;
        last._nextSibling = null;

        for ( ; first != null ; first = first._nextSibling )
            first._parent = null;

    final void insertXobjs ( Xobj first, Xobj last )
        assert _locale == first._locale;
        assert last._locale == first._locale;
        assert first._parent == null && last._parent == null;
        assert first._prevSibling == null;
        assert last._nextSibling == null;

        first._prevSibling = _prevSibling;
        last._nextSibling = this;

        if (_prevSibling != null)
            _prevSibling._nextSibling = first;
            _parent._firstChild = first;

        _prevSibling = last;

        for ( ; first != this ; first = first._nextSibling )
            first._parent = _parent;

    final void appendXobjs ( Xobj first, Xobj last )
        assert _locale == first._locale;
        assert last._locale == first._locale;
        assert first._parent == null && last._parent == null;
        assert first._prevSibling == null;
        assert last._nextSibling == null;
        assert !first.isRoot();

        first._prevSibling = _lastChild;

        if (_lastChild == null)
            _firstChild = first;
            _lastChild._nextSibling = first;

        _lastChild = last;

        for ( ; first != null ; first = first._nextSibling )
            first._parent = this;

    static final void disbandXobjs ( Xobj first, Xobj last )
        assert last._locale == first._locale;
        assert first._parent == null && last._parent == null;
        assert first._prevSibling == null;
        assert last._nextSibling == null;
        assert !first.isRoot();

        while ( first != null )
            Xobj next = first._nextSibling;
            first._nextSibling = first._prevSibling = null;
            first = next;

    // Potential attr is going to be moved/removed, invalidate parent if it is a special attr

    final void invalidateSpecialAttr ( Xobj newParent )
        if (isAttr())
            if (_name.equals( Locale._xsiType ))
                if (_parent != null)

                if (newParent != null)

            if (_name.equals( Locale._xsiNil ))
                if (_parent != null)

                if (newParent != null)

    // Move or remove chars.  Incoming p is denormalized.  Incoming xTo and pTo are denormalized.
    // Option to move curs with text.  Option to perform invalidations.
    // Important note: this fcn must operate under the assumption that the tree may be in an
    // invalid state.  Most likely, there may be text on two different nodes which should belong
    // on the same node.  Assertion of cursor normalization usually detects this problem.  Any of
    // the fcns it calls must also deal with these invalid conditions.  Try not to call so many
    // fcns from here.

    final void removeCharsHelper (
        int p, int cchRemove, Xobj xTo, int pTo, boolean moveCurs, boolean invalidate )
        assert p > 0 && p < posMax() && p != posAfter() - 1;
        assert cchRemove > 0;
        assert cchRight( p ) >= cchRemove;
        assert !moveCurs || xTo != null;

        // Here I check the span of text to be removed for cursors.  If xTo/pTo is not specified,
        // then the caller wants these cursors to collapse to be after the text being removed.  If
        // the caller specifies moveCurs, then the caller has arranged for the text being removed
        // to have been copied to xTp/pTo and wants the cursors to be moved there as well.
        // Note that I call nextChars here.  I do this because trying to shift the cursor to the
        // end of the text to be removed with a moveTo could cause the improper placement of the
        // cursor just before an end tag, instead of placing it just before the first child.  Also,
        // I adjust all positions of curs after the text to be removed to account for the removal.

        for ( Cur c = getEmbedded() ; c != null ; )
            Cur next = c._next;

            // Here I test to see if the Cur c is in the range of chars to be removed.  Normally
            // I would call inChars, but it can't handle the invalidity of the tree, so I heve
            // inlined the inChars logic here (includeEnd is false, makes it much simpler).
            // Note that I also call moveToNoCheck because the destination may have afterText
            // and no parent which will cause normaliztion checks in MoveTo to fail.  I don't think
            // that nextChars will be called under such circumstnaces.

            assert c._xobj == this;

            if (c._pos >= p && c._pos < p + cchRemove)
                if (moveCurs)
                    c.moveToNoCheck( xTo, pTo + c._pos - p );
                    c.nextChars( cchRemove - c._pos + p );

            // If c is still on this Xobj and it's to the right of the chars to remove, adjust
            // it to adapt to the removal of the cars.  I don't have to worry about END_POS
            // here, just curs in text.

            if (c._xobj == this && c._pos >= p + cchRemove)
                c._pos -= cchRemove;

            c = next;

        // Here I move bookmarks in this text to the span of text at xTo/pTo.  The text at this/p
        // is going away, but a caller of this fcn who specifies xTo/pTo has copied the text to
        // xTo/pTo.  The caller has to make sure that if xTo/pTo is not specified, then there are
        // no bookmarks in the span of text to be removed.

        for ( Bookmark b = _bookmarks ; b != null ; )
            Bookmark next = b._next;

            // Similarly, as above, I can't call inChars here

            assert b._xobj == this;

            if (b._pos >= p && b._pos < p + cchRemove)
                assert xTo != null;
                b.moveTo( xTo, pTo + b._pos - p );

            if (b._xobj == this && b._pos >= p + cchRemove)
                b._pos -= cchRemove;

            b = b._next;

        // Now, remove the actual chars

        int pa = posAfter();
        CharUtil cu = _locale.getCharUtil();

        if (p < pa)
            _srcValue = cu.removeChars( p - 1, cchRemove, _srcValue, _offValue, _cchValue );
            _offValue = cu._offSrc;
            _cchValue = cu._cchSrc;

            if (invalidate)
                invalidateSpecialAttr( null );
            _srcAfter = cu.removeChars( p - pa, cchRemove, _srcAfter, _offAfter, _cchAfter );
            _offAfter = cu._offSrc;
            _cchAfter = cu._cchSrc;

            if (invalidate && _parent != null)

    // Insert chars into this xobj.  Incoming p is denormalized.  Update bookmarks and cursors.
    // This fcn does not deal with occupation of the value, this needs to be handled by the
    // caller.

    final void insertCharsHelper ( int p, Object src, int off, int cch, boolean invalidate )
        assert p > 0;
        assert p >= posAfter() || isOccupied();

        int pa = posAfter();

        // Here I shuffle bookmarks and cursors affected by the insertion of the new text.  Because
        // getting the embedded cursors is non-trivial, I avoid getting them if I don't need to.
        // Basically, I need to know if p is before any text in the node as a whole.  If it is,
        // then there may be cursors/marks I need to shift right.

        if (p - (p < pa ? 1 : 2) < _cchValue + _cchAfter)
            for ( Cur c = getEmbedded() ; c != null ; c = c._next )
                if (c._pos >= p)
                    c._pos += cch;

            for ( Bookmark b = _bookmarks ; b != null ; b = b._next )
                if (b._pos >= p)
                    b._pos += cch;

        // Now, stuff the new characters in!  Also invalidate the proper container and if the
        // value of an attribute is changing, check for special attr invalidation.  Note that
        // I do not assume that inserting after text will have a parent.  There are use cases
        // from moveNodesContents which excersize this.

