Download ph-jaxb-adapter JAR file with all dependencies
ph-jaxb-adapter from group com.helger.commons (version 11.0.2)
Separate library that only contains classes required by generated code. Goal: minimum dependencies
Artifact ph-jaxb-adapter
Group com.helger.commons
Version 11.0.2
Last update 24. February 2023
Tags: that contains library code goal separate generated classes only minimum required dependencies
Organization Philip Helger
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jakarta.xml.bind-api, ph-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group com.helger.commons
Version 11.0.2
Last update 24. February 2023
Tags: that contains library code goal separate generated classes only minimum required dependencies
Organization Philip Helger
License Apache 2
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jakarta.xml.bind-api, ph-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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