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import{CompiledRecipe, RecipeVisualStyle}
import{RecipeRecord, SensoryEventStatus}
import{common, scaladsl}
import java.util
import java.util.Optional
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
import java.util.function.{BiConsumer, Consumer}
import javax.annotation.Nonnull
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.compat.java8.FutureConverters
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
class Baker(private val baker: scaladsl.Baker) extends common.Baker[CompletableFuture] with JavaApi with AutoCloseable {
* Get underlying baker instance, which provides the scala api.
def getScalaBaker: scaladsl.Baker = baker
override type SensoryEventResultType = SensoryEventResult
override type EventResolutionsType = EventResolutions
override type EventInstanceType = EventInstance
override type RecipeInstanceStateType = RecipeInstanceState
override type InteractionInstanceType = InteractionInstance
override type InteractionInstanceDescriptorType = InteractionInstanceDescriptor
override type IngredientInstanceType = IngredientInstance
override type BakerEventType = BakerEvent
override type RecipeInstanceMetadataType = RecipeInstanceMetadata
override type RecipeInformationType = RecipeInformation
override type EventMomentType = EventMoment
override type RecipeMetadataType = RecipeEventMetadata
override type InteractionExecutionResultType = InteractionExecutionResult
override def close(): Unit = {
Await.result(baker.gracefulShutdown(), 10.seconds)
* Adds a recipe to baker and returns a recipeId for the recipe.
* This function is idempotent, if the same (equal) recipe was added earlier this will return the same recipeId.
* @param recipeRecord The RecipeRecord recipe.
* @return A recipe identifier.
def addRecipe(@Nonnull recipeRecord: RecipeRecord): CompletableFuture[String] =
* Adds a recipe to baker and returns a recipeId for the recipe.
* This function is idempotent, if the same (equal) recipe was added earlier this will return the same recipeId
* @param compiledRecipe The compiled recipe.
* @return A recipeId
override def addRecipe(compiledRecipe: CompiledRecipe, timeCreated: Long, validate: Boolean): CompletableFuture[String] = addRecipe(RecipeRecord.of(compiledRecipe, updated = timeCreated, validate = validate))
* Adds a recipe to baker and returns a recipeId for the recipe.
* This function is idempotent, if the same (equal) recipe was added earlier this will return the same recipeId
* @param compiledRecipe The compiled recipe.
* @return A recipeId
override def addRecipe(compiledRecipe: CompiledRecipe, validate: Boolean): CompletableFuture[String] = addRecipe(compiledRecipe, System.currentTimeMillis(), validate)
* Attempts to gracefully shutdown the baker system.
def gracefulShutdown(): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
* This bakes (creates) a new process instance of the recipe.
* @param recipeId The recipe this instance will be baked for
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
def bake(@Nonnull recipeId: String, @Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId))
* Creates a process instance for the given recipeId with the given RecipeInstanceId as identifier
* This variant also gets a metadata map added on bake.
* This is similar to calling addMetaData after doing the regular bake but depending on the implementation this can be more optimized.