        CharUtil cu = _locale.getCharUtil();

        if (p < pa)
            _srcValue = cu.insertChars( p - 1, _srcValue, _offValue, _cchValue, src, off, cch );
            _offValue = cu._offSrc;
            _cchValue = cu._cchSrc;

            if (invalidate)
                invalidateSpecialAttr( null );
            _srcAfter = cu.insertChars( p - pa, _srcAfter, _offAfter, _cchAfter, src, off, cch );
            _offAfter = cu._offSrc;
            _cchAfter = cu._cchSrc;

            if (invalidate && _parent != null)

    Xobj copyNode ( Locale toLocale )
        Xobj newParent = null;
        Xobj copy = null;

        for ( Xobj x = this ; ; )

            Xobj newX = x.newNode( toLocale );

            newX._srcValue = x._srcValue;
            newX._offValue = x._offValue;
            newX._cchValue = x._cchValue;

            newX._srcAfter = x._srcAfter;
            newX._offAfter = x._offAfter;
            newX._cchAfter = x._cchAfter;

            for ( Bookmark b = x._bookmarks; b != null ; b = b._next )
               if ( x.hasBookmark( CDataBookmark.CDATA_BOOKMARK.getKey(), b._pos) )
                   newX.setBookmark(b._pos, CDataBookmark.CDATA_BOOKMARK.getKey(), CDataBookmark.CDATA_BOOKMARK);
            // TODO - strange to have charNode stuff inside here .....
           // newX._charNodesValue = CharNode.copyNodes( x._charNodesValue, newX._srcValue );
           // newX._charNodesAfter = CharNode.copyNodes( x._charNodesAfter, newX._srcAfter );

            if (newParent == null)
                copy = newX;
                newParent.appendXobj( newX );

            // Walk to the next in-order xobj.  Record the current (y) to compute newParent

            Xobj y = x;

            if ((x = x.walk( this, true )) == null)

            if (y == x._parent)
                newParent = newX;
                for ( ; y._parent != x._parent ; y = y._parent )
                    newParent = newParent._parent;

        copy._srcAfter = null;
        copy._offAfter = 0;
        copy._cchAfter = 0;

        return copy;

    // Rturns all the chars, even if there is text intermixed with children

    String getCharsAsString ( int p, int cch, int wsr )
        if (cchRight( p ) == 0)
            return "";

        Object src = getChars( p, cch );

        if (wsr == Locale.WS_PRESERVE)
            return CharUtil.getString( src, _locale._offSrc, _locale._cchSrc );

        Locale.ScrubBuffer scrub = Locale.getScrubBuffer( wsr );

        scrub.scrub( src, _locale._offSrc, _locale._cchSrc );

        return scrub.getResultAsString();
    String getCharsAfterAsString ( int off, int cch )
       int offset = off + _cchValue + 2;
        if (offset == posMax())
            offset = -1;
        return getCharsAsString(offset, cch,
    String getCharsValueAsString ( int off, int cch )
       return getCharsAsString(off + 1, cch,
    String getValueAsString ( int wsr )
        if (!hasChildren())
            Object src = getFirstChars();

            if (wsr == Locale.WS_PRESERVE)
                String s = CharUtil.getString( src, _locale._offSrc, _locale._cchSrc );

                // Cache string to be able to use it later again

                int cch = s.length();

                if (cch > 0)
                    Xobj lastAttr = lastAttr();

                    assert (lastAttr == null ? _cchValue : lastAttr._cchAfter) == cch;

                    if (lastAttr != null)
                        lastAttr._srcAfter = s;
                        lastAttr._offAfter = 0;
                        _srcValue = s;
                        _offValue = 0;

                return s;

            Locale.ScrubBuffer scrub = Locale.getScrubBuffer( wsr );

            scrub.scrub( src, _locale._offSrc, _locale._cchSrc );

            return scrub.getResultAsString();

        Locale.ScrubBuffer scrub = Locale.getScrubBuffer( wsr );

        Cur c = tempCur();


        for ( ; !c.isAtEndOfLastPush() ; )
            if (c.isText())
                scrub.scrub( c.getChars( -1 ), c._offSrc, c._cchSrc );

            if (c.isComment() || c.isProcinst())

        String s = scrub.getResultAsString();


        return s;

    String getValueAsString ( )
        return getValueAsString( Locale.WS_PRESERVE );

    String getString ( int p, int cch )
        int cchRight = cchRight( p );

        if (cchRight == 0)
            return "";

        if (cch < 0 || cch > cchRight)
            cch = cchRight;

        int pa = posAfter();

        assert p > 0;

        String s;

        if (p >= pa)
            s = CharUtil.getString( _srcAfter, _offAfter + p - pa, cch );

            if (p == pa && cch == _cchAfter)
                _srcAfter = s;
                _offAfter = 0;
            s = CharUtil.getString( _srcValue, _offValue + p - 1, cch );

            if (p == 1 && cch == _cchValue)
                _srcValue = s;
                _offValue = 0;

        return s;

    // Returns just chars just after the begin tag ... does not get all the text if there are
    // children

    Object getFirstChars ( )

        if (_cchValue > 0)
            return getChars( 1, -1 );

        Xobj lastAttr = lastAttr();

        if (lastAttr == null || lastAttr._cchAfter <= 0)
            _locale._offSrc = 0;
            _locale._cchSrc = 0;

            return null;

        return lastAttr.getChars( lastAttr.posAfter(), -1 );

    Object getChars ( int pos, int cch, Cur c )
        Object src = getChars( pos, cch );

        c._offSrc = _locale._offSrc;
        c._cchSrc = _locale._cchSrc;

        return src;

    // These return the remainder of the char triple that getChars starts

    Object getChars ( int pos, int cch )
        assert isNormal( pos );

        int cchRight = cchRight( pos );

        if (cch < 0 || cch > cchRight)
            cch = cchRight;

        if (cch == 0)
            _locale._offSrc = 0;
            _locale._cchSrc = 0;

            return null;

        return getCharsHelper( pos, cch );

    // Assumes that there are chars to return, does not assume normal x/p

    Object getCharsHelper ( int pos, int cch )
        assert cch > 0 && cchRight( pos ) >= cch;

        int pa = posAfter();

        Object src;

        if (pos >= pa)
            src = _srcAfter;
            _locale._offSrc = _offAfter + pos - pa;
            src = _srcValue;
            _locale._offSrc = _offValue + pos - 1;

        _locale._cchSrc = cch;

        return src;


    final void setBit     ( int mask ) { _bits |=  mask; }
    final void clearBit   ( int mask ) { _bits &= ~mask; }

    final boolean bitIsSet   ( int mask ) { return (_bits & mask) != 0; }
    final boolean bitIsClear ( int mask ) { return (_bits & mask) == 0; }

    static final int VACANT             = 0x100;
    static final int STABLE_USER        = 0x200;
    static final int INHIBIT_DISCONNECT = 0x400;

    final boolean isVacant          ( ) { return bitIsSet   ( VACANT ); }
    final boolean isOccupied        ( ) { return bitIsClear ( VACANT ); }
    final boolean inhibitDisconnect ( ) { return bitIsSet   ( INHIBIT_DISCONNECT ); }

    final boolean isStableUser    ( ) { return bitIsSet( STABLE_USER ); }

    void invalidateNil ( )
        if (_user != null)

    void setStableType ( SchemaType type )
        setStableUser( ((TypeStoreUserFactory) type).createTypeStoreUser() );

    void setStableUser ( TypeStoreUser user )

        assert _user == null;

        _user = user;

        _user.attach_store( this );

        setBit( STABLE_USER );

    void disconnectUser ( )
        if (_user != null && !inhibitDisconnect())
            _user = null;

    // If a node does not have a user, then I don't need to walk its descendents.  NOte that
    // the doconnect happens in document order.  This may be a problem ... not sure ... May want
    // to disconnect in a bottom up manner.

    void disconnectNonRootUsers ( )
        Xobj next;

        for ( Xobj x = this ; x != null ; x = next )
            next = x.walk( this, x._user != null );

            if (!x.isRoot())

    void disconnectChildrenUsers ( )
        Xobj next;

        for ( Xobj x = walk( this, _user == null ) ; x != null ; x = next )
            next = x.walk( this, x._user != null );


     * Given a prefix, returns the namespace corresponding to
     * the prefix at this location, or null if there is no mapping
     * for this prefix.

* prefix="" indicates the absence of a prefix. A return value * of "" indicates the no-namespace, and should not be confused * with a return value of null, which indicates an illegal * state, where there is no mapping for the given prefix. *

* If the the default namespace is not explicitly mapped in the xml, * the xml spec says that it should be mapped to the no-namespace. * When the 'defaultAlwaysMapped' parameter is true, the default namepsace * will return the no-namespace even if it is not explicity * mapped, otherwise the default namespace will return null. *

* This function intercepts the built-in prefixes "xml" and * "xmlns" and returns their well-known namespace URIs. * * @param prefix The prefix to look up. * @param defaultAlwaysMapped If true, return the no-namespace for the default namespace if not set. * @return The mapped namespace URI ("" if no-namespace), or null if no mapping. */ final String namespaceForPrefix ( String prefix, boolean defaultAlwaysMapped ) { if (prefix == null) prefix = ""; // handle built-in prefixes if (prefix.equals( "xml" )) return Locale._xml1998Uri; if (prefix.equals( "xmlns" )) return Locale._xmlnsUri; for ( Xobj x = this ; x != null ; x = x._parent ) for ( Xobj a = x._firstChild ; a != null && a.isAttr() ; a = a._nextSibling ) if (a.isXmlns() && a.getXmlnsPrefix().equals( prefix )) return a.getXmlnsUri(); return defaultAlwaysMapped && prefix.length() == 0 ? "" : null; } final String prefixForNamespace ( String ns, String suggestion, boolean createIfMissing ) { if (ns == null) ns = ""; // special cases if (ns.equals( Locale._xml1998Uri )) return "xml"; if (ns.equals( Locale._xmlnsUri )) return "xmlns"; // Get the closest container for the spot we're on Xobj base = this; while ( !base.isContainer() ) base = base.ensureParent(); // Special handling for the no-namespace case if (ns.length() == 0) { // Search for a namespace decl which defines the default namespace Xobj a = base.findXmlnsForPrefix( "" ); // If I did not find a default decl or the decl maps to the no namespace, then // the default namespace is mapped to "" if (a == null || a.getXmlnsUri().length() == 0) return ""; // At this point, I've found a default namespace which is *not* the no-namespace. // If I can't modify the document to mape the desired no-namespace, I must fail. if (!createIfMissing) return null; // Ok, I need to make the default namespace on the nearest container map to "" base.setAttr( _locale.createXmlns( null ), "" ); return ""; } // Look for an exisiting mapping for the desired uri which has a visible prefix for ( Xobj c = base ; c != null ; c = c._parent ) for ( Xobj a = c.firstAttr() ; a != null ; a = a.nextAttr() ) if (a.isXmlns() && a.getXmlnsUri().equals( ns )) if (base.findXmlnsForPrefix( a.getXmlnsPrefix() ) == a) return a.getXmlnsPrefix(); // No exisiting xmlns I can use, need to create one. See if I can first if (!createIfMissing) return null; // Sanitize the suggestion. if (suggestion != null && (suggestion.length() == 0 || suggestion.toLowerCase().startsWith( "xml" ) || base.findXmlnsForPrefix( suggestion ) != null)) { suggestion = null; } // If no suggestion, make one up if (suggestion == null) { String prefixBase = QNameHelper.suggestPrefix( ns ); suggestion = prefixBase; for ( int i = 1 ; ; suggestion = prefixBase + i++ ) if (base.findXmlnsForPrefix( suggestion ) == null) break; } // Add a new namespace decl at the top elem if one exists, otherwise at root Xobj c = base; while ( !c.isRoot() && !c.ensureParent().isRoot() ) c = c._parent; base.setAttr( _locale.createXmlns( suggestion ), ns ); return suggestion; } final QName getValueAsQName ( ) { assert !hasChildren(); // TODO - // caching the QName value in this object would prevent one from having // to repeat all this string arithmatic over and over again. Perhaps // when I make the store capable of handling strong simple types this // can be done ... String value = getValueAsString( Locale.WS_COLLAPSE ); String prefix, localname; int firstcolon = value.indexOf( ':' ); if (firstcolon >= 0) { prefix = value.substring( 0, firstcolon ); localname = value.substring( firstcolon + 1 ); } else { prefix = ""; localname = value; } String uri = namespaceForPrefix( prefix, true ); if (uri == null) return null; // no prefix definition found - that's illegal return new QName( uri, localname ); } final Xobj getAttr ( QName name ) { for ( Xobj x = _firstChild ; x != null && x.isAttr() ; x = x._nextSibling ) if (x._name.equals( name )) return x; return null; } final QName getXsiTypeName ( ) { assert isContainer(); Xobj a = getAttr( Locale._xsiType ); return a == null ? null : a.getValueAsQName(); } final XmlObject getObject ( ) { return isUserNode() ? (XmlObject) getUser() : null; } final TypeStoreUser getUser ( ) { assert isUserNode(); assert _user != null || (!isRoot() && !isStableUser()); if (_user == null) { // BUGBUG - this is recursive TypeStoreUser parentUser = _parent == null ? ((TypeStoreUserFactory) XmlBeans.NO_TYPE).createTypeStoreUser() : _parent.getUser(); _user = isElem() ? parentUser.create_element_user( _name, getXsiTypeName() ) : parentUser.create_attribute_user( _name ); _user.attach_store( this ); } return _user; } final void invalidateUser ( ) { assert isValid(); assert _user == null || isUserNode(); if (_user != null) _user.invalidate_value(); } final void ensureOccupancy ( ) { assert isValid(); if (isVacant()) { assert isUserNode(); // In order to use Cur to set the value, I mark the // value as occupied and remove the user to prohibit // further user invalidations clearBit( VACANT ); TypeStoreUser user = _user; _user = null; String value = user.build_text( this ); long saveVersion = _locale._versionAll; long saveVersionSansText = _locale._versionSansText; setValue( value ); assert saveVersionSansText == _locale._versionSansText; _locale._versionAll = saveVersion; assert _user == null; _user = user; } } private void setValue(String val) { assert CharUtil.isValid(val, 0, val.length()); // Check for nothing to insert if (val.length() <= 0) return; _locale.notifyChange(); Xobj lastAttr = lastAttr(); int startPos = 1; Xobj charOwner = this; if (lastAttr != null) { charOwner = lastAttr; startPos = charOwner.posAfter(); } charOwner.insertCharsHelper(startPos, val, 0, val.length(), true); } // // TypeStore // public SchemaTypeLoader get_schematypeloader ( ) { return _locale._schemaTypeLoader; } public XmlLocale get_locale ( ) { return _locale; } // TODO - remove this when I've replaced the old store public Object get_root_object ( ) { return _locale; } public boolean is_attribute ( ) { assert isValid(); return isAttr(); } public boolean validate_on_set ( ) { assert isValid(); return _locale._validateOnSet; } public void invalidate_text ( ) { _locale.enter(); try { assert isValid(); if (isOccupied()) { if (hasTextNoEnsureOccupancy() || hasChildren()) { TypeStoreUser user = _user; _user = null; Cur c = tempCur(); c.moveNodeContents( null, false ); c.release(); assert _user == null; _user = user; } setBit( VACANT ); } assert isValid(); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public String fetch_text ( int wsr ) { _locale.enter(); try { assert isValid() && isOccupied(); return getValueAsString( wsr ); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public XmlCursor new_cursor ( ) { _locale.enter(); try { Cur c = tempCur(); XmlCursor xc = new Cursor( c ); c.release(); return xc; } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public SchemaField get_schema_field ( ) { assert isValid(); if (isRoot()) return null; TypeStoreUser parentUser = ensureParent().getUser(); if (isAttr()) return parentUser.get_attribute_field( _name ); assert isElem(); TypeStoreVisitor visitor = parentUser.new_visitor(); if (visitor == null) return null; for ( Xobj x = _parent._firstChild ; ; x = x._nextSibling ) { if (x.isElem()) { visitor.visit( x._name ); if (x == this) return visitor.get_schema_field(); } } } public void validate ( ValidatorListener eventSink ) { _locale.enter(); try { Cur c = tempCur(); Validate validate = new Validate( c, eventSink ); c.release(); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public TypeStoreUser change_type ( SchemaType type ) { _locale.enter(); try { Cur c = tempCur(); c.setType( type, false ); c.release(); } finally { _locale.exit(); } return getUser(); } public TypeStoreUser substitute ( QName name, SchemaType type ) { _locale.enter(); try { Cur c = tempCur(); c.setSubstitution( name, type, false ); c.release(); } finally { _locale.exit(); } return getUser(); } public QName get_xsi_type ( ) { return getXsiTypeName(); } public void store_text ( String text ) { _locale.enter(); TypeStoreUser user = _user; _user = null; try { Cur c = tempCur(); c.moveNodeContents( null, false ); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {; c.insertString( text ); } c.release(); } finally { assert _user == null; _user = user; _locale.exit(); } } public int compute_flags ( ) { if (isRoot()) return 0; TypeStoreUser parentUser = ensureParent().getUser(); if (isAttr()) return parentUser.get_attributeflags( _name ); int f = parentUser.get_elementflags( _name ); if (f != -1) return f; TypeStoreVisitor visitor = parentUser.new_visitor(); if (visitor == null) return 0; for ( Xobj x = _parent._firstChild ; ; x = x._nextSibling ) { if (x.isElem()) { visitor.visit( x._name ); if (x == this) return visitor.get_elementflags(); } } } public String compute_default_text ( ) { if (isRoot()) return null; TypeStoreUser parentUser = ensureParent().getUser(); if (isAttr()) return parentUser.get_default_attribute_text( _name ); String result = parentUser.get_default_element_text( _name ); if (result != null) return result; TypeStoreVisitor visitor = parentUser.new_visitor(); if (visitor == null) return null; for ( Xobj x = _parent._firstChild ; ; x = x._nextSibling ) { if (x.isElem()) { visitor.visit( x._name ); if (x == this) return visitor.get_default_text(); } } } public boolean find_nil ( ) { if (isAttr()) return false; _locale.enter(); try { Xobj a = getAttr( Locale._xsiNil ); if (a == null) return false; String value = a.getValueAsString( Locale.WS_COLLAPSE ); return value.equals( "true" ) || value.equals( "1" ); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public void invalidate_nil ( ) { if (isAttr()) return; _locale.enter(); try { if (!