* @param recipeId The recipeId for the recipe to bake
* @param recipeInstanceId The identifier for the newly baked process
* @param metadata
* @return
def bake(recipeId: String, recipeInstanceId: String, metadata: util.Map[String, String]): CompletableFuture[Unit] = {
toCompletableFuture(baker.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId, metadata.asScala.toMap))
def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull correlationId: String): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventStatus] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event, Optional.of(correlationId))
def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull correlationId: String): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventResult] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event, Optional.of(correlationId))
def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull onEvent: String, @Nonnull correlationId: String): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventResult] =
fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, onEvent, Optional.of(correlationId))
def fireEvent(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull correlationId: String): EventResolutions =
fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, Optional.of(correlationId))
def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventStatus] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event, Optional.empty[String]())
def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventResult] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event, Optional.empty[String]())
def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull onEvent: String): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventResult] =
fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, onEvent, Optional.empty[String]())
def fireEvent(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance): EventResolutions =
fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, Optional.empty[String]())
def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull correlationId: Optional[String]): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventStatus] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event.asScala, Option.apply(correlationId.orElse(null))))
def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull correlationId: Optional[String]): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventResult] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event.asScala, Option.apply(correlationId.orElse(null)))).thenApply { result =>
sensoryEventStatus = result.sensoryEventStatus,
eventNames = result.eventNames.asJava,
ingredients = result.ingredients.asJava
def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull onEvent: String, @Nonnull correlationId: Optional[String]): CompletableFuture[SensoryEventResult] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event.asScala, onEvent, Option.apply(correlationId.orElse(null)))).thenApply { result =>
sensoryEventStatus = result.sensoryEventStatus,
eventNames = result.eventNames.asJava,
ingredients = result.ingredients.asJava
def fireEvent(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance, @Nonnull correlationId: Optional[String]): EventResolutions = {
val scalaResult = baker.fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event.asScala)
resolveWhenReceived = toCompletableFuture(scalaResult.resolveWhenReceived),
resolveWhenCompleted = toCompletableFuture(scalaResult.resolveWhenCompleted).thenApply { result =>
sensoryEventStatus = result.sensoryEventStatus,
eventNames = result.eventNames.asJava,
ingredients = result.ingredients.asJava
* Retries a blocked interaction.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier.
* @param interactionName The name of the blocked interaction.
* @return
def retryInteraction(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull interactionName: String): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName))
* Resolves a blocked interaction by giving it's output.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier.
* @param interactionName The name of the blocked interaction.
* @param event The output of the interaction.
* @return
def resolveInteraction(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull interactionName: String, @Nonnull event: EventInstance): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName, event.asScala))
* Stops a retrying interaction.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier.
* @param interactionName The name of the retrying interaction.
* @return
def stopRetryingInteraction(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull interactionName: String): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName))
* Returns the state of a process instance. This includes the ingredients and names of the events.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @return The state of the process instance
def getRecipeInstanceState(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String): CompletableFuture[RecipeInstanceState] =
* @param recipeInstanceId The recipeInstance Id.
* @param name The name of the ingredient.
* @return The provided ingredients.
override def getIngredient(recipeInstanceId: String, name: String): CompletableFuture[Value] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.getIngredient(recipeInstanceId, name))
* Returns all the ingredients that are accumulated for a given process.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @return
def getIngredients(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String): CompletableFuture[java.util.Map[String, Value]] =
* Returns all fired events for a given RecipeInstance id.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process id.
* @return The events
def getEvents(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String): CompletableFuture[java.util.List[EventMoment]] =
* Returns all names of fired events for a given RecipeInstance id.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process id.
* @return The event names
def getEventNames(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String): CompletableFuture[java.util.List[String]] =
* Returns the recipe information for the given RecipeId
* @param recipeId the recipeId
* @return The JRecipeInformation recipe
def getRecipe(@Nonnull recipeId: String): CompletableFuture[RecipeInformation] =
def getRecipeVisual(recipeId: String, style: RecipeVisualStyle): CompletableFuture[String] =
* Return alls recipes added to this Baker
* @return A map with all recipes from recipeId -> JRecipeInformation
def getAllRecipes: CompletableFuture[java.util.Map[String, RecipeInformation]] =
FutureConverters.toJava(baker.getAllRecipes).toCompletableFuture.thenApply( { case (key, value) => (key, value.asJava)}.toMap.asJava)
def getInteraction(interactionName: String): CompletableFuture[Optional[InteractionInstanceDescriptorType]] =
.thenApply(e => Optional.ofNullable(
def getAllInteractions: CompletableFuture[java.util.List[InteractionInstanceDescriptorType]] =
def executeSingleInteraction(interactionId: String, ingredients: util.List[IngredientInstanceType]): CompletableFuture[InteractionExecutionResult] =
* Returns an index of all processes.
* Can potentially return a partial index when baker runs in cluster mode
* and not all shards can be reached within the given timeout.
* Does not include deleted processes.