_user.build_nil()) removeAttr( Locale._xsiNil ); else setAttr( Locale._xsiNil, "true" ); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public int count_elements ( QName name ) { return _locale.count( this, name, null ); } public int count_elements ( QNameSet names ) { return _locale.count( this, null, names ); } public TypeStoreUser find_element_user ( QName name, int i ) { for ( Xobj x = _firstChild ; x != null ; x = x._nextSibling ) if (x.isElem() && x._name.equals( name ) && --i < 0) return x.getUser(); return null; } public TypeStoreUser find_element_user ( QNameSet names, int i ) { for ( Xobj x = _firstChild ; x != null ; x = x._nextSibling ) if (x.isElem() && names.contains( x._name ) && --i < 0) return x.getUser(); return null; } public void find_all_element_users ( QName name, List fillMeUp ) { for ( Xobj x = _firstChild ; x != null ; x = x._nextSibling ) if (x.isElem() && x._name.equals( name )) fillMeUp.add( x.getUser() ); } public void find_all_element_users ( QNameSet names, List fillMeUp ) { for ( Xobj x = _firstChild ; x != null ; x = x._nextSibling ) if (x.isElem() && names.contains( x._name )) fillMeUp.add( x.getUser() ); } private static TypeStoreUser insertElement ( QName name, Xobj x, int pos ) { x._locale.enter(); try { Cur c = x._locale.tempCur(); c.moveTo( x, pos ); c.createElement( name ); TypeStoreUser user = c.getUser(); c.release(); return user; } finally { x._locale.exit(); } } public TypeStoreUser insert_element_user ( QName name, int i ) { if (i < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (!isContainer()) throw new IllegalStateException(); Xobj x = _locale.findNthChildElem( this, name, null, i ); if (x == null) { if (i > _locale.count( this, name, null ) + 1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return add_element_user( name ); } return insertElement( name, x, 0 ); } public TypeStoreUser insert_element_user ( QNameSet names, QName name, int i ) { if (i < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (!isContainer()) throw new IllegalStateException(); Xobj x = _locale.findNthChildElem( this, null, names, i ); if (x == null) { if (i > _locale.count( this, null, names ) + 1) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return add_element_user( name ); } return insertElement( name, x, 0 ); } public TypeStoreUser add_element_user ( QName name ) { if (!isContainer()) throw new IllegalStateException(); QNameSet endSet = null; boolean gotEndSet = false; Xobj candidate = null; for ( Xobj x = _lastChild ; x != null ; x = x._prevSibling ) { if (x.isContainer()) { if (x._name.equals( name )) break; if (!gotEndSet) { endSet = _user.get_element_ending_delimiters( name ); gotEndSet = true; } if (endSet == null || endSet.contains( x._name )) candidate = x; } } return candidate == null ? insertElement( name, this, END_POS ) : insertElement( name, candidate, 0 ); } private static void removeElement ( Xobj x ) { if (x == null) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); x._locale.enter(); try { Cur c = x.tempCur(); c.moveNode( null ); c.release(); } finally { x._locale.exit(); } } public void remove_element ( QName name, int i ) { if (i < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (!isContainer()) throw new IllegalStateException(); Xobj x; for ( x = _firstChild ; x != null ; x = x._nextSibling ) if (x.isElem() && x._name.equals( name ) && --i < 0) break; removeElement( x ); } public void remove_element ( QNameSet names, int i ) { if (i < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if (!isContainer()) throw new IllegalStateException(); Xobj x; for ( x = _firstChild ; x != null ; x = x._nextSibling ) if (x.isElem() && names.contains( x._name ) && --i < 0) break; removeElement( x ); } public TypeStoreUser find_attribute_user ( QName name ) { Xobj a = getAttr( name ); return a == null ? null : a.getUser(); } public TypeStoreUser add_attribute_user ( QName name ) { if (getAttr( name ) != null) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); _locale.enter(); try { return setAttr( name, "" ).getUser(); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public void remove_attribute ( QName name ) { _locale.enter(); try { if (!removeAttr( name )) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public TypeStoreUser copy_contents_from ( TypeStore source ) { Xobj xSrc = (Xobj) source; if (xSrc == this) return getUser(); _locale.enter(); try { xSrc._locale.enter(); Cur c = tempCur(); try { Cur cSrc1 = xSrc.tempCur(); Map sourceNamespaces = Locale.getAllNamespaces( cSrc1, null ); cSrc1.release(); if (isAttr()) { Cur cSrc = xSrc.tempCur(); String value = Locale.getTextValue( cSrc ); cSrc.release(); c.setValue( value ); } else { // Here I save away the user of this node so that it does not get whacked // in the following operations. disconnectChildrenUsers(); assert !inhibitDisconnect(); setBit( INHIBIT_DISCONNECT ); QName xsiType = isContainer() ? getXsiTypeName() : null; Xobj copy = xSrc.copyNode( _locale ); Cur.moveNodeContents( this, null, true );; Cur.moveNodeContents( copy, c, true ); c.moveTo( this ); if (xsiType != null) c.setXsiType( xsiType ); assert inhibitDisconnect(); clearBit( INHIBIT_DISCONNECT ); } if (sourceNamespaces != null) { if (!c.isContainer()) c.toParent(); Locale.applyNamespaces( c, sourceNamespaces ); } } finally { c.release(); xSrc._locale.exit(); } } finally { _locale.exit(); } return getUser(); } public TypeStoreUser copy(SchemaTypeLoader stl, SchemaType type, XmlOptions options) { //do not use a user's Factory method for copying. //XmlFactoryHook hook = XmlFactoryHook.ThreadContext.getHook(); Xobj destination = null; options = XmlOptions.maskNull(options); SchemaType sType = (SchemaType) options.get(XmlOptions.DOCUMENT_TYPE); if (sType == null) sType = type == null ? XmlObject.type : type; Locale locale = this.locale(); if ( Boolean.TRUE.equals(options.get(XmlOptions.COPY_USE_NEW_SYNC_DOMAIN)) ) locale = Locale.getLocale(stl, options); if (sType.isDocumentType() || (sType.isNoType() && (this instanceof Xobj.DocumentXobj))) destination = Cur.createDomDocumentRootXobj(locale, false); else destination = Cur.createDomDocumentRootXobj(locale, true); locale.enter(); try { Cur c = destination.tempCur(); c.setType(type); c.release(); } finally { locale.exit(); } TypeStoreUser tsu = destination.copy_contents_from(this); return tsu; } public void array_setter ( XmlObject[] sources, QName elementName ) { _locale.enter(); try { // TODO - this is the quick and dirty implementation, make this faster int m = sources.length; ArrayList copies = new ArrayList(); ArrayList types = new ArrayList(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < m ; i++ ) { // TODO - deal with null sources[ i ] here -- what to do? if (sources[ i ] == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Array element null" ); else if (sources[ i ].isImmutable()) { copies.add( null ); types.add( null ); } else { Xobj x = ((Xobj) ((TypeStoreUser) sources[ i ]).get_store()); if (x._locale == _locale) copies.add( x.copyNode( _locale ) ); else { x._locale.enter(); try { copies.add( x.copyNode( _locale ) ); } finally { x._locale.exit(); } } types.add( sources[ i ].schemaType() ); } } int n = count_elements( elementName ); for ( ; n > m ; n-- ) remove_element( elementName, m ); for ( ; m > n ; n++ ) add_element_user( elementName ); assert m == n; ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); find_all_element_users( elementName, elements ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < elements.size() ; i++ ) elements.set( i, (Xobj) ((TypeStoreUser) elements.get( i )).get_store() ); assert elements.size() == n; Cur c = tempCur(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { Xobj x = (Xobj) elements.get( i ); if (sources[ i ].isImmutable()) x.getObject().set( sources[ i ] ); else { Cur.moveNodeContents( x, null, true ); c.moveTo( x );; Cur.moveNodeContents( (Xobj) copies.get( i ), c, true ); x.change_type( (SchemaType) types.get( i ) ); } } c.release(); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public void visit_elements ( TypeStoreVisitor visitor ) { throw new RuntimeException( "Not implemeneted" ); } public XmlObject[] exec_query ( String queryExpr, XmlOptions options ) throws XmlException { _locale.enter(); try { Cur c = tempCur(); XmlObject[] result = Query.objectExecQuery( c, queryExpr, options ); c.release(); return result; } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public String find_prefix_for_nsuri ( String nsuri, String suggested_prefix ) { _locale.enter(); try { return prefixForNamespace( nsuri, suggested_prefix, true ); } finally { _locale.exit(); } } public String getNamespaceForPrefix ( String prefix ) { return namespaceForPrefix( prefix, true ); } // // // abstract static class NodeXobj extends Xobj implements Dom, Node, NodeList { NodeXobj ( Locale l, int kind, int domType ) { super( l, kind, domType ); } Dom getDom ( ) { return this; } // // // public int getLength ( ) { return DomImpl._childNodes_getLength( this ); } public Node item ( int i ) { return DomImpl._childNodes_item( this, i ); } public Node appendChild ( Node newChild ) { return DomImpl._node_appendChild( this, newChild ); } public Node cloneNode ( boolean deep ) { return DomImpl._node_cloneNode( this, deep ); } public NamedNodeMap getAttributes ( ) { return null; } public NodeList getChildNodes ( ) { return this; } public Node getParentNode ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getParentNode( this ); } public Node removeChild ( Node oldChild ) { return DomImpl._node_removeChild( this, oldChild ); } public Node getFirstChild ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getFirstChild( this ); } public Node getLastChild ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getLastChild( this ); } public String getLocalName ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getLocalName( this ); } public String getNamespaceURI ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNamespaceURI( this ); } public Node getNextSibling ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNextSibling( this ); } public String getNodeName ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeName( this ); } public short getNodeType ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeType( this ); } public String getNodeValue ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeValue( this ); } public Document getOwnerDocument ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getOwnerDocument( this ); } public String getPrefix ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getPrefix( this ); } public Node getPreviousSibling ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getPreviousSibling( this ); } public boolean hasAttributes ( ) { return DomImpl._node_hasAttributes( this ); } public boolean hasChildNodes ( ) { return DomImpl._node_hasChildNodes( this ); } public Node insertBefore ( Node newChild, Node refChild ) { return DomImpl._node_insertBefore( this, newChild, refChild ); } public boolean isSupported ( String feature, String version ) { return DomImpl._node_isSupported( this, feature, version ); } public void normalize ( ) { DomImpl._node_normalize( this ); } public Node replaceChild ( Node newChild, Node oldChild ) { return DomImpl._node_replaceChild( this, newChild, oldChild ); } public void setNodeValue ( String nodeValue ) { DomImpl._node_setNodeValue( this, nodeValue ); } public void setPrefix ( String prefix ) { DomImpl._node_setPrefix( this, prefix ); } public boolean nodeCanHavePrefixUri( ){ return false; } // DOM Level 3 public Object getUserData ( String key ) { return DomImpl._node_getUserData( this, key ); } public Object setUserData ( String key, Object data, UserDataHandler handler ) { return DomImpl._node_setUserData( this, key, data, handler ); } public Object getFeature ( String feature, String version ) { return DomImpl._node_getFeature( this, feature, version ); } public boolean isEqualNode ( Node arg ) { return DomImpl._node_isEqualNode( this, arg ); } public boolean isSameNode ( Node arg ) { return DomImpl._node_isSameNode( this, arg ); } public String lookupNamespaceURI ( String prefix ) { return DomImpl._node_lookupNamespaceURI( this, prefix ); } public String lookupPrefix ( String namespaceURI ) { return DomImpl._node_lookupPrefix( this, namespaceURI ); } public boolean isDefaultNamespace ( String namespaceURI ) { return DomImpl._node_isDefaultNamespace( this, namespaceURI ); } public void setTextContent ( String textContent ) { DomImpl._node_setTextContent( this, textContent ); } public String getTextContent ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getTextContent( this ); } public short compareDocumentPosition ( Node other ) { return DomImpl._node_compareDocumentPosition( this, other ); } public String getBaseURI ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getBaseURI( this ); } } static class DocumentXobj extends NodeXobj implements Document { DocumentXobj ( Locale l ) { super( l, ROOT, DomImpl.DOCUMENT ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new DocumentXobj( l ); } // // // public Attr createAttribute ( String name ) { return DomImpl._document_createAttribute( this, name ); } public Attr createAttributeNS ( String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName ) { return DomImpl._document_createAttributeNS( this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName ); } public CDATASection createCDATASection ( String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createCDATASection( this, data ); } public Comment createComment ( String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createComment( this, data ); } public DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment ( ) { return DomImpl._document_createDocumentFragment( this ); } public Element createElement ( String tagName ) { return DomImpl._document_createElement( this, tagName ); } public Element createElementNS ( String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName ) { return DomImpl._document_createElementNS( this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName ); } public EntityReference createEntityReference ( String name ) { return DomImpl._document_createEntityReference( this, name ); } public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction ( String target, String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createProcessingInstruction( this, target, data ); } public Text createTextNode ( String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createTextNode( this, data ); } public DocumentType getDoctype ( ) { return DomImpl._document_getDoctype( this ); } public Element getDocumentElement ( ) { return DomImpl._document_getDocumentElement( this ); } public Element getElementById ( String elementId ) { if ( _idToElement == null )return null; Xobj o = (Xobj) _idToElement.get(elementId); if (o == null) return null; if (!isInSameTree(o)) { _idToElement.remove(elementId); } return (Element)o; } public NodeList getElementsByTagName ( String tagname ) { return DomImpl._document_getElementsByTagName( this, tagname ); } public NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._document_getElementsByTagNameNS( this, namespaceURI, localName ); } public DOMImplementation getImplementation ( ) { return DomImpl._document_getImplementation( this ); } public Node importNode ( Node importedNode, boolean deep ) { return DomImpl._document_importNode( this, importedNode, deep ); } // DOM Level 3 public Node adoptNode ( Node source ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getDocumentURI ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public DOMConfiguration getDomConfig ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getInputEncoding ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public boolean getStrictErrorChecking ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getXmlEncoding ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public boolean getXmlStandalone ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getXmlVersion ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void normalizeDocument ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public Node renameNode ( Node n, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setDocumentURI ( String documentURI ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setStrictErrorChecking ( boolean strictErrorChecking ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setXmlStandalone ( boolean xmlStandalone ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setXmlVersion ( String xmlVersion ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } protected void addIdElement( String idVal, Dom e){ if ( _idToElement == null) _idToElement = new java.util.Hashtable(); _idToElement.put(idVal,e); } void removeIdElement( String idVal ){ if (_idToElement != null) _idToElement.remove(idVal); } private java.util.Hashtable _idToElement; } static class DocumentFragXobj extends NodeXobj implements DocumentFragment { DocumentFragXobj ( Locale l ) { super( l, ROOT, DomImpl.DOCFRAG ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new DocumentFragXobj( l ); } } final static class ElementAttributes