* @return An index of all processes
def getAllRecipeInstancesMetadata: CompletableFuture[util.Set[RecipeInstanceMetadata]] =
* Registers a listener to all runtime events for this baker instance.
* Note that:
* - The delivery guarantee is *AT MOST ONCE*. Practically this means you can miss events when the application terminates (unexpected or not).
* - The delivery is local (JVM) only, you will NOT receive events from other nodes when running in cluster mode.
* Because of these constraints you should not use an event listener for critical functionality. Valid use cases might be:
* - logging
* - metrics
* - unit tests
* - ...
* @param recipeName the name of all recipes this event listener should be triggered for
* @param listenerFunction The listener to subscribe to events.
override def registerEventListener(@Nonnull recipeName: String, @Nonnull listenerFunction: BiConsumer[RecipeEventMetadata, String]): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
(recipeEventMetadata: scaladsl.RecipeEventMetadata, event: String) => listenerFunction.accept(recipeEventMetadata.asJava, event)))
* Registers a listener function to all runtime events for this baker instance.
* Note that:
* - The delivery guarantee is *AT MOST ONCE*. Practically this means you can miss events when the application terminates (unexpected or not).
* - The delivery is local (JVM) only, you will NOT receive events from other nodes when running in cluster mode.
* Because of these constraints you should not use an event listener for critical functionality. Valid use cases might be:
* - logging
* - metrics
* - unit tests
* - ...
* @param listenerFunction The listener function that is called once these events occur
override def registerEventListener(@Nonnull listenerFunction: BiConsumer[RecipeEventMetadata, String]): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
(recipeEventMetadata: scaladsl.RecipeEventMetadata, event: String) => listenerFunction.accept(recipeEventMetadata.asJava, event)))
* Registers a listener function to all runtime events for this baker instance.
* Note that:
* - The delivery guarantee is *AT MOST ONCE*. Practically this means you can miss events when the application terminates (unexpected or not).
* - The delivery is local (JVM) only, you will NOT receive events from other nodes when running in cluster mode.
* Because of these constraints you should not use an event listener for critical functionality. Valid use cases might be:
* - logging
* - metrics
* - unit tests
* - ...
* @param eventListener The EventListener class the processEvent will be called once these events occur
@deprecated(message = "Replaced with the consumer function variant", since = "3.0.0")
def registerEventListener(@Nonnull eventListener: EventListener): Future[Unit] =
baker.registerEventListener((recipeEventMetadata: scaladsl.RecipeEventMetadata, event: String) =>
eventListener.processEvent(recipeEventMetadata.recipeInstanceId, event))
* Registers a listener that listens to all Baker events
* @param listenerFunction
* @return
override def registerBakerEventListener(@Nonnull listenerFunction: Consumer[BakerEvent]): CompletableFuture[Unit] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.registerBakerEventListener((event: scaladsl.BakerEvent) => listenerFunction.accept(event.asJava)))
* Returns the visual state of the recipe in dot format with a default timeout of 20 seconds
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @return
def getVisualState(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String): CompletableFuture[String] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId, RecipeVisualStyle.default))
* Returns the visual state of the recipe in dot format with a default timeout of 20 seconds
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @return
def getVisualState(@Nonnull recipeInstanceId: String, @Nonnull style: RecipeVisualStyle): CompletableFuture[String] =
toCompletableFuture(baker.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId, style))
private def toCompletableFuture[T](@Nonnull scalaFuture: Future[T]): CompletableFuture[T] =
private def toCompletableFutureMap[K, V](@Nonnull scalaFuture: Future[Map[K, V]]): CompletableFuture[java.util.Map[K, V]] =
* This method is used to add metadata to your request. This will be added to the ingredients map in Baker.
* Since this is meant to be used as metadata this should not
* These cannot be ingredients already found in your recipe.
* @param metadata
override def addMetaData(recipeInstanceId: String, metadata: java.util.Map[String, String]): CompletableFuture[Unit] = {
val x: Map[String, String] = metadata.asScala.toMap
toCompletableFuture(baker.addMetaData(recipeInstanceId, x))