implements NamedNodeMap { ElementAttributes ( ElementXobj elementXobj ) { _elementXobj = elementXobj; } public int getLength ( ) { return DomImpl._attributes_getLength( _elementXobj ); } public Node getNamedItem ( String name ) { return DomImpl._attributes_getNamedItem ( _elementXobj, name ); } public Node getNamedItemNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._attributes_getNamedItemNS ( _elementXobj, namespaceURI, localName ); } public Node item ( int index ) { return DomImpl._attributes_item ( _elementXobj, index ); } public Node removeNamedItem ( String name ) { return DomImpl._attributes_removeNamedItem ( _elementXobj, name ); } public Node removeNamedItemNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._attributes_removeNamedItemNS ( _elementXobj, namespaceURI, localName ); } public Node setNamedItem ( Node arg ) { return DomImpl._attributes_setNamedItem ( _elementXobj, arg ); } public Node setNamedItemNS ( Node arg ) { return DomImpl._attributes_setNamedItemNS ( _elementXobj, arg ); } private ElementXobj _elementXobj; } static abstract class NamedNodeXobj extends NodeXobj { NamedNodeXobj ( Locale l, int kind, int domType ) { super( l, kind, domType ); _canHavePrefixUri = true; } public boolean nodeCanHavePrefixUri( ){ return _canHavePrefixUri; } boolean _canHavePrefixUri; } static class ElementXobj extends NamedNodeXobj implements Element { ElementXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, ELEM, DomImpl.ELEMENT ); _name = name; } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new ElementXobj( l, _name ); } // // // public NamedNodeMap getAttributes ( ) { if (_attributes == null) _attributes = new ElementAttributes( this ); return _attributes; } public String getAttribute ( String name ) { return DomImpl._element_getAttribute( this, name ); } public Attr getAttributeNode ( String name ) { return DomImpl._element_getAttributeNode( this, name ); } public Attr getAttributeNodeNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._element_getAttributeNodeNS( this, namespaceURI, localName ); } public String getAttributeNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._element_getAttributeNS( this, namespaceURI, localName ); } public NodeList getElementsByTagName ( String name ) { return DomImpl._element_getElementsByTagName( this, name ); } public NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._element_getElementsByTagNameNS( this, namespaceURI, localName ); } public String getTagName ( ) { return DomImpl._element_getTagName( this ); } public boolean hasAttribute ( String name ) { return DomImpl._element_hasAttribute( this, name ); } public boolean hasAttributeNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._element_hasAttributeNS( this, namespaceURI, localName ); } public void removeAttribute ( String name ) { DomImpl._element_removeAttribute( this, name ); } public Attr removeAttributeNode ( Attr oldAttr ) { return DomImpl._element_removeAttributeNode( this, oldAttr ); } public void removeAttributeNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { DomImpl._element_removeAttributeNS( this, namespaceURI, localName ); } public void setAttribute ( String name, String value ) { DomImpl._element_setAttribute( this, name, value ); } public Attr setAttributeNode ( Attr newAttr ) { return DomImpl._element_setAttributeNode( this, newAttr ); } public Attr setAttributeNodeNS ( Attr newAttr ) { return DomImpl._element_setAttributeNodeNS( this, newAttr ); } public void setAttributeNS ( String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String value ) { DomImpl._element_setAttributeNS( this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value ); } // DOM Level 3 public TypeInfo getSchemaTypeInfo ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setIdAttribute ( String name, boolean isId ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setIdAttributeNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName, boolean isId ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setIdAttributeNode ( Attr idAttr, boolean isId ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } private ElementAttributes _attributes; } static class AttrXobj extends NamedNodeXobj implements Attr { AttrXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, ATTR, DomImpl.ATTR ); _name = name; } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new AttrXobj( l, _name ); } // public Node getNextSibling ( ) { return null; } // public String getName ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeName( this ); } public Element getOwnerElement ( ) { return DomImpl._attr_getOwnerElement( this ); } public boolean getSpecified ( ) { return DomImpl._attr_getSpecified( this ); } public String getValue ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeValue( this ); } public void setValue ( String value ) { DomImpl._node_setNodeValue( this, value ); } // DOM Level 3 public TypeInfo getSchemaTypeInfo ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public boolean isId ( ) { return false; } } static class AttrIdXobj extends AttrXobj { AttrIdXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } public boolean isId() { return true; } } static class CommentXobj extends NodeXobj implements Comment { CommentXobj ( Locale l ) { super( l, COMMENT, DomImpl.COMMENT ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new CommentXobj( l ); } public NodeList getChildNodes ( ) { return DomImpl._emptyNodeList; } public void appendData ( String arg ) { DomImpl._characterData_appendData( this, arg ); } public void deleteData ( int offset, int count ) { DomImpl._characterData_deleteData( this, offset, count ); } public String getData ( ) { return DomImpl._characterData_getData( this ); } public int getLength ( ) { return DomImpl._characterData_getLength( this ); } public Node getFirstChild ( ) { return null; } public void insertData ( int offset, String arg ) { DomImpl._characterData_insertData( this, offset, arg ); } public void replaceData ( int offset, int count, String arg ) { DomImpl._characterData_replaceData( this, offset, count, arg ); } public void setData ( String data ) { DomImpl._characterData_setData( this, data ); } public String substringData ( int offset, int count ) { return DomImpl._characterData_substringData( this, offset, count ); } } static class ProcInstXobj extends NodeXobj implements ProcessingInstruction { ProcInstXobj ( Locale l, String target ) { super( l, PROCINST, DomImpl.PROCINST ); _name = _locale.makeQName( null, target ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new ProcInstXobj( l, _name.getLocalPart() ); } public int getLength ( ) { return 0; } public Node getFirstChild ( ) { return null; } public String getData ( ) { return DomImpl._processingInstruction_getData( this ); } public String getTarget ( ) { return DomImpl._processingInstruction_getTarget( this ); } public void setData ( String data ) { DomImpl._processingInstruction_setData( this, data ); } } // // SAAJ objects // static class SoapPartDocXobj extends DocumentXobj { SoapPartDocXobj ( Locale l ) { super(l); //super( l, ROOT, DomImpl.DOCUMENT ); _soapPartDom = new SoapPartDom( this ); } Dom getDom ( ) { return _soapPartDom; } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapPartDocXobj( l ); } SoapPartDom _soapPartDom; } static class SoapPartDom extends SOAPPart implements Dom, Document, NodeList { SoapPartDom ( SoapPartDocXobj docXobj ) { _docXobj = docXobj; } public int nodeType ( ) { return DomImpl.DOCUMENT; } public Locale locale ( ) { return _docXobj._locale; } public Cur tempCur ( ) { return _docXobj.tempCur(); } public QName getQName ( ) { return _docXobj._name; } public void dump ( ) { dump( System.out ); } public void dump ( PrintStream o ) { _docXobj.dump( o ); } public void dump ( PrintStream o, Object ref ) { _docXobj.dump( o, ref ); } public String name ( ) { return "#document"; } public Node appendChild ( Node newChild ) { return DomImpl._node_appendChild( this, newChild ); } public Node cloneNode ( boolean deep ) { return DomImpl._node_cloneNode( this, deep ); } public NamedNodeMap getAttributes ( ) { return null; } public NodeList getChildNodes ( ) { return this; } public Node getParentNode ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getParentNode( this ); } public Node removeChild ( Node oldChild ) { return DomImpl._node_removeChild( this, oldChild ); } public Node getFirstChild ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getFirstChild( this ); } public Node getLastChild ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getLastChild( this ); } public String getLocalName ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getLocalName( this ); } public String getNamespaceURI ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNamespaceURI( this ); } public Node getNextSibling ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNextSibling( this ); } public String getNodeName ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeName( this ); } public short getNodeType ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeType( this ); } public String getNodeValue ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getNodeValue( this ); } public Document getOwnerDocument ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getOwnerDocument( this ); } public String getPrefix ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getPrefix( this ); } public Node getPreviousSibling ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getPreviousSibling( this ); } public boolean hasAttributes ( ) { return DomImpl._node_hasAttributes( this ); } public boolean hasChildNodes ( ) { return DomImpl._node_hasChildNodes( this ); } public Node insertBefore ( Node newChild, Node refChild ) { return DomImpl._node_insertBefore( this, newChild, refChild ); } public boolean isSupported ( String feature, String version ) { return DomImpl._node_isSupported( this, feature, version ); } public void normalize ( ) { DomImpl._node_normalize( this ); } public Node replaceChild ( Node newChild, Node oldChild ) { return DomImpl._node_replaceChild( this, newChild, oldChild ); } public void setNodeValue ( String nodeValue ) { DomImpl._node_setNodeValue( this, nodeValue ); } public void setPrefix ( String prefix ) { DomImpl._node_setPrefix( this, prefix ); } // DOM Level 3 public Object getUserData ( String key ) { return DomImpl._node_getUserData( this, key ); } public Object setUserData ( String key, Object data, UserDataHandler handler ) { return DomImpl._node_setUserData( this, key, data, handler ); } public Object getFeature ( String feature, String version ) { return DomImpl._node_getFeature( this, feature, version ); } public boolean isEqualNode ( Node arg ) { return DomImpl._node_isEqualNode( this, arg ); } public boolean isSameNode ( Node arg ) { return DomImpl._node_isSameNode( this, arg ); } public String lookupNamespaceURI ( String prefix ) { return DomImpl._node_lookupNamespaceURI( this, prefix ); } public String lookupPrefix ( String namespaceURI ) { return DomImpl._node_lookupPrefix( this, namespaceURI ); } public boolean isDefaultNamespace ( String namespaceURI ) { return DomImpl._node_isDefaultNamespace( this, namespaceURI ); } public void setTextContent ( String textContent ) { DomImpl._node_setTextContent( this, textContent ); } public String getTextContent ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getTextContent( this ); } public short compareDocumentPosition ( Node other ) { return DomImpl._node_compareDocumentPosition( this, other ); } public String getBaseURI ( ) { return DomImpl._node_getBaseURI( this ); } public Node adoptNode ( Node source ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getDocumentURI ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public DOMConfiguration getDomConfig ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getInputEncoding ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public boolean getStrictErrorChecking ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getXmlEncoding ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public boolean getXmlStandalone ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public String getXmlVersion ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void normalizeDocument ( ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public Node renameNode ( Node n, String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setDocumentURI ( String documentURI ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setStrictErrorChecking ( boolean strictErrorChecking ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setXmlStandalone ( boolean xmlStandalone ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public void setXmlVersion ( String xmlVersion ) { throw new RuntimeException( "DOM Level 3 Not implemented" ); } public Attr createAttribute ( String name ) { return DomImpl._document_createAttribute( this, name ); } public Attr createAttributeNS ( String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName ) { return DomImpl._document_createAttributeNS( this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName ); } public CDATASection createCDATASection ( String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createCDATASection( this, data ); } public Comment createComment ( String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createComment( this, data ); } public DocumentFragment createDocumentFragment ( ) { return DomImpl._document_createDocumentFragment( this ); } public Element createElement ( String tagName ) { return DomImpl._document_createElement( this, tagName ); } public Element createElementNS ( String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName ) { return DomImpl._document_createElementNS( this, namespaceURI, qualifiedName ); } public EntityReference createEntityReference ( String name ) { return DomImpl._document_createEntityReference( this, name ); } public ProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction ( String target, String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createProcessingInstruction( this, target, data ); } public Text createTextNode ( String data ) { return DomImpl._document_createTextNode( this, data ); } public DocumentType getDoctype ( ) { return DomImpl._document_getDoctype( this ); } public Element getDocumentElement ( ) { return DomImpl._document_getDocumentElement( this ); } public Element getElementById ( String elementId ) { return DomImpl._document_getElementById( this, elementId ); } public NodeList getElementsByTagName ( String tagname ) { return DomImpl._document_getElementsByTagName( this, tagname ); } public NodeList getElementsByTagNameNS ( String namespaceURI, String localName ) { return DomImpl._document_getElementsByTagNameNS( this, namespaceURI, localName ); } public DOMImplementation getImplementation ( ) { return DomImpl._document_getImplementation( this ); } public Node importNode ( Node importedNode, boolean deep ) { return DomImpl._document_importNode( this, importedNode, deep ); } public int getLength ( ) { return DomImpl._childNodes_getLength( this ); } public Node item ( int i ) { return DomImpl._childNodes_item( this, i ); } public void removeAllMimeHeaders ( ) { DomImpl._soapPart_removeAllMimeHeaders( this ); } public void removeMimeHeader ( String name ) { DomImpl._soapPart_removeMimeHeader( this, name ); } public Iterator getAllMimeHeaders ( ) { return DomImpl._soapPart_getAllMimeHeaders( this ); } public SOAPEnvelope getEnvelope ( ) { return DomImpl._soapPart_getEnvelope( this ); } public Source getContent ( ) { return DomImpl._soapPart_getContent( this ); } public void setContent ( Source source ) { DomImpl._soapPart_setContent( this, source ); } public String[] getMimeHeader ( String name ) { return DomImpl._soapPart_getMimeHeader( this, name ); } public void addMimeHeader ( String name, String value ) { DomImpl._soapPart_addMimeHeader( this, name,value ); } public void setMimeHeader ( String name, String value ) { DomImpl._soapPart_setMimeHeader( this, name, value ); } public Iterator getMatchingMimeHeaders ( String[] names ) { return DomImpl._soapPart_getMatchingMimeHeaders( this, names ); } public Iterator getNonMatchingMimeHeaders ( String[] names ) { return DomImpl._soapPart_getNonMatchingMimeHeaders( this, names ); } public boolean nodeCanHavePrefixUri( ){ return true; } SoapPartDocXobj _docXobj; } static class SoapElementXobj extends ElementXobj implements SOAPElement, org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.soap.Node { SoapElementXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapElementXobj( l, _name ); } public void detachNode ( ) { DomImpl._soapNode_detachNode( this ); } public void recycleNode ( ) { DomImpl._soapNode_recycleNode( this ); } public String getValue ( ) { return DomImpl._soapNode_getValue( this ); } public void setValue ( String value ) { DomImpl._soapNode_setValue( this, value ); } public SOAPElement getParentElement ( ) { return DomImpl._soapNode_getParentElement( this ); } public void setParentElement ( SOAPElement p ) { DomImpl._soapNode_setParentElement( this, p ); } public void removeContents ( ) { DomImpl._soapElement_removeContents( this ); } public String getEncodingStyle ( ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getEncodingStyle( this ); } public void setEncodingStyle ( String encodingStyle ) { DomImpl._soapElement_setEncodingStyle( this, encodingStyle ); } public boolean removeNamespaceDeclaration ( String prefix ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_removeNamespaceDeclaration( this, prefix ); } public Iterator getAllAttributes ( ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getAllAttributes( this ); } public Iterator getChildElements ( ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getChildElements( this ); } public Iterator getNamespacePrefixes ( ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getNamespacePrefixes( this ); } public SOAPElement addAttribute ( Name name, String value ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapElement_addAttribute( this, name, value ); } public SOAPElement addChildElement ( SOAPElement oldChild ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapElement_addChildElement( this, oldChild ); } public SOAPElement addChildElement ( Name name ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapElement_addChildElement( this, name ); } public SOAPElement addChildElement ( String localName ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapElement_addChildElement( this, localName ); } public SOAPElement addChildElement ( String localName, String prefix ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapElement_addChildElement( this, localName, prefix ); } public SOAPElement addChildElement ( String localName, String prefix, String uri ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapElement_addChildElement( this, localName, prefix, uri ); } public SOAPElement addNamespaceDeclaration ( String prefix, String uri ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_addNamespaceDeclaration( this, prefix, uri ); } public SOAPElement addTextNode ( String data ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_addTextNode( this, data ); } public String getAttributeValue ( Name name ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getAttributeValue( this, name ); } public Iterator getChildElements ( Name name ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getChildElements( this, name ); } public Name getElementName ( ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getElementName( this ); } public String getNamespaceURI ( String prefix ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getNamespaceURI( this, prefix ); } public Iterator getVisibleNamespacePrefixes ( ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_getVisibleNamespacePrefixes( this ); } public boolean removeAttribute ( Name name ) { return DomImpl._soapElement_removeAttribute( this, name ); } } static class SoapBodyXobj extends SoapElementXobj implements SOAPBody { SoapBodyXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapBodyXobj( l, _name ); } public boolean hasFault ( ) { return DomImpl.soapBody_hasFault( this ); } public SOAPFault addFault ( ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl.soapBody_addFault( this ); } public SOAPFault getFault ( ) { return DomImpl.soapBody_getFault( this ); } public SOAPBodyElement addBodyElement ( Name name ) { return DomImpl.soapBody_addBodyElement( this, name ); } public SOAPBodyElement addDocument ( Document document ) { return DomImpl.soapBody_addDocument( this, document ); } public SOAPFault addFault ( Name name, String s ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl.soapBody_addFault( this, name, s ); } public SOAPFault addFault ( Name faultCode, String faultString, java.util.Locale locale ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl.soapBody_addFault( this, faultCode, faultString, locale ); } } static class SoapBodyElementXobj extends SoapElementXobj implements SOAPBodyElement { SoapBodyElementXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapBodyElementXobj( l, _name ); } } static class SoapEnvelopeXobj extends SoapElementXobj implements SOAPEnvelope { SoapEnvelopeXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapEnvelopeXobj( l, _name ); } public SOAPBody addBody ( ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapEnvelope_addBody( this ); } public SOAPBody getBody ( ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapEnvelope_getBody( this ); } public SOAPHeader getHeader ( ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapEnvelope_getHeader( this ); } public SOAPHeader addHeader ( ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl._soapEnvelope_addHeader( this ); } public Name createName ( String localName ) { return DomImpl._soapEnvelope_createName( this, localName ); } public Name createName ( String localName, String prefix, String namespaceURI ) { return DomImpl._soapEnvelope_createName( this, localName, prefix, namespaceURI ); } } static class SoapHeaderXobj extends SoapElementXobj implements SOAPHeader { SoapHeaderXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapHeaderXobj( l, _name ); } public Iterator examineAllHeaderElements ( ) { return DomImpl.soapHeader_examineAllHeaderElements( this ); } public Iterator extractAllHeaderElements ( ) { return DomImpl.soapHeader_extractAllHeaderElements( this ); } public Iterator examineHeaderElements ( String actor ) { return DomImpl.soapHeader_examineHeaderElements( this, actor ); } public Iterator examineMustUnderstandHeaderElements ( String mustUnderstandString ) { return DomImpl.soapHeader_examineMustUnderstandHeaderElements( this, mustUnderstandString ); } public Iterator extractHeaderElements ( String actor ) { return DomImpl.soapHeader_extractHeaderElements( this, actor ); } public SOAPHeaderElement addHeaderElement ( Name name ) { return DomImpl.soapHeader_addHeaderElement( this, name ); } } static class SoapHeaderElementXobj extends SoapElementXobj implements SOAPHeaderElement { SoapHeaderElementXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapHeaderElementXobj( l, _name ); } public void setMustUnderstand ( boolean mustUnderstand ) { DomImpl.soapHeaderElement_setMustUnderstand( this, mustUnderstand ); } public boolean getMustUnderstand ( ) { return DomImpl.soapHeaderElement_getMustUnderstand( this ); } public void setActor ( String actor ) { DomImpl.soapHeaderElement_setActor( this, actor ); } public String getActor ( ) { return DomImpl.soapHeaderElement_getActor( this ); } } static class SoapFaultXobj extends SoapBodyElementXobj implements SOAPFault { SoapFaultXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapFaultXobj( l, _name ); } public void setFaultString ( String faultString ) { DomImpl.soapFault_setFaultString( this, faultString ); } public void setFaultString ( String faultString, java.util.Locale locale ) { DomImpl.soapFault_setFaultString( this, faultString, locale ); } public void setFaultCode ( Name faultCodeName ) throws SOAPException { DomImpl.soapFault_setFaultCode( this, faultCodeName ); } public void setFaultActor ( String faultActorString ) { DomImpl.soapFault_setFaultActor( this, faultActorString ); } public String getFaultActor ( ) { return DomImpl.soapFault_getFaultActor( this ); } public String getFaultCode ( ) { return DomImpl.soapFault_getFaultCode( this ); } public void setFaultCode ( String faultCode ) throws SOAPException { DomImpl.soapFault_setFaultCode( this, faultCode ); } public java.util.Locale getFaultStringLocale ( ) { return DomImpl.soapFault_getFaultStringLocale( this ); } public Name getFaultCodeAsName ( ) { return DomImpl.soapFault_getFaultCodeAsName( this ); } public String getFaultString ( ) { return DomImpl.soapFault_getFaultString( this ); } public Detail addDetail ( ) throws SOAPException { return DomImpl.soapFault_addDetail( this ); } public Detail getDetail ( ) { return DomImpl.soapFault_getDetail( this ); } } static class SoapFaultElementXobj extends SoapElementXobj implements SOAPFaultElement { SoapFaultElementXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new SoapFaultElementXobj( l, _name ); } } static class DetailXobj extends SoapFaultElementXobj implements Detail { DetailXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new DetailXobj( l, _name ); } public DetailEntry addDetailEntry ( Name name ) { return DomImpl.detail_addDetailEntry( this, name ); } public Iterator getDetailEntries ( ) { return DomImpl.detail_getDetailEntries( this ); } } static class DetailEntryXobj extends SoapElementXobj implements DetailEntry { Xobj newNode ( Locale l ) { return new DetailEntryXobj( l, _name ); } DetailEntryXobj ( Locale l, QName name ) { super( l, name ); } } // // // static class Bookmark implements XmlMark { boolean isOnList ( Bookmark head ) { for ( ; head != null ; head = head._next ) if (head == this) return true; return false; } Bookmark listInsert ( Bookmark head ) { assert _next == null && _prev == null; if (head == null) head = _prev = this; else { _prev = head._prev; head._prev = head._prev._next = this; } return head; } Bookmark listRemove ( Bookmark head ) { assert _prev != null && isOnList( head ); if (_prev == this) head = null; else { if (head == this) head = _next; else _prev._next = _next; if (_next == null) head._prev = _prev; else { _next._prev = _prev; _next = null; } } _prev = null; assert _next == null; return head; } void moveTo ( Xobj x, int p ) { assert isOnList( _xobj._bookmarks ); if (_xobj != x) { _xobj._bookmarks = listRemove( _xobj._bookmarks ); x._bookmarks = listInsert( x._bookmarks ); _xobj = x; } _pos = p; } // // XmlCursor.XmlMark method // public XmlCursor createCursor ( ) { if (_xobj == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Attempting to create a cursor on a bookmark that " + "has been cleared or replaced."); } return Cursor.newCursor( _xobj, _pos ); } // // // Xobj _xobj; int _pos; Bookmark _next; Bookmark _prev; Object _key; Object _value; } // // // Locale _locale; QName _name; Cur _embedded; Bookmark _bookmarks; int _bits; Xobj _parent; Xobj _nextSibling; Xobj _prevSibling; Xobj _firstChild; Xobj _lastChild; Object _srcValue, _srcAfter; int _offValue, _offAfter; int _cchValue, _cchAfter; // TODO - put this in a ptr off this node CharNode _charNodesValue; CharNode _charNodesAfter; // TODO - put this in a ptr off this node TypeStoreUser _user; }

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